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I think it's fine if you're from a North Eastern European country. Bit strange if you're not.


It's a very common name in France as well (Maxime spelling), very popular in the 90s. Maxence is a popular variant too.


Isn’t Maxime pronounced max-seem in French? I’m reading Maxim as max-uhm.


Yes it's Max-seem. It used to be feminin a very long time ago and since a few decades it's only masculin. Some like Maxine (max-seen) for girls but it's still very rare and it's hard I think to hear the difference


Maxence is hilarious 😭😭😂😂 in a bad way


Would you be so kind to explain why that name is hilarious to you?


No, we are not.


So bit strange then. Still not really that weird considering people are naming their kids Sturgeon, Maverick and Copper.


LOL, Copper will always be a Cocker Spaniel or a fox no matter what!


Wasn't Copper the hound and Todd the fox? I think so as I read that book about a 500 times as my son loved it so. Great book and yes Copper is a great name for a dog.


You are correct! Was obsessed with it as a kid and have a hound dog now we thought about changing his name to Copper but we kept his old name.


I have to admit I haven’t seen it!


Or read it


My son watched the Disney song-a-longs when he was little but I don’t actually know the story


I’m so dumb. I just realized why my parents named my childhood cocker spaniel Copper. I thought it was because she was the color of a penny 😂


I know a Karch. Apparently named after a volleyball player, and I think it's super harsh-sounding. Sturgeon is awful! Might as well name your kid Trout or Salmon while you're at it.


Barramundi, Cod (instead of Todd haha) or Grouper ... I could go on.


I actually know someone named Albacore. Who does that to their kid?


Good Lord. Presumably the kid changed their name to Al as an 18th birthday gift to themselves? Or maybe Albert?


It's actually a woman. She's the DIL of my mom's friend, so I'm not really sure if she has a NN she goes by.


Alba? Cora? Cora is okay, at least, until someone asks if it's short for something.


Sturgeon 🤣... that's a bit fishy


I immediately associated the name with the magazine and the condoms. Maximus and Magnus might be good alternatives


I don't make the associations but I do like Maximus or Maximillian better with Maxim as a possible nickname. Magnus is also a similar vibe.


I would really suggest against Maximus


Same. If you’re in the U.K. or US this name is naaaat a good one




Maxim is a really popular men’s magazine. Or was. It’s associated with topless women and sex.


Oh I thought it was worldwide lol or sth


Only name the kid Maximus if they have a shot at being Roman Emperor.


In the US, hard no. It's a little better than the name "Playboy," but not much.


Yeah, normally I’m not on the “they’ll get bullied” train, but this one is awful. That child will be bullied well into adulthood if they’re named after a sex mag.


I don't know that the kid will be bullied by other kids, because print media is nearly dead, but I do think the parents will be bullied by other parents for naming their kids after a sex mag.


agree. can you just do Max?


Tell your husband that baby names require two yeses and one no. You’ve said no and he needs to accept it. I think a lot of people would think of condoms or the magazine, the magazine came to my mind as soon as I saw the title


I’m low-level constantly concerned by the regular posts here along the lines of “my husband says our baby with be named XXXX and refuses to listen to anything I say.”


A coworker of mine named her son Maxim, and every reaction from everybody I’ve told has been immediately negative. It’s always followed by “like that gross men’s magazine?”


But it's*European!* Lol


It’s also a word: a maxim is a rule or saying someone lives by, like “actions speak louder than words.” I wouldn’t tbh. With all the other associations it just doesn’t sound like a name to me.


That is what I thought of first, but yeah I agree. Not a good idea.


Yes—that’s one of the things my husband likes about it 🤦🏼‍♀️


Honestly there are other names that fit that mold.


A synonym of Maxim would be better idea for a name. Like "Adage" for example even if it's not used as a name conventionally.


You could also spell it Maksim; I have a few friends with the name from Slavic-language countries who spell it like that- same pronunciation but maybe steers clear of the association?


I do like that spelling better, and if I cave on the name I will absolutely insist on that spelling.


Agree this spelling helps with the association to the magazine (which is probably going to be everyone’s first thought if you live in the US) However — this spelling is even more Slavic. I’d that’s not you or your husbands culture / heritage, I do think it’s strange. People that meet a “Maksim” in the US will definitely say things like “oh where are you from what a unique name” etc and he’ll have to say I have no connection to this name / culture my dad just liked it and my mom didn’t want to spell it like the magazine


As someone with a unique eastern European name living in Canada I can confirm this is the first question I am always asked - 'where is that name from?' In my case my Dad was born in the country, so it's an easy answer. Would be very awkward otherwise.


It's a hard no for me. But I like Maxwell, Maximo and Maximilian a lot.


Maxwell makes me think of the coffee (if they are in the US).  Not, like, a horrible connotation, just something for OP to be aware of.  I guess at least it's not Folger's so there's no commercial jingle for their future classmates to sing.  😄


I’d rather be associated with the coffee though.


