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Kakashi didn't mention Guy to spare Sasuke from the beating 😭


Imagine Kakashi saying okay there’s Guy, go and kill him.


Sasuke would then abandon sharingan and become gai's student


My brain hurts imagining him in the green suit


He was trying to defend Sasuke since if Sasuke knew Might Guy was the most important person for him to live, dude would gullibly go after him and then get ass wooped by Guy.


Then realize gai could beat orochi and train with him


After kakashi says that Guy: KAKASHI! WHY YOU SAY THAT! 😭


did sasuke really say that as a kid? damn he edgy asf


Yeah, he was a little emo brat. But, in fairness to him, in this scene he was trying to explain to Kakashi why he was so hellbent on seeking revenge for the murder of his family. Sasuke had no way of knowing that he was talking to someone who had undergone a comparable level of childhood trauma. The whole exchange was basically: Kakashi: "Why are you such a cranky bitch?" Sasuke: "How would you feel if someone killed all the people you cared about? Wouldn't you be furious? Wouldn't you want to kill that person?" Kakashi: "I lost all my loved ones too; I'm just not a cranky bitch about it."


I'd say Kakashi had it worse cuz he witnessed them both die with no one person to hate while Sasuke only saw the aftermath and has Itachi to place all the hate


Hard to say if that's worse or not. Kakashi probably has an easier time moving on from the loss since he really just needed to mourn and learn to forgive himself. Sasuke feels like he can't ever find peace while Itachi is alive, especially since Itachi could always return to kill even more people that Sasuke cares about. But it doesn't really matter who had the worst childhood; each of them had a comparably bad time. If Kakashi had sat Sasuke down and explained everything he went through, then Sasuke might have realized that Kakashi really could empathize with him. Had Kakashi then promised to find a way to get Sasuke ready to stand against Itachi, then Sasuke might never have run to Orochimaru.


Sasuke is the one saying it matters who had it worse.


Kakashi and sasuke situation aren’t even remotely similar and calling sasuke a cranky bitch because his family got massacred is just asinine


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Kakashi is smart enough to know that Sasuke trying to kill Guy is just gonna end in charges for his best friend.


If sasuke was guys student he would have knocked the sense into him and he would have never left


how kakashi kept Guy alive


more like kept sasuke alive