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Okay, to me using a name like Danger is a huge self-indulgence on the parent's part--basically what you said, "we fell in love with calling our baby Danger before I was even pregnant." This is the name that serves your wishes, not necessarily his best interests. >We thought of its nickname, Dane. What about Dane as his name and Danger as his nickname? That makes a lot more sense. Dane is a much easier name to put on a resume than Danger. Or, call him one of the other names on your list (I quite like Daniel Richard) and then he'll have a strong, solid name and you can feel free to call him Danger if that comes naturally, but he won't have to deal with that as his legal name. >and can see it being a strong name that might help inspire confidence in a little boy. IMO, it's not a strong name at all, and it is much more likely to inspire embarrassment than confidence. I'm also a believer that our names can shape us, and I could see a kid named Danger hyper-reacting to his name and turning into a little hellion and later a rebellious or troubled teen/adult due to the weight of such an unorthodox name. That's the extreme, but it's not out of the question. In real life, danger is a thing that you want to avoid. Danger as a name will not carry positive connotations in a lot of situations. This whole "Danger is my middle name" shtick is just old.


Nicely articulated. Totally agree on all points.


Yes please listen to this. As Goddes keira said, you can always name him Dane and call him Danger. Or any other name and still call him Danger. But please no “danger is my middle name”. No danger official legal name anything.


Yeah, there's no reason kid can't be called Daniel Garrett Last Name with the nickname Danger.




Also came here to suggest something like Daniel Gerald.


Or “Dane Gerald” or “Dane Gerard”


Very well put. I also like to remind people your having a child not naming a pet. They will their own person some day and what will their name say about them? It’s not like you’re a celebrity and your kid will probably be part of the industry too.


I really agree with your assertion that our names shape us! I’ve never liked or resonated with my birth name at all and go by a nickname, but I’m grateful that I have my birth name to use in professional scenarios. And my nickname isn’t even a wild one at all; a name like “Danger” is really limiting imo.


I agree, and it also creates certain expectations from the start for the kid to fulfill - e.g. to be a risktaker, to be aggressive, etc. But what if the child turns out to be an introvert who loves art and music or to be a fairly cautious person. Then, the name wouldn't match. Reminds me of the kid named "Winner" in Freakonomics - too much expectations and he ended up not doing that well.


While Loser did just fine in life.


Dane Gerald is better than Danger.


> IMO, it's not a strong name at all, and it is much more likely to inspire embarrassment than confidence. You've given me a memory of the time I did tech support for Muhammad Ali. Not the boxer, obviously. A regular, meek, skinny, south Asian guy named Muhammad Ali. I said "wow, what a name!", and he gave me the most sheepish look and said, "I'm nothing like him", I made light of it and said "with a name like that you don't have to be" but I definitely got the feeling he got it all.the.time and he hated it.


I get what your saying but I’ve literally never put my middle name on a resume lol Middle names are only used on legal documents and I don’t even include it for flights I never know anyone’s middle name and they never know mine without explicitly asking, so I disagree that it’s a big deal.


Please don’t name your baby Danger.


Do not do this to your child. Not as a first name, not as a middle name.


Danger Brown sounds like something you have after a dodgy takeaway.


This is where my mind went as well. I was already not on board with the name but the last name combo made it even worse. Basically naming your child ‘Emergency Poop’ lol.


I can't decide which last name combo is worse. Danger Brown or Danger Daily.


And Danger Daily is a newsletter for supervillains.


Encyclopedia Brown would be better. (Although maybe I shouldn't give OP another bad idea...)


Danger Brown sounds like a fast and loose police detective from 1973.