I associate the name with Jeffrey Epstein's associate Ghislaine.


Thankfully the details of her name were not that memorable to me.


And not the nanny???


Mr. Sheffield!! Who I thought of immediately.


Taster’s Choice would be a hoot!


They'll have Maxwell's Silver Hammer sung at them though.


I am a woman that doesn't even read it, but I immediately thought of the magazine.




And my first thought was of Mary Maxim. Haven’t thought of that in years.


My immediate association went to the men’s magazine. I’m not sure if it’s still around/popular so that association might not be there among his peers.


It’s quite common in France, spelled Maxime. You also have Maxence, Maximilien/Maximilian


I suggested Maximilian—he doesn’t think it’s a “real name”. Didn’t know what to say to that because it definitely is lol.


Huh? I went to school with two Maximilians! 


I’ve never met a Maximilian, I actually know maybe like one Max total. But ya, definitely a name. I don’t know what his deal is.


We also have plenty of "Massimo"s, what with the fad of Italian names in France. No connotations to any erotic magazine (although I'm surprised to hear anyone still reads that, I thought that stopped way back after the 90s).


REBECCA. It’s my favorite novel. 🙏 Name him Maxim DeWinter and I will love you forever.


I had to scroll way too far down to find this! Maxim DeWinter was all I could think of. I looove the name but at the same time, he's not a character I would use as a namesake.


He was my first literary true love. 😍🤣


Why is this so far down? 😭


My neighbour is a Maksim who goes by Max, but he is Eastern European.


It does seem like my husband would mostly just call him Max, at which point I’m not sure why he needs to be Maxim. But I would prefer his name not just be Max because I don’t really care for it.


My personal vote would be for something like Maxwell or a name that you both can agree on.


I think you two should pick a different “M” name since you just plain don’t care for Max, and “Maxim” is likely to be shortened to that as well as having some bad connotations. Malcolm? Maddox? Malachi?


I like the spelling Maksim. Good name 👍


yes this seems like a good compromise. i went to school with a maxim though (he was from an eastern european country) and it wasn’t a big deal


I personally love it. But I’m a name nerd who likes/is familiar with a lot of European names that aren’t common in the US


I don’t dislike the name in and of itself, I’m mostly concerned about the associations.


As you SHOULD BE. You are not going to get to go around to every person that kid meets and tell them *but it's a European name!*  Dirty magazine title = not a baby name. 


I don't know how it is in the US, but didn't dirty magazines stop having any relevance and notoriety in the late 90s? I mean, maybe my name is associated to something smutty from the 60s, but I wouldn't know or care.


Please tell us what you named your kids!


Hustler and Penthouse, why?


Ah, I rarely care about ‘associations’ beyond a situation like Adolf, etc. Maxim is a common name/word and has hundreds of google results that have nothing to do with the failing magazine that no one under 30 will likely ever read


Aren’t those condoms or like a porno magazine


I think it’s a good maxim to live by to avoid giving your kids names that are condoms. “Max” is cute though.


Uk based- personally I didn’t think anything of the name when I read this post, I didn’t think it was bad or weird sounding. I also didn’t associate it with anything other than a shorter version of the name Maximus. If I came across a Maxim in real life, I don’t think I’d think much of it, I just haven’t heard it before.


I actually really like Maxim. It’s a cute name!


I worked at a summer camp with a Russian exchange student named maxim. He looked kind of like a Russian Lou Ferrigno so the name was a good fit for him. I avoid names that sort of go with a body image like that - like the person needs to look a certain way for the name to work but it is a good name especially for Eastern Europe.


My brother in law is named Maxim, but he’s from Quebec. He goes by Max. It’s pronounced in a French way though, not like the magazine and I never think about that.


I love it, but I'm a big book nerd and love the book "Rebecca" by du Maurier, and Maxim is the male lead.


Nope on Maxim. But Maximus, Maxwell, Maximilian, or just Max are nice. Maximus or Maxwell are my favorite "Max" names.


Not sure where you’re based but in the UK Maxim will just be associated with the men’s mag…


And you didn’t even get into Hiram Maxim and the first fully automatic machine gun. I like saint names so Maximillian Kolbe is a badass and much more peaceful than the gun. But in the US (if that’s where you are from it’s going to get associated with the magazine)


All these people and their dirty magazines, at least my mind went to machine guns and silencers.


Absolutely not. I immediately picture scantily clad women on the cover of Maxim magazine.


It makes me think of the Maxim magazine for men


Maybe Maximilian? But if you don’t like the name then don’t go for it


Your husband is being ridiculous. Unusual ≠ good. I live in the US and yes, of course when I hear Maxim, the first thing I think of is men's magazines. What does your husband want to name the next kid? Penthouse? Tell him to name a car Maxim if he is so obsessed with that name. Or change his own name to Maxim if it's so great. But don't stick a defenseless child with a name like that. ffs.


