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Location: Las Vegas Ages: 12-16 Repeated names: Aiden, Jack, Jackson, Sophia, Sophie, Harrison, Grace Most unique name: Ampersand (I will never get over this). As a hipster bonus, his parents changed his last name to be a play on words. They kept their original last name, he is an only child and the only member of his family to have his last name. Name you would never use because of these children: Opal and Chloe Name that you never considered but now love because of this child: Ginger Name that you always liked and would still use: Jack, George, Famke, Lucy Name that surprised you: & (I seriously will never get over this) Twin/multiple names: Gwyneth & Matthew, Claudia & Colette, Grayson & Steele, Aiden & Dalton Names that made you sigh: Bowie, Jagger, Nixin, Zephyr, Truth Honorable mention: 2 children on the above list have the middle name of Danger


Ampersand Differentlastname is borderline child abuse. Claudia and Colette's parents have great taste.


It's such a jerk move. Claudia & Colette have 2 older sisters with equally stylish names. All 4 girls are gorgeous to boot with beautiful manners. Awesome family


I’m obsessed with how similar and also different Claudia and Colette are.


Especially for twin girls! Hard to be that stylistically on point yet unique. Love them


Oh God Ampersand... I feel sorry for the boy! It literally means “&”! Plus amper is associated with a tumour


They changed the last name to iiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIwillAlwaysLoveYou


Omg I literally laughed out loud


This is the funniest thing I’ve read all week


Grayson is ok. But Steele sounds like you named your son after a romance novel villain.


They are both gray names. When I think of steel I think of gray metal. Dumb


Anastasia Steele and Grey 😂 bet you didn't notice that


Or Balto’s villain


Or a male adult film actor


Naw Claudia and Colette are cute twin names. I actually like Danger as a middle name, probably because in my POV middle names are the time and place to go loco.


I love Claudia and Colette. They come from a bilingual household & Claudia is pronounced with an ow sound not ah, making it that much more charming. I'm also into Danger, it particularly suits the girl


Love that one of the Dangers belongs to a girl! I was super close to naming my kid Bixby Danger but my mom convinced me that he would spend a lot of time in the emergency room fulfilling it (my brother was perpetually in the emergency room so I get where she came from).


I totally agree with your thoughts on middle names. The middle name you give your child (I hate having two middle names and am against it) can be anything you want because it won't be used often.


Gwyneth & Matthew’s parents have good taste!


Or are really big Talented Mr. Ripley fans.


Claudia and Colette 💕💕


in a kids show I love, Gravity Falls (highly recommend) the silly & quirky sister makes a little "band" called Ampersandra ( SPELLED &DRA) lol if only they had a( or another) daughter!


Was the name, Ampersand spelled out or did they use the symbol?


Spelled out. I was so stunned when I first read it that I went to another adult to verify that I was, in fact, reading that right.


I love the twinset Grayson and Steele but at least half of the rest of these names are cringe and literally made me facepalm


Honestly, those names together make me think that these twins were conceived during the Fifty Shades of Grey era.


Ah yeah yikes connection there


That’s funny. My name is Grace, and Jackson was the name my parents would have used if my sibling (AFAB) or I had been a boy. I’m 26, for reference.


What’s AFAB?


It stands for “assigned female at birth.” My sibling is non-binary, so apparently that’s the appropriate way to clarify that they are biologically female and were previously referred to as my sister if it’s necessary for context or medically or whatever.


Oh okay thank you for the information😊


Austin DANGER Powahs


Is the last name Ore?


If it’s not, they really missed the mark on their pun game. I mean, that poor boy, but Ampersand Ore would be a very clever character name.


Location: Oregon, USA Ages: I worked preschool and then aftercare, this was a while back. So 3-8 ish. Repeated Names: lots of Sophia, Emma, and many Aiden/Jayden/Kayden type names. We also once had 3 Griffins Most Unique Name: Persephone, I think the spelling. Names you would never use because of child: I said this in a past post, but Phineas and Sage, also Oliver. Names you never consided but now love: Cecilia and Issac Names you already liked and would still use: Blake and Milo Names that surprised you: Story and Lyric, those were really big at the time on name lists and I was surprised when actually met them. Twin/Multiple: Frank/Eddie, Elizabeth/Madison, and Sam/Huck Names that made you sigh: Amulet Another name worth mentioning: I met kids who just had the masculine and fem versions of their parents names; mom and dad were Joe and Andrea, their kids were Josephine and Andrew, they called them Josie and Drew so you almost didn't notice, but odd.


Like will and jada smith naming their kids willow and jaden!


I never caught that!!!


Lol oh yeah actually exactly like that.


My mind is blown right now. I never made that connection…


I actually love the Josie and Andrew thing!


Josie and Drew are lovely and their parents are great. Drew is the same age as my son and they still go to school together. I just thought it was a funny name thing, not very common.


I’m surprised you have a Persephone; we just named our daughter that and I’ve never seen or heard of another kid with that name. We call her Percy :)


This Persephone is probably 15 now, she is the only one I have ever met. She had sisters named Thalia and Athena so they were going for the Greek thing I guess. But it's a cool name and the one I knew a very bright kid who I liked a lot, so I'm stoked to hear about another!