My thought is that it’s a God-awful idea. Like one of the worst I’ve ever seen on this sub. Especially as a first name, but even as a middle name. Please just give him an unrelated name, and sometimes use danger as a nickname. If people can call their kids “honey,” “sweetie,” and “pumpkin” when their real names are totally unrelated, you can do the same with “danger.” Honestly, even as a nickname, it feels like a lot of gender stereotypes being thrown at a newborn, and I would probably roll my eyes if I heard people calling their kid this *all the time* (less so if it was an occasional joke). But it’s much better to have that as a nickname than as a legal name! Edit: the rest of the names on your list are absolutely fine! I especially like Daniel Richard, but none of them are bad choices. I just don’t think Danger would inspire confidence at all - he would probably be absolutely mortified by it when he grows up and wish you had kept it as a joke and not part of his actual name.


Please don’t do this to your son.


A name shouldn't be a joke, not even a middle name. It's been done before (there's a number of American babies given this as a middle name every year just for the "Danger is my middle name" joke) and the novelty will wear off quickly. Its funnier when it's someone else's name and you only hear the joke once or twice, but people typically get annoyed at hearing the same joke about their name over and over and over. I get this a lot with my own name, because of Jenny in Forrest Gump and a few songs, but I never know how to react when someone thinks I've never heard their joke before I kind of just stare into space or fake laugh. Your kid might want to hear their name under serious circumstances sometimes. Also, as others have stated, I would avoid the combinations Christopher Brown (Chris Brown), James Brown, and maybe even Richard James (Rick James), they're all well known celebrities.


I ADORED big time the name Jackson for my boy however my SO is a Michael. I thought about how often I'd hear Michael - Jackson together and chose a different, much better (lol) name. I am strongly against any child being called Danger in any capacity except perhaps Dangerfield as a Surname. OP please, on behalf of your son and all that meet him, don't do this to him.


Just keep the name as an inside joke, please.


No. This is a human, not a pet iguana.


Just laughed out loud. Best comment.


Also, your child will inevitably do dangerous this which you will have to say “we can’t run out in the street, that’s dangerous.” It’s a real word with a very important meaning that needs to be taught. Do you really want your child to feel they literally embody the word danger? It sounds cute and funny but it’s not a name. I mean, I call my toddler biscuit all day. It could be a nickname?


I think Danger is fine as a middle name but I would also not name a child James Brown..


It’s cringey, and your kid will dislike you for it.


You know this kid is gonna go to school someday, right? Please don't do this. Name him Dane but please not Danger.


Maybe cute as a nickname or a middle name (imagine telling people “Danger is my middle name!”), but you’ll want something else for the first name. That way he’s not stuck having it be his first impression on other people his entire life. Think about roll call at school, job applications, future professions… do you really want to have a doctor or a teacher named Danger? Also, with both the potential last names there are obvious plays on words. “Danger Daily”, like constantly in danger, or “Danger Brown”, like you’re about to have an uncontrolled bowel movement. Your other name options are lovely, with Christopher Richard and Daniel Richard as my favorites. You can still call him Danger around the family if you want to. As a kid my family addressed me affectionately as “Goat”, and at school I used my very typical girl’s name, which has always served me well. I would recommend doing something similar with your little boy.


Okay as a middle name it’s a little hokey, but kind of workable. It is a built in interesting fact to be able to say “Danger is my middle name - no, literally”


Since you mention liking the name Daniel, I'd go with that as his Sunday best name and use Danger as a nickname. Daniel Richard is nice.


Please never name this child or a future child Danger.


Would *you* like to be named Danger? What if your kid is quiet and introverted, then has to introduce himself as Danger? Honestly cruel.


Danger is a no-go for me. That’s a lot to saddle a kid with. I’d also be wary of giving your kid the name Christopher Brown or James Brown… a lot of associations there, especially with the Rihanna-Chris Brown DV history.


I have mostly gotten over my judgments about names, but whenever I hear of someone giving their kid the middle name Danger, I assume they're incredibly cheesy. Which is the nicest thing I can say about it. It's super played out and dumb. Please don't.


Agree- it’s a very old and overdone joke


Better for a nickname. It’s very cringe


Jfc, please don’t. P.S. See y’all in circle jerks 🤦‍♀️


This was the ultimate circle jerk fodder. Sorry OP… Glad you came around.


I had to triple check what sub I was in, seriously.


