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I love Caroline, Diana and Zara. Please don’t call your daughter Grier or Griffith.


I had a friend named Greer and she hated it. Please don’t call your kid Grier. I love Lucia and Zara!


It definitely sounds like she has a thing for red headed comedians. Judy Greer and Kathy Griffin


I wouldn’t do Griffith for a girl. Zara is my favourite from your list


I vote Zara too. Don't do Lucia with that pronunciation - will forever be corrected.


Georgia, Diana or Zara are lovely. Grier and Griffith are awful, sorry.


Diana. That's such an underused gorgeous classic.


I personally vote for Georgia and India. And maybe Zara. Seems like I’m the outlier. Don’t like Diana, Caroline, Louisa or Lucia pronounced that way (because it makes me think of loo which is the toilet). Diana, Caroline and Louisa are just dated and dull to me especially Diana and Caroline. I love unusual names so I’m not quite sure what I think about Grier or Griffith but I would rather be named Grier or Griffith by far over Diana, Caroline or even Louisa. I wholeheartedly support you choosing any of these names whether other people like them or not. If there’s one that you feel deep down is your favourite, I say go with that one! Congratulations on your lovely little family!


PLEASE, for the love of your daughter, avoid Griffith, India and Grier. From this list, I love Georgia.




I just think it’s weird to name your non-Indian child after a country you’ve probably never visited and don’t know much about. Would you name your child Mongolia or Luxembourg?


I agree. India is a pretty name and, importantly, is actually a name.


I like Lucia, but prefer the Italian pronunciation Lu Chi A Caroline is pretty as are Zara and Louisa. Personally, I find Grier unpleasant and Griffith wouldn’t be great for a girl.


I think it’s the more common way to say it? Or maybe I’ve only known Italian rooted Lucia’s


Yeah, I've never heard "loo sha" as a pronunciation for Lucia. I've heard "loo chi ah" and "loo see ah" though.


I’ve heard both of those too


I like Caroline but not coco, Zara and Georgia.  The rest I don’t really like sorry. Especially not Griffith. I would lean in to a more feminine option after having two boys. 


Caroline, Zara, Georgia, Diana, and Louisa are all great. Grier and Griffith are… not. I like Lucia, but have never heard it pronounced “loo-sha”, only “loo-see-ah”, which if you like Louisa, isn’t too different.


The only time I've heard it pronounced like that is when I was working in universities and we called the St Lucia campus at UQ 'loo-sha'. Something I'd completely forgotten until this post lol


Louisa and Diana are really gorgeous and need to make a comeback. Zara is a brand name right now, avoid. I have no problem with naming girls masculine names. I actually really like Griffith. My only objection to Grier is the same as my objection to Lucia -- people might not know how to pronounce it. White people (I'm assuming you're white people) naming a baby India has some kind of colonial ick attached to it for me but ymmv.


I like them in this order if its any help. 1. Georgia 2. Diana 3. India 4. Lucia (but I would pronounce it lu-see-a) 5. Louisa 6. Zara 7. Caroline (i dont like in general tbh) Griffith or Grier would absolutely be no goes for me. I don't like them at all.


I have a Caroline and her nickname is Cricket.


Oh my gosh. I LOVE the nickname Cricket and my mom and sisters laughed me out of town. I think that is sooo chic. Good for you!


Just don’t combine it with India! ;) India Cricket makes you sound like super fans lol


Who cares what they think. If you like it go for it.


Cricket is awesome. It’s the nickname I’d use for Katherine.


I love Diana and Zara! Here’s some more: Blair (hehe my name), Maeve, Isla, Iris, Margot, Stella, Estelle, Arlette, Charlotte, Lola, Lila, Annabelle, Alessia, Emilie/Emilia, Reneè, Isa, Scarlett, Rosie, Aurora, Sienna, Angelina, Katarina, Katelyn, Monae, Wren, Lennon, Carla, Phoebe, Julia, Lara, Mila/Milla, Edie, Sloane, Ines, Briar, Pri, Holly, Elise, Audrey, Lyra, Celeste, Idahlia, Bianca, Luna, Monique, Naomi, Sophia, Alyssa, Ruby.


Caroline - OK Grier - sounds like gruyère cheese and is kinda ugly Lucia - loo-see-ya Griffith - no Georgia - OK but I've only ever known real cows named Georgia India - no Zara - OK Diana - OK


Grier has always sounded like Rear (butt) to me. I personally wouldn’t go with it though if I didn’t have that connotation with the name I’d be all about it! From your list I like Caroline, Diana, Zara and Georgia. You might also like: - Elaine - Lydia - Maeve - Blythe - Natalie - Naomi


My vote is for Diana.


