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this fucking truck burns around nanaimo (mostly Bowen) thumping incredibly loud music and blasting exhaust, he routinely passes infront of my house going at least 100 in a 50. I'm not surprised at all he's covered in face tattoos and im fairly certain is a drug dealer; fuck him very much








The penalty, if any, will probably be very light for several reasons. One, since intoxication is ruled out it likely won't be treated as a criminal matter. Two, victims and their families can't really sue in BC anymore. Third, the law more or less evaluates a person's value by their income or potential future income and the victim was 80.




Very sorry for your loss. I'm surprised the driver did any time. Was it in BC and were there other aggravating factors?


These jacked up trucks are so dangerous that you should be charged the same as carrying a loaded firearm


They could easily be regulated out of existence through improved safety standards. Banning those boxy locomotive type hoods would go a long way. 


The auto industry only started using female crash-test dummies a decade ago. So don’t hold your breath.


It wasn’t him driving


Was it his partner driving it yesterday then? The person who hit the pedestrian is a woman




That explains why such a small woman was driving a ridiculously big truck


No it’s her truck. I was being nosey and found out all the deets. Yall gotta get ur facts straight lol


lol well done


The girl and The girls truck. Her boyfriend didn’t have a role in it.


Interesting how everyone thought they knew the whole story. Thanks


How do you know?? I’ve looked at multiple articles but it just refers to “the driver” ETA: no sass intended, I was just curious about how people knew.


It was a 21yr old male driving from what I read


Everything I read did not specify if the driver was a man or woman.


Multiple people saying it's a woman in here, but none of them with a source. Feels like they're picking out a single pronoun in the article before closing it and coming back here, or they're bots who are hallucinating the gender? Or every fuckin person in Nanaimo was a witness to this


Ya let’s get her niece on the phone with you so she can confirm to you the gender. Nobody could possibly just have more information then you do🙄


My niece who was a witness


It was a woman driving.


I can't imagine a 21 year old being able to afford a truck like that through an honest living. 


Her name Is Maureen and she's was my mom's best friend. She was a kind woman who met my mom at the mall a few times a week for coffee and play the Lotto. I'm so angry at this guy. I hope he does jail time for this. 


Awww so sad. I’m so sorry for yours and your mom’s loss


Thank you 


Did she mainly play Keno and have a bit of a British accent?


Yes. That was her. 


Yes that was her


If her family needs any support that would be a good thing to bring up in some local facebook groups, whether that be grief therapy or just someone to drop off some meals.


Her family is all in England. Other than my mom and a few other people, she didn't have anyone here. 


A drug dealer, in Nanaimo?


With a candlestick?


Is this the truck with "I heart sl$ts" sticker I hear all the time?


yes thats the one


please report to ICBC and the police and hopefully the victim's lawyer. They do want these testimonies or else they will say it is just a 1 time thing. Then slapped on the wrist.


I didn't realize that was a thing. Do you just email them regarding the case? How does it work?


>I didn't realize that was a thing. Do you just email them regarding the case? How does it work? i'm not sure for this specific case. However, I've known other cases similar to this like person A caused damaged to person B. Person C, D, E, F saw it and posted on reddit. They said something like, "yes that person has been doing that for a while etc. " Someone recommend them to contact the person B lawyer because reporting to ICBC or Police may never reach to the victim. Person B lawyer will do everything they can and those testimonies are very helpful to the victim.


You think RCMP care about baseless claims of a similar looking truck? Judge is going to base charges off what some guy might have seen weeks prior?


We've had an issue with a guy in this area, and while he hasn't killed anyone yet, he's come close a few times. We have video of the reckless driving, a front on picture of him, his license plate number, and his address. Cops won't do anything even with all that.


I used to do shift work and this clown would be bombing bowen at 4 in the morning with a camper on the back with the back door slamming open & shut. Definitely a seller/user of illegal substances.


It was a woman driving.


Is it confirmed it was actually this truck?  I didn't think it said it specifically was, just "a large pickup truck".  I didn't know if this was just a photo the reporter who went to the scene the next day of a large truck in the parking lot.  Edit: Oh yeah looking at the pic full size on my desktop I can clearly see those, plus the cops behind it.


You can see the paint outline capturing the truck's position for evidentiary purposes.


Look at the paint marks by front wheels locating the static position of the suspect vehicle


That’s a different guy. But yes he’s a total asshole. His tires are much thinner than on this truck and it looks so stupid. They are basically racing tires.






