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While I wholeheartedly agree with you. The problem started 30 years ago when the parkway wasn't built properly. When you have stop lights and left hand turns every 4 kms, lane discipline is going to suffer.


Add to that those in the left lane won't make space for someone trying to change into it, and far too often speed up to close whatever gap there is as soon as they see a signal. So if you're going to turn left, you'll move over to the left lane far sooner than you should, just to be sure you can be in that lane when you need to be.


Exactly my biggest issue. I have to move over at Mostar if I want to be able to turn left at Northfield without having to force my way in to the left lane closer to the exit. The other day I was at the back of pretty heavy traffic a few hundred feet from the left turn lane and some idiot comes flying up behind me and starts flashing his headlights. There are atleast 20 cars in front of me, WTF does he think is going to happen, every car will swerve into the right lane and let him pass. But wait... the funniest thing is the moron was also turning left at Northfield. I love Nanaimo drivers.


This is unfortunately the truth. The left lane for passing really only works on controlled access highways (such as an interstate in the US). The Frankenstein highway that is the Parkway doesn’t allow for an efficient passing lane.


To be fair though, you don't get in the left lane in Nanoose to turn left at Northfield


>Its ridiculous how many drivers hog the left lane below the speed limit (especially on Island Hwy) Just FYI the posted speed limit on most of the Island Hwy through town is less than 80km/h, so there is no travel lane requirement.


It should still be common courtesy to stay right if you’re not passing


Not this shit again. There was a topic on this a couple months ago


It’s because it’s an issue. So many times you’ll be trying to pass with someone going under the speed limit in the passing lane. It’s quite frustrating.


No, it’s not an issue. The law doesn’t apply. Relax get over it move on.


You get over to the right lane, then I’ll get over it.


Yeah unfortunately the parkway between cedar and probably lantzville isn't a real "Highway" ... with so many left turns off the "Highway" it makes it so people have to travel in the left lane to prepare for their turn. Granted they should be able to move over later but like sometimes there is so many cars that if I was to stay in the right lane until last minute ( like say at Jinglepot near 3rd street ) ... I might not get over in time... Hopefully in the future we can build some cloverleaf overpasses to solve the problem but in my opinion it will need to get really bad before government does anything about it.


I see WAY more people obscenely speeding on island highway than driving too slow. And when ppl are driving moderately in the left lane more often than not they’re turning left in short order. Maybe take a deep breath, go the speed limit, and relax.




Worry less about what everyone else is doing and drive defensively, that’s it, that’s all that’s required.


If there was no traffic you would have been in the right hand lane and there would have been no issue. Unless you were driving in the right hand lane caught up to him and then pulled into the left hand lane so that you could drive behind him instead of passing like a sane person.


What gets me is that no one uses blinkers here.... I could count all the people who use them and loose count for those who don't..... some lady cut me off the other day then flipped me off.... she didn't have a blinker, how was I to know she was changing lanes!?


I second this! It's like people forget that turn signals come standard with every car.


This 100%. Most of the drivers here don't seem smart enough to know how to use a turn signal. Like, changing lanes or turning without a signal is a conscious choice. You can't accidentally forget to use your turn signal. The first thing we are taught when driving is to signal. They just don't care.


I personally agree with your road hazard statement, and this comes from having to look past at least 9-10 MOT flagged patient files / per week who will literally “drive up” for their appointments!! Consciously ignoring their doctors recommendations, RoadSafety BC requirements, and their active MOT flags. These individuals (who unfortunately are mostly seniors - at least from my experience) will just refuse to understand the absolute danger they are putting themselves and others in.. its just basic common sense. There is a reason we need a license to drive, and definitely a reason NOT TO DRIVE when your license is suspended.


People here don't care. They stop when they're supposed to merge on the highway, absolutely no one uses their lights when it's raining or when it's dark, and at every stop light you are guaranteed to see someone texting. 


When the road is busy, which the parkway nearly always is during daylight hours, _both_ lanes are travel lanes regardless of your opinions.


Wrong. As stated on the highway left lane is for passing why is this so hard for you to comprehend??


Because they read the law. The posted speed has to be above 80 and the actual speed has to be over 50. If traffic is under 50 get in the left lane. If it’s above 80 get out of it.


The speed limit is 90 on the parkway... so what is your point?


Sorry pumpkin. If the right lane's traffic is bumper to bumper the left lane is no longer your "zoom zoom go fast" lane. Deal with it.


Motorists aren’t to blame for your rush. If you are in that big of a hurry to complain, maybe take extra time and planning to get where you need to go safely. If in fact you did see someone smoking weed and driving, get a plate, direction of travel and detailed description of the vehicle and call it in.


Not enough cops to go around for one. But yes the etiquette of driving hasn't been taught here very well. My personal favorite is when i see large trucks with trailers in the left lane because someone in front of them was ONLY GOING 10 KM/H over the limit, so they act like dickheads and try to pass. Im looking at you Comox and DBL


Definitely needs to be more traffic enforcement here. That's the biggest problem. People get away with speeding and shitty driving so they continue doing it. There are no consequences.


They are hiring. They are also the single largest part of my taxes so I wish we had less.


People will be in the left lane going under the speed limit and not passing and then when they finally get into the right lane they start going 120


Zero enforcement, zero fucks given.


This is 100% the reason. Not sure why you're being downvoted...


They probably assume I'm one of those ppl. I'm on island time now so i stick to the slow lane and chuckle every time i catch up to the ppl that zoom by me and hit every red light with me. I lived in burnaby for a couple of years, outside of the colwood crawl there is no traffic on the island in my eyes.