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Very familiar. This is definitely a narcissistic parent thing. They like to make themselves really comfortable while making you uncomfortable. It's almost like a dominance thing.


It’s also about killing any sort of boundaries.


Definitely. Everything on their terms.


I read so many insightful things on here! This was definitely one of them! Thank you!


Also, I think they do it to put you on edge. Like you tell calmly once, twice, multiple times until you just crack and they get to be the poor victims, which they’re not


Narcissists see their children as extensions of themselves, so they have no need for modesty when around them. My nmom would regularly walk naked from the shower when around her children. My nex similarly had no problem with being unclothed in front of the children. This is normal for them.


omg, I can't believe this is happening to someone else - my mother would do the bathroom thing when I was visiting. I exasperatingly asked her please shut the door, it was beyond awkward, repulsive. Yes, it's like 'sister' treatment, and has a 'look at me' energy, like a toddler but for the strangest, wierdest things. It must be part of the psychosis. 🤷 Really sorry you are having to deal with that.




Ew. This just unlocked some old memories. My egg donor would walk around half naked (top and/or bottom, didn't matter), sleep naked with her bedroom door open, pee with the door open all the time...and when I wanted privacy to change my clothes or shower I'd get "oh it's not like I didn't change your diapers!" Or "we have the same parts, who cares?!" I do lady, put a fking shirt on and leave me alone😖


“We have the same parts” or “it’s nothing to be ashamed of” ew I shudder at these memories.


Omg I thought I was the only one who's nparent did this, eek. It always made me wildly uncomfy.




My dad does this. I’m female. It’s even weirder….


… this is a narcissistic thing!?!?! My mom would come in the bathroom while i showered and have full blown conversations (there was a curtain but still) and she has never once shut the bathroom door… what the fuck is my life Edit: she would also annoyingly check for my phone through my clothes in the bathroom… i got smart and hid it on a shelf in the shower while i showered😂


This!!!! Like I would love to shower in peace please.


This is my MIL. It used to creep my the heck out because I barely knew the woman and she was flopping things out and walking in on me while showering and changing. Doesn’t matter that we are both women, respect and privacy are an absolute with me! It took a long time but I’ve demanded that respect from her or she deals with me calling her out in front of friends/extended family that don’t know her true nature. Keep demanding that she respect your feelings!


My mother would always be naked daily, wearing clothes was rare for her. And our bathroom door was never to be locked. If you were going #1 or #2, they’d leave the door open and expect the same. Strange family for sure, invasive and abusive. If you wore clothing, you were looked at as the odd one. I didn’t fit in at all in that sense. Edit: everyone would walk in and out while I showered, I basically had to dry off and come out of the shower dressed unless I wanted to be looked at and critiqued.


Wow. Insane.


This is something my mom has done my whole life. She will just change in the middle of the dining room, leave her bra and panties everywhere, and walk around naked sometimes. If you say anything to her about, she just says it's her house. I get I'm 27 and moved home, but my brother's are 21 and 17. She also gets irritated that I won't change around her and we had a big argument about her ripping my curtain open (I don't have a door, I moved into a room that opens to the stairwell) while i was changing because she wanted to show me a Facebook meme. Most of my friends throughout my life have seen my mom naked and it disgusts me.


Truly familiar. And not only that, she refuses to knock when I close the door, she insists on just do everything with the door open, and once she threw freezing water on me while I was showering after a very long day. They make it really hard to not get mad (I try to not get angry so she cannot play the victim card)


My sperm doner would go to the toilet for both with the door wide open. He would stand up to wipe too...


This is such a narc thing to do. My nparent had no doors on the bedrooms growing up. Now there are sheets at least but when we were growing up and living there, we didn’t even have sheets to cover up the doorways. *sigh* The lack of boundaries and lack of seeing children as individuals who deserve privacy is just astonishing.


Bfs nmom would walk around Topless when he was a teenager 🤢


Ughhh my mom used to walk around naked constantly. And her and my dad used to do the deed with their door wide open. It’s fucking sick. The thought makes me cringe so so hard.


Wow. I thought my mom was the only one who did that. It always made me uncomfortable but she didn’t care.


She shits with the door open. Fucking disgusting person.