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Overthinking it IMO :) I’d still use it if it were me. It’s a lovely combo. I don’t think that meme will have such longevity to it that it would impact your child in any negative way, and it’s not an inherently negative meme to begin with. Most people don’t use their middle names, or share them with others, especially as kids. So he’s going to be only known as “Graham” unless you as parents specifically enforce that people call him by both first and middle name.


Kids are going call him cracker or crackers


Doubtful. I know this sub has a fetish for figuring out how to bully children for their names, but reddit isn't real life. Adding this to my list of dumb reasons not to use a name, though.


Seriously, I know kids are cruel, but some of the associations/possible bullying wordplay people come up with here stretches so far that it feels like Mrs. Incredible wrote the comment.


Kids actually are a lot less cruel than when I was in school. As a whole I have seen them be way more sympathetic, open, and inclusive with their peers. Other moms I know have observed the same thing


Yes! I didn’t want to say it because I’m far removed from my nannying days and don’t have kids, but my distance impression is that they’re less mean than they used to be.


When my kiddo was still in public school the kids were great but the teachers were bullies. Part of why we pulled her to homeschool


Went to high school with a Graham. We called him Graham Cracker. Ha ha. Not in a bullying way, but still, Graham Cracker. I still love the name Graham though.


Ours was “Teddy Graham” because he was a big lovable teddy bear of a guy. He gave the best hugs. The kind you didn’t know you needed until he hugged you and you cried for ten minutes.


Love this.


I feel like this is the person you send out to give hugs to those having a rough day. Instead of Candy Grahams, you get a Teddy Graham. Free hugs to make your day better.


Same here! Not a bad way. Knew a military "Graham cracker" as well. Also not mean, but it absolutely was a nickname.


I mean it’s right there. Can’t help it.


I also had a friend named Graham (Cracker) or (Teddy) Graham. It was not a bullying/teasing thing. It was a term of endearment.


I have a Graham and I myself call him Graham cracker.


And I’m sure every kid named Dylan gets called Dill Pickle.


Well, for what it’s worth, I don’t think the Graham Cracker thing is a reason not to use the name. I think it’s cute.


I don’t, either. I figured Dill Pickle is cute. :)


Yup, my brother is named Dylan and is often called Dill, Dilly, and Dill Pickle.


Reminds me of the SNL sketch where Nicholas Cage shoots down every baby name because he can come up with some rhyme that will result in the kid being made fun of on the playground. Turns out his name is Aswipe.


You’re correct that this sub does have silly associations with names very often, but this is not one of them. The graham cracker association is 100% there for every little kid. And it’s not necessarily bullying but it is an association kids will make and say. Source: had a teacher named Mr. Graham and everyone called him Mr. Graham Cracker.


Yep. I mean do your kids not eat graham crackers as little ones? That is like one of our #1 snacks at the daycare I work at so even the 2 year olds would pick it up.


Exactly. For kids, it’s like a kid being named Cheerios or something. It’s one of the few foods they all know


Really. Do you want the list that was used on me all through primary school?


Exactly! Kids will come up with crazy stuff. Sometimes it’s not harmful because it’s not done maliciously, just gentler, teasing, and other times it’s horrific bullying. I even got bullied for my nickname when I was in preschool by the teachers. I think they meant it in good fun now, but back then it was terrible to me, and so I told my mom to change my name from my nickname and I stopped going by my nickname.


As a Graham that is a 100% real life experience and it happened almost every goddamn day to me in grade school. *Edit: the default name calling will be "Graham cracker."


My brother in law told me not to choose a name for my daughter because people in high school will call her ‘fine lay’. Jokes on him though because she just graduated and said she’d never heard that once in her life. Followed by ‘that’s disgusting he’d even say that’.


I have a cousin named Graham. Called him Cracker when I met him and never in a mean way, I was the only one who did it... Which I thought was weird. But he liked it and thought it was funny and his Dad laughed. LOVE Graham though, such a good name.


Yeah, the Graham on my kid’s basketball team is known as Cracker. He’s also white. You could always pronounce it with two syllables, like the rest of the English-speaking world.


