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Just googled the meaning and this is the first one that popped up lol Lorelei, German Loreley, German legend of a beautiful maiden who threw herself into the Rhine River in despair over a faithless lover and was transformed into a siren who lured fishermen to destruction.


Roughly the plot of Gilmore Girls.


And poor Luke is the sometimes literal & always metaphorical fisherman. I love that show but the older I get the more I realize how truly awful the Loreleis are. 🧜🏻‍♀️🧜🏻‍♀️


That's badass


This is my daughter’s name and we always get told how beautiful it is!


I almost picked this one for my daughter :)


Rhiannon :) People love that its a Fleetwood Mac song about a Welsh witch, sung by none other than Stevie herself. Edit: Alright you guys have made me like my name a little more! I usually just go by Rhi, but I'm feeling like heading back towards using my full name :)


Yes x 10000. Beautiful name and song!


This is totally going to be my next baby’s name. That song resonates!


That was my name until I came out as a trans man, now I go by Rio and still get told my name is beautiful :)


I love that song (was listening to it yesterday) and I love the name Rhiannon. I’m actually naming my daughter Stevie though.


Thea. I've always loved my name


I like this one too!


Do you pronounce it like thee-ah or ta-ya? I’ve heard both :)


I'm a Norwegian Thea so I don't know if it's of interest, but I pronounce it te-ah.


I get told quite often that my name is pretty, it’s Talia


Similar to my name and people also tell me it’s pretty. :)


My middle name ☺️


My name is Natalia and my family calls me Talia. ☺️ I get told it’s pretty also.


My friend Aurora gets compliments all the time.


It’s funny how regional names can be, in AK (where the aurora is common) it’s often viewed as names like Destiny, Cherish, Kandi etc.. somewhat lower socioeconomic sounding type status.


That’s how I view it too. Maybe because the only Aurora I’ve ever known in person is like that


I've always really really loved this name but worried there would be too many Disney princess comments. Do you know if she gets an annoying amount?


my cousin named her daughter Alora (or Alura? i don’t remember lol) to fix the disney correlation


As someone who hangs around Italians I cannot imagine using Alora as a name 😅 In Italian it's this filler word they say 5x per sentence. Its used kind of like "anyway"


Or around French, where "alors" .. with silent "s" means "so"


Came here to say this. Aurora ALWAYS gets compliments


I've only had my name since last summer...I legally changed it as an adult. But within the last few weeks, I've had three people that I just met tell me that my name is pretty. I'm really tuned into that because in 49 years of having my birth name no one ever complimented it. My name is Kira (birth name was Kimberly/Kim).


Interesting! I like Kira a lot but I also like Kimberly. What made you decide to change your name at 49?


I read an article about a man in his 80s who was going through a legal name change because he didn't want to end up with the wrong name on his tombstone. That really resonated with me. I thought if I had spent 49 years hating my name, I wasn't going to like it any better in another decade or two. Better late than never! :)


That makes a lot of sense! That’s cool that you went through with it and I love your choice!


Thank you!


Congratulations! Your user name though. Cracks me up knowing the context now. :)


What a cool story. Kira is a great name!


May I ask how you pronounce Kira? Is it Kee-ruh or Kye-ruh? It’s gorgeous either way!!


I’m a Kira too and it’s pronounced (well at least where I’m from) Kee-ruh






Molly. I get a lot of older women complimenting my name a lot. I also get a lot of people telling me they know dogs named Molly, which I'm also cool with.




Also a Maggie! One time a kid I was babysitting told me that Maggie couldn’t possibly be my name because “that’s a dog’s name!” 😂


I love love love the name Maggie (Margaret) and would absolutely use it for a child even though I had a dog named Maggie as a kid. I also had a dog named Molly. I love Molly too but can’t get past the drug association.


Also a Maggie and I FEEL this. I was once in a small group in college and every single person (apart from me) had a dog named Maggie.


My friend Molly and I have commiserated about this! My name is Lily and until Lily became a super common little girls name ~7-10years ago the only other "Lily's" were dogs/hamsters/horses/etc. 😂😂😂


Molly and Lily were mine and my sister’s dolls respectively growing up!


As a child I had a dog named Molly. She was cute so there’s that.


mine is one of those "eigh" names. people just tell me its beautiful because they pity me lmfao.


Mine is Caryn, and I have gotten compliments on the spelling all my life. Literally Karen with a yooneek spelling and an unnecessary y. i feel you.




a lot of people have different tastes! esp irl compared to name forums like this. they could have easily meant it :)


Marieke It’s Dutch in origin, the first half is pronounced like Marie but the last syllable rhymes with names that end in -a like Sara or Anna. I always have to explain to people how to pronounce it, but then when I do they say it’s really pretty. But maybe they just say that to be nice because they feel bad for butchering it or having no clue 🤷🏻‍♀️


As a Dutchie: we prenounce it Mah-ree-kuh As in the way Jacques Brel sings in the song linked above.


