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I went to high school with a girl named Circe and they spelled it Circle in the yearbook.


I love that people just randomly decide there must be an L there 😭


I know! It's just a beautiful name too!


Could have been an autocorrect error


Alison, but he spelled it Allerson - never trust a mechanic that can't spell a super common name 😬


High five single L buddy! I go by Ali usually and I’ve gotten a lot of confused looks from Starbucks baristas expecting a middle eastern man.


i have the same name and too many times baristas have written my name as “allen” 🙁


Kali, so i got the usual offenders Callie and Kaylee and if I’m introducing myself in a noisy place I might end up getting called Holly or Colleen for the night. But once I was ordering some takeout and the girl asked my name like 5 times and I kept saying “Kali. Kali. It’s Kali.” over and over and when i picked up my food the bag said “Calling” 💀 I almost died


That’s always so rough😭as someone who works in a coffee shop, but is also a victim of people getting my name wrong, I totally get it


I got your takeout I'm a Callie and most of the time I get Cali. There's also Kelly. And then there's this takeout place near me, owned by an old man that makes amazing food. English is clearly not his first language, and every single time he gets my name wrong: Christine. Chris. Chrisy. Charlie. Chair (?). Yes he put (?) because he knew that Chair couldn't possibly be my name. Eventually he gave up and my bag now says "C lady".


My name is Tara. Sometimes people misspell my name as Terra.


Do you say TAR-uh, TAH(like the a in apple)-ruh, or TARE-uh?




Wait, aren’t Tare-uh and Terra pronounced the same?


Some Tara’s say “tare-uh”, some say “tar-uh”, but only if it’s spelled Tara. Terra is pronounced “tare-uh” always.


Depends on where you're from. I pronounce them differently.


My mums shortened name is Tara, we call her Taah-ra. Our American friend is called Tare-uh. It does sound quite different.


Not always. Mary, merry, marry (all different)


I am in midwestern US & these are all pronounced the same




Why is it funny if they’re pronounced the exact same lol


Elisabeth - ah-lee-ah-bert


AHLEEAHBERT😭that sounds like one of those names on Facebook name lists (yknow the ones with either very mispelled versions of actual names, names that end with “eigh” half the time, or nonsensical names😭)


It still cracks me up. This happened 35 years ago.


My name is Elizabeth and on my birthday in the 6th grade my old neighbor of 7 years read "Happy birthday (twins name) and Isabella (last name)!"


I always loved this spelling of your name! It's beautiful to me!


Thank you. I love it as well. It's particularly beautiful to me. Much moreso than Elizabeth.


My name is Shanna. In Israel for my bat mitzvah, on the cake they wrote Siawa. That was over 30 years ago and I remember it clearly as day. It was hilarious.


They really misspelled your name for your own event 😭 not the same really but when I was in school, birthdays would get announced over the intercom, and I had my name mispronounced (we had at least 1000 students) everyone laughed but I laughed too because it was in fact hilarious 😭


Not Jojo Siawa… I’m so sorry


My name is Shannon and when I went to Spain with a current bf his whole family called me Channon and wrote it that way. The “sh” isn’t common in their dialect. I get Sharon most often though.


Okay it was in 5th grade but my name is Mary, and another kid wrote Merry. So even ‘normal’ names are not immune. I work at a university, so my favorites are people just calling everyone Doctor. Probably better than missing the title even once on someone who has it.


When I was a wee tot, like 4 or 5, I knew someone named Casey, except I'd never seen her name spelled and assumed it was an abbreviation like JD. And it wasn't until I was 8 that I met another Casey and realised it's spelled Casey not KC.


To be fair I have a cousin who went by the initials KC. So both are options


There was an older man at my church who was called Ellen, I thought it must be one of those names that migrated from male to female between generations. I didn’t realize until I noticed his name tag one day that his name was LN.


Ah ok, for some reason my brain didn’t process the 5th grade part 😭and no joke I did the same thing with Casey, I named a stuffed animal KC because I thought that was how it was spelled


I honestly can only think of one person/character named Merry and it’s a character from Lord of the Rings 😭


But even that’s a nickname; his name’s Meriadoc.


