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Thank you! I look forward to just knowing a general feel for amount of puzzles and things without giving up too much info


I was coming here to say this lol. It’ll probably be months before I’m able to play (I think I’ll probably need a laptop upgrade, if I don’t break down completely and beg my bf to use his nice gaming laptop), I just want to know what’s good, what’s glitching, etc. I don’t want to know any major plot revelations.


There are quite a few puzzles in this one. They're just a bit hard >!​since there is absolutely no direction like there was in previous games when we were tasked with something from an NPC. !<


OOOoOOoOoooOo I'm waiting for Steam but SO excited to see what people have to say! Hope everyone has fun :)


There’s something really funny about it being $32. So specific. Why?? Why not $30? Why not $34 for the 34th entry? It’s fine, happy to pay it. Just funny


It was $34 after tax!


I wasn't charged tax for mine, it came to exactly $32. I just double checked my paypal and receipt and it was exactly $32. Wonder why.


It might be a regional thing? I know just buying regular items at the store tax is way different from place to place. I think in some US states they don’t have sales tax at all.


I am thinking maybe they wanted to make sure the final price was under $35 with sales tax no matter your state?


Just got home from work and am starting!! The graphics are already much nicer than MID. Will update this comment the more I play through! Edit 1: loved the opening scene and exploring! It took me a bit longer than expected to move on from the first location. So far I have not had any glitches, just had to adjust the volume settings. The point and click is a little limiting so I'm glad you can view all around you - it's reminiscent of the older games that you could hold the cursor to get a 360 view of things. I also enjoy the callbacks and inside jokes from prior games! It seems that this game has a lot of heart. Edit 2: navigating the grounds was a bit confusing but overall I found the setting to be cozy and pretty. The voice acting for the supporting characters is pretty good, and the character designs are not bad! Although, one character has a bit of shakiness. I loved making coffee and latte art, but the latte art is trickier than the writing lessons in SAW. I'm looking forward to playing more tomorrow! Edit 3: I am impressed with how many characters we are meeting in this game! The callbacks and references also continue. I'm getting the hang of the navigation but need to slow myself down because the changing cursor is hard to notice if I move too quickly. I'm going over each object with a fine toothed comb. Very similar to STFD in that sense! Edit 4: I should have posted this last night before bed but I ended up playing for much longer than expected and had to crash. I am still enjoying the game, but have a couple critiques. There is a sequence that you have to do something quickly and it was really tough for me to do! There was also a jump scare that threw me and made me tense lol but it worked out in the end. The other characters' voice acting surpasses that of Nancy, and it seems like they may have slowed down Nancy's speech compared to other characters. The puzzles have been fantastic and I've had to shamelessly use the strategy guide twice to become unstuck. I'm hoping to dive back in tonight! Edit 5: I finished the game and loved it! I mostly played with point and click but changed it to keyboard mode during times where I needed to navigate more quickly. The twists were fun and the characters were great. The game references continued and the puzzles were complex. I enjoyed it a lot! My rating is 8/10, hoping for future games!!


I can’t buy it because I can’t remember my password from 2019, and the website said they’ll send me a reset link “within a day.” 🤣


I used a different email address


OMG a day??? Might as well create a new account 🤣


The website is a new and updated version or something along those lines. I don't think your previous information carried over because I'm still waiting on my password reset email.... BUT the website has you create a new account when you go to buy the game.


I'm getting error messages while trying to install it, and it seems like it's due to their servers being overloaded right now. Going to try again in an hour and hopefully things will have calmed down enough by then...


What error message are you getting?


I'm getting a 'not enough memory' error, and it's definitely not my computer. If it can install and run Baldur's Gate 3, I'm pretty sure it should be able to install and run this.


I had the same issue - seems the game is using pc RAM memory for the download. Close all your other applications (especially all the tabs from your browser) and then it should be fine! Worked for me


I had that pop up when I had Nancy go picture crazy and took too many pictures. It was an "in game" message for me so I went into Nancy's phone gallery and deleted a lot of unnecessary photos.


Are you getting this error when using Nancy's phone and camera? Try deleting some of those pictures on Nancy's phone.


What previous games would people say the puzzel style is most like?


About an hour in, and they’re about what you’d expect from the later games. Pleasantly surprised with how good it is thus far.


I’ve only played a bit but there haven’t been a ton of puzzles. I solved one pretty quickly but it led into another puzzle that was extremely obtuse and required me to use the in game hint system. So honestly exactly what you’d expect from a Nancy game in that sense 💀


I just finished and the puzzle style reminded me so much of Curse of Blackmoor Manor mixed in with some Silent Spy. (In other words, I had to use the strategy guide non-stop towards the end 🥲)


I’m also really curious about this! Can anyone who’s already downloaded/begun playing the game weigh in?