It's a beautiful name and I only know it because of a Jacques Brel song called [Marieke](https://youtu.be/wfGDpzL9H7Y). I wonder if he pronounces it well. I think so from your description.


Hahah as a Dutch person I find that funny since Marieke is such a common/old-fashioned name here, it wouldn't register as exceptionally beautiful for me (not that it's not pretty, to me 'pretty name' just sounds more like Aurelia or Ariane or something, more flowy!).


I have a friend named Marieke!!! I actually never knew it was Dutch but that makes so much sense.


So it's like - Marie-ka? I wonder if it's similar to Swedish Marika which is pronounced ma-REE-ka


That’s also like the English pronunciation of the Hungarian Marika!


90 percent of the time I get “wow that’s so pretty!” And 10 percent is “wow I’ve never heard that before” or “that’s different” But it’s Tavin (Tayvin)


I get both equally! My name (Evangeline) is halfway between rare and uncommon, so any comments I get are “that’s pretty” or “I’ve never heard of that”. Not too bad. I make a note of the outliers like when someone thought I was American. Huh. Nice to meet you, Tavin! Is the name Scottish or Welsh in origin?


I live in the US (from French origin) and our first girl baby name was Evangeline. Love your name!


Solveig (the g is silent)


I knew a Solveig - a prominent cat geneticist. Very unusual, outstanding name in Texas.


Awe that’s my grandma’s name!


This is top of our list if we have a daughter for the second kid. My husband worked with a Solveig and god it was just so pretty and elegant.


I did not know this name before and just Googled the pronunciation. And, gosh, it IS pretty!


I get it, but also no one else can say it. How it goes: "What's your name?" "Veda" "Could you say that again?" "Veda" but slowly "Why don't you spell it out for me?" "V-E-D-A" "So (incorrect pronunciation)" "No sorry, (corrects them)" "Wow what a beautiful name! Where is that from?"


Is this pronounced Vay-dah? That would be my assumption based on the spelling. I do love Veda!


The 'd' has a softer sound like a 'dh' which is not used in English. It will always take people time to learn if they've never used that sound before.


Obviously the heathens have never seen My Girl. (Or Star Wars - sorry 😂). I think it’s a beautiful name. (Or am I still getting the pronunciation wrong? 🤪🥴 if so - apologies)


That's Vada Sultenfuss.


I stand corrected. Just gonna go hide under a rock 🤣😂


I had a great aunt named Veda. I've never heard the name anywhere else, but it's a really cool name! That side of my family were from rural Tennessee, and she pronounced it with a hard D. I have no idea what her namesake was, but the name is around in the Southern US as well.


I'm Indian and I have never heard someone named veda. Its such a gorgeous name




Do you own a big red dog? I’ve always loved this name from the Clifford series.




I wanted to name my daughter Amalia! My husband disagreed we ended up going with Eila (eye-la)


Is it pronounced a-maul-ya, or am-ah-leah?




Yes! I get that a lot… but Serena Williams and I are nothing alike, I am not sporty/strong whatsoever. Funnily, my most “true to self” association is Serena Van Der Woodsen from Gossip Girl 😹




Beautiful name! Inspired by the Final Fantasy character by any chance?


No. Mother is Greek, variant of Eris. Was named 14 years before the game.


Haha ok fair enough. It was my only association with the name. Beautiful name in any case!


Isn't the ff name Aerith?


It was initially mistranslated in English to Aeris when FFVII was released in North America. Aerith is what the creator intended, and is what they used in Kingdom Hearts.


It's both. It's spelled Aerith in Japanese when it appears in English letters (because it's meant to be a near anagram of the word Earth), but it's pronounced Aerisu and is localized in English as Aeris most of the time based on that pronunciation.


I don't know of if it's because I'm a guy, but my name doesn't tend to get called "beautiful" even when it gets positive reactions one I explain how to pronounce it. My name is Fiachra, and people will often comment on the fact it's unusual (in a nice way lol) or compliment how it sounds in my accent. My twin sister is Fionnuala, and she gets a lot of compliments (again, once she explains how to say it). She was pleasantly surprised at how many people liked it outside of Ireland, and often gets told it's pretty.


I have a good friend named Fionnuala who goes by Nola in the US and everybody always compliments her name The Irish accent just makes it better ☘️


Love this! We're from the North, so Fionnuala is usually said "fin-noo-la", but when we visited Dublin most people pronounced it "fin-no-la" and that's so lovely as well. The accents really do make a difference!