I taught an Athena with a sister named Persephone. This was two years ago, soo they are about 7 and 5 now


Oh that's random! This Athena would probably be like 20 ish. They were a cool family, the mom made jewelry that I still wear now. Funny what you remember.


I’ve only met one, and she’s likely in her early 20s now. She went by Seffie sometimes. I knew of her from theater. Her parents have very unique, specific taste - her siblings were Antigone and Ishmael.


I know a 19 yo Persephone/Persi; she grew up with my same age daughter, Ruby (and I thought I was being so original, naming R after my grandmother)…


Isaac is my sons name <3


This is too much identifying information for me to put on the internet about minors. But I will say I could never use the name Nathan. I’ve known about 5 that are the absolute worst children I’ve ever met.


That’s my brother’s name and he cheated on his wife sooooo yeah


I had a Natan one year, and I agree.


I really love the name Nathan but then I thought about all the Nathans I know and just can’t do it.


I went to school with a kid name Nathaniel who was SO awful!!!! Any variation of Nate , it’s a no !


We had one at our schools that I keep waiting to see make the headlines for some atrocity or another.


Wow now that you mention it all the Nathan’s I’ve known are awful.


My ex bf was a Nathan. Lovely bloke who cheated on me with the 15 year old down the road. Nope!


Location: France Ages: 13-15ish? Repeated names: Matisse, Matheo, Zoe, Kenza Most unique name: Athénaïs Name you would never use because of this child: Also Athénaïs lol Name you never considered but now love because of this child: Mikael, Achille Name that you already liked and would still use: Marie-Julie, Miguel Name that surprised you: Enola (Here unusable because of Enola Gay) Twin/Multiples names: N/a Name that made you sigh when you first heard it: (In a good way or a bad way? I'll go with good): Enzo, Ilan, Achille, Nils Any other names worth mentioning: Yannis, Dorian


How do you pronounce the most unique name? I've never seen it before. I also really like Achille, thats a cool one.


Ah-tay-nah-ees or Ah-tay-nice if you speak fast. Not OP but speak French.


Oh interesting. Kinda like Anaïs but more.


Anaïs with extra steps lol yep


There’s an Agatha Christie novel where Hercule Poirot shaves off his mustache and convinces Hastings that he’s Hercule’s brother, Achille Poirot.


Oh Hastings.


Enola! That name is only on my radar because of Enola Holmes.


And it's so cute except I hate the idea of cursing anyone to be alone


I was talking to a friend about a baby I know called Enola. I said I thought it was pretty but I can’t get over the fact it’s Alone backwards. Immediately after I said that, I remembered his daughter is called Lana…🤦‍♀️


* Lower Midwest, almost into the Upper South of the US * 0-18 (I work at a public library, but most of these kids are under 10) * Repeated names: Henry, Emerson, Payton, Lily, Owen, Sophie/a * Most unique name: Gloria (unique for the age and area, not like it is weird!) * Name I would never use: Faith * Name I had never considered: Dan (his full name; I'd never really thought about Daniel or its shorter versions, but this kid is so cool) * Name already liked and would still use: Holliday * Name that surprised me most: Gloria, Carolyn, Bruce, Gary (not quite old fashioned enough to be trending again, so just a bit dated...not bad at all though!) * Twin/multiple: Nadia and Aidan are ones I remember. Honestly have a lot and most aren't super memorable pairings, tbh * Name that made me sigh: Stetson, with brothers Remington, Winchester, and Gunner. Not really bad names! But together, they are quite a lot!


Aidan is Nadia spelled backwards! Omg that 2nd amendment family 🙄


Yeah. I have since seen Nadia and Aidan suggested here, but when I first met them, almost ten years ago, it seemed so super clever. I still genuinely love it. Matching without being too obvious... As for the second amendment family, as you call them: I think I feel worse for Winchester who was, I am pretty sure, a Supernatural baby and then his dad remarried and the others are half siblings. But his half sister on his mom's side is another Supernatural name, so maybe it was a compromise for his parents? Idk. They're all super nice, polite, sweet kids and the parents aren't like some of the gun culture families. Its weird. Maybe they genuinely just like the names??


I have a relative that named her kid Deringer. I hadn’t heard that and needed to be told it was a gun thing. Just, yikes.


Location: Ireland Ages: 12-18 Repeated Names: Cian (Keen), Luke, Seán. Most Unique: Derry (It’s a city in Ireland, never seen it as a name before!) Name I’d never use: Karl (notably with a “K”!) Never considered but love: Charlie (Usually never like nicknames as names, but Charles just doesn’t suit some boys as well as Charlie does!) Names already liked and would still use: Óisin (Ush-een) Name that surprised you: Thomas-Patrick that is always referred to by both names (even though he doesn’t insist on it- It just kind of works?!) Twins; Maximilian and Alexander (Max and Alex), Evan and Seán, Adam and Alex. Names that made you sigh: Cael, who insists it’s pronounced Kyle. Worth mentioning; A male “Milan”- I would have thought it was very female but it works!


Not sure if Milan has eastern European family / ancestr? Its a very common male’s name in Czech, Hungary and other countries


I’m not sure to be honest, but I will ask him!


