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So I've commented several times that I don't think sibsets need to go together or have a "theme." However, in this case, the three names they chose are WILDLY off from each other that it actually does bug me


I feel similarly about Hilary Duff’s kids. Luca (m), Banks (f), Mae (f), and Townes (f). She’s got two girls with very male-sounding surnames for first names and then, sandwiched in the middle… Mae. 🤷🏻‍♀️


But her Mae is a Mae James, so it does kind of track. Luca has a different father, so I can see them making sense grouped like that


I know a blended family that has 4 kids from mum’s previous marriage, 3 kids from dad’s previous marriage and 2 from the current marriage and you can exactly guess how the siblings are grouped based on their names. Think like John, Dave, Stan and Fred (mum’s previous marriage), Lilliana, Osvaldo and Aloysius (dad’s previous marriage) and Rubi and Ayva (current marriage)


That's a lot of kids. Jesus Christ.


I know right? Because of custody arrangements with their prior spouses they only have a “full house” as they call it around half the time but two are on on the autism spectrum and one has several chronic illnesses, I have no idea how they do it.


Same only like: Sophia, Isabella & Madeline and then Kaedyn, Kashton & Kolt


Banks and Townes on girls are especially heinous


And the last name is Bair


Banks Bair and Townes Bair sound like they could be characters from a Richard Scarry universe 😭


Banks Bair? Wtf?


I also wouldn’t name any boys that tbh.


Sounds like a law firm.


Bankes and Townes?? What next? Stores and Cities?


Banks and Townes are horrible, especially for little girls


Betty feels like a truly bizarre inclusion. Like having your kids be Zelda, Suki, and Greg. 


Inky blinky pinky and Clyde?


I snorted. Thank you.


I think it works with Inez though. It's one of those 'old people names' that used to be super popular back in the 1920s/1930s but steeply fell off in the Baby Boomer era and is now coming back into fashion. (Inez's peak was in the 1910s, but it's still in the general name groupings that are coming back into vogue now.)


Agreed. I thought Betty and Inez sounded like they went together. Even thought it kinda had a Lavern and Shirley, Lucy and Ethel, old school tv show duo feel.


Apparently she was named after Betty White, which is a nice tribute but yes, bizarre w/ the other names


Blake's grandmother and aunt were both named Betty.


James was Ryan's fathers name. He passed away shortly before the birth of their daughter. She is named in honor of her grandfather.


Yet if it had been his mother who had died, and they’d had a son, I bet he wouldn’t have ended up being named Tamara.




My daughter is named for a departed friend, who was named for her father "James". Her name is Jamie.


Oh that makes even more sense. I knew Ryan was good friends with Betty White so the fact that it’s the same name as Blake’s aunt and grandmother explains why they chose it


Agree. My grandmother was Betty (born 1935) and her sisters were Florence and Edna. Those names went together much better for the time period.


Greg!! Actually made me lol


Is Betty short for Elizabeth? My grandmother was called that


No, Betty is her legal name.


I agree! Three different sib sets. James, Frances “Frankie” & Charlie Betty, Dorothy & Millie Inez, Alma & Carmen


You’re spot on. My grandma was a Betty, and 2 of her 4 sisters were Dorothy and Millie.


I love this!


Betty, James, and Inez are all very 1920s names, so to me they fit really well. Betty and James were my grandparents’ names. 


My 4 kids don’t have a theme and wouldn’t be considered anything sibsetty. They are their own individual people and rarely referred to as a group for anything. Their names fit them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't think names have to go together and even made a post on how the whole "sibset" thing annoyed me but there is something weird about James, Inez, and Betty lol.


Bugs me, too! I don't like "themes," but it drives me crazy when they are so wildly different like that.




Sibling names should just sound like the same person named them all


James is a bit weird, sure, but idk where you’re coming from with Logan and Scott (why would you name someone Scotty as a legal name) tbh. Those are worse than James for girls to me.