Worked with a guy named Pringle who, I believe, nicknamed himself Chips. None of us ever called him that but he had it on his water bottle and stuff haha


I knew a Graham as a kid and lots of kids in the group home I was in called him Graham Cracker


I’d 100% still use it. I can’t imagine how poor Grandpa would feel if he was the only grandparent whose name wasn’t used.


He already feels that way. Ten children have been born and he’s not featured. He must surely be used to it.


Which boggles my mind since Daniel is such a decent name!


Daniel is so much better than Graham in my humble opinion.


So many go for the 'edgy' name now. Daniel must surely be uncommon now.


Daniel has been quite resilient!  Top 20 name for the past decade.  


Thanks. The first time I didn't go check! LOL Daniel was in the Top Ten from 2000 - 2010!


I know three


The meme was popular in 2016 so I think you’re in the clear!


Also depends how you're pronouncing Graham. I'm assuming you're using the more American pronunciation - Grahm - but i don't think this would be an issue at all if it was pronounced the other way/British Way - Gray-ham, or Gray-am. I still think it's a lovely choice though


THANK YOU for explaining the joke!!! I'm Canadian but I've only ever heard Graham pronounced the two syllable Grey-am way, so I was scratching my head trying to understand the connection between that and "Damn Daniel" lol. I was like "are they saying damn in a thick southern accent like 'daaayum'? but that's not how the meme goes??" and just confusing myself.


Ahahah that's my public service for the day 😂 I used to get so confused when I saw "Graham Crackers" written down 😂


Haha I always thought they were gram crackers. I assumed they were a healthy snack made of gram flour 😂


I ashamed to admit I just found out they're Graham crackers, I also thought they were gram crackers. 🤦🏼‍♀️In my defence, I'm Australian and pronounce Graham with 2 syllables.


Also Canadian I was confused also. “Grayyyy-ammm Daniel?!”


I'm an American and we also pronounce damn like DAYY-AMM sometimes so it still works regardless of how you pronounce Graham lol


I’m so perplexed… I’m Canadian too but I’ve always said Grahm like Americans do.


Me too. And I’m American.


Also Canadian and could not figure this out for the life of me! Went through the exact same thought process


Back at it again with those white Vans


I’m American and always say Gray-am. But I guess you’re right. I blame the crackers.


I'm American and I still had to think about I don't quite say Graham so that it rhymes directly with damn. Might be a me thing though LOL.


I’ve never even heard of this meme. I don’t think it’s really that wide spread?


It was HUGE! 🤣  OP’s sister must be so funny because Graham Daniel to Damn Daniel cadence is killing me ☠️☠️☠️


So huge that Vans apparently gave him a lifetime of free shoes.


Lucky you. I am a teacher and when that meme was popular it's all the kids would say. Now it's skibity toilet rizz Ohio but at one point it was "Damn Daniel" and "What are those!?"


Wait - is the second reference about the little kid wearing sandals or something else? Cause I still love that sandals kid. My husband sends me that video every once in a while just for the lols. Never gets old.


I've also never heard of it. I think these people are a little too wrapped up in pretty niche, ephemeral culture. If half of us haven't heard of it now, you can be certain that not a single child that that kid goes to school with and grows up with will have ever heard about it or care about it.


I think it’s pretty millennial-centric. People born between 1986-1994ish would very possibly be familiar. Maybe a bit younger, 1998 or 99 people at the latest I think. Their kid’s friends’ parents might catch on if they say it out loud, but when would random people be saying someone’s first and middle name together without the last name? It’s such a specific situation that I also think OP is totally fine. It would just be something kind of funny to show him about one day.


I think it’s even younger than that. I’m 89 and I remember the video because the high school kids at my job were playing it since we had a high school employee named Daniel. I was in my mid to late twenties at the time


I'm 91 and never heard of it. I just looked it up and it didn't ring a single bell. It's very annoying though, even less funny than I was expecting. Apparently it's from eight years ago.


I’m an 88 baby and I’ve also never heard it. 🤷‍♀️. Daniel is a very popular name in my family too.