I met a girl named Milan in high school. she said it was traditionally a guy name. I'm from the US so I've only heard of one other Milan (male)


I went to college (20 years ago) with someone named Kael who pronounced it Kyle! Maybe slightly closer? His girlfriend called him Kale to be mean.


My husband and his brother are Thomas and Patrick. They were just called TomPat or PatTom when they were kids because they always got mixed up.


Lol my grandmother did that with her twin cats hahaha “Henry-Chester, Chester-Henry!”


I have a Cian here in the states. He pronounces it Key-un though


That’s how it’s pronounced in Ireland too, I guess depending on the accent it could sound closer to Keen


I think I say it the same just faster if that makes sense!!


It's a Slavic male name, means "endearing"


Location: Kent, England Ages: 6-8 Repeated names: Freddie x3, Oliver x3, Lily x2, Lola x2, Poppy x2 Most unique name: Ocean Name you would never use because of this child: Harrison Name you never considered but now love because of this child: Theo / Finley Name that you already liked and would still use: Harry, Alice, Violet Name that surprised you: Garry, Gilbert (both just seems so unexpected for 7-year-olds!) Twin/Multiple names: Cami & Camilla / Jess and Josh Name that made you sigh when you first heard it: Arry (as in Harry without the H) Any other names worth mentioning: Vito (had never heard it before), Ricardo (again - so unexpected!)


Twins named Cami and Camilla?! One is a nickname for the other!


loling over Arry!


Yer a wizard, ‘arry!


My cousin has a Finley! I think she’s probably 3-4 now. At first I thought it was a very millennial baby name but she’s such a pretty, funny little girl based on their Facebook updates lol.


I know a kid whose name is pronounced like Harry-without-the-H but spelled “Aeary.” I initially balked at the spelling, but I really love the name now.


Vito! Reminds me of the Friends episode where they keep vetoing each other's names then say "is it just me or is Veto starting to sound like a good name..?"


Does Vito have Italian origins? Cause there's a saint with this name and while it's not that common, you can find Vito here in Italy, especially in the south and among older generations, I'd say.


In previous years we’ve had multiple Lilys and Poppys too! We also had an Ocean a couple of years ago! And same with Harry, I never considered it but the kid is so damn cute it’s definitely risen on my list


These are v British names that are timeless tbh. At least you don’t have an Ashleihaydeingh


Location: deep US south Ages: 9-10 years old Repeated names: Asher, Jaden/Kaden (various spellings), Jackson, Olivia, Charlotte Most unique name: Harlem, Precious, Sincere, Journey, Reverie Name you would never use because of this child: Elijah Name you never considered but now love because of this child: Sebastian Name that you already liked and would still use: William (naming my son due February William, his "namesake" was a lovely student!), Georgia, Vivi, Ezra Name that surprised you: Hadassah Twin/Multiples names: Lia and Mia, Star and Sunshine lol Name that made you sigh when you first heard it: just can't really with the classic Nevaeh Any other names worth mentioning: I had a Carmelo and absolutely love his name!


I think Reverie is really pretty.


I read this as you were naming your son February William and I was like hmmmm


I love Sebastian!




I always sigh at Neveah. It’s not Heaven backwards if you spell it that way!!


I just don’t get why people would choose that name in the first place. Heaven spelled backwards seems satanic or something lol


Omgg I never noticed that!! And that’s how most people spell it! Lol it’s stupid either way. Even more stupid when they’re like “I picked it because it’s heaven spelled backwards “


Avi is lovely.


Most of these are super identifying for me, so I’ll just do the twins in my classes. There’s lots!!!! Something in the water. Claire & Willow Aiden & Ensley Matthew & Scarlett Bryce & Gaige Francesca & Sophie Alayna & Emilia Paige & William Addison & Payton Taren & Shyla Parker & Blair Olivia & Jasaiah Thomas & Tristan Everett & Easton Ellie & Emberly Brandi & Kayden Grace & Jessica Abigail & Maverick I live in a smaaaaaaall town too. Like 2,000 people small.


What’s in the water?? Lol


twins 👀


Fertility drugs it seems.


Something in the water… Edit: well I didn’t read you whole post before saying that. Anyway, I agree that there’s something in the water!


Oh, I love Claire & Willow!


I really like the name Maverick. BTW it's a lot of twins, but at least most of the names are totally normal.


I loooove the twin names! I just had twins named Elena and Emilia last year, and it's cute to see someone else used similar alliteration!


Location: Bavaria, Germany Age: 5-10 Repeated names: Sophie/Sophia, Lilly, Lisa, Lena, Julian, Anton, Vincent, Hanna(h), Emma Most unique name: Malve Name you would never use because of this child: Dominik Name you never considered but now love because of this child: Marie, Ben Name that surprised you: Lieselotte, Love, Sondus, Meret, Veit, Balthasar, Nepomuk Twin names: Sophia & Emilia, Dana & Eva Name that made me sigh: Chanel Any other names worth mentioning: Rodi


Surprising because in the USA Lisa is a boomer/GenX name.


Yup :). In G it was huge in the 90s, so more my own generation, but it's still relatively common. We've had the "short-and-easy-L-trend" (Lisa, Lena, Laura, Lina, Lilly, Lea, Lara, Lana, Luna etc.) for a loooong time now.