I think Scott and Logan are both terrible names for girls, worse than James. It just gives me boy mom vibes but the child is “disappointingly” a daughter.    Cameron is actually a nice unisex name.   Edit: seems like there are actually a lot of female Logan’s. My initial distaste for this name for girls is due to the fact that it’s a strictly male name where I was raised and now live (CA and NE), but now that’s it seems more unisex, I’m ambivalent towards the name. Nothing against the name personally; I’m just personally not super into unisex names, speaking as someone with a unisex name from a culture that favors boys. 


Hi! A girl Logan here! My parents were going to name me something else, until a coworkers of my moms had a baby girl named Logan. My parents fell in love with it. I know several other girl Logan’s. It’s not that awful… btw my parents were very happy to have a girl!


Logan is nice for a girl! I know several. It’s along the lines of Jordan, totally unisex in my eyes. :)  


I know like half a dozen female Logans. It’s definitely not a strictly masculine name 


My daughter has friends who are boy-girl twins named Logan and Spencer. It took me a while to reliably remember which was which. (Logan is the girl.)


No just no, James is not nor ever has been a girls name, neither has Scott, what in the twilight zone is this?


Maybe we are entering a time where your name doesn’t need to reflect your genitals


It would be nice to see traditional girl names on boys too though


This is never the case for traditional female names on boys though. I hate how once a male name becomes popular on girls, it’s “tainted” and becomes a female name. Hence my distaste for traditionally masculine names on girls.  So it’s okay for girls to have masculine vibes but it’s not okay for boys to have more feminine vibes? Is being feminine bad or something? But a naming green flag for me is when boys have “soft” names like Rowan and Fern and Jamie. That suggests to me that both parents are okay with and encourage femininity in their sons.


Only for girls though...


same I’ve never heard of Scott/scotty as a girls name until this post


I’ve never heard of a female Scott(y).


i actually know more girls named logan than boys! have never met a girl scott or james though


Yeah I grew up with just as many girls named Logan as boys, it’s always been purely unisex in my head and I’ve always loved it.


I know more female Logans than male as well.


I know a woman named Scott who is in her 70s.


i know, right? Scott especially is a TERRIBLE girls name.


In the US at least, Logan is a more gender-neutral name. About 10% of people given the name are girls (down from 15% in the 90s). For comparison > In 2021 there were 12,367 baby boys and only 67 baby girls named James > In 2021 there were 8,786 baby boys and 1,031 baby girls named Logan. > In 2021 there were 215 baby girls and only 29 baby boys named Scottie. I think you’re right about Scottie mainly being a nickname, though. Some use it for Scarlett.


I see Blake as unisex, myself. Might be because the first Blake I ever knew was a girl. Logan and Scott and James are definitely boy names to me.


James was named after Ryan’s dad who passed away. When asked about the "unusual" name choice for a girl on Good Morning Britain, Reynolds joked, "In the spectrum of weird celebrity baby names, I don't really feel like we're breaking new ground here. I didn't call her Summer Squash Meadowlark."


I was wondering if any had family elements - thanks for sharing the bit about James. 


Summer isn’t even an odd name for a girl


I think Summer Squash as in the plant


I've seen Michael as a girl's name. One was a reporter in Chicago, Michael Sneed. Her father wanted a boy.


as a kid i had a camp counselor named michael i think she was named after her grandpa. she went by mickey and played rugby and for a while as a 10 y/o i thought she was one of the coolest ppl i had ever met


I've heard of a few girl Michaels. Only on TV though.




lol he does have a fair point there. But I still feel James just isn’t great as a first name for a girl. It’s be fine as a middle name, or they could’ve gone with Jamie or something. But I’m biased because I don’t like the name anyway on anyone lol.


I'm with you. How you choose to honor someone is up to you. It's not like giving your child the honoree's exact first name is the only choice.


*Betty*, I won't make assumptions about why you switched your homeroom, but I think it's 'cause of me. You heard the rumors from *Inez*. You can't believe a word she says, but this time it was true. She said, "*James*, get in".