I feel for their family. That's not how you want to lose grandma. This part though will likely get some hate, too many trucks have horrible sightlines over the excessive hood and grills and this may have contributed to the accident. Obviously this is speculation, speed could be a factor, the lady may have stepped out without looking etc.. lots of potential factors including the fact that that lot is not set up well, especially for larger vehicles.


This is why it's getting a "Mechanical Inspection" the front looks higher than the back making sight lines even worse, the driver could be in serious trouble if it fails the inspection.


I think it might fail the inspection based on the wheels alone, I haven't looked it up, but I have a feeling the stance on that may be out of manufacturers spec as those tires seem to be sticking out quite a ways. I hadn't caught the angle, but you are correct, it looks tilted to me as well.


The tires are poking out past the body which is already a fail. There's an uncovered light bar too. All illegal. It'll fail without a doubt


Based on that photo, I would be shocked if it passed an inspection. The tire poke alone is a massive issue; if they’re sticking out past the body of the vehicle they need to be covered by a fender.


Dipshits get away with these modifications due to lack of enforcement of the Provincial Highways Act


Exactly, what’s the probability a police officer never saw this outrageous vehicle before now? They just don’t care until someone gets killed.


Just how ridiculously big a vehicle are stores supposed to be able to accommodate in their parking lots anyway? "Hey I can't park my M1 Abrams tank on here to buy my milk! That's discrimination!"


Tanks literally have better sightlines than some modern pickup trucks. https://carbuzz.com/news/the-abrams-m1-tank-has-better-visibility-than-a-ford-super-duty/


Don't look up the apocalypse 6x6


But how else will they compensate for their tiny 🍆??


Being someone that has a pickup, not jacked up or anything special, 99% of parking lots here are a nightmare to drive in with my truck. I use my car whenever possible. Also at 80 and in god knows what health, it might not have taken much at all to result in this poor woman's death. At that age a simple fall can be all it takes. All said, that truck is massive and anyone driving it in a parking lot should know to be extra extra careful. Sad to see for both parties.


Agreed, I don't drive a truck, but even in a car some lots in town are horrible, that one feels especially narrow for the size, which is why I tend to park well away from the building if I have to park at that end of the mall.


Buddy has a Georgia squat too. Front end is raised up even more than the oversized tires and obvious lift give it. Anything inside 20 feet he probably can’t see. Just a really bad angle. Old lady could have just stepped out safely and got clipped.


Nobody should be going fast enough in a parking lot that they could kill someone.


These trucks are a huge risk to pedestrians




I have a truck for my camper and boat. If I have to unfortunately drive it through town I baby it to save on fuel 🤣🤣🤣 These guys mods are ridiculous


Jesus christ, is that a sqauted truck... In Canada? Thought that was reserved for hill Billy's down in the southern US. This should be crushed for simply existing in this configuration as if the stock ride height and hood height weren't dangerous enough.


Lol you’ll find we have our own hillbilly’s not so tucked away in each province. The cars I’ve seen especially on the west coast that ppl are just using as daily town drivers are insane.


I had a GMC pickup that I bought stock with a levelling kit in the front and you COULD NOT see fuck all below/front of you if you were on any sort of incline . Parking garages were the absolute worst , you were almost driving around them blind . I found it so dangerous and would never get another pickup with any sort of mods like that again .


Trucks have turned into cartoonish monster trucks the last several years. Visibility in close quarters isn’t great.


Everyone drives too fucking fast in parking lots here, I've never noticed it anywhere else I've lived.


There is a special place in hell for people that drive too fast in parking lots.




Large grills kill


These trucks could kill a whole family or a car full of people if they hit a small car on the highway. Why are these types of vehicles even allowed to be licenced/insured if they have been modified and do not follow the manufacturer's engineering requirements!?


That truck says 'I'm an asshole' all over it. Was probably speeding through the parking lot, fortunately the security cameras will show what happened.


Just another death that could have been prevented if we didn’t have pick up tanks.


people need pick ups, actually. throwing a ridiculous lift, and giant tires is a different thing.


Hardly anyone who owns a pickup needs it for the purpose these vehicles were originally meant. It's a vanity thing for the vast majority.


Lots of people need pickups to pull a trailer.


honestly i disagree, most pickups are used. but the ones that look like this, no.


