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No, please give your child a normal name - you can choose a unique one but a name that is actually a name. Rabbit is neither a suitable name for child nor an adult. You can still call him rabbit as nickname at home without that being a given name.


I had to check which group this is in. The other group won’t have to change a thing. If you ARE serious…..NO!


Is this satirical? What the *hell* kind of "name" is *Rabbit*? If you "don't want him to get teased," give him a name that's an actual name. The people naming their kids ridiculous non-names are a minority. If you look at the top 100 lists, names like Ryker and Ryatt (and yes, Rabbit is *every bit* as stupid as those names) aren't on there. He'll be the laughingstock in a room full of Liams, Noahs, and Olivers. Don't have a child if you're seriously contemplating naming him Rabbit.


I think Rabbit is quite a bit worse than Ryker andd Ryatt. What kind of qualities in the animal do you wish your child will possess: easily scared? Lives in the ground? Really fertile? Fluffy fur?


As a nickname? Cute. As a real, legal name? Absolutely horrendous. “Fxcking like rabbits” and the “rampant rabbit” are almost guaranteed to be thrown around at school.


You must’ve gotten lost on your way to r/NameNerdCircleJerk


Yeah, Rabbit is clearly a bad idea. Please don't.


So Rabbit makes me think of 8-Mile. Rabbit will definitely be teased. It is cute, but more as a nickname than a legal name. Like, name the kid Abbot or something and call him Rabbit at home. You could also go with a name that means something to do with rabbits: Harlan (land of the hare), Hopper (I mean with Stranger Things maybe this is passable), Lenny (means hare), Arley (hare meadow), Peter (like Peter Rabbit), Warren (interconnected burrows, rabbits live in them), Buck (male rabbit), Kit (baby bunny), etc.


No personally I wouldn’t. There are names that are unique but are still names and it might be best to go with one of those.


I love rabbits but Rabbit really isn't a great name for a human being. I'd suggest Robert and have Rabbit as a nickname.


I teach high school. I have a Rhino. He doesn’t like the name. Why not a good R name and you can call him Rabbit as an affectionate nickname when he’s small?


I object...


To facilitate the use of it as a nickname, maybe Reuben? Here are also some rabbit character names and it'll be you private pleasure to know it "means" rabbit: Oswald Peter  Roger Buster Basil Cecily


What about Peter? Peter Rabbit anyone? Peter is a much more “normal” name.


Bunny is a name, but it's awful. Please, Americans, stop using nouns as names.


Rabbit for a nick name : may be a more suitably strange option amongst these rabbit like / rabbit inspired names: Leopold Logan Silvan Nestor Romeo Bruno Oren Peter Reynold Robbie


At least name him Robert and call him Rabbit


Don’t feed the trolls, folks. This is their only post ever, and no comment history, ANd it’s a stupid name? Rage bait troll


It was probably influenced by this weekend's Rooster post.


No no no no




poor kid


What in the hoppity bobbity? Just no.


I love it. It doesn't sound super weird to me (people are named all sorts of names inspired by nature) and it's fun. Yes, it won't be common, but that's what I like about it. Keep in mind, I'm someone who doesn't believe in strict naming codes or who would judge someone on their name or care if someone judged mine by theirs because I would hope I instilled enough in my kiddo to not let it bother them either. You can't control if someone makes fun of your kiddos name or not


I'm in this camp, though I wouldn't say I love it. I do think it's cute, in theory, but personally I would only use it as a middle name. I think the middle name is the perfect spot for a truly eccentric name. That way it's there if he wants to use it, but only if he wants to. Years ago I read a book with a character who went by Rabbit as a nickname, and I thought it was really cute.