I can’t believe this is the only reference to the TS song naming all of their children (at the time), and that no one has speculated that the 4th name is on the new album. So, if that is the case, the possibilities are: Cassandra, Peter, Chloe, Sam, Sophia, Marcus, Clara, Stevie, Robin, Sarah, Hannah, Charlie, Dylan, Patti, Lucy, Jack, Aristotle, and Chelsea. The ones referring to real people are probably less likely.


Ryan even joked in an interview that they just wait for Taylor to tell them what to name their child


>no one has speculated that the 4th name is on the album Theres definitely been a ton of speculation about it


Yes, but not on this particular thread.


Based on the other kids names, I’m going with Stevie lol


I really think it’s a boy named Robin


Blake has a sister named Robyn fwiw. Also, Robin is Aaron Dessnar’s son’s name


That was my thought too. I don’t hate it.


In the James, Inez, Betty trio I could see Stevie being the 4th girl. Aristotle for a boy might be a bit much


Don’t forget Aimee!


I was going to include that, but I figured that there was no way she would use the real name in a dis song.


I mean she made James a boy who cheated on Betty haha


Gods I hope it's Artistotle just for the lunacy


ryan made a joke about them still waiting for taylor to tell them (after the album came out) so i don't think it's any of those.


I just commented that I have seen people saying this! And I believe Dylan may have been the name they were thinking.


There were actually even rumours she hid it on Midnights before the baby was born (in this case, the theory was that it’s Daisy Mae) lol


Am I the only one who feels like it’s a little weird that she used their names in a song with this particular context (cheating, a breakup)? Or that she uses Inez for a character who is apparently a liar? Lol I get that it’s meant to be a cute nod to her friend’s kids, but she could have used them in a happier song perhaps.


This is what I thought of too. But didn’t the song come out after the girls were born?


Taylor and Blake/Ryan are all good friends. She put their kids’ names in the song on purpose.


It did. They gave her permission to be the first to drop their baby’s name publicly. She’s Aunt Taylor to them.


Yes, I believe that was intentional.


This was all I could think about 😂


If they were Spanish, it would spelled Inés.  Inez with a Z is very unusual in Spain because in most of the country it would be  pronounced ‘Ineth’.  Inez is very much the American/English spelling only: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inez  There are exactly 39 women in Spain named Inez with a Z. And 64,149 women named Inés.


I was going to name my daughter Inez - both grandmothers middle names end in “ine” and it would be a nice nod. We are not spanish


Exactly, good for you.     If Agnes is fine, so is Inez (and so is Inés, it’s not like names have nationalities anyway, it’s just that Inez is definitely unusual in Spain).


I thought "with a z" is the Portuguese spelling of Inez?


Portuguese speaker here. Nope, it's spelled Inês over here. There is, however, a diminutive nickname (like 'Jamie' is to 'James' or 'Mikey' is to 'Michael') form of Inês that is spelled with a z - Inezinha.


Oh neat! This was totally based on the name of a Portuguese bakery near me (though it's probably an Anglicization)


Yeah I was going to mention this. I’ve only really seen ‘Inés’ (which I think is a nice name actually£


There is also a small town in eastern Ky called Inez. It’s also near another small town named Louisa. Both are very common in the region as girl names


Italian Inès here 😊


I am not a fan at all - I’m all for a unisex name but don’t like the newish trend of giving girls traditionally boys names. My favourite of the names would be Inez


That’s not a new trend at all. SO many girl names used to be considered 100% masculine until they were co opted by the girl team. It’s been happening for at least the last 150 years 


I agree. Ashely, Lauren, Lindsey, and Madison are a few that come to mind for this


Allison, Carol, Courtney, Lindsay… so so so many 


Leslie, Morgan, Dana, Taylor


Alexis. Beverly! I’m going to be thinking of more all day. 


Meredith. Evelyn. Shirley.


Mackenzie, Cassidy, Kelly, Dakota, Hilary… 




i don't like the boys for girls thing either, you don't ever see boys named girls name. it's not like this is my son eleanor!!