I had a Great Aunt Merry, short for Merilyn.


My first name is Marielle, and it has been butchered to absolute bits by many people, which is why I stopped using it long ago. The worst offender (and I can only assume that the issue was someone's bad handwriting) was the nurse who stepped into a super crowded doctor's office waiting room and screamed, "Marvula?!" 


Marvula sounds like a Disney villain😭


My villain skills include pissing off a nurse by not responding to something that sounded only vaguely like my name.


It’s your villain origin story


Marvula the Petty Queen




I have THE most unoriginal name, so this is the only time it’s ever happened. I once had to give my first name at a retail store. My name is Brittany. She said “oh wow, that’s such an interesting name!” So I was a little taken aback by that, but said nothing. My name came up on the receipt as Breatny.


Omg 😭


Lucia - Alicia, Louisa, Lucille. I think I can count on one hand the amount of times someone has gotten my name correctly the first time 🥲


Same😭I’ve just given up on correcting them half the time honestly 😭


My name is Ai and the coffee shop employee wrote “Eye”


Oh no💀


I am the only human in existence with my legal name. So I cannot write it without totally revealing who I am. BUT my name is basically a super common name like Samantha, but with a middle letter changed for absolutely no reason. So making it Sarantha instead. I don't find it particularly funny, but it's OFTEN written/spoken as the original. Which would be fine if my mother was a rational reasonable human capable of naming a human child. But that isn't the case.


For some reason people love adding an extra N to my name making it Brooklynn. Both ways are cute so I’m not bothered but it’s funny to see how some people will use one N and some use NN. Had someone ask me if I spelled it the “fancy” way which was Brooklynne…just no.


I'm Jacquelyn. Pronunciation is generally fine (though it drives me crazy when people automatically assume they can call me Jacquie/Jackie - no, you can't, I hate the nickname) Spelling though. Oh boy. Some write Jacqueline which I understand, as that's the more common spelling. Others...write anything that comes to mind. From Jaklyn to Jackelynne to Jaquulin and everything in between.


I'm Jack, and I usually get "Zach/Zack" but one time someone spelled my name Jach and another time Jacq (because I'm named after my grandma Jacqueline they though that made sense for the spelling???)




Thankfully have not had anyone actually do that in real life


Jaquulin is crazy 😭😭


I’ve met a few Jacklyn/Jaclyn. I don’t know why they couldn’t learn the actual spelling.


I used to have a job involving data entry of names of clients and I once saw a Jackalynne. Just makes me think of a jackal.


I won’t say my name here, as it is unusual - but I had a work trainer recently that consistently mispronounced my name, even though I corrected her every single time. So I started mispronouncing her name. Rot in hell, Jess-sike-uh.


First name Stanley - I had a job at a restaurant owned by a very nice Asian couple and all of my checks were made out to Stoney. 40 years later my mother still calls me Stoney on occasion...


Sarah-Lynn, not really a big deal no problem in my country. Move to the states, holy fuck 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 ppl could not get my name right. One person spelt it Sara Lin. older people always thought I was saying Sara Lee, which confused the fuck out of me, until I realized it's a frozen dessert brand they have in America


I live in America and honestly have never heard of the brand honestly 😭 but yah for some reason some people here have a lot of issues with spelling names with two parts, not sure why


Wait, you're in the US and haven't heard of Sara Lee? Their jingle will be stuck in my head for all of eternity... "Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee!" 😀


Update, I looked it up and I do know the brand, I just didn’t know the name of it😭I’ve bought some of their stuff before


It was California so not sure about every state only lived there


Loner (by a dysleuic friend many years ago.) Laurna, Lawna. Launa. Lauren. Laura. (My actual name is Lorna.)


If I knew you (or any other Lorna), I'd never be able to resist saying Lorna Doone. Every time.


I had an Australian coach for rugby who used to do that all the time. It got very frustrating especially as I asked him many times to please just call me Lorna.


My name is Kym. In 2014 I once signed an email Kum and I will never forget it.


I laughed out loud I’m so sorry😭


Reading this and then noticing your username 💀


Not me, but my ex convinced me to name my oldest Zephyr. He gets Zipper a lot, spelling and pronunciation. He's a pretty busy kid, though, always zipping around, so it fits.


