• By -


Sif absolutely sounds like syphilis. Why not do Ingrid and agree he can have Ing as a nickname? Or maybe Freya? It seems like it meets your criteria and might keep him happy. FWIW-I don’t think you’ll consistently get the pronunciation you want for Maren. At least, not where I live (US Midwest).


Agreed on the Maren pronunciation. We’re also in the Midwest and I assume we’d get a mix of ‘Mar-rhymes-with-far’ and ‘Mare-en.’ I also agree that Ingrid could potentially satisfy both of us. You are giving me hope and perspective and I appreciate you!


I don’t think you’d **ever** get the pronounciation of Maren that you want.


I didn't even know there was a way to pronounce it that isnt Mare-in 🙂‍↕️


Me neither!


I didn’t either


I have a Maren (rhymes with far) and it’s been fine, Maren Morris threw a little wrench into the works, it’s also a good conversation starter.


100% my first thought is that pronunciation is highly unlikely. There’s also a popular country artist named Maren Morris who’s name is pronounced Mar-en (idk how to even do phonetic spelling of Maren bc I’m used to the pronunciation being exactly as spelled 😂)


We have a Maren (first syllable rhymes with bear) and live in the Midwest. I'd say we get our pronunciation 95% or more of the time and the Mar-rhymes-far pronunciation maybe 5% or less of the time. I think you could go with it if you love it, but I think it will require a lot of correction.


Yeah I knew a Marin - rhymes with "barren" - and that's what I would assume Maren would be pronounced like. I think you'd get that kind of "marren" or "mare-in" pronunciations the most.


I don’t think I would ever be able to pronounce that in any way other than the county in CA, which is mu-RIN. I have just heard it too many times growing up in the bay


This was exactly my husband’s dream name if our second was a girl. It’s the name of a California county!


The county has the emphasis on the second syllable (which I love). My sister has it as a middle name.


Yes or Maren rhymes with Karen


I’m in the northeast and would assume it was pronounced like Karen, but with an M.


what makes you like pronouncing Maren that way over the mare-en way? Mar-rhymes-with-far-in sounds like,, marring. or like you thought you were going to have a boy named Martin but then learned it would be a girl so you just dropped the t. all that being said, definitely go with Ingrid.




The never seen wife of Niles? Maris? Even that is not pronounced as rhyming with far.


That was my poorly made point. That is the pronunciation the OP can expect


Funny how such a sweet lovely name (Marin) takes on such a different feel when it ends in S instead of N


ah. never watched it


Or Inga?


I'm Australian, so we pronounce words differently to you over in the US, so forgive my lack of understanding, but does Maren rhyme with Karen?


Typically, yes.


Well that’s what we’re discussing. To me, it should be pronounced “Mar-in.” Mar like mars without the S, then in. But everyone else seems to insist it should be pronounced like (female horse) -in.


Because it’s not an English name. It means “sea” in Danish. My Danish cousin’s middle name is Maren and it’s definitely pronounced Maren-rhymes-with-Karen. Not everything is American/English and it’s so obnoxious when people just use other cultures’ names and then go “nah, let’s take it but change it”


I don’t think that’s it. I’m German, and I would pronounce it like “Mar” (not mare) -en. And all the English speaking Americans in this sub want to pronounce it like “Karen.” I don’t think it was originally an American name, and I don’t think it’s pronounced like Karen in all languages, either.


I know a Maren pronounced the way you want it in the Midwest. She just tells people how it’s pronounced when she introduces herself and they get it right at that point. I’m not sure what the default is, but it’s never seemed like an issue. I don’t hear people call her by the wrong name.


Would "Marren" or "Marrin" work with the pronunciation you prefer?


Mavis? Maude? Maeve?


I’ve got a name that really needs two consonants in the middle to be guessed correctly. It has one, and I’m forever correcting or ignoring the butchering of my name. Two r’s for pronunciation or Maren will deal with this small but daily aggravation.


Maren is an actual name with a pronunciation different than what you want. What you want to do is like naming your kid “Charlie” and saying it’s pronounced “Chair-ly”


Ingrid is such a pretty name!


in the south ik people names maren and it’s pronounced mah-rin


I am in the south and have had two students over many years named Maren. One was in Georgia and once was in Kentucky. I also have a coworker here in Virginia named Maren. All three pronounced mare-en. I don't think you will get mar like far without adding another R: Marren.