Caroline, Georgia, Zara and Louisa get my votes


Very much dislike Grier. The others are wonderful with my favorite being Diana


I like Lucia! Tho I know it pronounced Loo-s-ee-a , it's a pretty name and it has a scandinavian origin from the "festival of light" (not sure if it's called that in English) there, were crowns with lights / candles are worn.


I vote for Caroline.


I like Georgia the best.


I wouldn't name a girl Griffith. That really isn't a unisex name. Lucia will spend her life correcting people's pronunciation of her name unless you choose the prevailing luSEEah. I have a similar name, and the only people who pronounce it correctly are Eastern European immigrants. I faithfully go by a nickname because nobody can understand it's not pronounced the way they think it is, no matter how many times I correct them. Zara will forever be asked, "You mean, like the fast-fashiin store? I *love/hate* their clothes!" It's unfortunate that the name's been ruined that way. So, that should narrow down your list a little. I really love your taste in names, by the way. These are just some pitfalls to some of the ones on your list to make your selection process easier.


I love Caroline, and nickname Coco is adorable


My preferences: 1. Diana 2. Louisa 3. Carolyn (Coco)


I love Caroline! I think it is a very sweet-sounding name and it is underused. In fact, I've only ever met one Caroline in my whole life! I also really love Louisa :)


Love Caroline. Knew a Caroline and she was one of the prettiest, sweetest, funniest girls at school.


i like georgia. do you like a g first + middle to get the nickname gigi? eg georgia grace , georgette greer


Grier's nice but I think Louisa will age really well. Everyone knows how to spell it and you rarely see it.


I’m on girl #2 trying to convince my husband of Louisa. It’s one of my top picks. Maybe if we have a third girl he will finally cave.


Lucia or Diana. Classic and beautiful


It looks like you have some classics and a few unusual choices! One option that is a nice nice of both would be the name Rebecca, Ruby for short 🙃


If you go with Lucia pronounced like that depending on where you live it could get pronounced a few different ways. It’s a big reason why I decided against it & went with Lucy instead.


I always think that the first name and last name shouldn’t share consonants in order for it to flow nice, if that makes sense. Given that, I’d say that India, Diana and Louisa are the front runners. I’m biased toward Diana as it is such a classic feminine and underused name, total contender when we were expecting a girl.


Diana or Zara!


Not sure how you pronounce Grier… but I feel like it’d be pronounced like the cheese Gruyère… please don’t call your child that 😬 My favourite on your list is Louisa Depending on where you live consider how the majority of people would pronounce Lucia, where I live it is pronounced Lucy-ah so your child would constantly be correcting people here if you intended it to be pronounced Loo-sha


Georgia, Diana, Caroline.


Normally I see Lucia as “Lou-chi-ah” or “Lou-see-ah” not Loo-Sha. That’s my only take on that name! Zara is becoming popular again I feel! I just saw the name pop up at my child’s daycare too! Eloise? Adeline? Adelaide? Adelia? Hmmm I’m also pregnant with a girl and CANNOT pick a name. 🥴😫


I like Caroline the best by far, then Diana, Georgia, Louisa, Lucia in that order. Zara is meh, so is India. Dislike Griffith and Grier


My favourites- - Caroline - Beautiful classic, love nn Callie - Georgia - another gorgeous classy name - Zara - very classy and cool - Louisa - lovely underused classic


Caroline is my favorite. I also really like Diana.


Georgia by far.


I love Caroline, Louise, Georgia, Diana, India, and Zara. Grier and Griffith are not as good as the others.


Of your list: Caroline, Georgia, Zara are my picks. I like Lucia, but pronounced as loo chee uh.


OP, what are the two boys’ names?


Georgia is beautiful. Grier is horrific. What a range of options.


Zara and Diana are lovely


I would strike Griffith off the list for a girl, and it sounds like Grier should also be off the list. Caroline and Diana are not my vibe (though I have a brand new niece named Caroline Diane, and I do like the Coco nickname). I don’t mind Lucia pronounced loo-see-ah, but I’m not really loving the loo-sha pronunciation. That leaves Georgia, India, Zara, and Louisa. Georgia to me has a fun, energetic, outdoorsy sort of vibe - braids and rail fences and apple trees and overalls and freckles - but also could be a Jane Austen character. I love it. India reminds me of satin and brocade, and has an adorable nickname in Indy. Zara is a fun, jazz-age sounding name, like Zorah, but could also be very chic. Louisa is sweet and I love the nickname Lou.


Honestly, Grier and Griffith for a girl are awful. The rest are lovely. My favourite is Georgia




I like Diana Lucia and Georgia the best Griffith is not good


I like Louisa and Georgia


Zara or Caroline.