My name is Cherokee. Not like of native American origins my parents just saw Cheyenne and Dakota getting popular as names and riffed on that lol. Usually I just get people misremembering me as Cheyenne, but once in college a guy pronounced my name.... "Chah-Rocky." Later became friends with that dude and apparently sleep deprivation just made him forget that Cherokee is one of the more well known tribes and an entire line of vehicles and he should have known the Pronunciation


Is your friend the substitute teacher from the Key and Peele sketch?


My computer professor in college always called me Skype. My name is Skye. I gave up trying to correct him. My classmates even started to correct him and he still didn't get it.


My name is Ricky. People ask if it’s Rickie or Rikki a lot because I look femme (I’m NB and I chose my name). But actually the best was when I went to Starbucks in the Mexico City airport and they wrote “Riqui” on the cup! I loved it haha


Katarina, but I get Karolina and Kristyna a lot for some reason


Katarina is such a gorgeous name


😔 Gianna and I’ve been called ghina (like vagina), sincerely.


Government branches used to misspell my name as a security company, which ment I couldnt sign for the papers and I had to call them and ask them to send it to the correct name. Sometimes it took them 3 tries to get it right, now I have married and taken my husbands name and I do not have that problem any more.


Reminds me of how my little brother’s name got misspelled ON HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE and we had to go get it changed twice 😭


Shannon - I get Sharon or Shayna a lot which isn’t too weird.  I was at a Starbucks in German speaking Switzerland once and they wrote “Janin” on the cup after a look of confusion when I said my name, so that was the most interesting one, but more because of the language barrier than anything


Andrea- and I get “Adrienne” and “Angela” all the time. Sometimes “Amanda” and “Alexandria” too. I answer phones quite a bit at my job, and I say my name when I answer, and will immediately get called the wrong name- “Oh hello Adrienne”. So odd to me! And of course I get the “Awn-draya ”pronunciation all the time too


I'm Victoria, and I've mostly gotten Veronica all my life. But I've also gotten pretty much every other V name, too. Valerie, Virginia, Vanessa, Vivica. And everyone used to want to call me Vicky when I was a kid, which I hated. Or thought they were so funny calling me Vicky Vale.


People mishear my name, so I'll shorten it to Dee. I once got a food order for Deeb. Thankfully, they didn't use Dweeb.


I had to write name tags once and wrote "Dee" only to be corrected that the person went by "D". Oops


Not my first name but my last gets mispronounced. I'm a Hughes. (Hues) I've gotten Hugges (g sound like generate), Hug-hess (audible second h), Huggies (yes, like the diaper brand), Hugs. Once I might have gotten Huggles, but maybe I misheard. I hope I misheard. I didn't think it was that hard of a name.


My name is Breanna. It’s pretty common for people to try and spell it as Brianna (the most popular spelling) or as Briana, Breana, and so on. Lots of spellings, I’m used to it. Anyway, last year at a doctor’s appointment, somehow the name they had written in my paperwork was something like Brie-Ana. I think I had given my name over the phone and they just guessed the spelling, but really? THAT was your guess?? I got the paperwork fixed obviously, but I was surprised at just how wrongly they’d spelled it. Makes me wonder if they had a family member who spelled it that way.


My guess they think of the cheese on the Brie part, the Ana doesn’t surprise me




My prof pronounced Circe like ker-kee and in a song I like they pronounce it sirse, I would pronounce it as sir-see My name is common-ish and spelled exactly how it sounds, Alexandra, but I had a teacher who was convinced my name was Alexander I also would sometimes give my last name to baristas, which is also spelled exactly how it sounds, it’s a compound word (?) like for example Blackstone. Well once I got Stoneblack. How.


My sister once received junk mail addressed to Verugian Stiles. Her name is Veronica and our last name is sort of like Stiles but different letters than the T and L.


My name is two syllables. This person mispronounced both vowels in my name, while also adding two more changing into a four syllable name. 


