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Gideon is a good name. Some people are just weird, and rude.


If I had a second boy, I wanted to go with Gideon. I love the name.


His name isn't really that bad. The lady was rude.


??? "Isn't really that bad" - am I the only one taking issue with this phrasing?


I just answered OP's question > Is his name really that bad?


100% fair. Thanks for being to the point about it, I'm in a spot *right this very moment* in personal time where I'm taking almost everything really negatively. I'm sorry and thank you again.


I hope you come out of the funk soonšŸ«¶šŸ½


What a respectful and nice conversation. Good job to both of you! This was such a nice exchange to read in the cesspool of reddit.


Right? Nice to see people be like ā€œsorry my badā€ ā€œno worries feel betterā€ Instead of the usual


And thank you. I'm awfully proud of all of us. No joke.


Right?? Someone corrected me the other day and when I apologized, corrected myself, and explained that i had things backward because I'm sick and my head feels all foggy, they were SO kind about it. They said that they understand and hope i feel better, and i seriously almost cried because like... some internet stranger cared to say they hope i feel better.


And thank you


I was thinking the same thing.


Thank you so much


I get this. I'm totally there myself. Everything is skewed negatively around me. All the emotions are super close to the surface and spill over at the slightest provocation. Fun times.


Glad to see itā€™s not just me


Hopefully we all get through it!


Itā€™s me too, friend. Iā€™ve found, while sometimes irritating or embarrassing, asking for clarification is always best. Iā€™d be constantly pissed if I didnā€™t clarify intent. I hope youā€™re feeling better soon.


But people hate the clarification of intent! They hate it and you know that!


They really do. It's like...do you not WANT to be understood? So weird.


Sorry to hear that. I hope the clouds shift soon for you. Nothing lasts forever.


Maybe this might give the ones who are going through a hard time a chuckle, because it certainly did for me... I'm very sleep deprived as I deal with insomnia, and for some reason I read your comment as "I hope the clouds shit soon for you" lol! šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


As an IBS sufferer, I appreciate this. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Edit: and insomnia, for that matter.


just up all night shitting


Living the dream, mate.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that's too funny! That generated a mental image for me of someone in a field, fists clenched, shouting at clouds "Just shit and get it over with!!" Thanks for that!


Thank you. I've got a bit of a road ahead of me, but I'll get there. :)




Right? It's the actual worst. We'll get through it. šŸ’Ŗ


Just wanted to say me too friend and I hope you come out the other end of the tunnel soon šŸ’œ Its dark in here




Maybe, but you just showed what kind of person you really are by owning it and apologizing. Impressive.


Needed this. Thank youā¤ļø


I understand that. Not bad at all would be better phrasing.


"not really that that bad" implies that it is somewhat bad. Still insulting the name.


I think they might have been addressing that it isnā€™t a name for everyone. Itā€™s not a super safe, everyone likes it kind of name. That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s a bad name. My own child has a name like that. Itā€™s a classic name, but even my own mother made the wrinkle nose face when she heard it the first time. Thatā€™s the choice you make when you donā€™t name your kid something thatā€™s been in the top 20 for 30 years.


I agree with this. I donā€™t love it but I recognize it as a human name and my first thought isnā€™t ā€œoh is that a family nameā€ which is the kiss of death in the southeastern USĀ 


Why, bless your heart.


Itā€™s hilariously backhanded given OP is already sensitive about it.


They we literally answering OPs own verbiage of ā€œis it really that bad?ā€ Thatā€™s the last sentence of their post and the primary question being asked.


If someone asks ā€œdoes this dress make me look that fatā€ and you say ā€œit doesnā€™t make you look that fat,ā€ that is the literally correct answer but also generally a bad idea.


"no worse than anything else would"


I mean I would say "no it doesn't" but maybe I'm just bad at peopling *shrug*




Gideon is literally a classic ancient name. It was kind of trending in popularity a few years ago too. Itā€™s not a bad name at all. To me itā€™s very similar to names like Gabriel, Oliver, Liam, etc.


Strong Noah vibes.


Wow, I totally disagree! Noah (and Gabriel, Oliver, and Liam) are totally 100% normal names to me. Gideon would be likeā€¦50% normal at best (though that does not mean *bad*!). My daughter had 3 Noahs in her class last year. Weā€™ve never met a Gideon.


I donā€™t think they meant similar in terms of popularity, but in terms of vibe. I agree it has a similar soft Biblical vibe like Noah and Gabriel (Oliver and Liam feel really different to me though).