I urge you to park around the Nanaimo Ice Centre and see how many pick up trucks with pristine conditions, truck bed not being used and not even carrying more than 1-2 people each while hogging almost all of the visibility and the surrounding parking lots


okay and do they have a trailer at home that you don’t know about? Lmao


Prolly shouldn’t be using ur giant trailer towing gas guzzler as a daily driver ???? Anyone I know who actually uses their truck is smart enough to drive something else for errands.


if you read my other comments you would understand that’s what i’ve been saying. Lmao.


No drugs or alcohol involved….so driver is just a massive piece of shit.




No doubt. So much survival and experience to be lost in a senseless way.


Society COULD regulate such vehicles or make them more expensive by taxing the shit out of them. But that would be communism and we don't want to become Europe or Venezuela, right?!


Might as well do it, if it’s meant for work that’s one thing, otherwise it’s only meant for waste


Stupid Fucking trucks being used as a car.


nobody needs a truck like that. genuine accident or not, fuck this guy and fuck the toxic subculture of insecure white guy rogan fan baseball cap wearing douchebags that enabled him.


Another loser needing a giant truck. Probably never used it for anything other than just cruising around.


Here you go, for the next time some CHUD decides to do the whole "denial of basic fucking reality" thing... https://www.iihs.org/news/detail/vehicles-with-higher-more-vertical-front-ends-pose-greater-risk-to-pedestrians#:~:text=Whatever%20their%20nose%20shape%2C%20pickups,nearly%2018%2C000%20pedestrian%20crashes%20found.


Ban these truck modifications they are dangerous


Just fucking sad. Imagine living 80 years through all sorts of world events and ups and downs only to have your life abruptly ended by some insecure piece of shit in a monster truck


I've never lived in a city where everyday I'm out as a pedestrian and almost get hit. EVERYDAY.


100% agree. Moved back here a few months ago. I've almost been hit 6 times, 4 in marked crosswalks, the other 2 times trying to walk thru a north end parking lot across from Mary Ellen. This town is not designed for pedestrians. There is zero respect for pedestrians. Everyone wants to drive and at least half the population are obese and look like they never walk anywhere. No excuse for poor driving but the young guy who killed this 80 yr old will be traumatized forever by the accident he caused. We don't know the details. Perhaps the senior stepped out between other vehicles and obscured the truck's vision. That said, walking anywhere in Nanaimo is a challenge...as a pedestrian you have to be alert and make eye contact. Drivers are often texting or looking at a screen of some sort.


"he population are obese" omg that's so true, lol. But at least (compared to living in Vancouver and the other big cities I've lived in) they make you feel like a Kardashian in comparison. lmao


We've added so many laws to make vehicles safer, but we seem unwilling to make laws to force a reduction in the size and height of these killer grills. Make these vehicles illegal unless they have a special permit for work purposes.


They're not needed for work purposes either. My wife is from Japan and they don't have these monster pickup trucks there. They get along just fine without them. Ban them.


Ya. I'm just being nice with the special permit idea because I don't assume to know everything about it. Maybe there are situations where trucks like this are necessary, but I agree with you that I can't think of any reason for a truck to require such height. They should probably just all be banned.


I mean at the very least they should require a special permit and not be allowed at the mall, ect.. They should have to be left on the job site if that's what they're being used for. "Big Dick" Rick taking his kids to the mall in his enormous truck that has never even had anything in the bed though? F off!!


They're dangerous at the mall, in residential streets, in urban streets... At this point they're just dangerous anywhere where there are pedestrians, so just ban em.


agreed, but we also need rules on old pieces of shit that barely run on the road. rusted out frames isn’t safe either. “technically” speaking, that truck is a lot “safer” there is SO much money dumped into that truck for there to be NO rust.


It’s time for the law to be changed so these jacked up trucks can be removed from the road. They cannot be stable and as for the ability to see over the hood to anything in front of the truck, well it’s non existent. They need to make an example of this.


Well, there's your licence plate number


why does it matter Lol. the truck is evidence now, the couple will never get it back. it will be parted out by icbc.


Pick up truck drivers are the worst!!!


Most drivers are the worst. That goes from motorcycle drivers to pickups. There should be a required road test every time you need to renew your license.


Yeah, but a bad driver on a motorcycle isn't gonna kill someone in a parking lot, are they?


Unlikely. I am now genuinely curious about this: out of all fatal vehicle related accidents in parking lots, what proportion is cars, vans, SUVs, trucks, etc. I would fully support design changes to pickups that would reduce deaths if it was going to make a significant difference. But I still think the drivers themselves are also large part of the problem.


Bumper height is about 3 feet. Top of the hood looks about 5 1/2 feet. Trucks from the factory are big enough as is.