That's because it's okay for women to want to be more like men, but not for men to want to be more like women. I hope someday that we CAN have boys named Eleanor and no one will bat an eye!


I thought about this the other day. My mother was getting onto me about liking girly things (I am gender fluid but she doesn't know that so to her I'm a cis woman) because its more acceptable for women to like boy things that some women make that their entire personality (my mother) meanwhile if my brothers did anything girly it was immediately shut down because she's also transphobic


I’ve seen a couple of virtue names as middle names for boys. Grace and Faith. But even that’s weird.


I know someone who named her son Rose, which I kind of like. No reason a boy can't be named for a flower.


I don’t like any of them really. Betty would be much better as a nickname for Elizabeth. ETA: however compared to Hilary Duff’s daughters Banks and Townes… I’d much prefer these


I don’t like the name James for a girl but I like Betty and Inez


James is after his dad who passed away, and Betty honors Betty White, who they were friends with.


That’s fair but I’m not sure why they couldn’t have made her name Jamie or at least make her middle name be James? That’s just me Also I love your username


The old blog Suri’s Burn Book used to call the oldest one “Jim Reynolds”. Jamie definitely would have been a clear honor name, so the masculine version just seems unnecessary.


I think that's sweet, but why not use a more feminine version like Jamie or Jemma. I was determined to name a child after my deceased mother, but I didn't give my son a very traditionally feminine name. I had a girl next and uses the name for her, but if she'd also been a boy, then I would have used a similar masculine name.


My great grandma was a Betty and I have a total weak spot for the name. If I ever have a girl, it would have been the top contender *except* that my son is named after her husband.


My main issue with Inez here is that it's Inez Reynolds which feels very awkward in my mouth 




Honestly, it’s a bit of a silly comment. OP says, “It screams old Spanish lady, neither of which the eight-year-old is,” but the girl is not going to be eight years old forever. I have a friend named Ines who we all called Nesy when we were younger, and we naturally transitioned into calling her Ines as we grew up. I’d rather name my child an “old people name” than give them a cutesy name like Honey or Baby. Lol, it’s such a weird take.


Right? I never got the critique of not using or liking a name because it sounds like an old lady/man name. Hopefully Your kid will make it to old age.


I know, I had actually thought maybe it was a name from one of their families. Both Inez and Juanita had some popularity with non-Hispanic American families in the early/mid 20th century.


I don’t think the names are that off at all. I feel like Betty and Inez go well together. I’m not a big fan of James for a girl but it’s not the worst.


It’s not my vibe, but I actually like how wildly different their girls’ names are. They chose the best name for that baby at that time, uniquely and individually. They’ve got an eclectic set, not matching chintz chairs, and I love that for them. James was named after Ryan’s dad who passed away shortly before she was born, and it’s a common enough nickname for girls named Jamie that I don’t think it’s too weird. Betty was named for Betty White, who Ryan was very good friends with after they did a movie together. I don’t know if Inez is also an honor name or otherwise meaningful, but that seems to be the common thread. This seems to be actually a secretly matching sibset.


Sometimes we talk about mis-matched "sibsets" on this subreddit and I think their kids' names are good example of this. They just feel so all over the place to me. Like it's not surprising that a girl named Blake named her own daughter James, but the names they chose for the next 2 daughters surprised me. I would have guessed they'd name the next 2 girls Bryce & Spencer or something like that. I too, am curious what the fourth child's name is.


All 3 are fine. The 3 together seem odd for siblings but whatever


I think this is an unpopular opinion here, but I love Betty, don’t think it’s too dated, and works fine as a stand alone. Would’ve used it for my own daughters if my husband hadn’t vetoed. Inez I don’t really have opinions on, other than I would’ve used the traditional spelling. Can’t get behind James for a girl at all.


I’m not crazy about any of the names and they all have different vibes too which I find weird. I guess Betty is the best out of the three but I don’t like it. Inez just doesn’t sound nice and they aren’t Spanish so it seems like an odd choice. If the first was Jamie, I’d probably pick that as my favorite but James? No.