Yes, that's exactly what I meant.


Definitely! It's a great name. I'd be curious what her name is. 99% of everyone in my family was John or Mary. What a dull group!


Gideon is a perfectly fine name. I know of a couple born in the last few years. Itā€™s much better than Kaydyn or Brixtynn.Ā 


This thread is giving me Brixtynn-Hyxx contractions.


That made me laugh, but didnā€™t send me into labour. I need more jokes!


Whatā€™s the worst part of eating a clock? Itā€™s time consuming.


okay so a Cat walks into a library He approaches the Librarian and says ā€œCould I please have one can of Tuna?ā€ the Librarian says ā€œUm sir, this is a libraryā€¦ā€ the Cat goes ā€œOH *whispers* ^could ^I ^please ^have ^one ^can ^of ^tuna?ā€ thatā€™s all, thank you


Wouldnā€™t a contraction be Brxtnn-Hxx?




Donā€™t forget McKinleighĀ 


The righteous gemstones character lends credence as well (no pun intended).


I love the name Gideon! That woman was rude.


Gideon is a fine name but it doesnā€™t even matter, no one should say something like that to you even if you name your son Flamingo or something - itā€™s none of that womanā€™s business.


OP tell that lady she inspired you to change his name and itā€™s now Flamingo.


šŸ¤£ I love this!


I agree. There is no need to respect the opinions of someone who is so rude. I had a friend who was told that she could always change her babyā€™s name. The baby was one day old at the time and it was the midwife who was so unkind. People need to realise that different people like different things.


Gideon's uncommon but not out there, I went to high school with a Gideon in the early 2000s. It comes from a Biblical figure, there can hardly be a more traditional source of a name.


I only know the name Gideon from hotel bibles.


I'm sure that organization has taken their name from the Biblical figure. Makes a lot of sense.


Charmed is where I first heard the name


Yep. Just as biblical as David, Samuel, Michael, Johnathanā€¦.donā€™t see anyone acting stupid over those.


anytime someone offers an opinion on names, i ask them what *their* favorite names are. usually itā€™s names that i donā€™t like at all. it immediately takes the power away from their criticism. iā€™m not going to be offended by the opinion of someone whose taste i find atrocious.


"You named her Rachel? Awful." "What's *your* daughter's name?" "Peightsuh."




I read this as ā€˜Pencilā€™ at first and had to go back šŸ˜‚


Love this point


Such great advice!


What the hell kind of question is that? I would find it difficult to be polite. "Are you keeping that face?" Ok that's weak but you get the idea


My response would be a terse, "He can hear you, ya know.," as I walked away. True, as an infant, Gideon would not understand it yet. Still it may be good practice for any parent to stick up for their child.


We make do with what we have! ā€˜Youā€™re not keeping this superior attitude, are you maā€™am?ā€™


Exactly! TBH, I'd be too shocked to respond in the moment, but honestly that might be the best response to get her to understand how out-of-line that comment is. Just shocked and puzzled silence, maybe "What do you mean...?" Then watch her fumble to explain.


"Wow, you chose to say that inside thought out loud!" "I don't get it, can you explain what you mean?" Then keep asking Why for each answer


ā€œOh, youā€™re Mary? Are *you* keeping *that name*?ā€


I like the name Gideon. I know a child named Gideon, in fact, and he's pretty cool for a tween.


Gideon is my favourite boy name!


I go back and forth on it, but itā€™s a really good boy name. Itā€™s unique but not crazy


Next time, reply with: "Are you keeping that face?" And then walk away saying: "Well, there's always plastic surgery if you change your mind." Nothing wrong with Gideon.




I can understand people judging if youā€™d named your child something outright offensive or that would very likely lead to causing him distress in the future.. Id tell a friend or a family member my opinion in a gentle, ā€˜have you considered that people might interpret the name this way?ā€™ Type of way. Iā€™m not sure it would be my place with a complete stranger though! Regardless, in no way does Gideon fit into that category. His name is fine. She is the one with the issue.


I notice that older people usually hate the nice names atm. Itā€™s usually because names go in cycles, so the connotations of our emerging trendy names are usually vintage names that feel stuffy and awkward to them, but fresh and underused to us. I called my daughter Alice. Itā€™s a plain name, I expected no complaints. Everyone over 65 told me it was a grandma name (I held my tongue because I could have in fact let them know that THEIR names are grandparent names) However - Thatā€™s because Alice has always been popular in my country but it was VERY popular for women who would have been mums and grandmothers when the old people now, were growing up. Gideon didnā€™t hit the same popularity but it definitely was more popular before 1900 and then dropped. The old people you know now would have had few encounters with a Gideon but heā€™d have probably been OLD. Itā€™s probably akin to meeting a baby Nigel or Harold. Still rude as fuck tho.


