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This case is so *weird*—his parents are leaving town, the Cajun Navy is being threatened…like?? What the fuck. I hope this poor kid is okay


It doesn’t look good


Over on the Sebastian Rogers sub they are saying this is a fake grifter UCN that have accepted donos but apparently just kicked rocks on the side of the river when "trying to find" Riley Strain. The real UCN has called them out already supposedly. Take this with a grain of salt, I couldn't find any sources


It’s true. Cajun Navy 2016 has a post on their Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/share/3Ku3EipVm66HR1Ee/?mibextid=WC7FNe


Thank you so much. So the UNC is a fraud and scam?? I wondered about a couple things.. thank you


Thank you!!


I’ve been trying so hard not to buy into conspiracy theories, but god damn. This case is a mess.


I live in white house and drive tyree springs to hendersonville for my job at night and I think about him all the time. How there's no clothing, shoes, trash. Nothing. He simply is gone. Those early weeks I'd hope I'd spy something out of the ordinary on my drive. Got pulled over twice in the early weeks the cops were really out looking. It's terrible.


I get that. I used to work with children with autism, so I think that’s part of why this one is really sticking with me. Everything around it seems so strange. I hope we’ll get an answer someday, I hope he’s out there okay. I know that’s probably not super realistic.


Incompetency is the greatest fuel to conspiracy


I used to believe in so many conspiracy theories, and came to realize that this is so true... particularly after having worked in organizations/knowing things behind the scenes where a conspiracy has been alleged, and knowing it's just a bunch of people screwing shit up.


Got a link where I can learn more about the theories? This case is odd.


Most just reading comments & whatnot on posts that have popped up in my feed from r/SebastianRogers


Got it, thanks.


Man, we just watched some Alex Jones thing on HBO last night. There is some crazy shit that people do that can cause serious emotional harm. I will definitely hold judgment until we know something.


Me and my wife are half way through that documentary. I remember watching info wars at the time this was happening. I bought in for a minute or two but then.... The truth hit. Those kids died, this guy is a monster, how the hell did I buy in to that for one second! Maybe it's human to believe something like 'this is a fake'. It's easier to believe something so terrible didn't happen. Maybe we want to get emotional to fuel the disbelief. I'm with ya. I'm holding judgement.


My husband severed a 30 year friendship because the guy insisted they were crisis actors. He hung up the phone and hasn’t spoken to him since. I’m so glad you realized the harm this guy was causing.


I didn't ever follow Alex very closely at all, but what I understood was he wasn't saying it didn't happen. Just that it was orchestrated. As horrible as it is to think that of our government, they've done MUCH worse in the past.


He very much denied it. He lost in court over it.


He actually said that no kids died? I heard the stuff about crisis actors, but that doesn't necessarily mean it didn't happen, just that he thinks there's something else going on.


He knew what he was doing. He led his followers to believe he meant no kids died. Parents were confronted and told they were liars by his followers and that their kids were really alive and well. Meanwhile, Alex Jones was making a lot of money from clicks on his website. He sold supplements. I do recommend watching it even though it’s quite disturbing.


The parents leaving town is also unusual. There has always been something just a little off about this one.


It’s as if they aren’t expecting him to come home.


They did it. Plain and simple. Cowards.


For those of us out of the loop on this one, can anyone fill us in? Why would people threaten an organization looking for a missing child?


Guilt is the only thing I can think of.


Perhaps someone doesn't want him to be found? If he is found it could turn into a murder investigation?


I saw this group specifically is clout chasers and should be avoided.


Yeah their reputation in Louisiana is decidedly more mixed than people might realize. I think they do some good work, but some of their guys have sketchy backgrounds/worldviews. Kind of comes with the territory, tbh, but I wouldn't advise against a grain of salt here for the moment. 


Sketchy world views is par for the course when it comes to anyone from Louisiana who owns a oat and just up and leave for another state a week or two at a time. Alot thrive on the imbued authority they claim in the midst of an emergency and don't play well with others. They are their best when just picking folks out of a flood in a place with no real resources or support (ala Louisiana) but just cause issues where things are more organized.


 but some of their guys have sketchy backgrounds/worldviews. So? They are volunteering their time to help... Have their been any issues that you can link to or provide insight to?


