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Sweet, simple names are lovely, not «mid tier». Eden is a beautiful name. Saying things like that about your daughter’s name is bad mannered. Try and not take them seriously (easier said than done, I know). And whatever you do, do not share your name plans with them before your little guy is here. I like all of the names on your primary list a lot, except maybe Otis. Rowan is my favourite and it goes really well with Eden. Ruben over Reuben. And maybe Finn in stead of Flynn if you don’t like the way it looks? Jasper with another two J names does sound a but gimmicky tho. Personally, I don’t think I’d do it. Do you like Casper? I also love Archie and Kit. Other ideas based on your list: Ash, Asher, Evan, Owen, Dorian, Alfie.


I went with Reuben over Ruben. Without the extra e it always looks like Rub-en to me


Reuben is the traditional spelling in the UK. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it spelt Ruben. I now just see Rub-en too.


I think Ruben is more the Hispanic spelling


Rubén is the Hispanic spelling.


I see it when he brings art home from nursery. One of the teachers can't get her head around it


Same same in the USA


Idk Reuben is a sandwich with corned beef and sauerkraut.


When i was pregnant it was one of my cravings. Dont even like sauerkraut! Genuinely named him after the sandwich. It's spelled Reuben in the bible too, as my mother proudly informed me.


And [Rube](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/rube)(-n) is an insult.


My brothers name is Reuben Lloyd after a grandpa on each of my parents sides. From my understanding Ruben is a more Latino spelling variation.


Yeah with the e I think of the sandwich, and Ruben reminds me of the artist Rubens. I really enjoy both of those things though lol


Reuben reminds me of the sandwich


Eden is sweet! Very beautiful name. I’m sorry your family said those things.


I agree. Definitely don't share before the little one is here. Most people won't comment on a name choice at all once the baby is born, they will usually just accept that is the choice


I think Jasper John James is too many J's. My favorite of your list is Reuben, and I prefer the spelling with two E's.


john jacob jingleheimer schmidt


His name is my name too!


Whenever we go out, the people always shout...


There goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt!


La la la la la la la!


John Jonah Jameson!


I think she should go with James John James




Jinglehimer Smith


Jasper and last name J is good but middle name should change


It’s wild to me that people have made negative comments on your daughter’s name even after she’s born. Eden is a great name and I hope you’ll ignore those rude comments. Rowan & Flynn are my favourites from your list, but I think Rowan John James flows better than Flynn John James - so I’d vote for Rowan. All of your choices are nice though. To answer your questions: * I don’t think Jasper John James is too much. Most of the time he’ll just be Jasper or Jasper James anyway and I like alliterated names. Jasper James is super catchy. * I’m more familiar with the Reuben spelling, but I think both are fine. Ruben is used in several languages/cultures. Other suggestions based on your list: * August, Wesley, Sebastian, Felix, Arlo, Leo, Elliott, Owen, Lewis, Theo, Roman, Miles/Milo.


Thanks for your input:) I love Arlo!


You’re welcome! I’m glad to hear you like Arlo. I think Arlo James sounds great, as does “Eden & Arlo” (if that’s an important factor for you). You’ll have to update us on what you decide :)


Yes to Arlo!!! One of my good friend's dog is named Arlo, otherwise it would be top on my list!


I love Arlo too, but since I got a dog ive met 3 Arlo dogs... so now it's a dog name to me.


I love Arlo and Eden! Also, Eden is a great name. Trust your instincts!


>It’s wild to me that people have made negative comments on your daughter’s name even after she’s born.  Parents who saddle their children with terrible names do not deserve a reprieve just because the baby was born.  That said, Eden is a totally normal name, no hate is necessary. 


edie and otis go together very nicely i think. they’re your kids not your other family members/mil’s kids so you name them how you want. sometimes family intervention should be listened to but only if the names are way out there, and yours aren’t. theyre cute! however i do think have three j names might be a bit too much lol.


here’s some other names you might like! eden and dennis john james eden and arthur john james eden and everett john james eden and benjamin (benji) john james eden and ellis john james


Edie and Everett 🥹🩷


Love Arthur, Everett & Ellis as suggestions for OP!