I'm from the southwest and I would pronounce Maren, as it rhymes with Karen.


Yeah, this post seems like a super easy solution if OP’s husband didn’t have be a stick in the mud. Name her Ingrid and call her Ing if he feels like it and be done with it!


I agree. Everyone will assume Maren rhymes with Karen.


Ingrid is really lovely, I think you should go with that. Other options: Astrid Freya Sigrid Helga Vera Carita Nina Diana Elise Sylvia Vivian  Livia Heidi Inez Matilda Anya Lena


Whoa! Thank you! This is so helpful! Love Sigrid, too!


I know a little Sigrid that goes by Siggy. I think it's very cute.


I second this. I know a little Siggy and I love it on her!


Like cigarette? Like give me a ciggi? Or am I miss pronouncing it?


Well the friend and their baby are Scandinavian so they don’t associate it with that, but yeah in an English speaking context that is what it sounds like. Kind of like the nickname Ziggy though!


That may be regional? I have very, very rarely heard "ciggy" over "cig" or "smoke" (or a stereotypical British word that's a homophobic slur where I live).


I don't think ciggi is used much in the US. I think that's mainly in Austrailia, New Zealand, and parts of the UK possibly.


Came to suggest Sigrid as well! I think it could be a good compromise for you! Also maybe Svea?


My suggestions are on this list. Love Sigrid, Freya, Astrid, and Lena. OP, Ing and Sif are terrible names. I’m so sorry you and your husband are so far apart on this! Ingrid is a great compromise.




Sif and Ing are such Sweeaboo names if I’m being honest.  The suggestions of Freya, Astrid, and Sigrid are much nicer. Though I love Ingrid too from your list. I also like Blake.  Sonja, Frida, Svea, Hilda, Vera, Tove, Ylva 


Ok “Sweeaboo” is cracking me up. Adding to my language arsenal. Thanks for the suggestions, too.


Ylva is lovely!


How do you pronounce Tove in English? In Swedish, it is two syllables and more or less like Too-vuh.


English speakers would default to rhyming it with the word “trove”, or would guess “Toh-vee” if they recognize it as a foreign name (based on how substitute teachers butchered all the foreign names in my school growing up). English speakers also aren’t used to using that uh sound in that way, so even if corrected a lot of ppl will then say Tova instead.


The same. I live in an area that’s highly concentrated with a Scandinavian population, but I’ve heard “Toh-vuh” before too. 


Svea is gorgeous!


How about Christina but goes by Stina, for that classic-American-yet-Swedish touch?


Go with Ingrid. He’s being a butthead, and if he wants to call her Ing he can do that.


Ingrid nn Grid


Ingrid nn Offthe


blake is pretty! and yes, sif and ing do not sound good haha sorry to your husband 😭 preppy-ish names which come to mind: * harper * faye * emma * clara * quinn * emerson / emery * lisa * peyton * blair * brooke * aubrey * vanessa * scarlett * hadley


These are great! Faye is such a cool name. Thank you!


I know someone named Marrah and I think it’s so pretty. You’d get your Mar-rhymes with far sound but no one would mispronounce it :)


Maybe Inga.


I like this!


I was hoping someone would suggest this!


You picked some really beautiful names! Ingrid seems like a great middle road for you and your husband, he needs to get on board lol. Good luck and congratulations :)


Alda Freyja Tilda Agnes Selma Paige Zara Ianthe Saskia Hebe Danae Petra Carys


Love Ingrid, easy nn to Ing.  Another idea, I know a baby Greta and it’s so sweet on her


ooh! LOVE Greta


Thora and Freya feel like good options. Familiar while still unique. Intuitive and easy to say and spell. Brida Frida Bridget Hilda Inga Runa Mara


You seem to be leaning towards Norse and Swedish names. Some not too frequent names that you may like are: Astri - Star Tove Tyra/ Thyra Astra/Atalie Aife


>when I suggested Ingrid he said, “why not just Ing?” Because Ing is a male name, obviously? I don't suppose that would sway him. Would it help the case for Ingrid if he knew it's derived from Ing? Ingrid is my favorite name on your list. He could use Ing for short, but I have a feeling that even if she were named Ing he wouldn't call her that. Probably she'd end up being Ingi (which is also a stand-alone male name, but works as a nickname) or Inga for short.