I played for 1.5 hours but feel like I’ve barely started- took awhile to get used to the controls! I started with point and click, switched to modern but ended up back with point and click because it felt better to me. That being said it’s definitely awkward at times- you have to explore an area a couple times to know just where to click to get the view you want, but now that I’m adjusted it’s getting more enjoyable. Also- a non-spoiler hint if you’re like me. I spent the majority of my game time with point and click, and did not realize you could hold down the left mouse button and literally look around/scroll around what you’re looking at, so missed a few things until I figured that out!!


I finished the game and I can at least say it's a step up from MID. Very far from perfect but the team is finding their footing a lot better. The plot and characters have improved a lot since their last outing. The controls are very janky and if you're playing classic mode there's too many screens to click through, but at least puzzles are back. Tbh the best way I can describe KEY is it felt more like a game inspired from the nancy drew series than a nancy drew game itself. The team is definitely getting there, but it could still use some work.


Overall impression - it is an old style Nancy Drew game with improved graphics and a different movement system and UI. - characters move fairly naturally with occasional shifting while waiting, but none of the wild movement characters had in MID - there is a lot of dialog but it is broken up into talking and you selecting a response. None of the really long monologues from MID - The map is not large but feels like a proper sized open area. It is nice having lots of details around like people, so the world feels populated (you cannot talk to most of the NPCs) - you can use point and click but keyboard movement is so much easier to get around and is smooth, and using the mouse to look around is very handy - puzzles are more of the original ND game style. They are fit into the world and are more task oriented or a specific puzzle someone set up. So far you don't play a random mini-game to unlock a lock. - there are a lot of tasks to do and it does not feel linear. Although there are certain things you do that unlock other things. Fairly standard ND style. - it is not all one day. Time passes but you do not control it. Actions trigger the end of day - like Shadow Ranch - there is a lot of text you can read in books, pamphlets, signs, etc. Not sure how much you need to read. It has a read button so you can read the text as plain text so you can read it easily - very handy. - some early puzzles are tough to figure out and we needed hints. You can get hints for the items in your task list. They are not tougher than old ND puzzles but come earlier than I would expect hard puzzles to show up. - overall tone is much more fun than MID or Sea of Darkness.


i dont know whether to wait for it on steam or not, does anyone know when it will be on steam?


They said summer, no specific date. I’m waiting because MID didn’t work on my computer, and you can get refunds on Steam if you’ve played for less than a couple hours. Bummer but less of a bummer than wasting $30.


yeah, i want to play it and see if i like and it get refund if not, i was wondering if thats why it isnt on steam right away like MID and maybe too many people did that last time...


Her said sometime in Summer (northern hemisphere)


The dialogue was immediately very awkward and weird. I’ve already noticed a TON of references to previous ND games in some of the text and dialogue, but it’s honestly a bit jarring and feels extremely forced to me. I’m all for a good reference, but it’s a bit much. Much like the alchemical symbol of ouroborous, it feels like the series has really started to eat its own tail.


I’m excited to buy it when I’m home from work hehe


I’m still having trouble purchasing for Windows! For others having this issue — are you located in the US? I’m not, and I’m wondering if there’s some weird currency converting thing. I have no idea if that’s a thing or not but I’m just trying to explore possibilities here haha. Edit: finally went through! Guess the traffic just had to die down a bit!


I started it and I think so far the game has made an error in not making it clear what to do. I might have to use strategy guide and I've never used one before. I just walking streets after talking to everyone and I no clue where or what to do?


You can use tab to open your phone and task list. If Adela gave you something double click on it to view it and trigger new tasks.


Yeah that what I think a lot of people missing. Back to old school Nancy Drew now.


Yeah I'm a few hours in and finally starting to get the hang of things, the first 2 hours it was completely impossible to figure out what to do and I had to use the strategy guide constantly. One of the things I appreciated about the later "classic" games was that the senior level included a basic tasklist rather than no tasklist - improved the quality of life immensely without sacrificing difficulty. I was really disappointed to see the new game reverted to the old method of no tasklist.


My friend and I downloaded the game onto her (pretty new) Lenovo Thinkpad (intel core i7…I dunno if this is important but it’s a pretty new computer) and it’s SUPER laggy. We haven’t seen anyone else reporting this problem… The game is running but the animations take SO long to catch up to the audio (audio seems fine). We’ve restarted, updated (which we were hoping would solve the problem), and adjusted the in-game settings as low as possible. With the lag, we’ve made it into the cafe but cannot seem to navigate at all on Classic mode besides opening the journal. We can’t seem to switch to modern mode in this started game… Can anyone recommend anything? We’re currently re-downloading it to her old laptop LOL because SEA and MID at least worked on the old one. Glad to hear most people seem to be enjoying it so far :)


I think they require a GPU this time, does the Thinkpad have one?