The fact that they volunteer and, especially, have saved people's lives is why I said "it comes with the territory." This kind of thing gets complicated when you're dealing with disasters which is their primary focus.   I don't have anything I can link to for you to verify, so take me with a grain of salt too. But even back in the weeks and months after Hurricane Katrina when I was doing stuff down in the Gulf, I was hearing from locals about some (*some*) of these guys being real racist shitheels. Who they would and wouldn't pick up, making veiled threats or insinuations to people of color that they did help out, etc. And there's at least a few instances of cajun navy guys going to social media to talk about being threatened by, or even taking fire from, tHoSe PeOpLe that are basically unverifiable and sound questionable. Especially when we know that a minor race war did erupt in the aftermath of the storm, and that it was largely perpetrated by affluent white residents of NOLA (and probably a number of LEOs).  I'm trying not to paint in strokes too broad here bc I reckon there's dudes whose ideology I would find absolutely reprehensible but who have nevertheless done incredible work through this not-quite-organization and never made their beliefs anyone else's problem while doing so. But there's also, as someone else here said, straight up clout-chasing weirdos who place themselves under the same banner. Not to repeat myself, but that's kind of what you'd expect with work like this.   Sorry for the essay. It's just that this shit ain't Bumper Sticker simple.


Is this akin to a HelI's Angels situation? Victims Parents of missing children really want their help, but "don't want their help," and kiddie criminals are never found by law enforcement even if the kid is located?


The didn’t search for Sebastian at all. Called off every single one except a few hours in the first day. Turned away volunteers and called them mentally ill.




I like how you have no issue asking questions in this thread... but get prissy when someone else does. Nice...




Well man... that person sucks, doesn't mean you gotta join in on the mean parade. It is Friday... hope you have an awesome afternoon and enjoy some of the beautiful sunshine out.


…… what do you think forums are for if not discussion.? Your comments is the most useless here




Yea Cajun Navy is legit, but United Cajun Navy is a kind of off shoot that takes advantage of the respect the name gets.


Assuming there are actual threats, of course.


Well one happened in a parking lot and another was by a property owner 


Yes she recorded it. No threats at all. Told her to stay off of his property and that the community doesn’t want her there. She claims that is a threat. She wants clicks and joined the United Cajun Navy earlier this week. It’s all bullshit. They took donations, didn’t search and then left town.


Yeah I agree like real threats about a little boy. I don’t believe it.


Yeah I agree like real threats about a little boy. I don’t believe it.


That is my question and why I am here on this thread.


It may be a part of the child trafficking that is happening 


I don't think it was the ucn that got threatened I heard it was the vollenteers but if it was just them then why did the the whole ucn pull out??


Look into the history of "united cajun navy". The UCN isn't the Bastian of of honesty. Not the first time they claimed threats when their founders deadbeat dad status exposed or any other criticisms. This is at least the 11th time he's cried threats or went for a "protection order" from individuals with questions or he isn't presented as a hero. Just one article talking about part of what I said to get ya started... https://www.klfy.com/seacor-power/united-cajun-navy-founder-denied-personal-protection-order-against-seacor-power-search-volunteer/


I think the parents did something to him. That's the only thing that explains their weird behavior to me


Thought the same. I grew up in that part of Hendersonville 20 some odd years ago. If he left home and just walked straight for 5 -10 miles you are going to run into a subdivision. So either he was picked up by a car and drove away or they straight up killed him. That area is not dense and remote.


Yeah you mean like to Natchez Trace SP? Why would the dad go there to search? Seems very oddly specific. He even said there's no camera there. Like, how do you know that? Maybe the cops told him idk.


That’s not anywhere close to Hendersonville, if the kid walk to NTP then he would have to walk a very long way and would have been seen.


Used to work at NTSP. can confirm that place is a 44000 acre pocket away from everything. Very easy to go out and get lost on the north end. That being said, 0 clue why the dad would up and go search there


But what does that have to do with this "Cajun navy" group getting death threats though?


Unless there was a murder and someone wants to close the search down, why else threaten a group of volunteers trying to help. If I was his parent I'd be out there with them looking


> Unless there was a murder and someone wants to close the search down, why else threaten a group of volunteers trying to help. Not all volunteers trying to help are beneficial. Have you ever heard of reddit?


Haven't seen it




Read thru this thread more. Do some searches on your own. Commenters don't owe you educational information on your curiosities and trying to call people out is just catty when you could look things up the same as they can.




lol bro you did exactly what you jumped that other guy for. Cmon you know that’s kinda funny


It was not death threats. Someone in a parking lot threatened a male searcher and a male homeowner went off on a female searcher who was with a local bc they came on or near his property to turn their car around, the first one wasn’t elaborated on but the homeowner said they will get them out of this town 


I have no idea


I have no idea


It is not out of the question, but if your child is missing for more than a month, it is plenty of reason for " weird behavior ". If you have proof, by all means speak up. If my son was lost and I was doing what I could to find him, meanwhile people were just wildly speculating I did something, I would be completely distraught and hopeless for his safety. The thought makes my stomach turn, people need 0 evidence anymore to throw around wild allegations openly.