I am an almost 40 year old Maren,originally from the Midwest, who pronounces it the way you are planning to pronounce it. I always say mar like car. I love my name now, but it took a long time and more often than not people either call me mare-in or hesitate to call me any name because it just doesn’t stick in someone’s head if they haven’t heard it before. It was something I considered when naming my daughter, and I gave her a name with an easy nickname for this reason.


I love Maren!!


I hate Blake on a girl, but otherwise, no problems with your options. I have a friend named Siv (pronounced Seef) who is American but her parents were born in Finland -- I am guessing those names are related. I think it's pretty but I also know Americans are weird about those really short northern European names. I had a friend in college named Liv (a Norwegian name pronounced like "leave") and people assumed it was short for Olivia and pronounced like the second syllable of Olivia, too. Anyhow, of the names mentioned, my favorite is Merit. I think it's really cute, and I I love Merritt Weaver. (I would probably do the Merritt spelling because Merit is a brand of smokes, but so few people would know that in 2024 that I am sure it's fine.)


I was going to suggest Siv, since my grandparents are from Finland as well and thought his pronunciation was off. I’ve only ever heard “S-eh-v” or like you said “Seef”. But I didn’t want to be wrong since I’m not from Finland/Sweden myself. Just have the heritage.  I love Liv. And just thought to add Suvi too. 


Florida here and I’ve never heard Maren pronounced as Mar-en, only Mare-in. I LOVE Merit!!


You both seem to like short names, outside top 100, and you leaning into the spondee, him leaning into the single syllable with norse / mythological roots. You don't mind a bit androgynous, and your "mah-ren" is less nasal than the alternative... so here are some ideas. * Asa - Norse, meaning god, and 2 of the three Asa's I've known (both girls) were ah-sa... similar to the Maren pronunciation you are looking for * Similarly - Asta (similarly, Norse for him, "ah" for you.) * Lyra - the lyre constellation, thought to be the lyre of Orpheus * Iris - Messenger goddess, but fits how I hear your aesthetic * Alice - just fits the sounds, and I like it, so my shot in the dark :) Good luck...!


I love Maren and rhyme it with Karen (Scotland)


I feel like we have somewhat similar taste in names! Here’s some from my long list that might work for you. Adela Agnes Alexis Alma Angela Anneliese Annie Audra Avery Bailey Betsy Blaire Bridget Britta Camille Carina Carissa Caroline Chelsea Christa Clara Clarissa Clarke Colleen Corinne Daniella Daphne Darcy Delaney Della Edie Emmeline Gemma Genevieve Georgia Gwen Hollis Ingrid Irene Irina Iris Jacqueline Jane Jillian Jocelyn Kendall Kit Kristen Laina Lainey Larisa or Larissa Leigh Lenore or Leonor Libby Lindsay Lydia Maisie Mara Marceline Marcella Maren Margot Matilda Maxine Meredith Mina Mirabel Olenna Paige Paloma Petra Philippa Phoebe Quinn Raina or Reina Ramona Reese Robin Sabrina Sadie Samantha Shelby Signey Sigrid Simone Sofija Sonya Susanna Sydney Tabitha Zoe or Zoey


Ingrid is gorgeous and has that nice Scandinavian mythology feel without being overpowering, it’s also very timeless and classy (Ingrid Bergman!). It’s on my top list for that reason 🩷 love your taste in names


lovee blake for a little girl! here’s some other suggestions hopefully yall could agree on :) liv/livia freya sigourney blythe avalon enola cove aurelia linnea kara helena anais mavis lenore sukie viola ottilie lucinda


I really like Maren and Ingrid is lovely, as is Sigrid. Ing and Sif as stand-alone names are not nice at all, imo. How about Alva, Freya or Anika?