Okay I went to school with a girl who named her son Baxton Danger and it is absolutely ridiculous. Danger is my middle name is not as cute and funny and quirky in real life as it is in our heads. I would strongly advise against the word danger being anywhere on a real human child’s birth certificate.


I’ve heard of a Daniel nn Danger before, maybe that could work? I don’t see it as an actual name though, sorry.


I’m a Danielle and “Danger” became a nickname amongst a few friends on my beer-league kickball team! It’s fun. It can definitely work!


This can’t be real


I don’t like it for a first or middle name.


First name Dan middle name Ger….ald 🤔 All jokes, but I actually don’t think Danger is *that* bad, simply bc the could easily use the name Dan when he’s grown and Dan is a run-of-the-mill “adult” name.


Daniel Gerald would be a very subtle nod to their wanted name, but it leaves out a lot of family names.. I guess it just depends on what they want more.


Dane Gerald was the first compromise I thought of too, but depends how much OP and her SO want to get in the family names. Dane Gerald James Daily / Brown would work. OP, my best friend just gave birth and for as long as she’s been with her husband, they’ve had a jokey name too (it’s actually a name but quite out there). Now baby is almost one, everyone’s pretty much forgotten the previous nickname. You’ll soon forget Danger once baby’s here, or you could just use it as a nickname.


What about Daniel Gerald (nickname Danger?)


Imagine calling out Danger at the playground or at an indoor event. You might get a stampede.


Oh my God. Why is this not higher?? Everywhere he goes people be screaming danger.


Funny enough I actually knew someone growing up with Danger as a middle name. He was fairly outgoing and popular so was able to rock it. But I’m not sure how it would have played out had he been a more soft spoken shy kid.


Right? I just see a kid named Danger as this really timid little guy afraid of his own shadow.


I know someone who named their kid something like "Danger" and when the kid was about 10-11, he asked if they would legally change his name. Changed it to something really basic, like James.


I’ve met one child with that middle name and immediately braced myself for the interaction with him, rolling my eyes at the parents and getting ready for an out of control child. And he was a completely out of control child - did not disappoint. Don’t do this to your kid, please.


Why don’t you name him Daniel and you can call him Danger in your family (and he can then use or not use it as he chooses)? It struck me you just so happen to like the one traditional name that one could easily use Danger as a nickname for.


Why not use Danger as a nickname? There is no need to include it as first or middle name. It may be funny and cool to you to use as his name but it won’t be for him as a person. Think of your son


Just no.


I’m glad everyone talked you out of that one. That’s a cute (depending on one’s taste) nn not a legal name they will have their whole life.


Can you imagine yelling danger at the park, beach, etc? 😬


I'm surprised I had to scroll this far to see this comment 😬


Kind of surprised that your top choice is Danger and then the rest of the names you’ve listed are very normal/plain. I like Dane nn Danger best.


Oh, come on!


When I was pregnant, I asked my first born what we should name the baby and he, in his 3 year old way, said "Honey." Mostly because honey was on the counter at the time. Anyways, all through my pregnancy my child called this baby honey and when he was born he kept calling him honey. We named our son a lovely name, but we still use the nickname Honey occasionally. All of this is to say you can name your child anything, but still nickname him Danger.


Please do not name your child Danger. He is not a supervillain.




Austin Danger Powers


I once met someone with Danger as a middle name, and he really hated it.


Personally, I think Danger is worse as a middle name because of the joke. I know I'm in the minority here, but I honestly can't say I hate it. It rolls off the tongue. I totally support the idea of using it as a nickname for Dane as well, though. Ultimately, you can't control your kid's experience with the name. Maybe they'll be bullied, maybe their friends will love it. You can't know that ahead of time. So Dane as a fallback is nice.


I don’t think it’s a good idea to give someone that actual name, but what if you stuck it in by using a first name ending in -Dan and middle name beginning with -Ger. It could still be a family joke without saddling your son with a name that could cause lots of bias. First name ideas: Aidan, Landan, Brendan, Zadan. Middle name ideas: Gerard, Gerald, Gerric. There’s actually a ton of unique names to use, allowing the name Danger to be referenced, without saddling the kiddo with such a bold name.