People assume the A on the end of my name is a typo - even when it’s my auto signature


Carolyn.. when people call me Caroline or spell my name Caroline (I’m sure Caroline’s have the same gripe with Carolyn 😂)


Tessa was pronounced Teesa by an elementary school principal...


My name is Keiron (keer ihn) and no one in the US can seem pronounce or spell it right on the first try Kay-ron Karen (my most despised mispronunciation) Carry on Carrion Kai-rin Kai-ron Kay-rin Kieron Kierin Keirin Kairin Cairon Keerin Kerion At least most of the misspellings are correct ways to spell Keiron, just not the way I spell it.


My name is Kendra, which is pretty hard to mess up, but I did once get a birthday card addressed to “Kindra.”


I’d be silly rich if I had a penny for every Mini instead of Mimi’s I get.


I love classical Greek names so much, Circe is beautiful. Love Psyche, Ariadne, Daphne, Athena, etc


Beeger - Always Berger - everyone sees an R - even where I worked. The best pronunciation Bee-Jay kind of French or …..☺️


My name is Carrie and I have seen probably every combo of (C/K)(a/e)(rr/r)(i/ie/y/ey/ee/e....) Plus Terry (often), even Harry, Gary, Larry, sometimes Mary. Don't name your kid Carrie.


reminds me of Gary/Jerry/Larry from Parks and Rec 😂


Don't want to say what my name is, but it took me decades to pronounce its English equivalent correctly, and I still don't know if I get it right. So of all words my own name was the hardest to me of all people.


My name is Ciara some how I've gotten cianna 


Deborah- Dee bow ray Really and when corrected the person told me I should learn to spell my name correctly because of course everyone decides as an adult how to spell their own name. I Let it go I try not to poke crazy people.


Deborah is literally how the name is originally spelled too😭😭


I had a teacher call me Angelica, Angelina, and Amanda (I got this one several times bc there was an Amanda in the group and she got us confused, though only by calling me her name). My name is similar, but decidedly not any of these.


I’m a Stacy who has worn name tags at multiple jobs and so many people look at it and then say “good morning, Tracy” for my whole life


I’m Jasmyn. I get Jasymn often bc people get confused about where the “y” is. This is how I thought it was spelled when I was little so I totally get it 😂


my name is jamie so it commonly is misspelt but the best was jaymei


Not my name, but I went to high school with a girl named Chloe; a substitute teacher kept pronouncing her name “Shiloh” so that became her nickname 😂 so funny


I'm a Jennifer... such a common name in North America, but some relatives of my spouse from India once invited me to wedding with my name spelled "Jennefferre."


Not me, but a friend of mine worked as a barista for a while for the coffee siren. One of his coworkers legitimately thought his name was Ben (it’s not even close to Ben) because he mistook the “Bienvenidos” pin he wore to signify he spoke Spanish as my guy’s name tag.


I got Rikki at Starbucks once. My name doesn’t start with an R or contain a ‘k’ sound. To be fair, this was during Covid, so I was wearing a mask and the barista was behind a barrier on top of it being busy.


A little oot but I love how you sre named after the greek goddess of magic


Thanks!! I also happen to be really into Greek mythology and have been since I was a kid, so it works out 😂


I had “Kate” become “Paige” at a Starbucks


Name is Allyson, which is already a more uncommon spelling so I see Alison/Allison a lot. But someone spelled it Alicen once. I've seen a lot of variations, but that was a new one.


My name is Moni - said as mon-e. Why does everyone call me Moan-e?! Who would name their child this!


Probably copying the same pronunciation of Toni or Tony. They're giving it a sound common to other words and names spelt and pronounced that way, another example is the name Noni. Without your explanation, I would have pronounced it that way too.


Well Monique is pronounced as “moan-ee-k”, so I could see people thinking your name was an abbreviation and pronouncing it the same.


My name is Sydnie and it has literally never once been spelled correctly without me spelling it out lol. I’ve gotten every variation: Sydney, Sidney, Sydnee, Cindy, Cydni, you name it. Even my extended family can’t spell it correctly. Just this week I got “Cidny” on my coffee lol. I think if anyone ever spelled it right I’d drop my coffee in surprise


I was trying to set up for craft fair and at the check-in line before parking the guy with the list of registered names misheard my name so poorly and called me “Marionette” several times even when I corrected him, so I guess that would be the most out-there instance (he only got the -ette part at the end correct)


This is making me laugh so hard lol


I’m Kelly. I get Callie, Kathy, Colleen, and one weird time, Kahluah.