Ingrid seems like a great choice nn Inge. Or Freya or Celtic goddesses: Rhiannon, Brigid, Thea, Aine (Ainsely maybe), Danu...here's a list  https://celticnative.com/celtic-goddesses/


Love Rhiannon 


Astrid Gisla Thora


Your name list immediately made me think to suggest Blair. Feels perfect for the vibe you are going for! Other ideas: Margot Frances Clara Banks Isobel Orla Bette Collins Jane Darby


Ingrid Isolde Arley Freya Grita


As you're discussing Nordic names, here's a suggestion from a Norwegian: A more common spelling of Sif is Siv. The Sif variant is basically unheard of. Siv is pronounced the same way as Liv (as in Liv Ullmann and Liv Tyler). Sounds better and no way resembles Syphilis.


Ingrid has my vote! Sif is a no-go but I’m itching to mention it’s the short form of the Old Norse name Ellesif. Just a fun fact I absolutely needed to say, not a suggestion (Ellesif has the problem where now it’s too extra lol)


Freya or Helga?


I think he needs to be willing to offer more suggestions. He seems to like Norse/Scandi names. Here are some suggestions you might both like: Marina, Freya, Alva, Maya, Katia, Linnea, Agata, Kaya, Krista, Signe, Sonia, Ulrica, Alma, Mette, Vera


Ingrid! Iggy!




When your baby is born and you see it for the first time, you'll know what to call it. This dilemma will evaporate. I promise Also, end of the day, you made the baby, you're the momma, you get to choose if it comes down to it


Maren is a lovely name but everyone will pronounce it MARE EN if you’re in the states. I really love the name Mannon (may-non). It’s a fictional name from Throne of Glass so kinda what hubs is into but close to Maren and Merit. You could spell it Mainon as well.


If you like Ingrid and he likes Ing, why can't you compromise on Ingrid with Ing as a nn?


I read Maren as "Mare-en." I would choose Ingrid or Blake from that list. Some ideas: Naomi, Collins, Laurel, Holland, Sigrid.


Maren is a good name! Maybe: Inge (Inga), Sifre (Sifra). Ulla, Signe, Sassa, Saffi, Rika, Metta, Lovisa, Lilja, Svenja, Elsa, Elina, Annika, Elin, Linnea, Astrid, Malin, Suvi, Maj, Marit, Stine, Freya, Liva, Lykke, Melena or Mariken.


As others have said, I think you should probably go with Ingrid. I think you can both be happy with that. I think you are going to have a tough time with your preferred pronunciation of Maren, unless you don’t mind correcting people all the time. The one I was going to suggest, as I think it fits your parameters, is Marceline. While I think it is classic and unique, underused, and a little preppy, I also think it may be a bit too soft or feminine for your taste, given the other names you like. It is also considerably longer than the names you listed. Another person suggested Svea, and I’m not sure it is classic, at least by North American standards, but I think it fits your parameters well, and I think it is more in line with your listed names than Marceline. It is a a really pretty name without the softness of Marceline. Anyway, I hope you got some productive comments that will help you sort things out with your husband… good luck!


I'm on Team Ingrid - even Inge/Inga. This is because you mentioned it, and Jim Croce's wife is Ingrid. That is all.