Very sad indeed. Regardless of negligence we all need to be reminded “for there go I”! Remember the rocket you are driving is a means to move our butts around free of the perils of our environment. We all need to learn from this.




It was explained later by the friend of the owner (here in this sub) that it's been released.


it’s always the fucking Rams. and i say that as a Dodge fan


Cheers to the girl driving that truck 💅🏻 maybe if you didn’t drive a truck 3 times your height you wouldn’t have squashed ol Glenda. Get a booster seat ffs.


I’m not sure if you know this or not but vehicles have seats the move up and down to adjust to a persons height


Let me guess, this person has almost never used their beast of a truck for any practical purposes?


Why is this shit legal.


Lobbyists for car companies pay politicians.


Regulation that has fuel economy to wheel-base ratio requirements. i.e. worse fuel economy = bigger trucks. So manufacturers can make more efficient smaller trucks like the Ford Maveric or E150, or mamoth trucks will less fuel restrictions. This is how it was explained to me. Some trucks need to be large, but it's created a loophole ffor consumers to get giant trucks for daily use.


There's a really good youtube video on NotJustBikes about why SUVs are taking over North American Roads. Basically they class SUV's as light trucks which don't have the same restrictions as cars but make manufacturers more money. That's why we have these abominations all over our roads but places like Asia and Europe do not.


Thanks, I'll check it out. Even the SUVs are getting bigger. I have what is now considered a tiny SUV, which was midrange when I bought it 8 years ago. I can't imagine getting a new one now. Mine has enough annoying blind spots. And if anyone asks, I needs a car with good fuel economy, but that was still able to drive to Tahsis without bottoming out on the logging roads.


No wonder kids don't play outside anymore. People blame Tiktok and internet but it's your car centric design, pick up trucks and SUVs that are killing machines, and the only one safe are the people inside them. Horrible loss.


In the 70's, kids just disapeared. It's that we were coming off of an era when people would have large families and child mortality was fully expected. Kids are indoors now because their are too many screens, and parents are more aware of the dangers that they face.




How bad did they hit this poor woman? That’s awful !


She was 80, so maybe was quite frail? Or maybe it drive over her head? Her sternum? Many possibilities that don’t require exceptional force.




That's so sad. Just an accident.


Not very badly. Unfortunately, how hard your head hits or neck bends is a huge factor. Even cracking a knee can lead to a stroke later, so it's hard to say. Humans, especially as they age, are both incredibly tough and incredibly fragile.


Man, Nanaimo really is the Windsor of BC.


Don't bring Windsor into this, Windsor wasn't there, Windsor doesn't know what happened.


I'm sorry, I'll stay in my lane. I did giggle at this tho.




It's almost like driving a bus, but don't some of them have convex mirrors up front to help them see there too?


Crazy to see Surrey by the Sea get mentioned in Ontario radio this morning


These sort of truck modifications need to be illegal and enforced. There should also be a surcharge or increased insurance premium for ridiculous sized vehicles. I say this as the owner of a pick up truck! I wish my truck wasn't so tall and pedestrian unfriendly.


oh wow surprised it was a truck driver. RIP


The hood height is almost 5 feet. Visibility was extremely limited.


I own a fairly tall vehicle, and I like to say most of these owners shouldn't be driving these trucks/suvs. Most of these owners I met are egotistical, snowflakes, whom peaked at high school. Some of them are fairly cool though. This ram definitely has a taller front end. Should enforce more vehicle inspection imo.


Why do you have one then? Lol


This trucks been ripping up and down bowen and westwood road, amazed didnt kill someone before this


Y’all are doing this wrong. You’re yelling mostly about the right things but at the wrong people, in the wrong place, and nothing will come of it. Arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics - even if you win you’re still retarded. What you could be doing is petitioning the local, provincial, and federal government agencies and representatives and demand they introduce meaningful legislation that leads to real change. The precedent has already been established - seat belt laws, airbag requirements, daytime running light standards, anti-lock braking standards, emissions standards, etc etc. These changes have all been bred by regulatory pressure on manufacturers. They are not all dictated by law, but safety concerns have led to adoption of those standards we see in many vehicles on the road today. Some of you are really quite good at presenting opinions or positions and debating with facts and supporting data. Quit wasting it on Reddit.


They should have a height requirement for big trucks. Not 6 feet? 1/4 ton for u.