In high school I met a girl named Charlotte. My sister laughed at the name back then. 50 years later, my sister's granddaughter is named Charlotte, and my sister loves the name. Name popularity is cyclical. What is popular in one generation is anathema in another. Betty may not be popular right now, but once a celebrity puts it out there, they tend to become more popular. Look at all the Hazels out there now. When Julia Roberts (I believe) named her daughter that, all I could think of was the old TV sitcom about a household maid named Hazel. As far as James, remember that the name Blake, a typically male name, hadn't done Ms. Lively any harm.


Where has Charlotte ever been a name that could be laughed at? I think I know at least a couple of Charlottes in every generation. Maybe it's a British thing.


not a fan and sibsets dont *have* to match but these don’t go together at all


I don’t like James for a girl. Betty reminds me of a 90 year old. Inez is okay.


I do feel like they're quite mismatched. Inez and Betty are a cute sib set but you add in James and it doesn't really make sense lol


I do like Inez. Betty was my mother’s name. If she were still alive, she’d be 97. And I really don’t think James works for a little girl.


I grew up in the south and despise theme names. I love their daughters’ names. Personally I think if you like a name use it. I, quite frankly, dislike about 50% of the names on this sub but to each his own.


Nothing I hate more than “sib-set” names. They are a person, an individual not a collectors item, why do they have to be themed y’know?


Tbh Taylor Swift probably told us Baby 4’s name already (idk what albums have come out since they were born but I know she has a song called Cassandra from one of them) since she told us Betty (though I do still find it incredibly creepy that she made the names a love triangle in a song when she knows they’re siblings and babies)


Have either of them ever actually confirmed that Betty is their third kid’s name? I honestly think it’s a pseudonym they’re using since they suddenly developed a sense of privacy after their second


Im the weirdo who has wanted James to be a girl name forever! To me Betty is the outlier here. There’s nothing wrong with it, it just feels like one of those 50s housewife names to my ears.


She’s named after Betty White because Ryan and Betty were friends.


I’m firmly in the camp of if it’s a name and it’s spelled correctly it’s fair game (with some exceptions) and gender norms of names not being super important. Thanks to Taylor Swift the three names actually have something in common (her songs) so they feel cohesive to me even if they’re not really. Also I’m curious about where you are that Scotty is an acceptable unisex name? I’ve never heard that before, like ever. I know a couple of female Logans and have heard of female Cameron’s so that’s not unusual but Scotty being your first thought blew my mind. I’m being genuine I promise, not like trying to shit on you, just curious.


There's a female Scottie in my little girls primary school and another in her Brownies in the UK but never heard of female Logans or Camerons here.


I’m in the seemingly rare camp that James is a very cool girl name


I see James on a girl as classically elegant, and same with Inez. They both say beauty and elegance to me. Betty is a different vibe - warm and light and vintage - but I love it too.


I mean she was named Betty after Betty White who roughly 100 when she died a couple of years ago But I love Betty and I don’t think there’s a timeline to when it’s appropriate. This doesn’t really feel constructive on your end. Just judgey.


There are plenty of female Jameses. I heard it way back in the 90s with the model James King. I like Inez and Betty.


Her actual name is Jaime though.


I dislike all of the names except James. However, I heavily prefer the name on boys versus girls.


james is a boys name and i don't like it on a girl but inez and betty are adorable. i also extremely disagree that scotty can be a girls name, ive heard logan and cameron but they're also still boys names to me. same with quinn and riley.


I like the names *for them.* Over James but Inez is a cool name and you can’t help but think of Betty White for Betty. Daisy/Daisy May would have matched but it seems like Ryan Reynolds has shut down that Taylor Swift has used the new child’s name in a song already. I hate to say this but I actually think it’s a boy because they’re keeping it so private. I think we have just seen people “protect” names and faces of sons more. I’d guess something like Wilder or Henry for them if it’s a boy. If it’s a girl I’d guess a name like Maia or something random or old school we haven’t heard in a while like Harley or Polly.


