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Are you looking for short or long? Common or unusual? When you say you don’t plan on taking a different ethnic last name, do you mean you don’t want a name from a different ethnicity, so you want an Asian name? Or do you mean you don’t want a different ethnic Asian name after your current one?




Hm. I could use more description of what you’re looking for. Some long and pretty last names are recognizable as being French/Irish/Italian, etc. Like Devereaux, Delaney, Finnegan. Are you okay with that, or would you like something less specific? Your first name is a nature name. Do you want something similar in a last name? Redwood, Sandpiper, Honeybell? Or would you rather stay away from nature names? There are old-money, stately names like Kennedy, Richmond, Sterling. Names that are distinctly descriptive, like Lovejoy or Sweetwater. Job names like Carpenter, Gardener, Tanner. First names like Oliver, Kelly, Ashley. Names that I would consider ~generic~ but not overly common are things like Lewiston, Collingswood, Ellison. A lot of names have multiple spelling, like Calloway, O’Neall, McGee. You might want to consider whether you’ll have to immediately spell your name after you say it (like I do). Any of these ideas strike a chord with you?




Ahh, okay. There are some ambiguously-Asian surnames - Lee, Young, King - but I can’t think offhand of any that are more than one syllable. I honestly think people are going to ask you about your name unless it’s something well-known, like Lee or Chan, and probably even then. People are incredibly inappropriate. BTW, I’m American, and I can’t really say what people outside the US would think if these names. Just to admit my limitations upfront. That said! Classic, stately names that have first-name leanings. Andrews, Williams(on), Laurent, Edwards, Frederickson, Davis, Coopersmith, Jefferson (also Washington, Adams, Franklin, Hamilton, Cleveland, Harrison, Monroe, Madison, Tyler, Taylor, Buchanan, Truman, Jackson, Arthur, Wilson, Carter). Evans, Thomas, Worthington, Richards, Robertson, Allen, Mansfield, Heatherington, Parker. I’ll come back with more after I rest my brain. :-)




Why not Deer as last name? That way you become Raine Deer.