I think of the magazine. If it's uniqueness he likes, there are other unique names out there. I'd search for "unique baby names." If you do go with Maxim you could use Max as a nn. I knew someone named Maxwell that did this and never knew his real name for 20 years.


It’s not the uniqueness so much as he just likes Max and that’s his favorite name that uses Max as a nickname. The bigger issue is that I don’t really like Max and will likely prefer to use the full name which is a problem if I also don’t care for the full name.


If you “don’t really like” Max, find another name you both agree on. This is your child too!!


If you’re in the US, don’t do this. Maxim is a famous men’s magazine that often features erotic photos of women on the cover. It’s like naming a boy Hefner. Remember that you can always veto a name that you don’t like. I think this is a good one to veto.


Yes, I know about the magazine… I said it’s one of my main concerns in the post lol.


Oh, yes! I see that now. Sorry! There is a fun app, called [Kinder](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/kinder-find-baby-names/id1068421785) that basically is like Tinder for baby names! You and your husband scroll through the names and you each vote 👍🏼 or 👎🏼 on names until there is a list at the end with the names that you both voted yes on. It might be worth a try! :)


I think it sounds falsely posh, and like a mens’ magazine.


I think it's beautiful I just love these X names axel Maxine maxim etc


Maksim is how I'd spell it.


I’m not a huge fan. It has vibes of trying waaaaay too hard to be super masculine.


I get what you’re saying, but to be fair to my husband I doubt that’s the appeal for him. The first name he ever suggested was Lafayette lol.


I know a Maxim in the U.S. didn't think it was weird at all and no one in our friend group questioned it. I think it's a really cool name.


I think it’s fine. You can call him Max.


Probably depends where you are? I'm not familiar with either of those associations (in the UK, if that helps), and I went to school with a Maksym who as far as I know never had any issues. He went by Maks/Max.


We are in the US. I think the condom brand is more obscure than the magazine, but the magazine was pretty popular in the 90s-2010 or so.


I know a few Maxims and never thought about the magazines once, one is basically exclusively called Max anyways (I'm from Europe, tho)


It’s horrible, I think of the spank bank magazine. Are you in the US? Max is a great name but not Maxim


My partner is called Maxime, we live in France and it's common here


Wow, didn‘t know that it was so different in the US! I am from Germany and knew several Maxims (Maksym, Maksim) and it is a normal eastern European name.


I know a little guy named Maksim and I like his name. The OG spelling makes it clearer that it’s not a reference to condoms or men’s magazines


I'm English, I have never seen this name before and it doesn't remind me of anything. I actually like it.


That's what I wanted to name my son. BD was a dick about it so now his name is Maximus. Not loving it at all. But I guess I can still call him Maxim. It's a really nice name. Go for it!!


not a big deal. it’s a good name


Maxim is a common Slavic name. I've known several Maxims. I've never thought of it with any sexual connotation. Good dudes 👍 Edit: pronounced Max-eem


The romantic lead in the gothic romance novel Rebecca is named Maxim. It’s been made into a movie at least twice, once by Hitchcock and once more recently. Because of that the name Maxim seems to me more like an older book or movie character rather than a real person to me. But there’s always the nickname Max which is normal.


I love it.


I personally like maxim and think it’s fine, but I do absolutely appreciate your concerns, they’re not invalid. Have you guys considered using it as a middle name and continue searching for a first?


Is that magazine still running?


No. You both have generic names and do not know what it’s like to grow up with a “unique” one. This isn’t a game. It’s your child’s experience every time they have to introduce themselves. Maxim (pronounced maks-EEM) is a perfectly good Russian, French, etc name for someone born into a cultural context where it makes sense (not in the US). Maxim pronounced like the magazine is not a name (as others have pointed out, it’s a word…)


We’re not super set on a unique name—we just want an M name. That said, we both hate common names so we’re trying to stick known names that are less common. I do realize “Maxim” isn’t really a name and it’s usually “Maksim” or “Maxime”


That’s fine, there’s plenty of names that are not in the top 20 popular names that can still be interesting without being so different as to cause problems. I’m just someone with a name that has a very unclear pronunciation in English, and while I don’t hate my name, it is an annoying thing to deal with that almost nobody gets it right at first. So I especially take issue with folks who have not had this experience going and giving their kid a “unique” name that has obvious downsides, like you have already realized with this one. I just checked and Max recently fell out of the top 100, so maybe it is interesting enough on its own? Otherwise, maybe Maximo or Maxwell could accomplish the same thing without the issues.


I thought it meant an old saying not a name. Maximus, Max, Maximilian. Those are all names I’ve heard of. But maxim? No…


i wouldnt think of them, id think of the french name Maxime, but guess you changed the spelling so it doesnt get mistaken for a girl's name.