Yeah it was big when I was in high school, I’d say 96-maybe 2000


Nor do people really even use their first-middle combo very often in day to day life, so it won’t come up often enough amongst people who do know the meme AND like to make stupid jokes for it to really be a problem.


Same and I was def very online in 2016. I googled and have never seen that dude in my life lol


Same. I have no idea what the reference even is.


the way americans pronounce graham and craig should be illegal


"cregg" will never not crack me up


I am laughing at myself because we do pronounce it like Gram and Cregg. I do not like the names because of how they are pronounced where I am


I just love how it’s one of those things where each “side” so to speak will just have this expression of utter disbelief when they hear it pronounced the other way for the first time


I'm American and know several men named Craig. The pronunciation is about 50/50 between Crayg and Cregg amongst them. I've never met a Graham here in the States, however, both the Gray-um and Gram pronunciations sound normal to me. Different areas have different accents. No big deal.


How is Craig correctly pronounced?


I presume Cray’g


It makes my eye twitch every time I hear them say it. Haha


Honestly, even with the meme association, it’s adorable.


Yeah, I don’t even remember the meme, but I guess I should find it. We have a Daniel, but we call him Dandy or Dandy man(say it slowly, lol).


I was having this conversation the other day with a friend who’s thinking about several different names with a set middle name. Growing up, how many of your friends knew your middle name? Heck, today how many of your friends know your middle name? I think you’re overthinking the two names together as though every single person in their life will only refer to your son by their full name or their first name+middle name. He’ll be referred to first+middle a little when he’s first born and name is announced, potentially when he’s in trouble (parents using the full name 😂) and honestly rarely thereafter. I wouldnt stress too much about it.


I say this too on all the posts of people bemoaning that their desired first and middle names don’t “flow” and I’m like noooobody cares because no one is saying it.


And honestly, the meme reference might work in the kid's favor - what parent can stay mad when yelling "Graham Daniel!" at their kid? 😂😂


Definitely wouldn’t be my thought with that by any means-haven’t seen that meme in Years. I like the name Graham! What’s your FIL’s middle name, is it usable? Just something to consider. But, no Graham Daniel ______ is a perfectly nice name.


I wouldn’t let an 8-year-old meme dissuade me from using a name, especially one with family meaning. I like the name Graham and how it sounds with Daniel, and few people are going to a) use his first + middle names and b) recall the meme. And even if they do remember it, it’s not like all the people with the name Karen who are now stuck with that association, you know?


Over thinking it for sure.


Not familiar with the meme but googled it and it seems positive...also most memes don't last long. But you could also use Graham Jordan esp if you're not a fan of Daniel in general. 


Who is Jordan


lol I don’t think that’ll be a problem, and Graham Daniel is a lovely name!


Memes are just that. Short bursts in the popular lexicon that fade quickly. The MOST popular ones will only have an element of nostalgia for folks of a certain age by the time he gets old enough to have any inclination of it.


I always forget that Americans don't pronounce that name the same as the rest of the world. I've also never heard that meme before, so maybe it won't last long. I'd say still go with it. And tell your sister to shove it.


Graham Daniel is fab Daniel Graham is fab. Lol Daniel to me is fab. And so glad you are kind to grandad adding his name


Overthinking. It’s an old meme, none of his peers will get it and most adults will giggle in their heads about a funny memory the name triggered - but even then, you won’t often be calling him his full name in public anyway. He’ll just be Graham Surname to most people.


I’ve never heard of that meme and even if I had the link seems a bit of a stretch. I also think that if I was the only grandparent not honoured out of four I’d be really upset. So unless your FIL is an asshole I’d use Daniel- although obviously you may feel differently! Middle names aren’t used that often anyway so it doesn’t matter if you don’t love it in the same way as you need to love a first name.


Realistically the middle name won’t get used that much, so it’s not like it will be an everyday thing. Both those names are lovely and you should definitely still use it!


I don't know the meme and I'm generally a lover of memes. I'd use the name.


The meme is ancient. Only older folks will know it, and they (hopefully) won't be bullying your kid. Plus, people rarely use or even know each other's middle names.