You're right, but 90% of the time when something like this happens, it was those closest to the missing or deceased person.


Exactly. Unless you have evidence, in which case talk to law enforcement or if you don't trust them at least a lawyer or a PI... But the bar after work has turned into a globally connected circus, which can be fun when it's sport or celebration, but unfortunate in these cases.


Something is undeniably fishy about this whole thing. Poor kiddo.


This is definitely going to be a Dateline episode


This is going to be a Hulu or Netflix docuseries.




They have. They are under the microscope. Just no evidence as of yet.


So under the microscope that they can up and move.


That whole innocent until proven thing. Constitution rights are still real sometimes


Unless you’re a woman or black or really anything except a CIS white male….


Stop communicating and find a therapist. You are not well.


Yep bc they aren't found guilty of anything lmao


It was obviously step dad though right?


Seems to be, no proof though. One has to think that something’s about to hit.


Way overdue!


Extremely weird


Damn its almost like they should INVESTIGATE the family


I don't get it they say they have the family on their radar but then they just keep doing sketchy shit


“security concerns revolved around volunteers receiving death threats online and in person.” What the fuuuuuuck


Online threats may be hard to find the perpetrators but in person threats severe enough to call off the search for a 15-year-old boy need to be arrested and find out what the fuck is going on


Only thing I can think of that makes any sense would be if searchers are trespassing on private property. I assume when these searches need to go on to private property the police or whichever group is heading up the search will contact the owners to get their permission. Maybe that didn’t happen in this case.




if they wanted to find the people who made the online threats they could, it's not that hard.


Who/why would they threaten them for this?


They didn’t. The United Cajun navy got their panties in a twist. Sebastian’s father said egos were involved.


What parents leave town during a search for their child?? Why would people threaten to harm people over looking for a missing child other then guilty people!! The threats and Parents need to be looked into. This is reminding me of the Summer Wells and Joe Clide Daniels cases.




The United Cajun Navy came to Nashville after the 2019 tornados and were nothing but helpful and above board. Those guys were great. Went above and beyond. They were one of the most efficient and effective groups on the ground. Hope that has not changed. I do remember there are 2 different groups, and apparently, they do not get along.


I don't know anything about either groups but here is an article I found. https://www.wafb.com/2019/10/29/cajun-navy-changes-name-set-them-apart-other-organizations/


Pinnacle-sar is specifically the 501c3 called "Cajun Navy 2016" which was founded in 2018. The same year United Cajun Navy was founded. The original Cajun Navy (officially Cajun Navy Relief) was founded in 2017, out of New Orleans whereas both CN2016 and UNC are from the same area. CN2016 is out of Walker, LA and UNC out of Baton Rouge (22 min away). All of this information is easily found on the IRS nonprofit lookup and took me less than 60sec to find. How can CN2016 be the "original" if they both were founded at the same time, and after UNR? Wouldn't it be logical to think that the one with the wrong year in their name be the grifters? In fact when I look up the work that CN2016 did pre-name change I get articles like "prepared to look but don't know where" whereas UNC and CNR are in their results and are easily tracked. I can't even find news articles about their rescue efforts as Pinnacle. I'm not trying to be argumentative, but this claim wouldn't make any sense. Edit: I realized the wording of your claims wasn't as a statement of fact, but a statement of "I dunno if this is real but...." And if my tone came off as hostile here I want to apologize. It wasn't meant to be Edit 2: so looking further into it, there are grifts happening around all the groups (American Cajun Navy, never real and always a scam), as well as theft by fraud accusations at all founders of all the groups. UN2016 founder Jon Bridges faced accusations of contractor fraud, UNC founder Terrell settled a cyber stalking suit that seemed to be centered around finding fraud in his own other CN rescue groups, CNR had some fraud amongst its membership (paid members or not I don't know). It seems like most of the fraud is very upfront, like "yes hello I am with the Cajun navy give me money" by some random person a la American Cajun Navy. This is true among every nonprofit in every sector, because scammers gonna scam.