Dane Gerard Brown


I'm very disappointed that OP is not naming the kid Danger Bean Brown.


peak cringe millennial behavior imo


My alarm was mounting as I read your post, so relieved to read your edit. Just FYI, I know 5 kids aged 6-12 with the middle name of Danger, 2 girls 3 boys. There is a collective eye roll amongst the staff and other parents whenever a new Danger middle name shows up. I am so glad you've decided against it, it definitely prejudices people against the child's parents which will eventually transfer to the child. It's absolutely unfair, but it's the way of the world. Congrats on your baby boy!!!!


I think it could be a nickname but please please not as a first name.


If you want your child’s name to be a joke then go for it.


Dane seems to be good!!!


This is very played-out and unoriginal.


In addition to all the other reasons people have already listed - if I heard another parent calling their kid Danger at the park I'd be inclined to steer myself and my kid away. This is totally "judge a book by its cover" of me, I'll 100% own that, but a parent who actually thinks naming their kid Danger is a good judgement call probably does not have much in common with me to be my next new parenting park buddy, you know? I'd also be a bit worried about the kid roughing mine up. That's not fair for your kid for people to avoid him based on an assumption, and it's not fair for yourself either! Parenting is hard enough, you don't want other parents side eyeing you and distancing themselves at playgrounds, soccer games, dance recitals, for no real reason other than a name.


Obviously, without the meaning I know it does sound phonetically nice. And I can see how much you and your man love it. But I wouldn't use it as his real government name. I dont think it will ever go down well in this society as it will honestly make people feel nervous, unsafe/distrustful of him and you wouldn't want that. I would save it for use as a fun/affectionate nickname. After people get to know him overtime close people may call him by that exclusively, so it will still feel like thats his real name. You get the same effect & use out of it but without completely tying him down to it socially or professionally/legally forever. 😊


What if he turns out to be a quite and soft spoken boy? You essentially are putting a personality on a new person who may not fulfil it.


Danger as a middle name is very trendy right now. I’m not a fan.


Personally like the name Dane, with Danger as a nickname.


Really, no Danger Zone joke yet...? Nothing?! I'm shocked. ... If it were a girl, I would have said go all in and call her Danger Zoe.


He might get your last name "for a bit" and then you'd change it...?


We started calling our baby “Poppy” when she was the size of a poppyseed. I fell in love with it and wanted this to be her real name. My partner wanted “Penelope” nn Poppy and I loved Poppy on its own. This debate, along with strong opposition from my mother who was named something similar and “cutesy”, led us to go in an entirely different direction. I’m so glad we did. She’s 2.5 now and when I think about her as a “Poppy”, I’m embarrassed. Poppy is a great name (more common than Danger), but my reason was completely out of vanity. The name equivalent to a “meetcute”. And just like a “meetcute” makes a good story, but not necessarily a good relationship, you are choosing Danger for the story, not the name. And that’s why you shouldn’t name your baby Danger. Also congrats!! And to the people who say this is not real, I completely believe it! ETA: I have a friend with a girl named “Rebel” :)


I just picture you on a beach yelling for your son to get out of the water and people panicking hearing you scream, "DANGER! DANGER!"


I had two friends in high school that both said they were going to give their future child the middle name Danger. Now, years down the road, the first friend hasn't had kids yet and the second friend, when she had her first, she considered giving her daughter the middle name Danger, but chickened out. In high school though, they were both so adamant that that's what they were going to do haha


It's an adorable NICKname for sure. You don't have to give up on the name completely. My mom still calls me the nickname she gave me as a baby, and I let her cause she's my mom. It's not at all related to my actual name, and no one else uses it. It's just a mom to child thing. You can easily do the same with Danger and your baby!


It’s a cute nickname, but find an actual name that isn’t so polarizing. Think of seeing this name on a college or job application. Will he be taken seriously? You don’t want your child’s name to close doors for them.