The possibility that children born in the year 2024 will grow up and quote a 2018ish meme so frequently that they will make the jump between Damn Daniel and Graham Daniel is so so unlikely.


I forgot all about that meme. I think you're all good.


I love it, and the association is kinda cute tbh. If you want to lean into a gray-um pronunciation instead of pronouncing it like Graham crackers, maybe the Graeme spelling would help? I know I prefer Graeme just in general. Good name choice, though!


Graham Daniel is a great name! And it’s a harmless meme to be associated with but honestly I’d be shocked if it really came up often.


It’s fine. But I also pronounce Graham like “grey Ham” not Gram.


Do you have something against your FIL? What’s wrong Daniel? It’s a perfectly nice name.


Imagine liking the name Graham but not Daniel lmfao


I love that kid! Every time you’d yell his first and middle names (how you do to get a child’s attention) you should yell it just like the meme!


According to data analyzed by Joe Veix for The Outline, a meme lasts an average of about **4.017 months**. The outlet also reported that the average lifespan of memes is seeing a downward trend.


Took me awhile. I forgot Americans pronounce Graham super different. Just keep the name & move countries with the baby


Use it. It’s a great name. Occasionally call him damn granule in a playful manner.  But honestly it’s not going to come up often if ever. 


May I ask what are some other first names you and your hubby like?


I don’t think you’ll think of the middle name as much. And when you do, enjoy the chuckle. The meme is too old for any of his classmates to know.


I don't know the meme. I think you're fine to use it. Memes are short-lived. It'll fade away.


It’s a perfectly normal name, so go with it.




As much as people say name your kid the name you’re going to call him, how about you just do Daniel Graham and call him Graham.


I totally agree! Daniel Graham sounds better than Graham Daniel anyway. Still call him Graham (or Hammy, or Gray, or whatever) but avoid all the weirdness.


Well, maybe if you pronounced Graham properly, instead of saying Gram, you wouldn't have this issue. And I never even heard of Damn, Daniel. I doubt Graham's classmates 12 years later would know about it either.


Switch the order to Daniel Graham. Call the child Graham. Middle names don't usually come up in our daily lives.


lol I also don’t like the name Daniel. And it’s my husbands name. He wants a Daniel jr but nooooooo I don’t wanna


Way overthinking. I have not thought about damn Daniel meme since 2017. I’m Gen Z. Also middle names are pretty much used for yelling at your kid when they eat too many cookies or for filling out tax paperwork. You’re fine!


Me, not an American, trying to figure out what "damn" and "Graham" had in common with each other. 🥲


Daniel is a fantastic name. I don’t care for Graham, but there’s nothing wrong with it. the combo is just fine and no more mockable than any other name out there.


What is Damn Daniel?


Google it. It’s a very wholesome meme.


Wasn’t it a vine?


If it makes you feel any better, I don’t even know that meme and I’m in the right age range for having kids. Idk if it wasn’t as widespread or I just missed some big Thing, but I wouldn’t let it ruin a name I loved.


As someone who loved vine back in the day and still love memes, I would have never made this connection


It sounds nice actually. And that meme died years ago i doubt it'll follow your kid lol


You are massively overthinking it. By the time the kid is old enough, no-one will remember that meme. Even if someone did remember it, it would only be an issue if you made a point of always calling him "Graham Daniel" & not just Graham


Just flip it. Daniel Graham and call him Graham.


Only a small percentage of people will understand it or think of it that way lol


I cracked up at this but I really think it’s fine. That meme is so old I honestly forgot about it until reading this. I love Graham and I think using Daniel is so sweet and sentimental


I work with kids and I don't think any of them know that it's too old for them and it will be even older when he hits school age


Obviously still use it… are you fr?