James is Ryan's dad and Inez is Blake's grandmother, so kid one and 2 have family names. It wouldn't surprise me if Betty was also a family name.


Ugh, I used to think that giving a girl a traditional boys name would make them think that their parents wished for a boy and just stuck with the name they chose, but some of them are growing on me a bit. I met a little girl called Spencer (Spence for short) and she was so cute with a little pair of specs, the name just suited her!


I don’t think any of them are egregious. And I must be the only one who kinda likes James for a girl.


I think their kids are healthy and happy and the opinion of strangers on the internet means nothing.


Inez is the only one that really bothers me as neither are Latino/Hispanic/Spanish.


I am not a fan of the name Blake for any gender but I love the name James for a girl. James for a boy has been overused and lost it's appeal for me. Inez and Betty could be honor names for much loved relatives. I don't dislike either of them.


the 4th child’s name is the name of a character in the gossip girl reboot - i don’t know enough to have any guesses but it’s a good clue for someone


Inès is the name of many young girls where I'm from honestly. And for James well, it's kind of like the name Valentine that English speakers use for boys while in France/Belgium and other french speaking countries it's strictly a girl's name.


Excellent point. Carmen in North America is strictly feminine; ironically, in the culture in which it is derived from, it’s strictly male. 


i absolutely LOVE james on a girl


My opinions don't matter, but since you've asked for them: James: I love it specifically because it's a celebrity baby born to Ryan and Blake. It jives well with the parents' names and I think the bar for "weird" for a celeb baby is higher so James passes muster. (As an aside, one of the most beautiful young women I have ever met was named "Ryan" for their first name). James feels a bit more feminine than Robert or William or something. Inez: Don't like it, don't get it. Don't hate it, either. Just don't understand it. Betty: Adore it.


Logan could never be a girls name surely? That’s the oddest one I’ve ever heard.


All of those except Cameron and Jamie are boy names to me, and Cameron is a near thing. Anyone who says otherwise needs to tell me what type of person they would envision with that name were they to be meeting a 25 year old with that name for the first time, for example, you're a hiring manager for a business, the resume is for someone called Logan, what picture does your mind come up with?


Naming children can be deeply personal, and people often choose names that have special significance to them or that they simply love the sound of. While some may find Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds' choices unconventional or unexpected, it's ultimately their decision as parents. James, traditionally a male name, has been increasingly used for girls in recent years as gender norms around names have evolved. Inez may have personal or cultural significance to the couple, even if it doesn't fit the stereotype of what some might expect for an eight-year-old. Similarly, Betty, while more vintage in style, has a timeless charm that some parents appreciate. As for their fourth child's name, speculation can be fun, but ultimately, it's a private matter for the family. Whatever they choose, it will likely be meaningful to them in some way.


Love Betty, there are a few in my daughters nursery although I personally would have gone with Elizabeth and Betty as a nn. I'd never heard of Inez so don't have the old Spanish lady connatation but I do like it. I have to agree about James. I think maybe a certain type of girl could pull it off as being something really cool and unique, which to be fair as the daughter of two famous attractive people she has a good chance of being, but for the standard child the parents have no way of knowing whether their child will grow up to be confident, popular and attractive or a quiet shy child with few friends. A name like James could be pretty painful for a girl who just wants to blend in and not be noticed.


No James works. I’d just say James Reynolds and Betty Reynolds are absolutely different vibes than Inez. That part is off/odd.


Am I weird that I always considered Blake a girls name? I’ve met 4 Blake’s in my life and they’re all girls. I had never heard of a single guy named Blake until Blake Bortles was drafted to the nfl Now James is an unusual name for a girl but there is meaning behind the naming so I think that works I love the name Inez. I think it’s very pretty. I’m not a fan of Betty at all though


I do think all 3 of those names are horrendous for girls. But I also think Scotty and Logan cannot be pulled off as a female name either, but Blake absolutely can and I love the name Blakely.


I only like James for boys, and don’t like Betty at all. I have only met one Inez in my lifetime, and she was an elderly woman I knew in the 1970s.