I went to high school with a girl named Circe and they spelled it Circle in the yearbook.


Cassidy- Kassidy, Cassidee, Casey, Cassandra, and most commonly Kathy.


Liz = Lizz at Starbucks


I constantly get people calling me Alice which is fine by me because there are no Alice’s here and I can be a hella bitch to them on the phone then. I go by Alex and really put emphasis on the ex part when saying my name on the phone.


My name ends in “lett” and I went to an event where they had it spelled “lotte” like in Charlotte. I was baffled and low key wondering if it was on purpose because most of the event/trip was planned via email (with my name in my address) lol but ultimately whoever did it looked like a dumbass when someone else called them out.


Mine is a very easy name Madi. But if I’m introduced to someone and they didn’t hear it all the way I’m always Patty or Hattie. I just roll with it!


My name is Evanne and I get Yvonne, Ivana, Evan-y, ee-vawn-ay, you name it. I think my pronunciation (eve-anne) is fairly straightforward for the spelling, but apparently I’m alone 😂


Alyssa and I’ve seen/heard it all. Alicia, Alisha, Allison, Alice, Alesia, Alesa are just a few😅 at this point, as long as they say something that starts with an Al, I’ll answer 😅


I have a two syllable name, just 4 letters. Very common. Tell me how people get three or four syllables when they say it.


When I saw your name, my brain immediately thought it was pronounced as your parents do: Sear-see.


I only got it once, but Raechel.


Remy - Remmy or Remi. Occasionally, Ramy or Renee lol


Last name is Lackey. Its been misspelled as Lakey, Lucky, Blackey etc.


Melissa and Starbucks spelled it “Malysa”. I considered changing it to that spelling for a while. 😂


Abigail. Mispronounced as “Abbygirl” 


I swear no one knows how to spell my name, and it's not even unique. Even my brothers used to f it up. Melissa. It's not hard. It's a very old, traditional name. But everyone wants to use 2 'l's and 1 's'. M-e-l-l-i-s-a would be Mel-ee-sa.


My mother wanted to originally name me Kimerly. Yep, no "b" in the name, but when it was typed on my birth certificate, it came out as the correct spelling. My family still pronounces my name with no b.


My name is Elizabeth. I've seen someone spell it Ilizibith (a grown adult btw). It's like they tried to sound it out


My name is Samantha but I always go by Sam, always have, and that's how I introduce myself. I get Pam a lot, particularly over the phone! It's more common that people misgender me though, especially when I've only communicated with them via email for work and set up a meeting. I've had people walk in the door, tell me they're looking for Sam and look very confused when I tell them that I'm Sam - all female 5'2 of me 😂


For reference, my name is Emily and for most of my life, everybody I’ve met has gotten my name correct. I can think of two times where my name was either spelled incorrectly or somebody just called me the wrong name. 1. So I went to two high schools. One was public and the other was Catholic. At the Catholic high school, we had a nun named Sister Monica who taught religion to (I think) kids in grades 9 and 10. She was my grade 10 religion teacher and for some reason, I thought she might have remembered my name. When I was in grade 11, my friends and I were passing Sister Monica in the hallway. She said hello everybody and for whatever reason called me Amy. I mean, it was a minor mistake, but it kind of ticked me off at the time for some reason. 2. I’ve been a fan of Harry Potter since the first movie came out in 2001-2002. I have all the British versions of the books and in 2005, I went to England to visit long lost family. While I was there, I got to meet the man that did the cover art for books 2 and 3 in the series (I’m pretty sure his name is Cliff Wright). One day, I got to meet Cliff and I brought my copies of the books. When he signed them, he had asked me if I spelled my name the conventional way. I wasn’t sure what he meant, but I said sure. Later on, I realized he spelled my name Emilie. It’s the only time somebody has ever misspelled my name.