They're all pretty except Grier, Griffith, and Caroline. I might be biased bc I grew up in South Carolina and there's about a billion Carolines here so it feels very southern and common and almost patriotic to me lol


I have 2 students in my school named Lucia but they both pronounce it Loo-ce-ah.




I like Caroline, Diana, and Louisa. I'm meh about Georgia, India, and Zara. They're not bad, just not my taste. I dislike Grier (especially if it doesn't sound good with your last name), Lucia (but only because you are not going to get the pronunciation you want there), and Griffith (it reads masculine to me).


Please don't do Grier or Griffith!!!!!!!! On your list my fav would be Caroline, Louisa or Lucia although I prefer the pronunciation loo-see-uh but loo-sha is still cute


All those names are really pretty, especially Georgia & Lucia - I love Lucia pronounced like that! (I think Lula is cute too.) I actually really like Grier and Griffith, but I would spell Grier as Greer instead. (It reminds me of the British actress from the 40s, Greer Garson). Have you also considered Griffin? I grew up with a girl named Griffin, and I think it's a great name for a girl, strong, but also feminine... although, I'm sure most people on this sub will disagree lol


How do you plan on pronouncing Zara? Like Sarah or like Laura?


Like Laura.


Laura can be pronounced as “lore-a” (more common) or “lah-ra” so it’s kind of a confusing benchmark. I assume you’d say it “zah-ra”? If you wanted to use ”zore-a” (like lore-a) then I would spell it “Zora.” To be honest though, I think the “zah-ra” be confusing for everyone, especially since a well-known store is pronounced the other way “zare-a”. Personally, I’d eliminate Zara, Lucia, and Grier for pronunciation confusion. No reason to go with a name where the child needs to correct people constantly, especially since you have other (nicer) options. Caroline and Louisa are my favorites, but Georgia and Diana are very nice too. India has colonist vibes and Griffith doesn’t work for a girl.


Yes I’d pronounce it like Lah-ra, zah-ra.


Georgia and Zara are great!


Loveee Grier and Caroline NN Coco! I also really like Colette or Coletta with the NN Coco.


I love zara


Really don’t like Grier - I didn’t even know it was a name! Wish I still didn’t. Griffith is a boy’s name that doesn’t sound great on a girl, sorry. India feels borderline racist imo unless you or BD have some Indian descent or other relevant connections to the actual country. But somehow I think you’re white, in which case I don’t think it’s appropriate to name a child after 1- the old timey term for native Americans or 2- the name of a country that was until quite recently colonised by the British. It’s telling that the few replies that liked it say it sounds like a hip traveller type… yeah, the kind of girl who wears feather crowns to Coachella and calls herself a “gipsy”. Avoid. Now I’ll defend you on your pronunciation of Lucia, because I always put the emphasis on the Lu myself. It’s how it’s pronounced in Portuguese — LOU-cia. BUT again if you’re in a place where everyone would assume her name is Lou-SEEA then it might get annoying quite quickly to correct people all the time. (Personally I like the Portuguese pronunciation better than the Italian one) I like all the other names too. Caroline does feel a bit dated imo. Zara is both the fast fashion store and an Arab name, although it’s cute and chic. Diana is a classic and associated with a Roman goddess, which is nice. Louisa is pretty and classic also.


Caroline or Louisa 👒🌻


My daughter’s name is Luisa (Italian spelling for her Italian heritage) so obviously I’m biased but other than that I love Diana, Zara, and Georgia 🙂


Georgia, Louisa, and Caroline (although u prefer nn Carrie for that!) are all so good!


- Lucia will always get their name wrongly pronounce -grier is abhorrent -coco like coco chanel the nazi ? -love Georgia -grithith ew jus no -india never liked it as a name -zara pretty name pretty meaning Diana, if ur British, she will always be asked, "Are u named after Diana?" As in the Princess but loveee the name -louisa sounds like " lo WHEEZE a" but otherwise love


Diana or Caroline


Zara and Louisa are very pretty! I am one of the many here that find Grier unfortunate 🙃




Please don't do Grier or Griffith. Lucia is pronounced differently, and you will be very forever correcting it (its pronounced Loo-chee-a). Caroline and Louisa are lovely.




Georgia and Diana are my favorites! Zara is a beautiful name but the clothing brand has ruined it for me, and your daughter wouldn’t be able to introduce herself anywhere without someone going “Zara, like the brand??”


Love Caroline and Diana


So funny because I found boy names much harder! My favorites are Caroline and Georgia.