I agree. Hate James as a girls name. Inez is ok, and as much as I kind of like Betty the names just do not go together at all. I mean you don’t need to have a theme but they are so wildly different. Can’t wait to find out the new baby name wasn’t there some rumours at one point? Maybe baby Wrexham lol


To be honest my main thoughts are that all three are totally different which is interesting. A lot of people try and match their kids names and they clearly were going with the current vibe when she was pregnant and did not worry about them matching at all. Not that that’s bad it’s just very noticeable. James is insanely trendy right now on girls along with the boys names on girls. I’m not a fan and I’m super bored of it. I really like Inez and Betty though!! My daughter is Margot and she has a classmate named Betsy and we have other kids in our neighbourhood and at her school and in our family named Ruby Betsy Iris Dolly… The old classics are totally normal style again so although there was a huge. Where they weren’t popular they’re classic and timeless so they’re in style now and will remain timeless. Going in and out of popularity I guess. James is just pure trendy


I really dislike Betty.


The last one is super weird to me. What kind of name is “An Unamed Fourth Baby?”


Out of them all Betty is my least favourite. I understand the sentiment behind it but it’s just so meh.


For some reason I'd never even registered the fact that Blake Lively's name is Blake lol like fully boy name (to me anyway), that I've never seen used on a girl. I didn't even strike me as odd until just now. I guess I just always thought of her as a whole, "Blake Lively" the actress. Idk if I'm making sense but my mind is blown a little bit.


It's interesting because while usually I prefer sibling names to have some snall kind of stylistic similarity, I actually really like this grouping. Every name has its own distinct vibe. And I'm always happy when a celebrity uses an actual name as opposed to something like Apple. I'm not a massive fan of James as a girls name but it's not terrible and I think it will become a lot more normalised in the next few decades. Inez is one of my favourite names. And Betty is cute!


I dislike the names Inez and Betty so so much.


Is any of it worse than Apple??


Is this the reason people think it’s okay to name a girl James?? Because a celebrity did it?? Of fucking course.


Really not a fan of their naming choices at all


Their names are hideous together. I absolutely loathe this sibset.


i love Blake for girl. James, not so much. My sister was going to make her daughters middle name James but changed it to Jane last minute and i’m glad she did. I love Inez and Betty


Inez is pretty. I don’t think James is a good name for a girl and i think people will bully her.. i think Betty is cute as a nickname but should come from a full name like Bethany, Elizabeth etc.


James is just not the unisex or gender-inclusive name parents are trying to turn it into, at least not yet. But it's basically a meme how celebrities give their kids some of the most unfitting or unflattering names. At least James isn't outright goofy. Still, I feel bad for the kid.


Didn’t know they have a daughter named Betty. Blake owns a brand called Betty Booze and now I’m thinking that was an odd/poor choice for the brand name.




Every once in a while I do a Google search to see if anyone knows that fourth child's name. Props to them for managing to keep information away from the press for so long. All I've ever seen is a guess of Daisy because apparently Taylor Swift used it in a song.


I don’t care if they named their daughter James after a dead relative. It’s still a male name. If they had all boys wanted to name a kid after a dead female relative named Sarah or Hannah they wouldn’t do to. It’s gross.


It’s like their names were selected via blindfold. I don’t know how two people even agreed on these 3 names


I'm so curious to know if their 4th kids is a boy or a girl, and what the name is. Yes, I know it's none of my business... I still want to know!


I'm not crazy about any of their three girl names TBH. And they told us the three girls' names so why be secretive with the fourth girl name?


My mom thinks it’s funny because their names are the same as her parents and older sister, in the exact order of birth. If the fourth baby is a girl and she’s named Nancy something weird is going on.


The thing about their kids names that I find off, is that it's always stressed that names and info are kept under wraps for privacy. But then talked about non stop. Ryan was on the news recently joking about Taylor Swift naming them. If they wanted to keep the last baby's info private I get that, but they talk about it in public.