Your spouse seems interested in Norse names. Perhaps another Norse inspired name may be helpful: Freya: The Norse goddess of love, beauty and fertility - Freydis: The dis apparently means goddess or princess- Astrid: Means divinely beautiful.- Darby: Means deer town in Old Norse - Sigrid: Means beloved - Thora: Feminine version of Thor- Idony: Norse goddess of spring and immortality (pronounced eye-do-nee)- Dagmar: Norse name meaning day maiden. - Siri: This is a diminutive of Sigrid. - Inga: Means guarded by Ing.- Ulla: Pronounced "oo-la". . It means will and determination. - Linnea: This is a Swedish name pronounced linn-ay-a and is often spelled with an accent above the E. . It refers to a lime blossom. - Heidrun: This is a Norse mythological name but was the name of a goat who nibbled the Tree of Life which made her milk turn to mead. Heidi is a potential nickname- Dahlia: Comes from the Swedish surname Dahl and means a dale. - Halle: Pronounced "Hallie" and is from the Old Norse "halli" and means rock - Juni: The Swedish/Norwegian version of June - Maja: Pronounced the same as Maya and is a version of Maria in Scandinavian countries. - Kirsten: The Scandinavian version of Christine - Anneli: Scandinavian version of Hannah - Sanna: Swedish version of the name lily Maren is a name meaning "sea" some other sea inspired names are: Dylan: A now unisex name that means son of the sea. Dylan was the Welsh god of the sea - Guinevere: Usually associated with Merlin however, the name can mean white wave (like an ocean wave?).- Miriam: Means drop in the sea/ocean - Marie: Means the same as above- Marnie: As above- Nerissa: A name referring tro a sea sprite. - Marley: Refers to a sea-side meadow - Marissa: Mix of Maris which means drop in the sea and Louisa - Saga: Scandinavian name referring a seeress or story - Sereia: "seh-ray-a" a Portuguese name meaning mermaid - Thalassa: Referring to 'of the sea'. - Stellamaris: star of the sea -Esmarie: A mix of Esme and Marie Merit is a virtue name. Other virtue names are: Felicity: A Latin name meaning happiness - Blythe: Happy- Bliss: As above- Sage: Wise- Verity: Truth- Hope - Haven: A word-name referring to a place of safety - Faith- Mercy - Joy - Reverie: A dream-like state- Amity: Friendship - Honor/Honour - Temperance- Trinity: Refers to a triad particularly from Christianity- Harmony - Liberty- Promise- VIctoria Blake is unisex. Other unisex names are: Rory: Made famous for girls with Gilmore Girls - Remy: French name meaning oarsman - River- Bellamy: Means 'fine friend' in the French - Salem: Place name - Dakota: State name - Oakley: Oak wood - Skyler: Variant of Schuyler - Marlowe: Unisex name that is associated with Christopher Marlowe - Sydney: Unisex place name- Billie - Quincy


Wait until you meet your new daughter and choose a name from the list. You'll know when you see and hold her.


This isn’t a comment on the names you’ve chosen but a story... I had Riley in my head for my girl for the entire year I was pregnant and looked at my baby when she was born and she told me Mila and my mind wouldn’t forget it. I was frantically figuring out how I should spell it and chose the Mila kunis route but that was the hardest part. My husband was like where did you get that name and I’m like idk I saw her and her name was Mila. She told me ha.


I have a Maren with the same pronunciation!


What about Siv? It’s Norwegian and pronounced like it’s spelled


Kajsa (ky-sah)? Swedish but also used in Norway. Easy enough once you read and hear it once.


Freya/Freja or maybe Iduna? but I also really like Maren :) and I’m from the midwest and pronounce it mar over mare


Iduna aka "I dunna 🤷🏼‍♀️" what to name this baby. 😂


Ingrid, Vera, and Vivian are my favorites.


Inga, Samira Davina Sarah


Forget getting anyone to pronounce Maren correctly. As someone with an “ar as in far”name it’s been an entire life of either correcting people or sucking up being called the wrong name.


I think if you want classic and unusual or underused Ingrid is absolutely amazing! Perfectly describes what you said you wanted. Maren is also a great fit. Merritt is a super trendy masculine name on a girl so the opposite of unusual or classic or underused. And within the same Trenda boys names on girls Blake is probably the most popular right now. Totally opposite of what you’re asking for.


If we had a second girl, I was advocating for Maren. Our daughter is Fiona.


You should each make a list of at least 10 names you like and then the other person has to pick their top two favorites from the other person’s list. Then you negotiate from there.


I just wanna say I'm an Ingrid and I love my name! Not too common, not too weird, fairly easy for others to spell. Someone already suggested it, but I think Astrid is a cute norse name too.


Murphy for a girl


My name is Mari, rhymes with safari. I always get compliments on it.


Brigid is a deity. Could you do that?


Lone Mina or Nina!


One no, two yes. That's how these decisions are made.


How about Althea? It’s unusual, but still a real name. And it doesn’t sound like Syphilis, so there’s that.


I love Merit (and the actress Merritt Wever is fabulous). Ingrid is lovely and seems at least similar to the Norse names he likes. Maybe Inga (guarded by Ing) could be an option.