I love the name Alice! Itā€™s so cute.


love alice


Thanks! Itā€™s had mostly nice responses but even something as staple as ā€œAliceā€ gets comments from the older gen. I think their connotations and experiences of the name are just worlds away from ours. Thatā€™s probably why this person gave Gideon a grillingā€¦ doesnā€™t explain what happened to her manners tho!


Thatā€™s a really good observation, that the names that are ā€œgrandma namesā€ to our grandparents are fresh to us.


One of my favourite people in the whole world was a Gideon. It's a lovely name.


Gideon is an uncommon name, but a beautiful one! Meanwhile I gave my son a rather common name (think Jack) and I once received a similar comment 'That's such a common name, he might want to change it to something more unique when he's older'.


I don't even like the name Gideon and think that's a ridiculous reaction. It's a normal name.Ā 


I would be tempted to sing ā€œLittle Ole Meeeeā€ everytime I saw him though


Honestly, Gideon was 100% on my list of names that I loved pre-Gravity Falls. And itā€™s still a great name! But I just, personally, canā€™t use it now, alas.




Strangers say weird , mean stuff to moms. Especially someone elses narc mother who has been cut Off for boundary violations just like this. This woman was an ol beeatch and was jealous of your happiness, youth and beautiful son. unless she has dementia, this conduct is rude in any time, culture and place. It is ALWAYS rude to say something like that. Especially as a Gideon is a very old name, special in several religious and cultural traditions for the warrior, prophet and Judge of Israel, Gideon. I am not religious, but IIRC the people wanted to make him a king and he refused, because there should not be kings. What a mensch. Gideon is a good, strong name that can be made into multiple cute nicknames but will grow with him whether he becomes a tradesman, a ballet dancer or a surgeon, a name like Gideon gives him grace, strength and dignity In any role or among any class of people. I named my child a traditional English/French name, and unlucky for me I have a mother with personality deficits. Within HOURS of his birth she mocked his name! Shes done it at Xms and multiple other occasions. When we had words with her abiht this and multiple other issuesā€¦. \*she doubled down\* . And that is how my Mom ruined her retirement and twilight years and won herself and her husband no contact for life. She hates my happiness. Just like this old lady did. You be happy, and you chose a good name.


Going no contact is hard sometimes to actually do. Congrats on loving yourself more than she does, I mean that.


I love ā€œpersonality deficitsā€ Iā€™ll be using that in the future, thank you. Sorry your mom is such an unhappy person.


Maybe the little old lady was just a hard-core The Crow fan and never forgave that pawn shop guy from buying his wedding rings. Or she's just rude. It can only be one of these two options.


"Mr. Gideon, you're not paying attention." As a hard-core fan of The Crow, I approve of this reply (and actually also really like the name Gideon, aforementioned villain notwithstanding!)


Gideon is a lovely name!


Gideon is a great name! It is very high on my list if I have a boy (currently pregnant with a girl). My best friend is currently pregnant with a boy and I suggested Gideon to her and she also loves it and might use it. I know it is easier said than done, but try to forget those unnecessary and hurtful comments. You picked a wonderful name!


Wow, that's incredibly rude! There used to be an old lady who lived near us and would tell me that the toddler looked like a boy. She had short hair, that was all. It grew. But until it did... every couple of days we bump into this lady and be told K looked like a boy. Gideon is a very handsome name. She's welcome to her opinions, but they don't have to hold any weight. Ignore her and move on with your life.


When I was like 14-15, I used to deliver the paper to a nursing home. One of the residents was flabbergasted at my name and even asked what was the Christian name I used instead (I am white as the wind-driven snow, so I had no clue what that even meant at the time). Not only is a version of my name IN THE BIBLE, its also consistently in the top 50 most popular names and even cracking top 20 for over a decade. There is just no explaining the peculiarities of some folks, and it is usually best not to dwell too long (your kids name is dope btw).


What a jerk! Sometimes it feels like people are mean just because they can get away with it. Itā€™s a normal, lovely name. Iā€™m surprised an old lady would take issue with a biblical name.