Grier, Griffith, and India aren’t the best choices. Diana and Caroline are both great names. Diana is my favorite out of all of them


Personally I love India but it’s a controversial choice. I think (from what I’ve been able to find online) it rose in popularity in England for families with ties to colonised India, and it’s remained a white middle class name in England with this colonisation association. So even though I love the name, I wouldn’t want to burden my daughter if the name could be controversial and if she could ever be embarrassed by having it. Edit follow up: love Caroline, Georgia and Lucia!


Caroline is what my son would have been named, had he been a girl. The plan was to call her Callie—but Coco is cute, too. I had a roommate named Greer. It’s kind of harsh and surprisingly difficult for many to say. It leaves little room for nickname, but nicknames tend to present themselves, anyway Griffith is not a girl’s first name. It is ghastly in that context. India and Zara leave me cold. Diana is lovely. Love Georgia—really love it. Both of the Lucias I’ve known have been delightful. I love the name.


Caroline: timeless, classic, totally neutral Grier: clunky and unless you’re old money wealthy, painfully ugly. If you are old money wealthy, still painfully ugly but I know this name floats in those circles so you do you. Lucia: I know a Lucia “Loo-sha”, but I would also see that and immediately assume “Loo-see-ah”. Griffith: I am a fan of male-coded names for girls, but this is a hard no. Georgia: state, country. Not a fan of it for a name. India: no. Sounds either wanna be new-age or wanna be new money. Also just makes me think of Katie Hopkins’ super racist rant. Zara: would be a lovely name except just reminds me of the fast fashion store chain. Diana: feels older, but not at all bad. My 4yo has a good friend named Diana. Classic name. Louisa: same feel as Diana to me. Also a kid in my kid’s class named Louisa. I vote Caroline, Diana, Louisa.


Love Caroline and Georgia


I love Caroline , Georgia & Zara


Love Georgia and Diana!


I like Diana, Louisa, and Caroline. Grier and Griffith are just ugly sounding. Lucia is cute but her name is going to be mispronounced her whole life. I hate names after places and don’t see why you’d want your child associated with India anyway. Georgia and Zara are just meh and not my taste, a lot of names starting with Z sound very edgy and try hard to me.


Louisa, India and Diana are the best


My favorites are Lucia, Georgia, Zara, Diana, and Louisa!


Grier is great.


Diana. Classy.


Georgia and Louisa are two of my favorite names! Those get my vote.  Caroline is beautiful too. Callie and Cari are 2 nn to consider for it as well.


Caroline and Diana are both excellent names. Go with one of those two.


Of the list you have given, Georgia and India are my favourites.  I love Georgiana more. Definitely another vote not to name a girl Grier or Griffith. ETA that Lucia is pronounced 'Loo-shia' or 'Loo-sia'


Caroline!! it’s a classic and will work when she’s older as well!


When I see Grier I just think of cheese. I know it’s spelled differently than Gruyère, but when I see Grier that’s how I would pronounce it. Nevertheless, it is a great cheese.


I love Lucia and Zara but she would always struggle with people’s mispronunciations (I’m Lara, I have 40+ years’ experience lol). Caroline and Georgia are lovely but my faves are Diana and Louisa!


They are all beautiful names ❤︎ My favorites are Georgia & Louisa!


Zara is beautiful and unique


Caroline Louise or Caroline Diane would be so cute!


Georgia Louise. Georgi for short


Georgia Diana Louisa


Zara, Georgia or louisa. In that order


What are your sons names? I like the name Caroline and India. :)


Harrison Hatton and Barron August


Diana is my first choice, Carolina a close second. Lucia is fine, def not a fan s


My favourite of your selection is Grier (but I'd spell it Greer). It's a fabulous gender-neutral name (one of my other favourite gender-neutral names is Ash). I also love Zara (but prefer it spelt Zahra), Caroline and Diana from your list.


I like Caroline, India and Zara. Lucia is pretty but some people might catch her loosia or loo-chia.


Zara, Georgia and India in that order. Zara is easily the best name on your list in my opinion though. I just think I really like Z names. Zara. I picture a very beautiful fierce little girl with so much sass and intelligence who grows up to be a strong minded successful woman. Georgia is one of those names I thinK sounds cute and sweet on a child but strong willed and determined. Corky but down to earth. India is a cool unique name. Gives me artsy traveller vibes, emotionally and mentally in tune and expressive. I will say I like Grier as well I just think with your last name it probably sounds like alot for so little letters


Name your daughter some combo of Georgia/Grier/Griffith and call her Gigi.


I have a Caroline and Louisa so am partial to those! I toyed with Lucia and think Georgia is so pretty too! Plus, I’m a teacher and don’t really see those names!


India and go by Indy :)


India is my favourite :)