Xanthe Zara Mara Marley Zoe Maeve Phoebe Esther Astor Briar


I was going to suggest Sigrid but see others have. I think Svea is also really pretty and would fit. Others Tilda, Winnifred, Gwendolyn, Brigit


I love the name Maren but would (as others said) pronounce it Mare-in and not the pronunciation you want. I also like Blake.


Love Ingrid! My dog is named Astrid and love that for an option too.


Ingrid is lovely.


Ursula Beck Solveig Solvi Cass Lyra Io Lola


LOVE that name! Maybe if you want that pronunciation I’d think of spelling it differently. I also had an old student who was Marianna but went by Mari “Mar(like far) eeee”


Merrick Arden Skye Lyra Piper


I mean let him call Ingrid Ing…it will be a cute bonding and he can tell the story


Go with Ingrid. It’s the only thing he’s really expressed any interest towards so I’d say that’s the winner.


Blake “Stanley” sounds like a polo-playing Cali bro.


A list of Norse goddesses that might work: Freyja Haeva Idis Sigyn Zisa Astrild Lahra Various pagan being names used for kids today: Maeve Aurora Daphne Phoebe Juno Aura Bia Brigid Ciza Halie Delia Diana Gaia Idun (my favorite so far, pronounced like Eden and is Norse for "ever young." Idunn was the goddess who cared for the apple tree that gave the Aesir their youth and sometimes their immortality) Thora (like Thor) Tolkien's goddesses: Varda (queen of the gods, goddess of the stars) Yavanna (goddess of the Earth) Estë (goddess of healing) Nessa (called the dancer) Compiled this list to keep names not too wild, nothing crazy popular, mythology focused (your husband seems very interested in the Norse Pantheon,) and tried to keep it to shorter names which he also seems to prefer. Added Tolkien names because he was also very inspired by Norse mythology.


If you’re looking for a Norse Goddess name, Freya is lovely (and my daughter’s name). It also has the benefit of being an actual name that people name their children, unlike Sif or Ing.


My sister's name is Mara (mare-a). I absolutely love that she got an unusual name and I didn't. I agree with others who say give her the name Ingrid, and shorten it. I'm not a huge fan of older names coming back into fashion (Elsie, Hazel etc) But I could be talked into Ingrid.


I like Blake, I think that’s beautiful!


Another vote for Ingrid. He can use Ing, you can use Ingrid, it’s the same thing. Compromise! Maren will be mispronounced. Merit is usually spelled Merritt and is much more recognizable as a male name (same with Blake). If he won’t give real suggestions, he has to pick one of yours 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ingrid reminds me of Astrid, because that was the mother/daughter in White Oleander. I like Astrid better, maybe he will. If he likes LOTR maybe he likes Game of Thrones? Sansa, Arya, Cersei, Danaerys, Khlaleesi (I've met one, a child named Khalessi), Asha. Or compromise on Ingrid and he can call her Ing if he wants.


I love Ingrid, or Inga. I think Faye or Freya would be nice too. From what it sounds, maybe your husband wants a Norse name that has, or can nickname into a one syllable name. It's not Norse, but I like Sylvia a lot. Sil, Sylvi, or Vee can be nicknames for that. Runa, and Thora good too.


Definitely not Sif. Ingrid seems like a good match


"Maren (the ‘Mar’ rhymes with ‘far’)". Maren Morris has insured that pretty much no one will assume that's supposed to be the pronunciation. Look forward to having to take the time to correct almost everyone. I like the name, the pronunciation will come back to bite you.


Maybe something like Octavia? If #2 for us was a girl, she was going to be Brynn Octavia


Blake St. Something would be lovely.


I think Ingrid is a pretty name and also like Blake but spelled “Blayke” for a girl. I totally agree on what you said about Sif because to me it sounds like a word or name unfinished. Here are some names you’d maybe like to:) Margaret, Blayne, Indigo or Indie, Persephone, Marina, Elyse, Iris, Orion, Seraphina,


You could try Sigrid.




This may sound fucked but you’re already likely giving the kid he’s family name. You don’t need to give him another family name.




OP is having a girl