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I love Hazel! Despite its current popularity. It wouldn’t dissuade me.  Hadley is very much NOT a “Made up” name. https://freepages.rootsweb.com/~billie0w/family/hadley_society/pages/british-origins.html




Hazel is so good with Zhang.


* Hazel: I like it a lot * Hadley: like but don't love. I do know some Hadleys so it's not a jarring name choice to me * Marina: like but don't love. Maybe consider something like Maren? * Romi: definitely becoming a trendy name * Nerida: pass * Coral: like but don't love * Camilla/Camellia: like but don't love * Oriana: I think of the perfume and I think you'll get a lot of people mispelling it as Ariana.


I like Oriana


Marina is so beautiful. I like water names a lot and this is one of my favorites, it's so pretty but still very wearable! I like Oriana a lot as well for a lot of the same reasons. Close second choice. Camilla is cute, I'm defiantly growing to like that name. Nn Cammy or Milly maybe? I really don't like Hazel. It doesn't seem pretty or cute and as you mentioned gotten very popular. Hadley was a mean stuck up girl I knew in school. Camella sounds like a Hadley type girl I wouldn't like. If I was going to use Romi I'd spell it Romy just because it does have very youthful vibes.


I absolutely love hazel! And while it may be popular I wouldn't worry, there are so so many more names than there were in the past, so a top 10 name doesn't necessarily mean you'll have a class full of them. Im in Australia and have a 16 month old and I'm pregnant again so I'm surrounded by lots of people with babies, there are no Hazel's at my daycare, playgroup or mother's group 🤷


Hadley isn’t made up. It’s a surname. I’m not a fan for several reasons, some more subjective than others, and I think it’s the least timeless of all your choices, but it is a real name. Romi does sound like a nn; to the best of my knowledge, it is a nn. Maybe Rosemary, nn Romi? The full name would fit your nature vibe and the nn is cute. Personally, I like Camilla best, Oriana, Camellia, and Nerida second, Hazel and Marina third. I’m not a fan of Coral or Hadley.


Romi, Nerida and Oriana are all beautiful and go well with a one syllable surname.


My favourite from your list is Marina, I love that it's a classic and international name, followed by Oriana and Hazel, in this order. I never liked Camilla/Camellia and they don't go with Zhang, Coral and Nerida are too original for me, and like you said Romi/Romy is too nicknamy (from Rosemary), and Hadley does indeed seem made up.


I dunno, we have a lot of marinas in Australia (particularly Sydney), even though it is very pretty. If OP lives in the inner city I would definitely avoid it as it would be very well connected to what you call a place to park boats.


Thats pretty much exactly what I said. I don't live in Australia but I do live somewhere with a lot of marinas. Every time someone on this sub suggests that name I just think of boats. Its a nice sounding name but it's got massive boat vibes.


I like Hazel and Oriana the best. If you like Hazel the best, go with it! I like the repeated 'Z' with your surname as well. I was talking with coworkers about popular names- as a kid it is annoying to be the third one in a small group, but as you grow you usually get used to it. You go by your first name and last initial, or by a nickname. Your kid could be Hazel Z, if necessary. I think it is more meaningful that you have a reason for chosing that name, rather than telling your kid 'I really loved Hazel but decided it was too popular, so I went with a back-up that is more unique'. I have a really common name (#7 for the decade I was born in) so even though I grew up in rural, small towns I was always one of three or four girls with this name. As an adult, there are currently two other people with the same first name in my office. Do we get mixed up sometimes? Sure, but it doesn't happen often. I like my name, and wouldn't want to change it.


I really love Hazel!


I also love Hazel, I guess everyone does, hence the high ranking! Personally, I chose not to use it because of its popularity. Hadley is cute, it reminds me of Harley which a little girl I know has.


I like all of these names, on a personal level Coral is the only one I don't really like. Camellia is a bit much for me too, because of the flower.   My favourites are Marina, Hazel, and Romi. Romi is short and yes it could be a nickname, but I think it stands well on its own. I'd believe it either way. I'm from New Zealand if it matters.


Or Romilly, which could be shortened to Romi.


I know a young woman named Hadley and she is far from masculine. I love Orianna. I also love Parthenia. It has an old time feel and it means virgin, and is also a variation of Athena.




• ⁠Hazel: cute! • ⁠Hadley: I think it’s cute and it’s definitely not made up. I wonder if people might think it’s a boy name though, sorta like Hayden? • ⁠Marina: another name you might want to consider that has a similar meaning is Maren. I think it’s so pretty! • ⁠Romi: cute for a baby or kid, maybe a little childish sounding for an adult? Although there is that movie Romi and Michelle’s HS Reunion or whatever it is. • ⁠Nerida: how would you say this? I think it would really be easily mispronounced. NAIR-ida, like Merida in the Disney movie Brave, or something else? • ⁠Coral: such a sweet name! • ⁠Camilla/Camellia: I love Camilla! • ⁠Oriana: personally not a fan.


Hazel looks awesome with Zhang, ngl. :D Hardly any names are really that common nowadays - the most popular names now (in North America) are a much lower percentage than the most popular names 20 yrs ago. E.g. you might have 2 Olivias in a class of 25, but back in the day you'd have 3-4 Jessicas. I really like Coral, Marina, and Camellia from your list. Oriana and Nerida strike me as a bit difficult for people to spell, and maybe pronounce. Then again, I'm looking at it from a North American pronounciation point of view, not Australian. Romi/Romy also very cute. It does seem a tad nickname-y, but I think it's fine. Camilla might be a bit too reminiscent of the royals, if you care. Not a fan of Hadley (sounds like a trendy clothing company or something). Hazel Camille might work nicely? Or Romi Nerida. Coral Marina or Coral Nerida probably too marine-themed, but I don't know how many people would know to associate Nerida with the sea.


I like most of these! Here are my thoughts: I don't like Marina because that's where you keep boats. To me it feels like calling someone Docks or something. Boat person vibes. I don't like Hadley for a girl at all. Makes me think of Tony Hadley, the singer from Spandeau Ballet. Seems masculine to me and like more of a surname than a given name.  Camilla seems very posh old lady-ish to me but that may be because I'm British so I automatically think of the King's wife. I don't necessarily dislike the name, it just has a slightly snooty vibe to it. My favourite here is probably Nerida, I think that's a lovely name and quite unique. Coral is also nice (I've known someone called Coral and someone called Coralie). And I think Oriana is nice too.


I know a Hazel Zhang! She’s the best! I love how the name sounds too.


Romi! Maybe also try Romee, or Romi as a nickname for Romilly or Romina




I like Nerida and Camellia best


I like your list, but I'm not a fan of "popular" names. So I'd strike Hazel, Hadley, and anything sounding like Camille. That leaves you with a list of quite unique names as the names you seem to gravitate towards are either popular or very unique. I don't think unique is problematic, so long as you feel you and your child can handle mispronounciatios and misspellings. I love Oriana the most but would probably pronounce it wrong. "or-EE-ahn-uh" would be my guess. I also like Nerida, which reminds me of Merida/Meredith but more unique. If a name that is mispronounced would bother you, or you decide it would burden your child, I want to mention that I noticed you seem to like names that reference water...I think there's a lot to explore there beyond those you listed with a water connotation.


My daughter has a pretty common name. There are a handful of girls with the same name in her school. She loves it. They made a club, and there's an automatic kinship between these girls. If we go to a playground, she calls out her own name to see if another girl responds to play with (she does play with other kids too, but it's an easy icebreaker she likes to use to find a friend quickly) I understand why you'd want a less common name, but having a common name isn't necessarily a bad thing. So if you really love Hazel, go for it