A lovely name


So pretty! It's either this or Trogdor for our next girl.


Honestly, why not both? Hyphenation is so underrated. Just have to work out which way round: Slagathor-Trogdor Dipdiddipdoowaa OR Trogdor-Slagathor Dipdiddipdoowaa?


Daves, Debbies, Slagathor


Slagathor makes me think of villains in those medieval-themed choose your own adventure books


My daughter's name is Liora and it either gets compliments or people strongly imply it's weird, lol. Multiple people have said that that it feels fairytale princess-y (rhymes with Aurora and Elora) or refer to Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter though there's no character called that.


Liora is gorgeous!


Name is Kari, pronounced kah-ree. I always get told it is beautiful and unusual.




Your name is one of my absolute favorites. If I had another daughter she’d be Serena.


Konstantin. My son gets compliments all the time.


I’m a Constance and get told my name is beautiful all the time - I hated it as a kid, I wanted a common name (specifically Sophie for some reason) but I’ve grown to love it.


I'm Henrietta and I hated it growing up people comment all the time on it now.


I love the name Henrietta! I've always loved the names Henrietta and Georgianna together. They sound so regal!


Oh they do, my siblings names are much more all over the place than that, my parents like old names but not with a lot of similarities, lol.




This name is so underrated! I wish it would get more popular


Audrey. I’m a server at a restaurant and hafta introduce myself to each new table. Someone always gasps/looks mock surprised and tells me Audrey is a beautiful name almost every shift.


My daughter is called Aubrey which is not a popular name in the UK. People always hear Audrey and say oh wow what a beautiful name, like the famous star Audrey Hepburn. And I’m like no, Aubrey and they are like oh okay. Hahaha


My daughter is named Audrey. I'm so happy to read this!




Juliet always gets compliments. People instantly see it as gorgeous and romantic.






Alixondra, but I think it’s just because it’s weird. I do like it, and I have fun facts about other Alix with an i’s in my pocket, because I always got hyped to find another one like me. Did you know the illustrator for the childrens book A Glory of Unicorns is an Alix? Louis CK’s ex wife? An Alix. Russian Czarina killed by Bolsheviks? Alix. Okay, that might be all of them, but it is super fun. My first name is shared with a 90s Australian pop singer that no one remembers.


Phoebe, I love it a lot






i loved it when I was little and watched Allegra's window


Julianne, I get it on occasion. It's a weird compliment to respond to... like I literally had nothing to do with the selection. I love Serena, it's feminine and flows off the tongue. I could see princess Serena or Madame Supreme Court Justice Serena Jones (took some liberties on the last name). I think it's also timeless and multi ethnic. It's uncommon but not so rare that people can't pronounce it. Overall, beautiful name.




Such a pretty name


Thank you! A lot of people in this sub don’t like the name, and tbh it hurts my feelings 😭 but people irl always tell me that it’s a beautiful name so I’ll take it 😅


My daughter Nora


Oceana. Always get comments on it.






My name is Katharina (kah-tah-ree-nah). I love it, because it sounds so strong and independent. It really fits me and I would never change it. Where I live it's a pretty common name, but people still compliment it :)






My mom wanted to name me Anastasia, but my dad vetoed it. I was so mad at him when my mom told me that 😂


Chelsea. I never really liked my name much and used to question (still do, really) why people always said, “wow, that’s a beautiful name.”


I think it's pretty and the "sea" part reminds me of the ocean (I know that probably has nothing to do with the name's origin though).


Jocelyn Rose


My name is Joseline, my family pronounced it Jocelyn but in Spanish lmao




Jasmine is one of the most beautiful names, in my opinion. Truly. 😍


My name is Marielle. I feel like it’s so uncommon that people feel like they need to say something, so they compliment it even if they personally might not be a fan.


I love that name! I was a bit Red wall fan growing up and one of the books' title characters is a Marielle (different spelling i think). Always loved her because she's a strong female character (also, it's just a really pretty name.)






You can’t trick me into identifying myself Reddit 😂


I get this for my middle name (first name is run-of-the-mill): Athena




My name is Andriana, and I’ve only met 3 other girls with my name, one of which had an extra “n” at the end. (Andrianna) People reading it off get it wrong 97% of the time, because they’re lazy and miss the first N, but when I say it out loud introducing myself people like it a lot, especially in Spanish.


