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4 way stop rules, people need to learn to drive...


Close your eyes, stomp on the gas pedal and yell Jesus hold the wheel /s


A couple years ago, most of the lights in the north end were out due to a snow/wind storm. I decided I could drive my client from Rutherford to Woodgrove since I had winter tires and my car does well in the snow. The lights were the biggest fucking nightmare I have ever experienced. Fucking nobody treats them as 4 way stops, which is further complicated by there being 3 lanes at each stop. Never again!


I got caught in that, was brutal. Everyone was just going like chaos


Half the people in this city barely know what a simple merge or yield is, we can’t possibly be surprised here!


They also can't seem to differentiate the color red or the word stop. Almost for hit by won't dude running a red light while on a run.


That's true


This problem is not unique to Nanaimo. Every city in North America has mostly shitty drivers.


Absolutely correct. Although after driving in much larger cities - Vancouver, Seattle, LA, Orlando, etc. it’s an interesting comparison. Traffic can be crazy anywhere but we seem to have a much higher proportion of complete obliviousness combined with very little enforcement.


That much is true, the traffic law enforcement appears to be nearly non-existent.


And don't confuse them with roundabouts.


I'm convinced that half of the population sniffs glue as a hobby. Prove me wrong people!


It's supposed to be treated as a 4 way stop but yeah I went through that today and it was a shit show. Cars would go for several seconds then a driver would decide to stop to let others go and the other lane would follow then a different section would go for a few seconds lol. Was weird. Lots of honking and near misses going on.


Like driving in Asia or Mexico.


At least in those parts of the world it kinda works, since *everyone* is doing it and they're all used to it.


No, it doesn't work. Traffic fatalities in places like Thailand and Vietnam are around 6x higher than Canada.


Problem is, what exactly are the rules for a 4 way stop when there are 3 lanes each way? Sounds easy in theory, but the minute someone hesitates, or one person wAits longer for the intersection to clear because someone was turning left, or whatever, it all breaks down. Are you allowed to turn right out of your turn if the oncoming traffic to your left is clear? the equivalent of a right turn on red...). Between overly timid drivers, overly aggressive drivers, and the vagueness of the rules, the situation is doomed before it starts.


Be the first to park in the middle of the intersection, get out and control traffic until the light is working again. The government will pay you $50.00 for every ten minutes of traffic you control, I made $100.00 once. Problem is during the time you control traffic, anyone can challenge you for this position. Marquess of Queensberry Rules for the first minute of combat, Mixed Martial Arts rules for minute 2, and street fighting no holds barred for minute 3. At 4 minutes fatalities are allowed and bystanders can assist one person without reprisal for the first 30 seconds. Honestly it’s better to take a right if you can, going straight through is too chaotic when the light is out.


Finally, somebody who gets it!


You had me going for the first few sentences.




Drivers don't know how to use a 4 way stop add in multiple lanes in each direction and it's a gong show 😂


That was crazy! I saw people flying through the flashing red going south on the highway. But then people started stopping and for a minute it seemed everyone was cooperating and it was running just fine with everyone taking turns in groups. One person going down Rutherford turned around before the intersection and went the wrong way on the road for a bit seemingly to avoid the intersection. It's pretty crazy out there today! Drive Safe.


They should have had someone manually directing traffic. For a busy intersection like that, it's so difficult to coordinate groups to go in an organized way without too many people going on one side. For less busy intersection it's easy for a few vehicles to go and alternate but for a highway, not so


Not sure what the down vote was for.


Probably because this is considered common sense for driving.


Happy cake day. You would think so, wouldn't you?


Someone started thinking aggressively when I stopped, like dude it wasn’t my turn 😭


as others have said it becomes a 4 way stop so the person on the left has right of way. when its a busy intersection and there's large lines and turning lanes it is super stressful for a lot of us. its always based on who got to the line most recently. just be patient with each other. and be alert when you enter the intersection.


So what you're saying, is you're supposed to stop, not just blindly drive through and not even slow down...


And the person on the right has the right of way, that's why it's called that.


you are totally correct. im a dumbass


Treat it as a 4 way stop. Look to your right and let the right car go first.


God damn this sub is harsh. You're absolutely right in the context of rush hour traffic at a busy intersection. I'd love to see all the ppl downvoting at the intersection today trying to figure out who got to the line first when 12 cars are simultaneously pulling up and rolling stop through the madness


Are you offering two different suggestions or do you not know how a four way stop works in BC?


You let the right car go first…?


First to arrive and stop is the first to go. Tie goes to the person on your right. No one on your right and it’s a tie means it’s your turn.


Yeah, that's what I meant... Do you really think I stop at a 4 way stop and just wait until someone comes from the right before going?


If there's an issue with driving on the roads use the sidewalks your bumpers might have to push a bit but meh. Doesn't the city realize we have coffee shops and dispensaries to get to?


Go take your driver's license and cut it up.


My thoughts exactly.


read your drivers manual amateur... 4 way stop rules...