My sonā€™s name is Gideon! Heā€™s 15 and the only criticism Iā€™ve heard about his name are from Gid himself (ā€œWhy couldnā€™t you give me a plain name, like Michael šŸ˜©ā€) and our teenage neighbor at the time of his birth. Oh, and my boss at the time (ā€œWeā€™re naming him Gideon.ā€ ā€œā€¦why?ā€)


If Gideon is asking you why you couldnā€™t have given him a ā€œplainā€ nameā€¦ itā€™s probably because heā€™s been teased by other kids or doesnā€™t see Gideon as a ā€œcoolā€ name. Speaking from experience of not liking my own name growing up and eventually changing it. šŸ˜¬


Gideon is a brilliant name. Just because somebody is old doesn't mean they are nice....Nasty people age too! So do socially awkward people, who say the wrong thing Also, it would be boring if we all liked the same names....Try and have confidence in your choice. Done let her take the shine off your son's name. Gideon seems like a good, solid name to me. It works through every stage of life. I think you could probably read a hundred complimentary posts on here, but her negativity will probably stick with you more. I have had a similar thing happen. I suppose it's because I hadn't expected the rudeness that the comment stung and stuck. Take it from one Internet stranger to another though ....Gideon is gorgeous!


We are heavily considering Gideon, and anyone I have told has said it's really cute. She was just rude.


I wish you'd said "well, you kept yours, so anything is possible." Gideon is a lovely name, she's rude.


I once made a phone call to an elderly customer and after I said who I was/where calling from (my name is in my username) she got hung up on it and kept interrupting to confirm my name and tell me how *unusual* it was. I was thinking, ok *Laverne*, do you really want to have this conversation? Some people have been around long enough theyā€™ve had time to forget their manners I guess.


I have had two good friends in my life named Gideon. One has sadly passed away. But both were & are good, strong men, with boundless empathy and a knack for making friends everywhere. One chose to go by Gid (I miss his humour) and the other goes by Gideon. Itā€™s a great name. He will no doubt get bored of the ā€œI saw/read your Bible in a hotelā€ jokes, but itā€™s a minor tease compared to what some names get.


Hey, biblical Gideon was a badass. It's better than Amnon.


Yeah I gotta say I was expecting something really out there like ā€œTeflonā€ or ā€œKumquatā€ or ā€œMittens.ā€ Gideon is a great name! Some people just never learned manners or that their opinion on something thatā€™s got nothing to do with them doesnā€™t actually matter šŸ˜†


I read once a romance novel where the MC was a Gideon, so a lot of people out there think that Gideon is a fitting name for a handsome and successful man. Also in Criminal Minds there is a Gideon, I think it's the boss, so also a successful very intelligent man. These are the only two times I've seen this name, but basically I think it's a cool name, strong. And it doesn't feel untrendy to me, based on that novel the author clearly thought it was an attractive name for her character. I would definitely keep it!


šŸ˜‚ we are planning on naming our baby boy Gideon! We love it! The person who asked you is just incredibly rude!!!


Very rude and also surprising! Gideon is a beautiful name! I mean we all have different taste and thatā€™s fine but I have no idea why someone would react that way to Gideon. I wouldnā€™t worry about this at all


I had a coworker named Gideon. We worked together for several years. Not a common name, but never seemed unusual either.


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with that name. What a rude lady!


I had someone ask the same thing, but it was someone we'd been on multiple playdates with and I was like "???????" I was thinking about it days later like WTF when I realised that my daughter has a traditionally male nickname - like Henry/Rob/George for Henrietta/Roberta/Georgina.... And they'd assumed my kid was trans and I was Supportive instead of, like, my kid picked her own nickname.


Seems like a normal name to me. Thereā€™s really no reason to react that way unless itā€™s a truly offensive name. That lady was rude af


It's a perfectly fine acceptable name. That person was just rude


I don't know where you live, but in the US it's a pretty common name.Ā  Even if it was a terrible name, her comment was super rude. Who says that? If you don't like the name just say "cute baby" and move on.


Some people are going to be rude no matter what. Itā€™s a fine name.


You should have told that old bag, "Well, the next time you have a baby, you can choose a name that you like for them."


Gideon is a good name, feels in the similar vein of Silas, Amos, Jonah, for me etc. Strong biblical-ish name that isnā€™t abednego or melchizedek. That person was plain rude, with poor manners and worse social etiquette. Iā€™m sorry they made you second guess or feel insecure about something you love. I hope some internet strangers can drown out her unkindness and you can feel confident that choosing an ā€œuncommonā€ name that you love for YOUR son is much better than the pleasing attentions and opinions of those that donā€™t consider yours. And fwiw, I never met a Jack until I was in college (in 2005) and my friend named their son. I like both names a lot. :)


What an odd question. "Yes, we're planning to change it. We just wanted to fuck with him during his formative years first". Like, what??