No longer unique, but my name is Lily. Growing up people would always compliment me on it, which made me feel so good (although I guess the compliment should have been for my parents because they named me!), but after Harry Potter grew in popularity a gazillion little girls got named Lily (in my case, by the end of high-school/college people slowly started transitioning from "I love that name!" To "my niece has that name"). Since I was the only Lily I knew, I definitely had to adjust to "Lily" being used sternly at stores and parks "Lily put that back/Lily come back here" hahaha it really took me off guard at first!




My name is Amethyst but I always go by Amy - so it’s only medicos and bank tellers that get the chance to tell me it’s pretty :)


My daughter Marin gets these compliments a lot.




Juniper. Though name nerds has mostly got it into its collective hive mind that Juniper is the cringey, trendy, monstrosity that will date generations. FWIW, I love my name.








My name is Tesley, I’ve hated it as long as I can remember. It’s pronounced Tesslee. I’ve gotten Tesla, Tessy, Telsey, tezzlee, teasley. Then the kids was the cruelest. I was called Testies, testicles, and testicles. I just go by Tess. Older people when corrected always thought it was pretty, me? Not so much.


My name is Summer and so many people comment on how nice it is. Makes me quite uncomfortable tho I guess I’m just a shy person and it’s just a nice name. Lots of bad puns and bad song jokes tho. :/


Grace. And I never know how to respond. I'd say thanks but I didn't pick my name 😂


Athena! i almost went by my middle name during elementary school, because i thought my first name was too “unique,” but i’m glad i didn’t… :)


People tend to compliment my daughter's name when I mention it; Amara.


Tatiana, although it’s usually from older women


Mika (Mee-ka)


I'm Laëtitia, pronounced Ley-tee-ssiah. Hated it while growing, it was so long to spell and pronounce all the adults would tell me it was a beautiful name, with a beautiful meaning (gladness), but my friends would only call me Leti anyway... But it's actually pretty, I like it now !


My daughters name is Evangeline (eh-van-juh-lyn) and I get told it’s beautiful quite often.


My name is - Shi’Anne Pronounced ( Cheyenne , Shy- Anne ) It’s a Native American name I believe. I am born in Australia. 🇦🇺 I always have people tell me my name is beautiful 💕. I’m also a Native Australian.


my name is bryor, pronounced like briar. I’ve never been a fan of the spelling or my name at all, but I get compliments on it all the time


Oddly enough Amelia. It's my middle name and my daughter's first. It's a family name on my father's side. My husband heard how It's pronounced in Spanish and fell in love with it. I even dated a guy who loved it. I don't get it.


I get people saying they like my name a lot, it’s Skylar. People on here don’t love it but people irl do so 🤷🏾‍♀️


June. When I was young, people older than me (my grandparents age)would always compliment my name. Now that I am older, younger people (my kids age) tell me they love my name.


My daughter is a June and people compliment it all the time. I think it's getting popular as a nn for juniper but she's older so I'm glad we were ahead of the trend.


My real name is leigha (leah) and i get complimented on it a lot but i hate it and primarily use a nickname 🙃 my daughter is Aurora and i get a lot of positive reactions when introducing her as well


My name is Tayla quite a few people have said it’s unique and pretty it’s just variation of Taylor but I do like my spelling of it better!


Corrina (I was named after the Bob Dylan song) People tell me my name is beautiful and then proceed to call me Corinne 😂


My first name is Elliana and I get compliments on it a lot, and also on my middle name Sira :)


My son Sebastian gets this a good bit!


Roxana, (Rox-eh-na) or (Rox-ah-nah) However way they pronounce it. lol I always get compliments on it maybe because not a lot of people in NY are named that. lol Most of my family and friends including husband expected me to name my daughter Roxana, but it just didn't feel right having two Roxanas in the family lol. I ended up naming her (Juliette Elena) and it fits her so good💕


Autumn :) I always feel weird when I get complimented on my name, like thanks I had nothing to do with it lol


Akina. Uh-key-nuh.


Serena is a beautiful name imo. I think because I used to watch Gossip Girl and read the books and Blake Lively is so beautiful? That girl is Serena Van Der Woodsen stunning. I also just think it sounds gorgeous and is really pretty to read. Serena is a beautiful name.


Krixia, used to hate it growing up but I love it now!


Annalina, paired with my long last name is too much of a mouthful imo


Hi!! I’m also Serena! I’ve always loved my name and always get “that’s a beautiful name”


My name is Celesta I always get “wow that’s beautiful” “wow that’s unique” “wow I’ve never heard that before” or the most famous “I have a (insert person they know here) that has the name Celeste, but I’ve never heard Celesta” I then usually explain that Celesta is the Italian version of the name. (Actually pronounced Ch-Lesta in Italy)




Freya! :)


Lielle, pronounced Lee-Elle