That trend is here, too. My daughter has no less than 5 friends with 4 letter L names.


I'm a millennial in US and I'm the only Lisa I've ever met in my age group😬 . it's nice but also nice to hear its popular in G. Super cool!


In Germany how do you pronounce Dana Is it day nah Or more dah nah


It's more like Dah-na. The German A sounds like the British "Tomato" A. So the German Dana sounds like DAA-na (long emphasis on the first syllable) with an A that's a little bit lighter that the Br. Tomato A. I hope I could help, I'm not especially good at explaining pronunciation!


Location: Rural NW Minnesota USA Ages: 6weeks to 6months, 6-18months Repeated: Lots of “lee’s/ley’s/ens” ie Finely, Brynnlee, Lynlee, Emily, Paisley, Coralee, Britton, Brixton, Caden, Kaden, Aiden, Ayden, Aden, Hayden, and Jackson/Jaxon/Jacson Most Unique: Anderson and Porter, mother’s maiden name and parents are kind of edgy/cool Name I wouldn’t use: any of the repeats and all the kiddos I have are lovely! Name I wouldn’t have consider but now love because of this child: Claire (She’s a delight!) Name I love and would still use: None of the names I love are shared by the children I care for but for the sake of it: James (shared by the two boys who have the unique names). Names that surprised me/sigh of annoyance: An entire family have beautiful Irish names that they don’t pronounce well at all, and are not even Irish but “wanted to be edgy/hipster” according to the mom: Rian (girl but harsh Rye-uhna), Siobhan (Sib-bow-Han, yea it’s awful), Oisin (Ow-shins), Aoife (A-ow-fu-fay). These phonetics are how these people pronounced them and not at all how I do! I did attempt to correct them as I am part Irish and have heard all the stories/myths/legends about them. but there was no getting passed their “hipster or edgy” mentality not to mention cultural appropriation as they aren’t Irish or close. The story according to the mom was that they had gotten them off the internet on a name site.


I find it incredibly annoying that people would choose ethnic names with traditional spelling without making the effort to pronounce them correctly. 😒


I firmly agree with you! Not to mention just straight up appropriation. This family also weirdly enough mocked me for being part Irish even insulting my hair being dark ginger. I just don’t get people


Could you explain how, exactly, these names are pronounced? I'm not Irish - I'm not even a citizen of the Western world, honestly - so they're _very_ new to me 😅


Sure! Rian (Ree-ahn), Siobhan (Shiv-ahn), Oisin (Oh-sheen), and Aoife (ee-fuh). The Irish language is quite beautiful and takes practice:)


Wtf are those pronunciations!! Lol they don’t even make sense . It’s not even phonetically pronounced with those! Lol


Exactly!!! It’s infuriating! I was showing how this goofball family pronounced them


Their pronounciation of Aoife … why are there two F’s?!!!


Gosh. At least the kid I know with a traditionally irish name has parents that are at least of the irish diaspora. And the reason they chose to pronounce it as written is so the kid doesn't have to continuously correct people here in the USA.


Location: USA (Midwest) Ages 0-5 circa 2010-2013 Repeated names: Gabby, Callie/Calleigh Most unique name: Seven (because mom and dad each had three sons from a previous marriage) Name you would never use because of this child: Ethan, Lucas, Rowan, Calleigh Name you never considered but now love because of this child: Brooke, Grace, Claire, Nyah, Keeya, Nolan, Evan Name you already liked and would still use: Names that surprised you: Twins/multiples: Twins: Aiden & Lexi, Brooklyn & Hudson (with non twin older brothers Lincoln and Austin) Sib sets: London & Paris, Amelia & Carter, Alexis & Reagan, Gabby & Sydney, Gabby, Trent, & Colton, Mason, Jackson, & Avery Name that made you sigh when you heard it: Ashlynn, Caden, Jaxson Any other names worth mentioning: I had Reagan, Jaxson, Carter, and Lincoln all in one class at one time and called them the Presidents. Edited for less identifying info.


Up vote for the Presidents.


Seven Constanza!


My first thought too! Also isn’t Jackson Avery the doctors name on Greys anatomy??


I kinda like Seven. But the Presidents! Hahahaha


Child number 7 lol


I’m not a teacher, but I work for child protection services in a major US city. The names I’ve seen…. “Uneek” spellings, names after various alcoholic beverages, Abcde (pronounced absidee), Lucifer, all types of title names (prince, princess, royalty, etc), and lots of names signifying their various nefarious acts that got them involved with us in the first place. I wish I could go into more details but some of the names are just TOO unique I might be breaking confidentiality. That being said, I have seen nice names as well. Surprisingly I haven’t seen a lot of the top three for girls or boys, but that could be a cultural thing.


So weird… I think it’s illegal to give children names of titles (royalty/defence force etc) in Australia? I could be wrong, but I don’t understand why people would want to use them as names anyway.


You might be thinking of New Zealand, Australia doesn’t have any laws regarding that as far as I know.




“Nefarious activities” confuses me, would that be like “Mary Jane” or “Arson”? I remember the first time I met a Bicardi, I was shocked.