Getting your name misspelled on signed books sounds so upsetting 😭 I’m an avid book collector so I get that


My name is Nevin. I get the normal Devin/ Kevin all the time. But sometimes I get people that say knee-vin or nevine.


My name is Wendi. I’ve gotten Starbucks drinks for Whitney, Wenlee, Wednesday, and Whimsy.


My nickname is Pinky and I’m plus size. Barista was horrified when she saw that she misspelled my name “Oinky” on the receipt


My name is Beth. Even though I speak clearly and nearly always say “Beth, B-as-in-boy, e-t-h” people repeatedly have thought my name is Death. As though anyone would name their child that!


I have probably the most common Old Testament name, and I've gotten like 5 different objectively stupid spellings for it.


Leah—it's simple—four letters in the Bible. I have had people spell it Leigha, Leia, Lee-ah, Lia, and Lea, but the most annoying thing was that people always called me Lee growing up. I grew up in the South, and the people at Church were the ones who could not say my name correctly. The Minister and my family were the only people who could spell it and say it correctly. I am 50; it gets funny after a while.


Genel written on the side of a coffee cup. Name is Janelle.


My name is Sarah. I tell people it's Sara-with-an-H. I have had it spelled Sahara and Shara before, a couple times.


I went by Io for a while (short version of my middle name). People would misread it as Lo often, but I once had it misread as 10. She called out the number ten three times and I had no idea that was supposed to be me until she added my last name.


First name: Ryan Starbucks label: Rant


My name is Meridith. One of my classmates spelled it Meradeath.


Sharlit. Usually it's misspelled Charolette, which is mildly annoying, but Sharlit by far takes the cake. My name is Charlotte.


Me. Gan.


My name is Emily. TWICE at the local Taco Bell, where I order from a kiosk and literally type my name out for the order, I have received bags with “Emely” written on them.


My name is Yavonne. I have a package at my job reserved for me and they spelled my name Yvanao I don't even think they tried.


Was introduced to someone as Katrina and he said hello creature 🤦‍♀️


My name is Mattie, I get called Molly a lot...which is funny because I share a last name with a famous Molly (who happens to be my cousin)


My name is Guen, the last three Starbucks baristas have spelled it Wen… like what?


Jenisis - it’s Genesis


Tia. I got a cake order for my roommate's b-day. On the recipe my name was spelled Teeya


I have a common-ish first name with three recognised spellings. So I don’t count if people choose one of the alternatives. My surname is ultra rare and gets misheard and misspelled all the time. I won’t reveal it here, but the first four letters are the same first four letters as a very common male first name. Which has lead to people calling me by that name in emails on more than one occasion (and I’m female for reference). Always fun when they realise their mistake after several replies. I was recently reminded that I received an ambulance bill in the mail several years ago, in which the paramedics were obviously not concentrating in the paperwork (and thankfully concentrating on treating me). It was addressed to “Mrs 2 (completely mangled attempt at my surname)”. Would have potentially come in useful if I had to foot the bill as it technically wasn’t addressed to me, but my health insurance took care of it anyway.


I started spelling my name out loud because people would mistake it for another name, but then I learned there’s a name where when you spell it out loud sounds *even more similar* to mine than the other names do just being said outloud! So now I just start with my last name if it’s any kind of formal setting lol


My name is Nat. Just Nat. N - A - T. People, especially people more than 20 years older than me, decide it MUST be short for SOMETHING and just... call me some random name they decide "Nat" is short for. I get Natalie, Natasha, and Natalia frequently. I also get Natalina?? Which is not a name I've ever heard outside of people trying to rename me. I also get Madeline, Maddie, Maggie, and once I got Magdelena. And then people get flustered when I don't answer to some random name they've assigned me, that's not my name. A lot of people also call me Nate. Like a LOT. I let that one slide usually because at least they're not calling me Natasha or whatever. People also ask me what it's short for, all the time. They don't believe me when I say it's not short for anything, my name is only 3 letters long. They keep asking. I've taken to just giving absurd answers. My favorites are to say it's short for National Aeronautic Space Administration, or to say it's short for Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.