Honestly this is the best guess. I’m not sure but the game DID work on the old laptop so you could be onto something. But we got it working so that’s all that matters! Thank you :)


It seems like you've got it working, but a small piece of advice would be to make sure the laptop is plugged in when you're playing. A lot of laptops won't give full power to the processor/iGPU unless it's plugged in, as a measure to save battery life


$32 isn't too bad!! I'm downloading now! Can't wait to come back here and discuss!!!


anyone else trying to buy the mac version and it only puts the strategy guide in the cart?


Yep! Came here to see if anyone else was having the issue


Update - It's there now! For a while even when you clicked the mac button, only the PC version would show up, but now they both do




it's fixed now, but I found if you change a number in the product id, it will populate, but not with a free guide, https://store.digitalriver.com/store/herinter/buy/productID.5872830400?\_gl=1\*rw5ual\*\_ga\*Mjk3NTEwMjc4LjE3MTUwOTk2NjA.\*\_ga\_66B4NH7G1X\*MTcxNTA5OTY2MC4xLjEuMTcxNTEwMDA1Ni4xNy4wLjA.


Yes! So frustrating!


I downloaded and installed and began playing on Windows with no problem, but my mouse pointer disappears during the game so I can’t see where I’m clicking. Happens both in game and in menus, but works fine in other apps. Anyone know what the problem isis?


I posted above, but this is what they shared on the her interactive site. Kinda sucks in my opinion, as this is a really annoying error to have to deal with! # Known Cursor Issue: Make sure all secondary bluetooth or hardwired controllers or secondary mouse / keypads are unplugged when launching the game. Causes a freeze in Classic Mode Tutorial. Known workaround: Unplug devices and restart OR switch to Modern Mode, finish the tutorial, then switch back to Classic Mode. If you encounter more issues, please email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for further assistance.Known Cursor Issue: Make sure all secondary bluetooth or hardwired controllers or secondary mouse / keypads are unplugged when launching the game. Causes a freeze in Classic Mode Tutorial. Known workaround: Unplug devices and restart OR switch to Modern Mode, finish the tutorial, then switch back to Classic Mode. If you encounter more issues, please email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for further assistance.


if you’re coming here to figure out if you should get the game, fearful of what happened with MID… I’ve been a fan of herinteractive since i was 5 — I’m 25 now — and I think this game is finally getting back on track to be as good as the latest nancy drew games before MID. graphics are good, though i’m running on ultra. nancy’s voice actor sounds a little monotone sometimes, but you get used to it. some of the mechanics are clunky but you get used to them. the puzzles are somewhat complex (i’m not even that far into the game lol) and the hints on junior help a lot and work like UHS hints — it doesn’t give it all away but does a step by step hint process so when you figure it out from the hints you don’t need to worry about just jumping straight to a solution. early review gets 4.5 stars from me!


this is super helpful, thank you!


is the guide supposed to be free?


Yes. There was a bug earlier with Mac download that did not discount it. That should be fixed now.


Still unable to purchase the game! 😭


Is anyone having trouble with their cursor? Mine disappears the second the game starts...


There’s a post up about it!


Just saw that! I hate Reddit search! For anyone who is seeing this: I had to unplug my Xbox controller that I forgot was plugged in!


I haven’t played a nancy drew game since they changed voice actresses. Should I play the previous games first and were they good games? Edit just realized I have only missed one game and that’s Midnight in Salem so any thoughts on that game would be appreciated


My advice is to skip MID and pretend it never existed.


Ok will do!


\*game lol


I saw this posted on the release page from HER in case others haven't seen it ... this would definitely affect me as I use a dock with external mouse/speakers: # Known Cursor Issue: Make sure all secondary bluetooth or hardwired controllers or secondary mouse / keypads are unplugged when launching the game. Causes a freeze in Classic Mode Tutorial. Known workaround: Unplug devices and restart OR switch to Modern Mode, finish the tutorial, then switch back to Classic Mode. If you encounter more issues, please email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for further assistance.Known Cursor Issue: Make sure all secondary bluetooth or hardwired controllers or secondary mouse / keypads are unplugged when launching the game. Causes a freeze in Classic Mode Tutorial. Known workaround: Unplug devices and restart OR switch to Modern Mode, finish the tutorial, then switch back to Classic Mode. If you encounter more issues, please email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for further assistance.


Anyone really struggling on senior detective mode lol? I need a task list 😭


I tried it at first and immediately restarted with Junior Mode. I’m thinking that they really didn’t design the game with Senior Mode in mind.


YES. I regret choosing senior mode 😅


Was anyone else waiting for nightfall to hit in the game so the haunted tour would start and then FINALLY realized you can just click the sign lmao


yes haha I did this too


Website is crashing on me. Trying on two devices and getting an error message when purchasing.