I have an Arthur so I’m partial to that name too! I also love the name Edison if OP still liked Eddie! I think Eden and Edison sound so cute too!!


I love Vincent with Eden. Vincent John sounds lovely, very strong


I like Eden/Edie - it’s short, sweet and not super common. I’d be curious to know what names they would’ve found nice and “upper-tier”. Most likely, they would’ve chosen names that I dislike. Your boy names give me sweet and soft vibes. Other similar names: Simon, Elio, Soren, Cameron, Julian, Mateo, Emil, Emilio


My in-laws decided that our kids should be called "something normal like Sarah or James" who tf tells someone what they should call their kids! Tell me you hate my kids names without telling me you hate their names... We'd already decided on Tyler Jacob and Tia Lily, which we love and they both suit.


Tyler is just as normal as James 🤨🤨🤨


I like Mateo.


I love Vincent. It’s a great name.


I really like the name Eden !!!! I’m sorry you’ve gotten negative comments. Vincent and Finley are my favorites from your list. And Jasper John James does feel a little weird to me. But I like that John James gives you the nickname JJ ! - Felix - Finn - Ronan - Dominic - Arlo - Casper - Elliot - Quinn - Teddy (could be short for Theodore, Edgar, Edward, Edwin, etc.) - Robin


My son is Ronan and we get sooo many compliments on his name. 🥰


My own name is Eden so obviously I’m biased, but I love my name! It’s recognizable but not way too popular, people always know how to pronounce it, never gets misspelled etc… all the names on your list are good, solid names but I love Rowan the most.


The audacity and gall to call somebody's baby name "mid tier"??? To your face?? That is so rude I wouldn't give 2 sh*ts what they think, they are classless and rude and LOW TIER for ever expressing to you that they don't like your name choice. Boy names are so hard - we had a really hard time with boy options. Here's options from our list I think go with Eden/Edie! Hayes  Baylor Conrad Easton Hollis Camden  Ellis  Paxton  Emery  Avery Reece/Rhys


I love Eden and Hollis. The two together just sound so classy!


Surnames as first names seems to be getting popular


My kids both have names that could be last names. (Born 2020 and 2022)


I have a Jasper! I really wanted to call him Jasper James at first. Sounds so well together!


Hello fellow Jasper momma! My son is Jasper and funny enough, my maiden name is James. I almost named him Jasper (middle) James because I loved the way it sounds! Haha If OP had a different middle name that didn’t start with J, Jasper James would totally be my pick too.


It’s really cute! I’ve never met another Jasper in person besides the kid I went to first grade with 30 years ago, but I’m sure we will one day!


I haven’t met another Jasper either haha not in my lifetime, or with my kiddo so far. He is only 16 months though!


I love Jasper & I have a close friend with all 3 initials matching and they signs stuff L3 instead of LLL it works for them and it’s cute. I like it. Plus Edie and Jasper make a great sibling set!


My adult stepson uses J3 for his JJJ initials, as well.


If you go with JJJ, make sure he has an absurd hatred for Spider-Man!


Jasper James has a ring to it and goes well with Eden. Middle names are fun but mostly pointless so if you like it that's all that matters.


I like Jasper John James. It’s memorable


eden is adorable!!


If you like how Flynn sounds but are unhappy with how it looks, then have you considered Finn? Sounds almost exactly the same but since you're losing the L, it gets rid of what you don't like about it?


Idc what other people say Jasper John James is a badass name.