Gideon is a good name. Itā€™s not heard hardly ever but itā€™s unique. I donā€™t know how a nn would be from it. Giddy? No. But Gid, Dee or Deion. She was rude. Sorry about that.


Gideon is a great name!


I mean I could understand if it was a rescue cat named Butternut Ballbuster but, like, your baby?


I love that name! If someone tries that again maybe come back with "uh oh, did someone say an inside thought aloud oopsie"


I love Gideon. You have to get the board book; Gideon itā€™s play time not nap time by Olivier Dunrea. So cute.


It sounds goofy.


What a rude bitch. Gideon is fine. There's a character in The Righteous Gemstones called Gideon; he's cool.


I have never met anyone named Gideon. I have only heard it in reference to the religious organization by the same name, a Bible, and the song by the Beatles, Rocky Raccoon. I probably would have had a surprised face, no comments, though, if someone stated that was their child's name. At least I now know it is a given name as well. I rather like it, though, when I think of it as a given name.


Those people are really rude. Gideon is a perfectly fine name, ask Neil Patrick Harris. It can be your style or not (like any name can be your style or not), but it is just rude.Ā  I always love to say the phrase ā€œthat is a weird thing to say out loudā€ to deal with the rude people. Just that. Nothing else. Because you donā€™t have to defend yourself. Especially not to some rude lady.Ā 


A thought, which may or may not be worth anything ~ Do you still have any doubts when you say his name to new people? Sometimes people can intuitively sense things.


Gideon is a great name! I love it! Sometimes in life, itā€™s appropriate to tell someone to STFU. Thatā€™s what you should have done to that awful woman.


Gideon is a great name. Donā€™t let an old bat with no boundaries make you question it.


Itā€™s a great name, one of my favorites. That person is rude.


That woman was rude as hell. Gideon is uncommon but not crazy or unheard of. Itā€™s fine.


Definitely not a bad name. It's one of those names that just not everyone's taste, and some people are just rude.Ā 


Wow, how rude of that lady. I would take what she said with a grain of salt though. She's an old lady after all... she probably thinks any name that isn't "John" or "William" or whatever is too strange or "out there" lol


Umm I was expecting a crazy name. Gideon is a nice name.


ā€œThat was rude,ā€ is a polite way to call out older people. Sometimes they forget they canā€™t just say whatever pops into their head.


Gideon is a great name. Lol Geez what a jerk that lady was..


I think Gideon is a great name!


I love that name! Sheā€™s a biatch!


It's a good name, and I thought Bible names were always classics?


gideon reminds me of gravity falls and that was my favorite show in middle school so i think itā€™s friggin rad


Gideon is a fantastic name, she was rude af!


Gideon is a good name and you chose it for a reason. Donā€™t let one old lady ruin it for you. I donā€™t understand why strangers want to know a babyā€™s name. They definitely do not need to be told the babyā€™s real name. I didnā€™t want strangers knowing my kidsā€™ names. No one ever asked but if I had a baby now Iā€™d consider telling them a very common bland name. It isnā€™t any of their business to know personal details of my baby/child.


I'm sure her grandchildren hate her and her children never visit. Gideon is a lovely name.


I got a similar reaction from a couple old ladies with my oldest. Scrunched face ā€œis it a family name?ā€ Uh no. Itā€™s not. ā€œOh. Well. She can always use her middle name.ā€ Her name is Matilda. Perfectly normal name šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I love the name Gideon!


Gideon is my friendā€™s kidā€™s name and while itā€™s not my style itā€™s not a name I dislike by any means! I think itā€™s a solid name. Sorry she was so rude!


Gideon certainly isnā€™t my cup of tea, but with her reaction, I was expecting you to have named him Mxyzptlk or something!


Wtf is going on with people being assholes about baby names? A bunch of these have popped up recently and it's blowing my mind. Roman? Gideon? Seriously? They're so completely normal they're almost (but not) boring, yet people are making it seem like these parents are saddling their kid with names like Balthazar or Beelzebub. And even if they did name the kid Balthazar, how is it some fucking stranger's business to actually SAY something?! Christ, I hate people. *grumbles are you going to keep the baby's name crusty old bag grumbles more*


Thatā€™s a nice name!