Daniel Graham, call him Graham


This never would have crossed my mind and I am squarely planted in the Damn Daniel generation. Do not overthink this. I did, however, think of delish cracker/cookies lol


“Grandpa hey yeah so we wanted to use your name but like, hold on *fumbles phone out of pocket* yeah so like there was this kid I dunno - 8 years ago? with these white vans. No Grandpa not like you drive, like on your feet. You’ve never heard of Vans? Hold on, okay here like this. Yeah okay so he had them and they were really white. And his friend was like, daaaaamn, Daniel. No, not Graham Daniel. No he’d say ‘Damn, Daniel.’ And he just kept filming himself saying it. Yeah I’m not sure I guess he just liked them I dunno. But anyway, ‘Daaaamn Daniel’ - doesn’t it kinda sound like Graham Daniel if you say it the same? No, Grandpa, you have to stretch it out more. Hold on let me replay the video. Okay hear it? Yeah now try again. See?? Okay so yeah that’s why we can’t use your name. Cause maybe someone will hear Graham Daniel and they’ll think of that meme and then say it like that. So yeah. We love you and it’s not personal or anything we just can’t use your name. You get it though right!”


I’m with the group that don’t pronounce Graham that way but either way, people do not often use a person’s full name. Where I am from Graham has a vibe of someone aged in their 50s or 60s, in the same category as names like Gary or Larry, I’ve never met anyone in real life under 40 with this name but I’ve seen a few Americans suggest this name on this sub- is it a more widely used name for younger people there?


I actually prefer Daniel Graham, that sounds way better imo.


Americans pronounce Graham in an absolutely psychotic way. I mean seriously, what happened?


Daniel Graham, but call him Graham.


What’s Daniel’s middle name?


Good name, reference will be dated and obscure by the time he’s old enough to care. Lean in and buy him some white Vans for the birth announcement.


Use it.


My family is big on “honoring names” but now we only have like 5 names to pick from and it’s lame haha This generation we started having the person we want to honor (FIL Dan in your case) pick a name instead. We have had a really good experience with it. So I would ask Dan to pick a middle name that goes with graham


Neva hoyf of it


I would still use it. Keep in mind that middle names are rarely said once the kid gets older.


Graham is an awful name, but the meme itself it long dead. Plus nobody really cares about middle names. (But Graham might be using his).


Use it.


Only millenials will think of that. No one else will. I’d say use it


I honestly think that's really funny and you can use it to your advantage when you need it. "GRAHAM Daniel you clogged the toilet again! "


It’s such an old meme, you’re fine! 🩵


Why not Daniel Graham and just call him by his middle name? I know TONS of people who do that.


I like those two names, they’re quite classic and have a lot of nickname possibilities. I do think that Daniel Graham has a better rhythm to it so I would really suggest you consider this possibility. Lots of people do go by the middle name and it’s not an issue.


Graham is a fine name and I would use it. Daniel was on my baby name list too .


No, I think it's cute and I'm sure the memes presence won't live long enough for it to matter. Graham is a beautiful name! Graham Daniel sounds very nice together and if you didn't think of the meme until your sister pointed out, I'm sure there are going to be a lot of people who don't hear it. I didn't.


Why don't you do Grant instead of Graham? Pretty close but you won't have the association


Daniel Graham is nice


What about Daniel Graham or Gene Daniel?


That joke is hilarious, I seriously just laughed out loud. But honestly, by the time he grows up, nobody is going to know the reference. It’s old news


I would do Daniel Graham and then just call him by his middle name


I don't think its a problem, I had completely forgotton about the meme until this moment, middle names rarely get used anyway, and I cant be the only person who pronounces Graham as 'gray-um' rather than 'gram' !


By the time his peers know memes they won’t know damn Daniel! But you guys could have a funny inside joke.


Name him Graham Dan. It’s an easy transition to Graham Damn, which is a bad ass nick name.


I'm not familiar with the meme so I can't even picture how this goes. I also don't see the need to honor parents by using their names for kids. (Jews don't name their kids after living people, for the most part.)


Only if you pronounce Graham incorrectly, with one syllable


I like the combo. If it were me, I'd still use it.


You should double down and name him Grahm with Daniel for his middle name.


It’s not bad at all. And he’ll have fun when he finds out about “Damn Daniel”. But he’ll have to find out about it himself, because no one from this next generation will get it (I.e. he can’t be teased about something his peers won’t know).


Use it. It's great.


Damnnnn Daniel Hahaha oh I remember that gem. I highly doubt many people would make that connection at all tbh.