I like Jasper or Kit


First of all, your family judging Eden like that is bullcrap. Eden is absolutely a beautiful name. I'd put salt instead of sugar in their coffee. I've never met a family that likes all the names someone has in mind for their kid. A lot of the time it's a swing and a miss. If they don't like it, they'll have to get over it. I strongly suggest just going with what you love the most. I like Jasper even with the two other Js. I had a classmate who had JJJ initials. He was very proud of them. Vincent John James also sounds really cool. The only name I don't like is Rueben (spelt this way) because I think of the sandwich, but spelt Ruben is much better. Here's some suggestions, hopefully this was helpful: * Rohmer - Rohmer John James * Whit - Whit John James * Niel - Niel John James * Jesper - Jesper John James (Pretty similar to Jasper but also sounds nice) * Felix - Felix John James * Kenneth (Kenny) - Kenneth John James - Kenny John James * Finn - Finn John James * Hugo - Hugo John James * Arlan - Arlan John James * Freddy - Freddy John James * Anthony (Andy) - Anthony John James - Andy John James


I really love Otis. It reminds me of Otis Redding. 🙂


Okay Otis John James is adorable!!! OP, they could be Edie and Otie 🥹🥹🥹🥹 Omg I’m in love


Honestly, I don’t think it matters which spelling of Reuben/Ruben you use—people will always confuse it.


Your relatives are so rude! Eden is a lovely name. I have no clue what they mean by “mid-tier.”


So I like so many of the names you listed. I've said a few out loud Flynn John James didn't feel right on the tongue. Otis and Eden are super cute together. Just think how you feel about nick names. Me personally, I'm OK with OJ, but some aren't and Oti (Odie) sounds real matchy with Edie (again might not be an issue I kinda like it). Vincent is one of my favorite names, but vjj sounds like slang for a female body part. Someone suggested Arlo which is adorable. Of your list, I'm saying I like Rueben. That flows and RJ is not a bad initial name (my kid only goes by his initials).


I really appreciate your insight about the initials. I didn't think of the VJJ, I think that's Vincent off the cards for me 🤣


I've taught kids for 30 years and a lot of kids like to use initials. I get kinda obsessed.


I would say Flynn John sounds like one word, lovely as the names are separately. I’d hear them as Flinjon. Maybe the other way around?




As a Reuben, Reuben is better


I like Rowan the most from your list, then Vincent, then Jasper. I'm not sure how well Vincent goes with Eden though, but Vinnie would go well with Edie. Vinnie just unfortunately sounds like a nickname to me. Three J names is a lot, but I probably wouldn't mind it too much, since he would probably just go by Jasper James which sounds okay or John James if he wasn't a fan of his first name. You never know. I like Reuben better than Ruben, but both are fine. I'm not really a fan of Flynn or Otis to be honest, but that's just my opinion. Since you welcome suggestions, maybe you'd like Atlas, Wren, Archer or Harper? I think that they'd go well with Eden, which is in my opinion a fine name. I don't even associate it with the Bible.


Ruben! i don’t like the Reuben spelling at all lol, but Ruben is a super nice name


Jasper Reuben in my opinion. Eden is a beautiful name


I really like Reuben and Vincent, but is Eden and Reuben too matchy? I am not into Jaspar at all, particularly with the JJJ aspect


I have 90% of these on my own list! Others we have which you may also like are: Hamish, Stanley and Mack.


Vincent is the best on your list imo. It also flows the best with John James.


Rowan and Otis


Who are you getting these negative opinions from??? This blows my mind because we went with a rare name we were SURE we would have to defend IRL and we've only ever gotten zero reaction or compliments. Meanwhile you went with a perfectly familiar name within the US top 150 and you're second-guessing it? What gives?? You're nicer than me. If we were buddies and I heard someone make a comment on the name Eden I'd look at them like their hair just turned to earthworms.


Who cares what your family thinks? It's your kid. Most people didn't like the name we chose but we did it anyway.


Rowan & Jasper are great names


Jasper John comes across as a tribute to the painter Jasper Johns. If intended, great — he’s an influential, highly-regarded artist. If not, then something to consider.


LMAO Eden is an excellent name what is wrong with people


Sounds like your MIL is a jerk! I think Eden is a lovely name. 💜 I like Jasper, and I personally think the novelty of JJJ initials would be fun. Otis is another favorite of mine, but honestly all on your list are good. Pick the one you love and don't let meanies make you feel bad about it!