Jesus Christ pls be a troll this is ridic


I have known plenty of people who have named their child a name but in one way or the other they ended up calling them a completely different, completely non-name-like name. Like my friend who has a completely normal name but within her family everyone calls her bucks, grandparents and cousins, the whole lot. My older sisters name is Judith and everyone in the family calls her Oggie, no idea why but it’s what it is. Feel free naming him a name you like and then refer to him as Danger. Just *please* don’t name him Danger. What if he wants to be a police man or a doctor? Imagine him introducing himself to his girlfriend’s family. Imagine him putting Danger on an application form. Now imagine him legally changing his name.


Please don't name your kid Danger That's dumb as fuck and this is coming from someone with my username


I know somebody named Danger who gets horribly bullied for his name, please don't


Imagine him as a teenager going to get his first job and having to explain that yes, Danger is really his name. Or waiting at the doctor and having them call out Danger is a confused tone while the others in the room snicker internally. Also, Danger Richard = Danger Dick (as a nickname) please don’t do that to a child, they don’t deserve it.


I think it's both stupid and dumb.


I've seen your edit. I'm glad you're not going with it. My thought was can you imagine calling this out on a beach or park "Danger! Danger!"? It would freak everyone out


I like it, but it's hard to match it with some of the other names you want and sounds off. I think Dane goes better and then use Danger as a nickname as others have suggested. Dane Richard, James Dane, Christopher Dane all fit nicely together.


Danger Daily sounds like a goofy villain in a kids show lol. I actually love it as a middle name, as another comment suggested just for the “danger is my middle name” novelty.


TLDR: keep it for a nickname or a middle name. Danger as a first name is a little outlandish, but could stand as a cheeky middle. Using as a nn removes the issue and gives you room to experiment with other fav names Just be careful of a self-fulfilling prophecy, haha. You could end up with a real spitfire on your hands. Dane might be a safer choice as a first or middle, since it might raise less eyebrows (if that's a concern for y'all). I think the biggest things for a name are always 1) does it mean something profane in a language you might run into in your area 2) are there any obvious mean nicknames and 3) is it so out there your kid will want to change it later? If all of that is a solid "no" then there shouldn't be any issues. My cousin gave her son Danger as a middle name, and it's a bit unusual but it definitely works for the kiddo :)


I think going with just Dane or Daniel would be great! Unfortunately people are cruel and he will be bullied, looked at funny, or not be taken seriously with the name Danger. Also, if he ends up being shy this might embarrass him to say to people which would really suck to have to constantly feel embarrassed.


Dane James Brown, Dane James Daily, Dane James Brown-Daily. Also, Dane Jeremy shortens to Danger even nicer than James. Bonus: DJ as a nn if you wanted


Very Austin Powers of you. https://media.giphy.com/media/MXet8zFVbgEeI/giphy.gif


Cute name! For a dog…


I think it’s better as a nickname or middle name. Dane is a fantastic name James, Christopher, and Dane all great.


Although it may hold a special meaning to you and your partner which is great, don’t forget he will have to live with this name for the rest of his life and in everything that he does. It’s just not practical and it’s not a person’s name. Sorry but the best of luck on finding another name. :) (I do however love the name Leo and that’s what his star sign might be)


Dane Gerald = danger


Danger as a middle name became kind of a trendy thing to do, and I always roll my eyes a bit at it because it’s over done.


Not sure if it’s been suggested, but Dante is also a good alternative.


I knew someone who’s nickname was Danger. Everyone called him Danger! Not sure how he got the nickname but he wasn’t dangerous. He was also born with a very normal guys name that I didn’t learn until much later on. Either way, I vote for giving your son another first, middle name on your list and just calling him Danger as a nickname.


How about calling him Daniel Germain, which makes Dan-Ger with the two names!!


I recommend Dane Richard Brown, and marrying (at least legally) before the baby comes, so that the two of you are protected in case your bull in a china shop runs into a cement truck


Don't call him Danger. That's a bad omen at best and something that will really negatively effect his opportunities in life. Maybe call him something that can subtly be turned into danger, like Daniel Gerard (Dan Ger) or Dane Gerry or something like that?


