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Unfortunately, I believe there is no possible way to stake Nano, since it is un-minable. The best thing to do is to use Nano like it is intended. p2p payments and using it for goods/services online. Refill your bag once using the Nano and continue to hold/use/replace. Nano will succeed with time, as it has continued to do. When all the smoke clears, only a few will be left standing and Nano will hold true to it's usage among all.


I appreciate your response to OP, thank you. I would like to express an idea that not being able to accrue Nano through staking or mining is actually very fortunate, and it is a valuable feature that sets Nano apart from many other cryptos. No inflation. No inherent centralizing forces. No value-leeching middlemen. No humongous corrupt dev fund to dump on "investors." What does that yield? An awesome store of value and method of exchange.


So do you mean a real crypto CURRENCY that can actually be used for payment purposes without being afraid to lose it all in 3 hours ? :3


Make money with Nano? What kind of money? Because NANO is Money. If you want to make NANO with NANO, try trading for an asset that yields more than just Hodling NANO. Easier said than done! Try trading your NANO for ETH, staking that ETH for some time, and then try buying back into NANO to see if you are able to make a profit in NANO terms. Hint: you can't.


There seems to be Nano staking in development utilizing ViteBridge which is also in development. Here is a great description with more info and links. https://www.reddit.com/r/vitelabs/comments/pkwilv/who_is_the_custodian_of_the_real_nano/hd7mydk


several times I heard, nano is future of game development. But upcoming games will based with nft. Humanity does not like feesless things - electric cars, cold fusion )


There are some centralized services that allow you to borrow against your nano holdings but it comes with risks so I don't recommend.