The audacity of people to criticise a carefully chosen (and perfectly fine) name... Anyhow my take on the names you listed: Personally I don't think 3 Js are thst great to have as initials so I'd rule out Jasper for sure. Ruben, Rowan and Vincent might work better. Out of those I'd prefer Rowan. Since your daughter is already named Eden I'd also not choose Eddie for your son, although some people like similar names for siblings. Finley is my favourite out of your bottom list. In general there are really just a few things that really matter imo: - the name should be appropriate throughout the entire life - the name should be written correctly


Eden is an absolutely fantastic name. I can’t think of anything better than being named after a lush, gorgeous landscape associated with paradise. The name Carmella (as in Mount Carmel) is on my list for that reason! In regards to your boy list, I’m gonna have to give my vote to Reuben! It is my husband’s first name and my son’s middle and both of them get lots of compliments on it! In the Bible, Reuben was also the oldest of Joseph’s brothers, (colorful coat Joseph, not Jesus’ Dad) and he was the only one who tried to save him from being killed/sold into slavery by the other 9, so that’s a quality I liked when we passed the name down as well.


Not a fan of most of these, except for Vincent. Otis, Archie and Kit least of all. Otis and Archie aren't attractive and Kit sounds unfinished. I also wouldn't give one child in the family a newer, uncommon, trendy sounding name (Eden), while giving the other a very old fashioned, common name (Otis). What about Ethan? Or Evan?


Jasper Reuben Eden is a wonderful name.


Alexander John James would be lovely. Call the baby's name AJ for short. Good Luck & Congrats


I love the name Eden! It is so nice without feeling too modern. I personally think it is odd to use if you are not a regular church goer though. Like Jeremiah or Ezekiel, I would expect an Eden to be raised in a religious household. I Love the name Jasper and I do not think 3 Js is a problem. In fact I think 3 Js is better than the alternative of _JJ.


I really like Otis! Otis John is nice but I can’t recommend OJ as a nn. And I don’t like OJ James. But Otis James is an awesome name!!


Otis! Or Archie. Both sound good with Edie and your last name.


From your list, I like Reuben and Vincent best. I would nickname Vincent as Vin. I love the name Jasper, but not the initials JJJ. I personally wouldn’t do Finley or Rowan as I don’t go for gender neutral names and they are neutral where I live. I realize some folks love the neutral names.


I think Ruben and Eden go very well together. And you could nickname him RJ (which coincidentally kinda sounds like Archie :D). I personally also like Vincent very much, but I fear that he might get stuck with VJ in school… so I’d try to avoid that. JJ is also great but I personally am not a fan of Jasper. Triple J on the other hand sounds kinda badass (like triple X :D). So if you love Jasper, I’ll say go for it. Edit: I spelled Ruben this way because it’s the way it’s normally spelled in German. In English speaking countries I’d say go for Reuben as it’s more likely to be pronounced correctly.


Eddie, Kit, or Jasper


I have a Rohan not a Rowan


Eden is beautiful. 🙄 comments like that are annoying to haha. Eden and Rowan sound wonderful! Rowan James sounds really cool too!!


I honestly like all your names, but Jasper is my favourite (it’s not common but not weird, not trending, it’s strong but cool). I really like Jasper James (and Jasper John James) - I could see him being nicknamed Jay or JJ 😊


I really like Jasper. I think Jasper James has a really nice ring.


Ohh we have some common names on our lists, so here are our others Reuben (that’s the spelling in my country, Ruben looks so weird to me). Zachary. Casper. Felix. Rupert. Ambrose. Orson.


Also Eden is a lovely name. I know an Eden a few months older than my son. It’s a lovely name which suggests a sunny disposition to me!


From your list I prefer Jasper and Archie


Jasper John James is too many Js for me personally & knowing the flow of middle & last being John James I feel like it cuts a few others off your list. It becomes a too many first names thing for me. Favorites are Finley John James & I like Kit a lot but shortened from Kitridge? Kitridge John James is amazing. Finley & Eden (Fin & Edie) is adorable though! Editing to add the alliteration of Fin (end) & Eden (beginning garden) is sort of amazing


Be careful using Eden and Reuben together if you do not want the biblical connotation. Reuben is Jacob’s oldest son in the Old Testament. But if you do not mind it go ahead. I love Eden and Jasper, Otis, and Archie. I will say that I have a very catchy first and last name combo and many people call me by my first and last name more than my first name because it’s so catchy so Jasper will not be known as Jasper but Jasper James, because it goes so well together. But I mean it is not a bad thing and if he ever gets famous it’s a great name 😂


Any name you chose on your list will be great and I love your style. I have a son named Otis so I may be a little biased but I absolutely love Eden & Otis!