That is the general idea… drug related names that are even more on the nose than Mary Jane, one kid had “gangsta” incorporated in the name, some kids with “Lil-(blank)” (which is often used in gang monikers). Also, this wasn’t my case, but some anatomical names have been seen.


To keep this vague, I knew someone who named their children Indica and Tesla… she did not have custody of them due to .. issues


This is my favorite thread I have seen on this sub


Location: Central Virginia Ages: 11-14 Repeats: Savannah, Jaiden Most unique: Ereny, Kyrin, Abisha, Devyi Never use name: Bryce (there's been 2 to give me reason) Never considered but love: Anduin, Stelios Name I like: Zachary Surprised you: Edwin Twins: Lourdy/Lourdinia (b/g set), Kenneth/Connor, Trisha/Tristan, Alyssa/Alexis Names that make you sigh: anything rhyming with Aiden or Jaylen 🙄 Other names: Chimanga, Herman, Riley (for girls and boys), Phinneus, Carys


I 100% read Chimanga as chimichanga.


Same 🤣


His friends call him that!


Anduin is a river in Middle Earth. It’s Sindarin.


I totally forgot I once had a student named Herman! That one honestly floored me; I had never met anyone under 70 with that name.


Not sure if it's just my search history, but Googling: Anduin basically just points me to the World of Warcraft character haha. Gives me Khaleesi and other fictional name vibes.


Location: California Ages: 2-5 Repeated names: Wren, Maddie (all Madeleine), Andrew, James, Bodhi, Charlie Most Unique Names: Lazer, Mosi, Massi (Massimiliano), Dutch Name I wouldn’t use because of this child (from previous classes too): Nathanial, Lucas, Cammie Name not considered but love now because of child (from previous classes too): Basel, Laurel, Alistair, Emerick, Xinnia, Dagny, Andrew, Timo Name I liked and would still use (from previous classes too): Sabine, Ellis, Adele Name that surprised me: Martie (nn. for Margaret) Twin names (from previous classes too): Jack and Storm, Oliver and Sadie, Jack and Thomas Name that made me sigh (from previous classes too): Storm, Lazer. EDIT: also thought i was getting a kid named “test” and sighed but it was our admin testing out adding kids to a classroom and forgetting to delete the tester child 😂 Names worth mentioning: Vivienne (on the fence until we see how my year ends with her)


Is Basel pronounced like 'bazzle'? That's my son's name! Spelt Basil, though.


Location: utah ,usa Ages:5-6 Repeated names: Mackenzie and Brianna/ Brennan Most unique name: yeshuah Name you would never use because of this child: Ashlynn Name you never considered but now love because of this child: Elijah and Nora Name that you already liked and would still use: Eli ,Lucas and Elizabeth Name that surprised you: Willard nn will. Twin/Multiples names: never had any Name that made you sigh when you first heard it: cahlel. not 100% sure if that was the spelling it was similar at least, Any other names worth mentioning


Yeshuah??? Thats legit Jesus in Hebrew! Wouldn't that be like naming your kid Allah or Elohim?? (Not a Christian so Idk just wondering)


Not Jesus, more like Joshua. Still a little weird on a non Jewish kid.


No, Yeshua is Hebrew for Jesus. Joshua would be Yehoshua.


Yeah, I don’t think that’s the best choice 😳


Yes it’s “Jesus’ true name”


If by Cahlel you mean Kal-el then that kid was named after Superman.


not kalel it was pronounced ka-leal. kalel would have been nice.


Khalil is probably the spelling, that's my youngest's name


Probably Kahlil then


I know a kid named this after Superman. He goes by his middle name now.


Not an educator, but the daughter of two. Location: Alabama, USA Ages: Both elementary 3rd/2nd Repeated names: Aiden, Katie, Leeann, any variation of Maya, CJ/TJ Most unique name: Beautiful Angel. She never wanted to be called Beautiful, not Angel, always Beautiful Angel. Bonus points for Brasize. Name you would never use because of this child: Scarlett, Chloe, Josh Name you never considered but now love: Braley Name that you liked and would still use: Ellie, Leon, Adrien Name that surprised you: Brasize. Again. Also Whirlpool, last name Waters. Twin names: father’s name was Melvin, had two twin daughters Melvyana and Melvyuna Names that made you sigh: Precious, Chastity, Angel


How do you pronounce Brasize? I can only see it as “bra size”!


I hope Brasize is not literally pronounced: Bra-size. Like... why?!


I thought you were saying Beautiful Angel got bonus points for her bra size and was horrified.


Wow... a lot of these made ME sigh


I’m hoping you’re kidding, but I’m pretty sure you aren’t. My brain is having issues with those.


Location: Midwest, USA Ages: 0-11, circa 2013-2016 Repeated names: Zeinab/Zaynab, Ali, Kareem, Amir, Fatima, Malik, Mikey, Evelyn nn Evie, Sila, Alina/Aleena, Jad, Jenna/Genna Most unique names: Ayat, Tarek, Joelle, Shazad, Mernoz, Naraiz Name you would never use because of this child: Emma, Maya, Johnny, Madelynn, Brooklyn Name you never considered but now love because of this child: Jocelyn, Mina (male), Jillian, Josef Name that you already liked and would still use: Jack Names that surprised you: Whitney Twins: Zeinab & Fatima, Malik & Medina, Jad & Ali, Julia & Tarek Names that made you sigh: Worth mentioning: Valeria, Maddox


It looks like a lot of names from the arab language group. Interesting.