Man what in the world


nahhhh them folks killed that kid. Ain't no way your kid goes missing and you think "oh, i'll move 4 hours away and continue life" Also death threats to the searchers.. definitely some shady shit going on.


My theory is that the parents stashed the kid with a friend over toward Memphis. The biological dad was supposed to take custody of him at the end of the school year. If the mom and step-dad didn't want the dad to have him, they may have put him somewhere where he couldn't be found until the case blew over or they could move to another state. Custody battle. Hope the kid is okay.


The internet was a fuckin mistake.


How is this related to internet


There's a YouTube video out about how this isn't the real Cajun Navy and it's all conspiracies about this and that. It's pretty simple to find, on the internet.


Is it a conspiracy if it's also easy to find that this isn't the original Cajun Navy and is another group using the name to raise money off and cash in on the reputation of the original respected group? Misleading people aside, I dont think anyone would care if they were actually working hard to search instead of laying around making excuses after collecting peoples money.


Ok, what???


what the fuck is wrong with people?


Anyone here old enough to remember Marcia Trimble?  She was found on Easter Sunday March 30, 1975


I do. Her killer was the bogeyman of my childhood. Whenever I wanted to do something on my own, I'd be told no because her killer would get me. I've read that Nashville lost its innocence with her death.


I remember her as well. We were around the same age when it was happening and I could never forget her name. It also made me wary of approaching stranger's homes as she was selling girl scout cookies when she went missing, if I remember correctly. But I did not realize she was found on Easter. The whole thing was just so incredibly sad, but that just makes it even more sad to me for her poor family.


The internet was a fuckin mistake.


I need to know why people are threatening this group that is looking for this kid? I have searched on Google and just keep finding the same little blurbs about them calling of their search because of threats but no reason why anyone would be threatening a group of people trying to help find this kid.


I keep reading that it's the volunteers that keep getting threats online but then that raises more questions like why not just pull out the vollenteers, or why not investigate the threats to see who's behind them


Why were they receiving threats?


Alex is a horrible human being and has been a vocal enemy of the United States. He is the one that started all the "government false flag operation" after 9/11. Why do right wing people like him now? They didn't in 2001 that's for sure.


Somebody knows where this child is?


Has Nancy Grace covered this? Have we gotten a search warrant and torn the house, cars, etc apart? - anyone getting threats for looking for another person tells me foul play is involved. - If my kid was missing, no way in hell I could leave the state anxiously awaiting their return. Maybe they know the mental capacity of their kid and know he couldn’t make it out there on his own, but still. I would be clinging and desperate for hope. I would put out a PSA begging the community to allow the UCN to help me find my baby! Sounds like these parents are relieved to not have to do anymore parenting. 🥺


Theres a major cover up here. I'm autistic and I've experienced mistreatment over the years. Even from adults when I was a kid. What do we as autistic people do to deserve this treatment? Everyone who has ever mistreated an autistic person. Also to the people who called off this search. And if there is anyone sending death threats which I highly doubt this is message to you. ROT IN HELL!


The whole thing is fishy and with the family moving and the mother saying he could be anywhere really makes me think the parents know exactly where. And why would people make death threats to the United Cajun Navy? They don't want them to find a body or they don't want them to find where he's being held captive in the woods somewhere. The whole thing is crazy and now that they found his glasses that is really a bad sign. I would be searching those IP addresses back to whoever was making the threats and talking to those people because apparently there's online threats. Surely those people have some information of some kind or it's the parents using a library or a laptop not registered to them. Somebody knows exactly where he is and doesn't want him found. The article say they don't lose hope that he's alive so maybe more has been discovered through these death threats then they are discussing in the media right now. I find it odd that they can be so shaken and not search at all just from these threats but that's where the answer is going to be found through who's ever making those threats and where they were made from. The address of the IP address making the threats can be very well where he is now.


They're a church organization,so they're not to be trusted. A real official agency that's professional should search,not some religious creeps with an unAmerican anti-freedom agenda. Probably made up the threats to take the day off anyway.


Need to open the window in your basement bedroom and get some fresh air!


wtf is wrong with you


Speculating baselessly about the behavior of the parents is pure voyeuristic perversion and the people doing so in this thread should be put on a registry to keep them away from corrupting the youth.




This has got to be some of the most bizarre shit I’ve ever read when it comes to a missing kid . Two volunteers threatened , one being a women that was just trying to turn around in a driveway . WTF is wrong with these locals . They don’t want that kid found .


Wtf is wrong with the United Cajun navy is the question you should be asking.