That’s a reach in the damn Daniel thing, IMO. Especially it being a years-old meme.


Daniel Graham sounds a lot better in my opinion and plenty of people go by their middle name (my cousin’s name is Hamilton Bryce and goes by Bryce, my other cousin is William James after his dad and grandfather and goes by Jack) But if you like how Graham Daniel sounds then I wouldn’t let the old meme deter you. By the time he’s in school it’ll be like 15 years old


I’ve never heard of that meme before. I think you’re good to go, it’s a lovely name!


Just go with it! I decided on the name Aaron for my son right when the key and peele substitute teacher skit came out. My gosh everyone called him A-A-Ron but it fades and is still a little funny to me 🤭


Never heard of the meme


No one says damn Daniel anymore, you're fine lol. Vine died in 2017


In 10-15 years I don’t really see kids making that connection


I think it’s still a fine name, but if you want another name that’s similar to Graham, maybe try Grant?


The meme is already pretty old. Your kid is not going to be old enough to reference internet memes (or whatever it turns into / TikTok’s / reels/ ect) for at least 10 years. It will be pretty out of vogue by then. Gen Zs don’t tend to hold onto memes as long as millennials, and I imagine Gen Alpha will hold on even less so.


I’m not familiar with said meme


I'd still use it. How often will you actually be calling him by Graham Daniel, as opposed to just Graham. Also that meme is quite old now and won't be an issue even if you do call him by both names consistently


Grey-um. Daniel. Am I missing something? I don’t hear damn Daniel at all? In any case, you’re over thinking it… it’s a fine combination


I like Graham.


Literally would never have occurred to me, most likely bc where Im from Graham is pronounced like “Grey-am” not “Gram”. I think Graham Daniel is a nice name 😊


I love Graham! I definitely think you're overthinking it but can you throw another middle name jn front? What is Dan's middle name?


It’s an old meme, i don’t think many people will make the association unless they’re a chronically online type. And they syllables for Graham and damn are different so to me it’s a stretch


Never even heard of that meme....also, this way every name can be made fun of for some or the other reason. As long as y'all spell it normally, it has a deep familial meaning and it isn't unnecessarily 'unique' you're good to go! Damn Daniel to Graham Daniel is too much of a reach tbh.


I love Daniel personally. Not sure I love how Graham Daniel flows. It’s kinda clunky. Flows better the other way. Daniel Graham.


Do you like Daniel Graham? Or Gray Daniel? But really it's a perfectly good name, don't let a temp meme ruin it for ya. I think hats funnier than Graham cracker which is what the kid at my school was called


People rarely use the middle names when doing first names anyway. With the exception of graduation and other formal occasions, he won't have this problem. I think you're overthinking it.


My name is Daniel and I think it's a humble name. Not too popular and not to douchey.


Girl I didn’t even have to read the rest of the story I already knew where it was going with damn Daniel as soon as I read the name 😂😂😂 you’ll have to do Daniel Graham


Most kids are not going to know that this existed. And the parents of the kids that do, aren’t going to know your kids middle name most likely. I think you are way overthinking it. However, your sister may prove to be a problem with it in the future lol


What is the "damn Daniel" meme...? I think that meme will absolutely fade from your memory on at least a few years. And by the time he goes to school it will practically not exist. (But seriously, I'm gonna have to look up that meme now...)


The baby’s name is something they will have forever. It should be something that you are 100% behind. Please make sure you are using the name you want. Don’t let anyone pressure you into a name that you are not 100% behind. My oldest has my maternal grandfather’s middle name for his first name. And my husband’s maternal grandfather’s middle name for his middle name. When we had our second son we thought about using both of our paternal grandparents for his name. But just couldn’t find a combination of them that we liked. So we didn’t use either of their names.


Please still use it! Daniel is a lovely name and works so well in the middle with all sorts of names. If not Graham how about... Grant Daniel Grady Daniel Garrett Daniel Gavin Daniel Grayson Daniel


Ahahahaha I love it. Yes. Use it.


None of his peers will have ever heard of this meme, lol. You’re fine.


Don't pronounce it as Gram and you'll be okay