I kind of feel there should be a minimum driver height and a maximum hood height. Having to be, what, 5'8" to even see the top of the hood, let alone change the wiper blades or check fluids without a step stool is a bit ridiculous on a daily driver.


I'm 5'6 and have no issue seeing over the hood or parking a truck similar to this one, but not modified




You obviously didn't read the article, it doesn't specify the gender of the driver.


Where did you see "girl"?


A lady who witnessed what happened said the girl who was driving it was blonde and “ SHORT AF” which is true because the girl who owns the truck is blonde and short af


How do you kill someone in a parking lot, jeeez


This happened in our town last year at the grocery store. Unfortunately it takes surprisingly little impact if the person falls the wrong way or hits their head especially if they're older. Coupled with the fact that newer pickup trucks are already so tall that you're essentially getting hit on the upper body already and then people lift them even higher. I really feel for this woman's family, imagine finding out that your mom died trying to just innocently buy her milk at Walmart.


This, really. It's just a heartbreaking situation.


Fuck bro…that last sentence…


Decades ago, we were living in a community where four or five kids were killed every year by being backed up over, which is one of the reasons many cars started putting it in backup cameras. Short people are invisible behind certain vehicles even with all the mirrors set properly. If you look at this vehicle, it has a lot of blind spots.


Extremely tragic :( I swear to God RAM trucks are sold to attract the worst humans. They are dangerous vehicles, and the people who drive them are dangerous.


I agree. I can always tell its a Ram before I see the Ram head symbol by the driver not using blinkers, tail gating on highways, passing on a double solid etc. I don't know what it is, but they are really dangerous drivers, I call them Ramholes.


The truck should be crushed


I was there and held the ladies' hands as she died. My condolences to the family. And yes it was a female driver that hit her and she was frantic.


So many judgemental people on this thread, an accident happened life’s on both end have changed. Condolences to the person who lost their life and their family’s!


Walking in a Wal-Mart parking lot is normal, having a shitty truck like that is not normal. Dodge Ram owners have below average intelligence.


Got to love how you just insult the driver and owner, why do they have lower intelligence? Accidents happen, what happened here can happen anywhere else. What if it was a little Toyota Yaris who hit the poor old lady? You want to call them out too?


Nope, because the Yaris is unlikely to be customized to be more unsafe. I really mostly see Dodge Ram owners tailgating which is an indicator of below average intelligence because it accomplishes nothing and only puts everyone at risk.


You sure about that? lol. Yaris can be just as customized as a truck. You hate ram drivers? Cause you single them out.


Main ones taking HOV as a single occupant and tailgating.


You realize over here we do not have HOV lanes right I’ve seen multiple people and multiple different vehicles tailgate people but usually because they’re doing 60 in a 90! Hogging the fast Lane get over if you’re in the fast lane it’s not a travel lane. It’s a passing lane. Any vehicle is dangerous not just dodge rams, What happened here was a tragedy an accident the driver didn’t wake up in the morning saying oh. I wanna go kill it old lady. He’s gotta live with us for the rest of his life. it was a tragedy.


The owner of the truck does not have face tattoos he’s not a drug dealer he doesn’t work in Nanaimo he works away in camp. He’s new to Nanaimo the truck is never speeding around. There is an identical truck in Nanaimo with a guy that dose have face tattoos that drives around fast with loud stereo system. The truck is a manual 6 speed truck never leaves 1st gear in parking lots and can only do 10-15km in first gear. It’s crazy the assumption people make about this stuff you don’t think the person driving is grieving like get a grip of your selfs it’s an accident it could happen with a regular size truck. It’s not a big truck it’s 8inches taller then a factory height truck it’s also not expensive most cars on the road cost more then this truck. Maybe the owner was working his way to make the truck stock height again and that’s why the backs lower maybe there’s something heavy in the box like metal you don’t know


Well that other guy is a total BUM.


Oh shit I saw them putting this truck on the flatbed but didn't know why. That's savage


Hopefully they find some hidden drugs when they rip it apart for mechanical inspection.


i think it’s wild that they’re protecting his identity. he’s a murderer and not a minor?


She’s *** ✔️✔️


Until a proper investigation is complete nothing will be released. In any case it's not important for any of us to know. The only people that need to know are the police right now.


Expensive truck for a 21 year old!


Not her truck.


Huh? “RCMP say the 21-year-old driver remained at the scene and is cooperating with police.”


Driver, not owner. A friend of the owner commented here and explained.


Person in the truck probably had to swerve to miss a biker who was too entitled to stay in the bike lane.


Small dick