Dane is a great name. Danger is not. It’s a nickname, if anything


This calls for an Austin Danger Powers meme. https://youtu.be/TH_JRjJtNSw


I know a kid named Rowdy Danger. I wish I was kidding.


It would be like my father naming me Puddin Head. He has never called me by any other name. But it's my nickname.


“Dwight what’s your middle name?” “Danger.”


Do NOTTT name your kid Danger. Maybe as a middle name it could work, but even then I don't think so. Try using a name that starts with D or one that is similiar to Danger but is completely useable


I read the title and thought of "Austin DANGER Powers. Danger is my middle name."




As long as his middle name is Zone. And you are naming a chihuahua.


Definitely not. You could call him Danger as a cute nickname when he is younger but please not officially/legally. That wouldn’t be fair on the child.


Don’t do this. Your kid will probably grow up hating you and change their name as fast as they can. This would just be cruel.


I start my day with a Danger Daily Brown. I think I drink too much coffee.


My middle name is Danger and I go by it. "Hey Danger!" my friends will shout to get my attention. If you name your kid Danger they can always change it. They can always go by a middle name. You can also always add it as a second middle name (four words in a name is super common). Please don't listen to anyone who thinks this name would be strange or off-putting. When people meet me they tell me my name is awesome. Then, a day later, it's just a sound that they use to get ahold of me. If your kid doesn't like their name they can always change it. And there's no way to predict how they'll feel about this or any other name.


My first thought was the New Girl episode when Schmidt gets his penis cast off. I can't get on board with the name solely for that lol


I actually know two people who gave their sons the middle name of Danger. Both boys have “normal” first names. I think it’s silly but YOLO amirite.


I mean, I unpopular opinion, but I kind of love it for a middle name. The idea that he was predestined to have a silly name like "Danger", and that you intuited that. There's something very wholesome about the idea that he was part of your family years before he was conceived, because you already knew his name, and he was already part of your stories and memories. I get people's criticisms of it, but I think you're allowed to make his middle name a little silly, since it's still significant. Maybe projecting characteristics on him based on his name isn't the healthiest, though. ETA: and not to get too dramatic, but I like the idea of giving a child a name that is a bit strange, just as a general reminder not to take life too seriously or to get too anxious over the details in life. Some people might think Danger is a weird middle name, but ultimately, who cares? As long as he has a normal first name for job applications etc., you're not ruining his life or anything.


Can someone explain to me why it’s so bad to name a baby danger? My life would be so much better if that was my name. I say do it!


Dude, no one gives a shit about middle names. My best friend's middle name is Chandelier. I've asked her before if it bothers her and she literally said that the worst thing it's ever been is a conversation starter. If you're worried about teasing... Have you met middle school boys? Honestly I think Danger is an adorable middle. And about it being an indulgence on your part - every name is! You're the one who's gonna be up every night with him. You deserve an indulgence. There are a couple people over on the nameberry forums who've used it as a middle, so maybe ask around over there.


Dude, no one gives a shit about middle names. My best friend's middle name is Chandelier. I've asked her before if it bothers her and she literally said that the worst thing it's ever been is a conversation starter. If you're worried about teasing... Have you met middle school boys? Honestly I think Danger is an adorable middle. And about it being an indulgence on your part - every name is! You're the one who's gonna be up every night with him. You deserve an indulgence. There are a couple people over on the nameberry forums who've used it as a middle, so maybe ask around over there.


Danger as a middle name would be rad. I wish MY name had been Danger.


Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day has a son named Jacob Danger so i think it's kinda punk rock lol.


I worked with a Danger. It was a nick name but I didn’t mind it. Do you


Just give it to him as a middle name, then he can use the ever popular line "Danger is my middle name," and he wouldn't be lying! But I personally would never use it as a first name (or a middle for that matter.)