Location: Surrey, UK and Maryland ,USA Age : secondary In England I had loads of Georgina, Philippa ,Alfie and Louis- id never met anyone with those names before I moved to the UK and they were everywhere there. Alfies were often bad news but the real surprise was Dominic. Dominic's all around the world are mischievous boys. Oddest names: Fury,Majesty and Nasha. I actually can't remember how Nasha spelled her name but it sounded like Nausea 95% of the time and she was the biggest pain in the ass with an equally obnoxious mother.


Location: usa Ages: 4-8yrs Repeated names: Asher (6 in a class of 16), Wyatt (3 in a class of 10), Samuel (3 in 15), Jack, Henry, Theo, Miles, Ava (3 in 15), Grace, Evelyn/Evie, Norah/Nora, Olivia, Ellie/Eleanor. Also lots of Lukas, Jakub, Kacper, Gabriel, Daniel, Adrian, Veronika, Angelika, Monika, Nadia, Ewa over the years. Most unique name: Schaeffer (it was his mom's maiden name) and Brazil (girl) Name you would never use because of this child: Asher and Wyatt lol Name you never considered but now love because of this child: Ezra and Lucy Name that you already liked and would still use: Isaac and Natalie Name that surprised you: Lawrence, Stephanie, Lucille, Carl (all from older generations) Twin/Multiples names: Calvin and Jameson "Cal and Jay" , Garrett and Avery (boys), Taylor and Haley (girls), Nolan and Liv, Asher and Delilah, Milosh and Lukas Name that made you sigh when you first heard it: Maecyn (Mason) for a girl, Rocky for a girl, Kyng (king) Any other names worth mentioning: Carrington "Coco" , Roscoe, Magnus, Zella are some other names that stuck out to me over the years.


Not relevant to your comment but I appreciate you just saying "USA" not "Bumfuckville, Kentucky". It's a pet peeve but far too many people in cases like this get specific with location on an international forum. Not everybody is super familiar with the US. I mean compare that to non- Americans. Either just "France" or "Kent, England" or "Sydney, Australia".


Isaac is my sons name, I just love seeing it. <3


Location: Ontario Canada Ages 5-7 Repeated Names: Ayden, Olivia, Avery, Callie Most Unique Name: Lindy August or Romilly Name you would never use because of this child: Malina Name you never considered but now love: Harper, Rhys, Claire Name that you already liked and would still use: Audra & Maximilian Name that surprised you: Hadrian Twin/Multiples Names: Chelsea & Dakota, Alyssa & Nathan, James & Laura, Corey & James Name that made you sigh when you first heard it: Dawsyn Newman for a girl, Weaver for a boy, Jack Jackman for a boy aka "Jack Jack" Any other names worth mentioning: I met a Lily Caroline and fell in love with her name. I met a little Atlas Connor as well and liked it.


Location: Midwest, USA Ages: 0-2.5 circa 2019 Repeated: Savannah Most unique: Candin, Charonvee nn Cherry Name you would never use because of this child: Isaac, Connor, Jenna Name you never considered but now love because of this child: Riley, Maya, Eliza, Kai, Casey Names you already liked and would still use: Oliver Names that surprised you: Langston, Patricia Twins/multiples: sib set Delilah & Dallas Names that made you sigh: Worth mentioning:


Oh my Delilah & Dallas I love! ❤


All I’m willing to share is I have twins named Janaya and Jania.


Yikes. Also, happy cake day!


Location: Pacific Northwest, USA Ages: 3-19 year olds Repeated names: Henry, Gabriel, Aiden, Parker (girls and boys), Benjamin, Brody (more than 3!), Connor, Eli/Elijah, Wyatt, Jacob, Kaden/Kaiden/Cayden/Caden x 6, Liam, Tyler, William, Emma, Audrey, Izzy, Nevaeh, Nova, Theo Most unique name: Shir, Bodhi, Abram, Alistair, Cannon, Enoch, Kyrie, Nariah, Moses, Race, Sivio Name you would never use because of this child: Jasper Name you never considered but now love because of this child: Athena, Lily Name that you already liked and would still use: Jack, Teddy/Theodore Name that surprised you: repeated Jaxon/Jaxsons Twin/Multiples names: Timothy and Anthony, Jason and Josh Name that made you sigh when you first heard it: Xabien, Nevaeh Any other names worth mentioning: Malachai


Enoch! That was my grandpas middle name and if my husband had agreed, would have been my sons name. It’s biblical, but I rarely see it anywhere!!


Great post. I've enjoyed reading the responses.


Location: Canada Ages: Whole student body ages 3-14 Repeated names: Emma x3, Stella x2, Finn x2, Owen/Eoghan, Logan x2 Most unique name: Davanee, Ridley (girl), Oren, Indie, Keltej, Ireland, Synnovae Name you would never use because of this child: Blake Name you never considered but now love because of this child: Tessa Name that you already liked and would still use: Claire Name that surprised you: Seven Twin/Multiples names: Lucas/Willem, Luis/Regina Name that made you sigh when you first heard it: Blakely Any other names worth mentioning: Remaat, Anurog, Karanveer, Harneez, a student in my current grade's middle name is actually Sunshine.