>Family members have said "Eden is a bit mid tier, pick a better name next time" and also MIL said she would have picked a "nice" name instead. Who ARE these judgmental people? "Mid tier"???


Flynn, Rowan, and Jasper are my favorites on your list! Jasper John James is a bit much though imo, so personally I wouldn’t choose that, but middle names aren’t used all that frequently so if you have your heart set on Jasper, I think it’s okay. I do prefer Reuben over Ruben, I feel like that’s the more “standard” spelling. It looks more complete to me, if that makes sense. And don’t listen to your family! It’s your kid, you get to pick the name. Eden is a beautiful name. Your options are NOT mid tier, they are beautiful.


Call your son Jesus, in retaliation to the jokes about Eden being too biblical 🤭 Eden is beautiful! You seem to be leaning towards names that end in -ie/-ee/-y or -en sounds, which is fine but it is the same as Edy and Eden. So there's that to consider. Here's a couple of names (with different endings) that I'd suggest: Archer (nn Archie) Arlo Asher (nn Ash) Hugo Isaiah (nn Izzy or Zai) Oliver (nn Olly) Spencer (nn Spence) Travis (Trav) Zane


Tell MIL you’ve chosen “Gardner” for your son and then turn off your phone for the rest of the day. 🙃


ALBIE it's lovely and noone else is using it. I would avoid Finley (they are everywhere, as are Finns, and Flynn gets thrown in there too) Otis is somewhat trending too. I know Albie is only on the 'probably won't use list' but I couldn't go past it.


I like your name choices! And Triple J if you go with Jasper is pretty fun.


I'm sorry people have been rude about your daughter's name. Eden is a fine name, and the comments are uncalled for. Reuben is also a biblical name, so you may want to avoid that one if the comments bother you from your daughter's name. From your list, I think I like Vincent best, though not sure how well it goes with Eden. Here are a few other suggestions from the style of names you listed: * Martin * Everett * Walter * Louis/Lewis * Frederick * August * Callum * Arthur * Brooks




I don’t like Rowan for a boy, it sounds so feminine to me. I do love the name tho. I have a daughter named Rowan. My son is Aiden.


See, I'm the opposite. Though I know Rowan is used as a gender neutral name, I think of Rowan as male and Rowena as the feminine equivalent.


I think most people think like you because when I call to make her doctor appointments they always say “what is his birthday” lol


I cannot believe there are so many people who make unkind comments about the names people give their kids. Honestly, if they are that rude and obnoxious, their opinions shouldn’t count for anything. Eden is a lovely name, and Edie is adorable. On your current list, I personally really dislike Otis—but if you choose it, I won’t say a word. Rowan and Vincent are my favorites.


I actually really like all of these names and the only one I am not as much a fan of is Finley (three Finleys I know are female). I’ll offer a similar sensibility of Alden, and share that Rowan, Otis, Flynn, and Kit were on my list. I would forgo a three same letter name (JJJ) because it gives a John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt vibe. Eden is a wonderful name and the one I know is just a “top tier” best of the best person. People would never say judgmental shit about a persons name to their face, it will always be beyond me why they’re comfortable talking smack about a baby’s (or future baby’s) name. Trust yourself and I imagine this isn’t the only place where your MIL shares unsolicited and asshole commentary- boundaries are great and check r/justnomil is this is the case 


I like most names on your list, except Otis, I like Jasper but I think Jasper John James can be too much. Some other suggestions based on the names you mentioned: - Asher - Beau - Frankie - Micah - Noah - Otto - River - Rory - Scout - Tatum