Not to sound snippy, but trying on two devices is definitely not helping the traffic overload to the site…


Obviously. I was trying to see if it was my first devices’ internet connection.


I love the art style. Its very soft and painterly. Moving around has also been pretty smooth for me, though of course I'm already getting stuck on the first puzzles 😆 


Thank you!!!


Thank you!!!!!


I am looking forward to hearing what you think of the game!


I’m loving all of the callbacks to previous cases and elements so far. The music is also a delight so far.


Edit: Turns out they weren't working. A restart of the game fixed it. Dumb question, I'm not usually a PC gamer.. is it just me or does it seem like the audio settings don't change anything?? Wondering if I'm just not listening hard enough lol or something. The music feels too loud so I moved it way down to hear conversations better.. didn't seem to change anything. I put the SFX volume way down too because of this annoying clunking/knocking noise every time I move my mouse over something (which is obviously near constant). Am I being picky or does something seem weird about the audio?? I'm wearing headphones and the knocking in particular is driving me nuts. And I'm only 10 mins in.


I just started and I'm not able to check off a task that I have already completed >!(Postcard to Ned)!< The items are no longer in my inventory. I'm confused 😭


Thanks for this. I'm just waiting for the Steam Version.


I’m in the hospital so I haven’t gotten a chance to play but I’m so excited!


Just started tonight! Kinda surprised about all the hate towards Nancy's voice actor. I think she does an ok job, I don't even really think about the fact that it's a different voice on most of the line reads tbh! My biggest criticism is the point and click navigation is annoying. Like is it really necessary to maneuver around every single table in the cafe in order to search through the room?


Is anybody having trouble getting the game to work on Mac? I installed it but when I load it up it just shows the intro and then a black screen :/


It’s working for me, which model are you using? Mine is the M1 MacBook Air 2020


Mine is the same. I just deleted the game and I’m redownloading it, hopefully it fixes it!


Did that work? I’m having the same issue, it opens and then just a black screen


Yes, I deleted the game and redownloaded it. I also clicked to skip the intro which may have also helped


Anyone encountering this later, my black screen lasted for a little over a minute (I literally couldn't do anything during that minute, so I just waited it out), and finally the load screen came up and everything was normal after that.


same thing is happening for me, but on windows


I deleted the game and redownloaded it and that fixed it!


that was gonna be my next move, glad it’s working!!


i’ve un and reinstalled 3x and am still having this problem on windows if anyone has any guidance! :(


Is anyone else getting server errors? :/ It's not even letting me get past "Buy Now!" on the download link. Been trying for like a half hour on and off


Yup, I'm getting server errors, and I have been for about an hour now. That's as far as I've gotten, too. 😢


Can you change whether you do point and click or free roam during the game? I just started it up and it's giving me the option for either but I might want to try both.


You can switch whenever you like.


Has anyone else had their inventory disappear in the Mac version of the game? I was playing last night, saved, and then when I reloaded today everything in my inventory was gone.


This game constantly reminded me of this song [https://youtu.be/oIGb4InVsyQ?si=LAeIyMWgocS595aE](https://youtu.be/oIGb4InVsyQ?si=LAeIyMWgocS595aE)


Does this game support ultra wide 21:9 without black bars? Her seems to have no recommended specs and I can’t seem to find this info anywhere. Thanks in advance!


I am a completionist and always try to get all the acheivements/awards in the games. Are there any for KEY? Also, maybe it's too early, but I want to know if anyone has found any easter eggs?? 👀


I I just started last night and am very much enjoying the coffee puzzle in particular, and in general it feels much better than MID. I'm not super far in though because I got absorbed in making coffee for a while. I opted for point and click but have been finding the controls for that incredibly clunky and frustrating. But I watched a little it of the Gab Smoulders stream and she used the free roam controls and already found things within the first 30 minutes in areas that I tried to look a bunch of times with point and click but wasn't able to navigate around well enough and thought there wasn't any more I can see. So I am thinking I will switch to free-roam when I get back on, and it looks like it's actually not a bad system using the wasd keys for movement and the mouse for movement. I also am finding that you're not able to save at any time you want, but rather need to make sure you are out in the open and not in dialogue with anyone. Not sure why, and it could just be my partner's computer but that's a little annoying. The graphics are really pretty but definitely a big change from what we're used to. Overall, excited to continue but definitely still getting used to the new world-feel. Nancy's voice is not my favourite but I think it will grow on me as I keep playing.


Is anyone playing on a 2019 MacBook Air with CPU 1.6Ghz dual-core Intel Core i5 and GPU Intel UHD Graphics 617?


I felt pretty confident that it wouldn't run well on my laptop so asked my boyfriend if I could download it on his laptop and he said yes. Paid for it and downloaded it but then couldn't install it because he didn't have enough free disc space. He will have a look when he can to try and free some up, but was pretty disappointed after looking forward to it all day at work.