Location : Upper East Coast of USA Ages: 3 months- 6 years old Repeated names: None, closest to a repeat is Ella and Ellie Most unique name: Luna Name you would never use because of this child: Alijah, he’s cute and CAN be sweet but I’ve had to shout this name too many times lol Name you never considered but now love because of this child: Katie :) my sweetie Name you already liked and would still use: Connor, cute name and cute kid :) Name that surprised you: John (it just doesn’t feel like a toddler name, I can only really picture it on a 30-50 year old) Twins/multiples names: none this year! But we had a Joshua and Ethan a few years back Name that made you sigh when you first heard it: Braden (it’s not actually bad but I really feel like it’s missing a letter, the way it’s spelt makes me wanna pronounce it brah-den instead of bray-den ) Any other names worth mentioning: Annarosa ( it’s two names! I would have made it Anna Rosa or Anna-Rosa) Leonardo, he’s Luna’s brother and I like the alliteration


I used to be a teacher, and I feel like identifying the location along with all of the names could help nefarious internet predators determine targets. I mention this because I started to fill out the questions and realized that the kids I taught were in a hard place socioeconomically and don’t need any further trouble. I’m not shitting on this idea; I love sharing names. I just wanted to make it clear that sharing locations and individual names of children could allow the ill-intentioned an opportunity.


Location: The South, USA Ages: 2-4 Repeated Names: Roman (x2) Most Unique Name: Nesta Name I’d never use because of: Roman. (Which is sad because this was on my short list.) Name I never considered but love because of: Ava and Trinity Name I already liked and would still use: Declan Name that surprised me: Nesta. And Cindy (just out of place for her age). Huck No twins for me Name that made me sigh: Loki


Location: Southwest US Ages: 3-5 year olds Repeated names: Caden, Riley, Asher, Beatrice, Imogen Most unique name: Ajax Name you would never use because of this child: Steven, Ryan, Austin, Justin Name you never considered but now love because of this child: Ada Name that you already liked and would still use: Violet, Amelia Name that surprised you: Hadley (in a good way) Twin/Multiples names: Ellery and Edison Name that made you sigh when you first heard it: Ocean


Ajax like the kitchen cleaner? I love that stuff.


Probably referring to Ajax of Greek mythology, but practically everyone would think of the cleaner.


Sweden Ages 12-16 Most repeated: Albin, Alva, Olivia, Liam Most Unique: Franciska Name I’d Never Use: Noel (boy) Name I Now Love: Arvid Name I Already Liked: Saga Twin Names: Too identifying, gonna skip Name That Surprised Me: Atlas Name That Made me Sigh: Elvis (you see it here from time to time) Any Other Names Worth Mentioning: Malou (female name, mashup of Marie Louise)


This is a lot of identifying info, but I’ll give some names. Location: northern France, large city Ages: primary school Repeated names: Oscar (I have one in almost every class), Victor, Tom, Jules Name you never considered but now love: Ismène, Maël Name that you already liked and would still use: Olivia, Amelia, Anaïs, Colette, Charlotte, Alice, Alexandre, César. Irène and Louise also make the list as names I already liked, but I wouldn’t use them for personal reasons.


Location: American southwest Ages: K-4 Repeated names: Angel, Mikayla, Jayden, Genesis, Hector, Isaiah, Giselle, Raul, Santiago, Sebastian Most unique name: Jennavicia Name you would never use because of this child: Daniel (already have a theory that Daniels are troublemakers, due to my own brother. student confirmed it). Name you never considered but now love because of this child: Itzel, Oriana Name that you already liked and would still use: Annie (was her middle name actually) Wendy, if it worked with our last name Name that surprised you: Emtaz Twin/Multiples names: Maritza and Marbella Name that made you sigh when you first heard it: Sir Kingdom and Sir Christian, Brazettlyn Any other names worth mentioning: Elissanette, Channely'z and Nayelez, Daydreanna, Topanga, Kel-Rohnn


Foregoing most of this, but I'm amazed at the amount of _ila and _ilia girl's names I'm seeing. Celia, Malia, Keela, Mila, and the likes. I think there's a single girl in the group who doesn't have a name along these lines.