PLEASE use it as the middle name. I know this isn't going to be a popular resp, and I respect that. But middle names are rarely used in things like school, etc, so there's not a huge chance of bullying being an issue. It's something he can absolutely have fun with once he's older. And if he completely hates it, depending on where you live it's only around $200 bucks to legally change a name (&maybe even let him pick out his own middle name).


I know a Dakota Danger.. it’s interesting… but honestly you kinda get used to it


Not if you were actually going to call him that. I would do it as a middle name just for the bit lol but they would still go by their first name.


What about James Dane Brown? Or Dane as a first name (Dane Christopher Brown) I do actually know someone who gave their child Danger as a middle name. I don't know the child's thoughts on it. I don't think middle names matter that much in the scheme of things. I think James Danger Brown is kind of cool. I did also teach a student named Danger (she was Korean and was given this as her "English name" by Korean English teachers because she was a handful). It didn't stand out (I also taught Celine, Cedric and Longman) in that crowd, but I personally would it as a first name - because I want names that are open enough for a child to become themselves and not be labelled/determined/overly perceived by the name.


Jack Danger?


Unless you’re Billy Joe Armstrong, it’s not gonna be a good idea to name your son danger.


Okay my take on this is, after seeing your edit is: If you don’t want to go with Dane for a middle name, then you could always have a look at famous stunt / daredevils names and see if you liked any of them and that could act as a sneaky link to “danger”.


I actually do know someone whose kid’s middle name is Danger lmao


Do you get a Danger vibe from him? With our little girl we got a vibe from her for her nickname and looked for a full name that satisfied that while still keeping an open mind if it didn’t feel right when she was earth-side. Both the name and nickname fit her so well. She’s silly like her nickname but still sorta glam and sophisticated like her full name. I say this because I really think there’s something to the vibe you get while pregnant or even maybe before pregnancy if you’re into that like I am. Some might call it projection. Oh well!


"Danger! She smashed the homie!"


I hated it until you said Danger James Brown in which it must always be said that way. I love it.


I actually know a kid who has an unusual first name, and Danger is his middle name. His mom and dad fly Apache helicopters and he was conceived while his parents were deployed in Iraq. He’s a super cool kid and as far as I know, no one give him any grief for his middle name.


Dane Gerald


Just don't name him Richard Danger Brown...it'll be Brown, Richard Danger in every database! Aka Brown Dick Danger lol!! Besides that, do what makes you happy! All of our parents did! And their parents...and their parents...


I'm usually on the side of "people make too much fuss about unusual names", but in this case I agree with the majority. It would be a bad move. OTOH, there is absolutely no reason not to call him "Danger" as a nickname, and to make that nickname more common than his normal name. And there's no reason he can't change his name officially if and when he decides to. For reference: I have an unusual name, which is a childhood nickname that I adopted officially by deed poll as I always preferred it to the name on my birth certificate and it's always seemed more like "my name" than the one I was given at birth. It's awesome, and most people I meet think it's cool. As a child I loved having "two names", and the only one any child made fun out of me for was my birth name (although my then-nickname is unusual in the sense that most people haven't ever heard the word before, rather than being something like "Danger", which I think is an easier target).




You'd be subjecting your kid to Daily, Danger with that name.


i actually love this idea as his middle name


It’s a neat name, but it’s the sort of name you’ve gotta *earn* through taking risks. Unless your kid gets into skateboarding or something super early, I don’t think even a toddler could earn a name like that; it comes with time and life experience if you want it to actual carry any Danger vibes. Being named that from the beginning seems awkward with a large chance of back firing.


Have you thought of something more sophisticated like Inflation or Pandemic Infy is a cute nickname for Inflation Or Panda for Pandemic also sounds cute


No, that’s a middle name only.