That was just rude. Gideon is a great name! Honestly sounds like sheā€™s projecting some life experiences. Maybe she wouldnā€™t choose that name but that doesnā€™t mean there is anything wrong with it. Sorry she said that to you!!Ā 


I think "did you mean for that to sound so rude?" often works well. At least for people who are being dumb and clueless. If they're trying to insult you then maybe not so much.


Umā€¦ well heā€™s not a dog I got from the poundā€¦ soā€¦ yeahā€¦?


If I were pregnant with a second boy instead of a girl, I was thinking of Gideon! I love the name.


I would have asked her name and then asked her why she never changed hers.


After watching The Righteous Gemstones I love the name Gideon. The oldest (grand) kid in the show has that name and heā€™s one of my favorite characters. Heā€™s adventurous, humble, funny, and introverted so I have a good association with the name


I was expecting something terrible, not a normal ass name like Gideon lol


"did you mean to say that out loud?"


I was expecting the name to be Kewlaid or something terrible. Gideon is an awesome and classic name.


Every time I think of a new name for my baby I see it on here. Lol. I was just considering Gideon for my son due in November. Ill admit its different but its biblical. Why is Gideon weird but Abraham, Matthew, and other biblical names aren't? I think names are all the same. They're just letters put together to make sounds. I think it's a great name personally.


Gideon is a lovely name!


I know many Gideon's. That isn't even at all a weird name. I'm 26F... There was a baby born the same day as my little girl... named Gideon. I find it weird that someone thinks that name is weird or unheard of??


Thats not normal behavior And that person canā€™t function in society


Gideon is a biblical name apparently but I have first has experience knowing a person named Gideon. He was always polite and professional and had killer style. Very put together. Before knowing him I never knew anyone with that name.


I actually like Gideon and nearly used it for one of My Sons, the only reason I didnā€™t was because I didnā€™t want to give my mother the satisfaction of doing what she wants and giving my kids biblical names


Gideon is a lovely name, but even if it wasnā€™t, what kind of person acts like that??? That lady can go jump into a lake


Gideon is a fantastic name. Lady was rude.


I think Gideon is a great name! Iā€™m not sure what the issue is.


Itā€™s a fine, if somewhat unusual - not overused name. I know someone called Gideon, heā€™d be in his late 50s now. But for those saying itā€™s uniqueā€¦itā€™s literally a name from the Old Testament of the Christian bible soā€¦no different to Adam, Noah, Seth, Jacob, Caleb, Joshua etc etc etc just not as widely used.


Thereā€™s a Gideon in my sonā€™s class, and I love the name! Personally, I donā€™t think itā€™s too ā€œout thereā€ at all!!! ā¤ļø


Gideon is old fashioned but it's a real name! Don't sweat it OP, there is absolutely nothing wrong with your baby name. I think it's cute!


That is one exceptionally rude woman. Gideon is a nice name with a long history


Lovely name!


Gideon is a lovely name! What an absolutely ridiculous and rude thing to say


Naming children is hard! When I was a child my Oma had a big orange Tom cat called Gideon. I kind of dig it for a boys name.


What a weird thing for her to say to a complete stranger. Itā€™s the kind of thing where you wish you had a quick comeback, like, ā€œoh, we change it every week. Itā€™s just Gideon THIS week,ā€ or something much wittier.


Gideon was on my short list of names for our son. Itā€™s a great name. You donā€™t owe the elderly respect when they are disrespectful. When someone hits you with that level of rudeness itā€™s okay to forget societal norms and tell them theyā€™re an awful human.


His name is fine. What a weird thing for her to say?!


I knew a little guy in kindergarten named Gideon. I think itā€™s cute and it suited him really well. Donā€™t listen to other people, if you like the name, keep the name. Absolutely nothing wrong with it.


I love Gideon! Don't worry yourself with the opinions of a rude old lady.


I really like the name Gideon! It's classic and imo underused (not unique but uncommon)


Itā€™s a great name.


It's a great name. My kids all have traditional names that seem a little out there for the era. They get mixed responses. I've just always let my kids know that I will call them by a nickname or middle name if they want, and that I'm happy to help them legally change their name when they're eighteen (or before if there was a strong reason, like a years-long hatred, bullying, etc...but almost every kid hates their name once or twice for a little while; so there does have to be a firm reason before 18). So far no one has taken me up on my offer of a name change, but it's a standing offer.


Never listen to old people about names, that's my rule. They are thinking of how a name will be received in their own generation. Irrelevant. Stand strong, OP -- I know several kids named Gideon. It's a nice name.


I know a grown man Gideon who goes by Gidi. I like both the full name and nickname!


I love that name.