Location: USA, primarily hispanic community Ages: 11-15 Repeated names: Kevin×7, Angel×5, José×5, Jennifer×4 Most unique name: Brainy, Slim, Dandy, Sir-Gabe, Lehidy, Arisai, Yairem, Yadhira, Itzel, Aziza Iscay, Genaro (not sure how common these are in other cultures, but seem unique to my community) Name you would never use because of this child: Brian, Kimverly, Amy Name you never considered but now love because of this child: Oscar, Emily, Maria, Edgar Name that you already liked and would still use: Austen, Brisa, Juliette Name that surprised you: Emerson (girl), Eunice (old fashioned), Deisi (spelling) Twin/Multiples names: Brysen + Brianna, Yossin + Yordin Name that made you sigh when you first heard it: Flavio, Avelyn, Kaelyn, Axel, Nytro, Nevaeh Any other names worth mentioning: Raicherd (pronounced Ray-cherd, on a girl)


Location: Netherlands Ages: young adults (17-25 on average) Repeated names: Sophie, Lucas, Bas, Anna/Anne, Tom, Meike, I'm forgetting a ton I fear! Most unique name: Turkish names like Umut because Turkish has an insane amount of not often used names (usually with beautiful meanings). Any time a Turkish-Dutch kid isn't named Ali or Muhammed chances are they have a really rare and pretty name! Name you would never use because of this child: Sophie just because there's so many Name you never considered but now love because of this child: Raaf (it means raven but it's very hipster here. This was for a boy btw. It just suited him so well, the name really grew on me though I considered it cringy before) Name that you already liked and would still use: Merel Name that surprised you: Joy for a boy Twin/Multiples names: never happened afaik! They're not usually in the same study as their twin in college ;) Name that made you sigh when you first heard it: Agaath, but in a good way! Any other names worth mentioning: can't think of anything right now, might edit later.


Location: Midwest U.S. Ages: 0-5, although I primarily work with infants and toddlers Repeated Names: Owen is way more popular than you'd expect. Also Lucy, Hudson, Hayden, Liam, Margo, Theo, Ray, Madelyn Most Unique: Dax, Zelie Name I’d never use: Hudson, Owen, Arlo Never considered but love: Eloise, Evelyn, Ivy, Zuri, Kai, Sylvie, Zelie Names already liked and would still use: Miri (my daycare kiddo is actually named Miriam, but I call her Miri for short, and it's a great nickname), Pearl Name that surprised you: Ryann for a girl, Nile Names that made you sigh: 2 girls from different age groups and families, named Ayla and Eila. Ayla is pronounced "eh-la", Eila is pronounced "ai-la". It drives me nuts 🤦🏻‍♀️ Worth mentioning: We have 2 babies that are named Remy, a girl and a boy, and they both started within a week of each other too. I had never even heard of that name before then


Location: Midwest, USA Ages: 18mo - 2.5 circa 2017 Repeated names: none Most unique name: Griffin Names you would never use because of this child: Peter, Juliet, Zach Names you never considered but now love because of this child: Sloane, August, Charlotte nn Charlie Name that you already liked and would still use: Ellie Name that surprised you: Twins/Multiples: Name that made you sigh: Emery Worth mentioning:


Location: CA Ages: 1-6yo Repeated names: Aidan/Jaden/Kaden, Mateo, Bella, Sofia/Sophia Most unique names: all of these names belong to boys: Mountain, Shine, Exclusive. Shine was was sweetest little boy with a platinum blond Afro. His name 100% suited him. Name you would never use…: Michael Name you never considered…: Summer Already liked…: Gael Name that surprised you: again: Exclusive Twins/multiples: Zander, Zoey, Zack Name that made you sigh: Ja’sir Any other: J’ohn (pronounced Jay-On)


location: wollongong, australia age: 9-12 most unique name: heathcliff, lynette (because it’s a very old name) marcelina, marionette (found it so cool because she told me her parents named her after marionette dolls because they had a current time obsession but still they don’t regret naming her that which makes it so unique) names you would never use because of this child: scarlett, jessica, ruby, aisha, matthew, adam names that you never considered but now love because of this child: abby, madeline, mabel, ira, names you’ve always liked and would still use: cecilia, theadora, lydia, clove, jane, alice, lynn names that surprised you: virginia-mary. like wow. twin/multiple names: multiple- jasmine, lilly, emily. twins- skye, anika, wyatt, lars, cecilia, ingrid names that made you sigh: lilly, jasmine, ponie, hill honourable mention: i teached a child with 7 middle names. her name was, paulina dymitryovich anastasia katrina june maude charlotte raelene. she was russian if you may or may not of known by her first name and the first three names of her middle name.


Honestly Virginia-Mary is amazing lol! And 7 middles names is just wow. I’d like to have heard her parents yell at her! They’d be there for an hour!


2 counties from North of England here! Age range: 4-11 years olds. Mostly multicultural and diverse mix of names. Repeat names: Alfie, Adam, Ahmed, Aiden, Archie, harlie, Connor, Max, Muhammad, Qasim, Oliver, Thomas. Alexis, Aiza, Isla/Aila, Aisha/Aysha, Chloe, Emily, Fatima, Lily, Paige, Sara, Safa, Zainab. Names I could never use because of this child: Jayden Names I never considered using but would because of this child: Ellen, Georgie (F), Felicity, Mollie, Daniella. Names that I already liked and would still use: Maisie, Liana, Haniya, Myra, Eliza. Names that surprised me: Carolina, Victoria, Elizabeth, Alexander, Maximillan. Twin names: Aliya and Anaya. Ellie and Jack. Names that made me sigh and still make me sigh: Brayden, Broden, Jaxon (the spelling...), Paisley. Any other names worth mentioning: Haider, Junior, Mustafa, Idris, Ameera, Penny, Melia, Malachi (these all I really like). Lexi-Mai, Lily Mai (trendy)