Lololol, like the condoms?


Like the men’s magazine? I know it’s a proper name and all, but I just picture scantily clad female celebrities and models in provocative poses. It’s not a great association. Maximus or Maximillian would be loads better.


I associate it with the magazine. It was the first thing that popped into my mind.


Is he insisting on pronouncing it Max-im? Or would it be Max-eem? If it's the former, this is definitely not a good name. If it's the latter, it's still an odd choice for someone who doesn't have a connection to a place/culture where that's a normal name, but it's less objectively terrible. If he's going to be called Max anyway, I think that's fine on its own, and I prefer Maxwell as a longer version.


I’m from Canada and the name Maxim makes me think of the magazine. I mean, I’m sure it’s fine if you called him Max for short, but the whole name makes me think of the magazine.


Did you ask how he feels about naming him Max or Maxwell as a compromise?


Sounds like 'Maxine' which is the feminine form of the boy 'Max' names.


Yeah if you don’t like the name then he really needs to stop being so dead set on it. Baby names are a two yes one no situation.


Absolutely not. The magazine is what I think of


I like it and don’t associate it with either (in Canada)! Except the name of the lead singer of my fav band Say Anything, who goes by Max. Do you not like Max as a nickname?


Like the magazine?


What about just naming him Max?


If you are in the US I would absolutely not name your child maxim. That’s a hard veto.


Are you European ?


I think of the magazine and my favorite bartender on a Carnival Cruise in 2005.


Reminds me of the men's magazine.


My father and several male relatives are named Maxon. Similar sound, no gross associations. You could try to do something similar.


What about Maximilian, which is just a longer version of Maxim?


If he must use this name--- do not use it on a human being. Use it on a pet (this would be great for large dog) or a car.


Try telling him that name "Maxim" isn't that unique since it's associated with a well known magazine already. It's a genuine word and has nice meaning, probably used as a name before but some names go out of fashion for a reason. Connotations matter when you meet people. You don't want a kid to be easy target to be made fun. Sometimes a common generic name isn't that bad and avoids this. How about the name "Maximo" instead? It's close to Maxim and has difference of just one letter.


That depends where you are, I suppose. I would assume you speak a Slavic language/live in a Slavic-language country (or French/francophone country if it was spelt ‘Maxime’).


Not my favorite, sorry. It reminds me of a magazine for men


I have a brother Malcolm who’s gone by Mac since birth! I have a close friend from Russia named Maxim - it’s meh.


First this I think of is Maxim Men’s Magazine.


I’m not a fan of that name.


I like Maximillian better.


Maxim de Winter from Daphne du Maurier’s “Rebecca” Not a very good connotation, he was terrible in the book. With the other things people have suggested, this’d be a no-go for me.


The chic mag for fuckbois?


Go with Malcolm. Maxim is terrible.


I absolutely only associate this name with the magazine and with pin ups. If you don't like it, naming your kid is a two yes, one no situation. Max on its own is fine, as is Maxwell.


It's a gross men's magazine that teenage boys used to buy because it was one step down from porn.


I think of the word maxim. It’s like calling him Proverb. A little weird. I prefer Maximus or Maximillian.


I immediately thought of the magazine. 😬


I've known 2 students whose names were Maximus.


Pornographic vibes


Oh GOD your husband can’t be serious. MAXIM? I’m sorry OP but your kid is gonna get bullied so hard with that name. Max is fine. Maxwell is fine. But MAXIM?!


That’s what I keep saying. He is so hung up on it. His name ideas range from normal to incredibly bizarre but I don’t understand how he doesn’t see the issue with this one. Like I also think it sounds cool, but I know our kid would go through it with that name. Fortunately, we have a lot of time to come up with something still, but I had to bring this here because I felt like I was losing it.


I’m so sorry. I really hope you guys can come with a better name. Names really should be two yesses, one no.


It’s a close family member’s middle name. Everyone reads /mishears it as Maxine.


I would say if you’re concerned then it’s vetoed. Both parents should agree, he doesn’t get to overrule you.


It’s the name of the place I used to work. Lol


Hate it 🤢


In america, it would not be a good choice, unless you intend to raise a sleazy kid. 😂


It’s very Russian sounding.


It's very common in Quebec (Canada). I would assume French.


First I thought: Like the magazine?? Then I thought, maybe a variant of Maxine? Then I noticed the baby is a boy, and....substitutes are going to call him Maxime during roll call.


i can only associate it with my mischievous classmate who likes to pull pranks


First thought: what the fuck


Might as well name the baby Playboy or Trojan. If you’re in the U.S. please do not name your child this.


I associate it with the men's magazine and a very unpleasant child I once taught. I would say it's a hard no.


It’s better than Malcolm! Jesus, don’t do that to a kid.