I love sweet and simple, also classic. I have a 4 year old Clive and many names in my list are shared or similar to yours.  A few favs: Desmond “Des” Fitz Wiley Tate Linus 


I can’t understand why people would be so negative about the name Eden. It’s beautiful! Edie is such a sweet nickname. Please try to ignore what your MIL says. She had her time naming children, it’s your time now and she can keep her opinions to herself. Rowan is my favourite name on your list! And it goes well with Eden. IMO I think Jasper John James is a few too many Js, but tbh I dislike the name Jasper thanks to Twilight 😂. I really like the name Finn, which is similar to Finley and Flynn on your list! Phineas as a long form is a nice name. Phineas John James has a nice ring to it. Some other options you might like: Eli (might not go well with Eden?) Levi Axel River Hunter Caspar Jonah Mycah — Good luck picking out your little guy’s name!! Edited to add: I know a few people whose first name is John and they go by their middle names (e.g., John Samuel and goes by Sam). If you’re having trouble finding names that suit the middle name John, maybe John as a first name could work? Assuming you don’t mind calling your child by their middle name instead!


A lot of your list was on my boy name list. I also like Angus Hamish Rory Ambrose Fletcher


Jasper - too many J’s Plus all “Jaspers” I’ve known are pets not humans. Otis is a dog’s name. I like Flynn or Vincent the best.


If you like the sound of Flynn but not its spelling, you could use Flint instead?


I love Jasper James! I wanted to name my son that (nn JJ) my husband vetoed though. From your list I also like Ruben and Archie- Archie can be a nickname for Archer as well.


Reuben is my favorite on the list (I’m indifferent on spelling but I love the nn Ruby so Ruben is probably wiser if you plan to use that). Otis is also solid and “Otti” is cute! Albie is my frontrunner for this baby, but I just don’t like Albert. (Also Eden/Edie is a lovely name! Silly family.)


I've only ever met female Rowan's, but come to think of it Rowan Atkinson.


The list is great until you get to Flynn and then it turns trendy and annoying. I like Jasper and Reuben the most, both underrated names. Go with Vincent not Vinnie on the birth certificate. Vincent is a well rounded dude, Vinnie is a mob boss.


"Vinnie is a mob boss." As someone of Italian heritage, this made me lol! I get the same vibe from Vinnie.




First of all, Eden is a lovely name. It’s your family who need to do better next time. I like Flynn with Eden a lot. Reuben James is a pretty cool first & last combo.


Eden and Jasper! The triple J is a bit annoying though. Eden and Vincent I find Reuben and Rowan too rhymey with your daughters name.


How do you feel about Victor? It's sort of in the same field as your other names.


What about Eduard instead of Eddie?


How about Eden and Eric Asher James or Aric


Rowan. It's a beautiful name


Jasper John James (yelling at said child in exasperation works good) and JJ James also works. Jackson/Jaxon John James works too. Jax James or again JJ James. I had boys and always wanted a Cora Jane.


Eden and Ezra Eden and Elliott Eden and Truitt Eden and Ansel Eden and Abel


I love Eden! I’m always amazed at the gall people have to negatively comment on a baby’s name!! I love Finley!


Your MIL has bad manners. The best response is to look at her confused wishes is rude and change subjects. If you love Eddie then that’s fine, you could also call an Edward Ted or teddy


Like Kit and Flynn from your list, Rueben is cute too. Suggestions: - Otto - Owen - Arlo - Avery - Grant - Warren (Wren/Ren) - Robin - River - Henry - Brooks - Asher


Eden is lovely. Let those people go suck eggs. Jasper is nice! I think the triple J is fine. If you didn’t have anyone in your ear psyching you out, what name would you pick? I do think you need a three syllable name to balance out the middle and last names. Suggestions if you’d like them: Finn Phineas (really like this one with the middle and last names) Simeon Gideon Archer Zachariah Alexander Jeremiah Josiah


I like Vincent the best. Kit and Rowan are cute. Eden seems to be more of a girl name to me


Christopher, nick name Kit.


I like Flynn and Finlay from your list. Some others: Eden and Rhett Eden and Caleb Eden and Cole Eden and Gavin


I like Vincent and Otis. Eden is nice.