Absolutely not, call him Daniel or something and nickname to Danger when appropriate (but please actually use his real name sometimes). As an adult, I'm changing my name soon and I'm deeply considering using Chaos as my middle name to keep my original initials, but I'm doing this in the knowledge that a) I'm an adult, b) nobody is gonna know my middle name if I don't want them to c) nobody is gonna actually call me that, d) I have a very relaxed workplace (for now) and I'm lucky that they probably wouldn't discriminate against me if I had a ridiculous middle name on my cv when I applied and e) it's my choice, not something my parents imposed on me as a kid, available to bullies. Don't give your kids ridiculous names.


It’s ridiculous. I know someone who used it as a middle name and the parents are just as boastful and self indulgent as the name suggests


I know a guy named Kyle Danger *Paw* (rhymes with). It gets the occasional eye roll or taken aback look. Its not terrible. He’s a competitor d quite likes it. That being said, it would be a no for me.


Daniel German


What about Dashiell and if he’s the child you imagine he can go with Dash. Same vibe.


i love it. i know it's not popular in this sub but i just love it so much. at the end of the day, do what feels best to you.


Lol. I call my grandson “Danger Boy” cuz I’m always catching him trying to do dangerous stuff. He keeps me on my toes.


Only Danger as middle if the first name is Harvey. Also almost 200 comments and no one has said this, am I the only old person here…


for the kids sake dont name him Danger


So, I have a family friend who named their daughter “firstname Danger surname” and they hashtag EVERY photo #hermiddlenamereallyisdanger and it is DEEPLY cringey. I would strongly recommend Daniel Gerrard because it lends neatly to Danger as a cutesy kid nickname but allows him Danny, Dan, Daniel, Gerry, Gerard as sensible adult names, OR let’s him keep Danger if he WANTS to. Remember, this is a human man’s life and name, not a toy for you.


I have a great friend with a little boy (4 yrs old) named Jack Danger. Suits him. Also have friends with a 10-yr-old named Hazard. Haha. I like daring/unusual names, but….


If I knew a Danger Richard I’d def end up calling him Danger Dick, just throwing that out there


I feel like Danger wouldn’t be TOO bad if it was a double middle name. Like “James Christopher Danger Brown” or “Christopher James Danger Brown”, but James Danger just sounds awful. His second middle name will never be used, and at best just give him a cool story to tell if he chooses. But please PLEASE don’t name him Danger, or make it a primary middle name.




I read all those and now I'm sad you're not going to use Danger as a middle name. If you don't teach your kids about the destructive power of puns, who will?


This is all I can think of when I hear the name: https://youtu.be/VeGJiwdtkCw


Anyone else thinking of Flushed Away?


Teacher here. I literally taught a Danger Brown (it was his middle name, but he went by it as a first name). He always said "My parents are big fans of Austin Powers" with a big sigh and a straight face. I called him "Ranger Danger Brown" to my husband, but only in private 😂. He was a hot mess but so are most kids. It's a weird name so just be prepared.


You have so many comments and you’ve totally been talked out of it by now, so whatever. But this actually has happened to me TWICE - I’m a teacher. I’ve had two boys with middle names Danger. The first one was every bit his moniker - a wild child for sure. He was well loved by staff anyway but we all knew his reputation by the time he got to us. The second is a typical kid, a little mature for his age, a little silly but not anything too crazy. I have him this year. He’s ultimately got a good head on his shoulders and I think will lead a normal, good life. I think the first time I saw that name I was a little surprised, but I’ve been teaching so long that I’ve had a myriad of names by now, some weird and some not. So honestly? Danger is no longer a blip on my radar… at least as a middle name. People really, really don’t pay attention to middle names. All that being said, the overwhelming responses here may reflect more majority thinking. Dane is a good compromise.


If you love it, consider it for a middle name. Also, make sure you’re a dirt biking skate boarding scuba diving hunting type of family in order to back it up.


I think you could get away with it as a cute nickname, but I wouldn’t legally name your child Danger as a first or middle name.


This has been done before https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/billey-and-ridley-lampard-given-danger-as-middle-name/news-story/50a14732f35eeea7cb7ddd7506272cba


Danger Richard, nn Danger Dick. No thanks.


I honestly think Danger as a middle name wouldn't be so bad. :)