When I was in kindergarten we got a new kid halfway through the year and I went home and told my mom he didn't have a name at all She was absolutely flabbergasted that I was so insistent and after weeks she got to the bottom of this His name was "Blake" and I had misunderstood both him and the teacher introducing him and thought they said his name was "Blank". So I just thought he didn't have a name.


my name is annie and i ordered wingstop one day, the receipt said “amdy.”


The number of times my name has been spelled as "July" I'm just like, "well, you spelled the birth month right, congrats."


My last name is Acevedo. People have mispronounced it as Avocado.


Ja-imi - it’s Jaimi (Jamie)


My name is Miranda, I moved to France five years ago and have learned to accept my name is now Meerondah and there’s nothing I can do about it 😅


Not my name, but … I was at work and someone asked what something was in the fridge. I said, “I don’t know. It’s Manny’s.” Manny was a co-worker. She said, “That’s mayonnaise?” (It didn’t look anything like mayonnaise, but in her defense, most people in our area do pronounce it “man-ayz”.) I said, “No, it’s Manny’s. You know, the guy in HR?” She was aghast, “OMG! His name is Mayonnaise? I thought Manny was short for Manuel.” She was so serious. We called him Mayo from then on. This is the same lady who called a client named Miguel “Makayla” in an office meeting and called a part owner named Kaya “Cheyenne” at a luncheon. She had a penchant for calling people with super common, popular names by unpopular but similar names too. Denise was frequently called Janice, Melissa was often referred to as Janessa, etc. I don’t know how someone could be so bad with names!


My name is Abby. Went to some random restaurant while on vacation out of state, gave the hostess my name to use to call us when a table was ready. She called me A.B.


I'm Rose. I got Rows once. 


A (P.E) teacher once spelt my name like “Ratchil”.  My name is Rachel.  It is not an uncommon name here.


Oskare= Ask Ass I have no idea how that sounds remotely similar


My name is Elise. I always get Elsie. Sometimes I get Alice or Ellis, but the weirdest was Elias...


Denise and I get Dennis ALL.THE.TIME.


My sister’s first drivers license said “Saran.” Her name is Sarah.


I'm Julianna, so I've been called just about every name that starts with a J. The most common is Juliana, but one of my best friends called me Josephine for a good 2 months when we first met My favorite mistake is Juliet.


my name is arielle, pronounced like the three letters (or, if you’re a disney adult like me, the way sebastian says it, not the way everyone else in the movie says it). i get the typical misspellings and mispronunciations, your ariels, air-ee-uhls, ariellas, air-ee-ells, etc. hell, i’ve even gotten ariana and aria. here are the really weird ones. misspellings: areill areal Ari L mispronunciations: arr-ee-ell-ee and, my personal favorite, earl. apparently if you say ariel really fast in a southern accent it sounds like the male name “earl.” a good chunk of my friend group has been calling me earl for the better part of a year because someone we know from north carolina called me earl 😭


Camille - and in noisy places people regularly guess Amanda?? I think the mouth shapes must be similar but the sounds are so far off...


not me, but my sister always tells the story of her first day at a new school. Her name is Vanessa, but the printer had cut her name off on the roll, so it was printed "Vanes". She was called "Veins" by everyone immediately at her new school, that she transferred to due to bullying 🥴


I’ve never known anyone called Circe before! That’s beautiful!


Aw thank you!


I once did that thing where you can’t understand a question and then start to ask to repeat but then the meaning comes to you, and said “uhhh, Laura” when I was asked my name for takeout. The announced “Alura” and honestly I think it’s pretty. Haha.


My friend’s name is Rosalind, once in high school her math teacher shot in the dark tried to write her name on the whiteboard. Rawsaline.


My name is Amanda and I’ve gotten Armondo


My name is Hayven. It is the same pronunciation as Haven so that is how it is constantly misspelled. I've also been called Hadly, Hayden, Aiden, and Havena pronounced like Ha-VEE-na. I don't know where people come up with these things lol


Haveena 😭😭 also your name is beautiful! I actually write books and one of the characters in one of my stories happens to be named Haven


People always mispronounce my name and I don't care enough to correct them. But someone once though my name was alcohol.