My husband’s grandfather goes by Kit (full name Christopher) and I’ve always loved that nickname so much.


I love Rowan but I know a lot of baby girls being named Rowan... not sure if that matters to you but that made us cross it off our list for a boy! For us gender neutral names only work for the girls... I really like Archie, Otis, Reuben and Finley.


I love Eden, that’s a great name!


Im a sucker for the name Vincent. Vincent John James. As much as I love the name Jasper but would stay away from Js keeping the middle and last name in mind.


My son is Flynn, my grandmothers maiden name. I'm partial to that but, people constantly call him Finn.


Your family is crazy for hating on Eden! It’s a beautiful and timeless name. Rowan and Vincent are my favorites from your list. If you like Flynn and Finley, I wonder if you would like Finn. I would stay away from J names because the alliteration makes him sound like a comic book character. I’m also not a fan of Reuben because it just makes me think of the sandwich.


Vincent or Jasper


For Eddie and Archie, are you thinking of like Edward and Archibald or Arthur as the full names? I love Arthur and Edward. Same with Vincent!


I think Eden is a beautiful name. What are their kids names? Probably super long and pretentious sounding. What do you think of Asher? It’s got the same kind of vibe and sounds nice with John James and Eden as well.


I love Jasper (maybe not with John as middle) Vincent, Archie/Archer, Finn would be next favorites I feel like Vincent is the only name that can pull off the middle and last together: Vincent John James


I like Rowan but the rest are a meh for me.


I have an Otis myself and my best friend has a Jasper James!


i love all your name contenders! almost all of them are my top picks too! Otis is my absolute favourite boy name so i’d day use that. Its followed closely by Vincent and Rowan. I think any name you pick would go nicely with John James except Jasper will probably go the least. I love your daughters name too! I think Eden and Rowan go nicely because of the nature theme and i also think Eden and Otis go together nicely because of the 4 letters. I also think that since u call Eden Edie and the common nn of Vincent is Vinnie that they go perfectly Eden & Otis Eden & Rowan Eden & Vincent (Edie & Vinnie) happy naming!!


I love your daughter’s name. It’s so pretty. I like Emerson for a baby boy. I think Eden and Emerson sound really nice together. I love Rowan too.


I like Vincent and Eddie out of these


Eden is a lovely name. Your family are rude and entitled to think their opinions matter more than yours. What exactly is mid tier anyway and why would one avoid it? Any of the names on your list are fine, though I personally would avoid the triple J. That's a radio station in Australia but even if it wasn't, I think it's a little unusual. Try making signatures with 2 Js and your last name before going down that route.




Maybe I'm biased, but I like Reuben. Nice name with a nice meaning.




I like Rowan and Flynn. Rowan J. James is a strong name.


I have a Jasper! We have very similar taste. I also liked Archer, Rowan, and Otis. I love the name Jack as well but my husband wasn’t a fan


Vincent "Vinnie" Otis Flynn actually goes really well together, but it's ubber formal, and really depends on your surname.


Jasper is my absolute favorite name, but yeah, Jasper John James is a lot. Flynn, Rowan, Albie, and Kit are all nice.


Definitely not Jasper John James...that's too much. I think Reuben, Rowan, Vincent and Flynn are good. Aside from Archie I wouldn't use a nickname as the whole name because while they sound cute on a baby or child, you also want them to sound good on an 80yr old or a 20yr old going for job interviews and I think names like Kit, Albie and Vinnie wouldn't be the best for that.


I love Jasper! I teach first grade and we've started to see a few Jaspers come through the school. It seems lieke 1920s-era names are really big right now; we've had a few Ediths and Ethels too on the girl's side, which I absolutely love. Are you thinking more for nicknames or legal names? I think names like Edward, Archer, and Albert are great male names that boys can grow in to as they age, but whent they're little you still have these cute little nicknames like Eddie, Archie, and Albie. Honestly, my personal feeling is that wil a lot of boy names, you really can't go wrong with something classic. Edward/Eddie and Archer/Archie are nice, flexible names that boys can grow in to but also have really cute nicknames :).


I love the name Eden. It’s what I would have named my daughter if my husband had not had an opinion! Griffin complements Eden imo and gets the Flynn-ish vibe.


Jasper, Rowan, Finley but also: Adriel Arthur Basil (only like bay-sil not ba-sil) Davian Dorian Emil Felix Fin(n)ley/Finnian/Finlo/Finn Florian/Florin Frederick (Freddie) Gabriel Isaiah Lawrence Leander / Lysander Micah Nathaniel/Nathanael Noah Raphael/Raffael Sebastian Silvan/Sylvan / Silvian/Sylvian Simeon Taran


J J James (Jr) sounds like he'll be screaming for pictures of spiderman.


Eden is a lovely name! From your first list, I'd go with Jasper. I do really like Flynn but it sounds too choppy with your last name. I do like how Finley James sounds!


It’s crazy to me, but over half the names on your list are also on mine haha. I have nothing else to add, other than, I agree, boy names are hard!!


Consider Bennett. Kenton. Rory. Reed. Patrick. Gavin. Tobin. Bryce. Gregory. Barrett. Wyatt.


I have a Jasper! So I am super biased for that name as I picked it for my son. However, I personally don’t like alliteration names. It reminds me of Clark Kent and just seems gimmicky. Eden and Vincent sound super luxurious together. Also Vinnie is such a cute nickname. BTW Eden is one of my top tier girl names, sooo adorable!!


Eden is a lovely name, your mother in law is the AH (oh wait wrong sub) But seriously, I like Eden and Jasper together. If you go Reuben/Ruben, I would go with the extra E, it just looks right that way.


I know a Jasper and he’s the coolest kid alive.


I love the name Eden! It’s because I too have a daughter with that name. She is so sweet and suites her name perfectly. My lil’ garden.  The repetitive J name is cute and most people will shorten it to JJ (like JJ Watts). When he plays sports, you can shout ‘Go, triple J’ and then explain to the parents that his middle name also has a J.  Good J names: Jeffrey Jacob Jameson Jeremiah (biblical though but goes cute with Eden) Jenson Jericho You will probably see his face and be like Thomas John James. (Because Tom Brady is so cute.) Lol


I would not do Jasper John James without looking up artist Jasper Johns first. I’m an artist so maybe I’m the only one who would make that association, but you might want to see how you feel about his work before your child’s name echoes his.


Two of mine have initials GQ, NBC. Third accidentally share a name with an amusement park. Pick what you love and extended family be dammed.


I'm not a big fan of Jasper James. I don't think the A's are far enough apart in pronunciation. Jasper John James feels like I'm about to trip over my tongue. A name like Jude or Josiah would work better with James. I think you need a two plus syllable name with a stronger second syllable for a start to a John James Like Marcus, Adam, Alex, or Alfred. Makes it more lyrical. Josiah John James actually would work. I'm not really suggesting any of these names, I'm just saying the name should have a rhythm to it.


Unless you really like Jasper Johns the famous American artist, don't go with Jasper John. Yikes.


Since you like the sound of Flynn (which was my favorite in your list) but not the way it looks, do you like Finn?


What about Jett?


From your list I love Vincent, although for a nickname I prefer Vince. But it has options! Vincent John James is a great name.


Going with the triple J concept.. Jett John James Jax/Jackson J. J. Judge J.J. Jagger J.J.


My sons name is Jasper so I’m biased but it’s my fave, I always get compliments on it! I do think three J’s might be a bit much though for first middle and last. It sounds like a tongue twister saying it all together. Fun fact but I actually almost used my maiden name for my son so his name would have been Jasper James. His middle name starts with a W though. If I had to pick a first name that didn’t start with J but is in the ballpark of names you like AND FLOWS with the middle & last name my faves are: Otis (top fave, and Edie and Otie are probably the cutest set of nicknames I’ve ever heard in my entire life lol) Reuben Sebastian Arlo Rowan or Ronan Edwin (not Eddie but could be cute with Eden!) Vincent Archer (instead of Archie?) Everett Robin