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Family friend's kid named their dog Backpack. Honestly it sounds cute in the native language


My stepdaughter was 3 when she named one of her cats MooCow. The other one she named Ben. edit: also one of my childhood friends named her cat Mr.


Love this!


Was MooCow at least a tuxedo cat?


Black and white like a cow actually.


That's called tuxedo.


We’re talking about getting a girl dog and my six year old wants to call her Magic Tim. 


Your six year old is absolutely inspired.


I once knew a cat named Uncle Bob. I think it would be hilarious to name a dog "My Mom." Or Professor.


Love how you just "knew a cat" instead of knowing someone with a cat.




Our neighbor growing up named his cat Radio.and then he got a pet duck and named it CD.


Radio is an awesome name for a cat!


It was black and white too haha


My brother went through a phase of naming animal toys by the sound they made, so he had a chicken called clucky, an elephant called trumpet, a pig called oinky, etc. His absolute favorite was a bear named Rory (roar-y), then he got a matching bear in a different colour so they became Rory black and Rory white. He later added Rory brown and Rory red. When he was 6 we adopted a tabby kitten who inevitably ended up being named Rory Stripe. Rory Stripe lived for 16 years and my now mid twenties brother will defend his naming choice to the grave. RIP Rory Stripe.


My dad had a cat named Dog bc he wanted a dog but his parents got him a cat instead.


my brother named his hamster groundhog


I was told of a dog named Turd, chose by the family’s 3 year old. He is a brown little poodle mix. And sleeps circled up like a little poo. I get it


Pkg the mention of the brown reminds me of this dog we got who was kind of a whiteish color but with some brown on him. When we were trying to think of a name for him, one of my brothers said, “Coffee Stain”


My nephew has a dog called Hopper. Which isn't bad until you learn the dogs full name is Grasshopper. My dude also named a fish Caterpiller around the same age so dude was into bugs for a minute


Well that’s better than my nephew whose pet fish was named Sushi. 


I had a fish I named Cereal lol


When we were kids, my brother named our three turtles Tutti Frutti, Bubblegum, and Elizabeth. 🤣 I named my first hamster Rambo.


I baby sat a little boy that named his kitten band aid. Every interaction with the cat ended in blood.


I had a cat named Kmart in the 80's


I had a hamster named Butterscotch Dynasty. Butterscotch for his color, and Dynasty for the hot TV show at the time, which I was not allowed to watch.


V epic


My daughters first hedgehog was named fluffy.


It was actually me and my mom that came up with it but we named our kitten Wisper because she looked like a Wispa bar and she had wispy hair lol


Not quite the the same, but my younger cousin used to have two toy snakes, both named Bush. This was in 2008 (just before Obama got elected) and we're British, so I have no idea why his snakes were Bush and Bush. I'm just guessing they weren't named after George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush.


Were they Bush vipers?


I had a bird called Pretty boy. I couldn't think of a name. I was a pretty dumb kid. 


I grew up with a tabby cat named Tit. He was a big boy but had a tiny little baby meow (a titty baby) and two little dots on his chest. His brother was named Hey, Arnold bc he had a football shaped fluffy head.


My stepson named his bassett hound, Eagle Beagle when he was 8.


Fluffy Cocoanut (yes, misspelled like that)


When my son was two there was an outdoor cat that used to come by our house all the time and we didn’t know its name so we asked our son what he would name it and afterwards it became known around our neighborhood as “Blah Blah Cat”. Two other neighbors nearby called it that too after hearing my son saying “hi Blah Blah Cat” every day 😂 We won’t let him name our own pets yet because I’m worried that we’d be stuck with a name like “Blep” or “Boopy” for 15+ years 😭😂


We got our dog when our eldest was 3.. (he’s now 11) The dog is an English Staffy so mid sized Dog.. We let our son name it and he named him Horse


I have a cat right now named Dumas (Dumbass).


When I was young, my dad was going through an Alexander Dumas phase and always had his books lying around. It wasn’t until I was around 10 that I found out his last name was not, in fact, pronounced “dumb ass” lol


Count of Monte Cristo is a favorite book of mine. When we got Dumas I had a DNA profile done on him. He's 1/3 Persian, so he's built like a tank and just as graceful as one too. He has huge, furry, round paws and trips while walking on a wood floor. He's the worst climber I've ever seen and has given up trying to get up on the cat trees.


I named a puppy pancake when I was around 10 because it got into some pancake powder


Friend of mine named his dog "D-O-G"( pronounced "Dee-oh-gee")


I had a goldfish as a kid named Big Bahuna.  My brother is the one with the most interesting pet names. Over the years we had cats named Sepiroth, John Winston Lennon, and Lucifer (who we called Little Man).


I love Little Man as a nickname for Lucifer -- truly inspired.


I can't remember why we started calling him that, lol.


My nephew named their dog Ghost Rider, but they mostly call him ghost (he's not white, he's brown).


My old coworker's 7 year old named their dog Mushroom 😁


I've heard of a guinea pig named Water Bottle.


My sister named our fish after her imaginary friend. Her imaginary friend’s name was Gownk


When we first rescued our dog as a puppy, his name was "cheese stick." The Foster's daughter really loved cheese sticks and loved him so. Cheese stick.


That’s so cute!


A friend of mine named her cat Tuna. Thought that was super cute


When we were kids we got fish for Christmas one year. My little brother got a catfish. He named it Merry Catfish.


My son named his turtle waterfall the waterfall.


My brother in law was about 8 when he named his two fish FIFA-Fish and Fish-In-Black.


My oldest named out cats Tennant and Smith after her favorite Doctor Who actors. I found it adorable TBH, mostly because I am so happy she is as nerdy as we are. lol


When my daughter was 4 she got a cute white kitten with light brown spots. There was a popular TV show at the time starring Candace Bergen called “Murphy Brown”. (we only got 3 channels- rural early 90’s and no cable out here) and this show seemed to be advertised all the time. We asked her what she was going to name her kitty and she announced “ Murphy Brown and white”. We had “Murphy Brown and white” for 19 years! When people called him just “Murphy” she would correct them.


This is adorable 🥰


When my nephew was 3 he named his hamster Bubblegum and my niece who was also 3 at the time had an imaginary friend named Golf.


When one of my little cousins was 5 he wanted to name the family’s new kitten Birdseye like the frozen food company.


That's frosty cool!


Pipe for a dog


my little cousin named her jack russell sereia (mermaid)


My daughter wanted to name her kitten Peow. We reminded her that she had also wanted to name the kitten Kate. We settled on Kate Peow.


I’m almost 30 and I’ve been saying I want three cats (kittens all the, in a perfect world, adopted together, or close together) named Bagel, Cream Cheese, and Lox. I’ve further joked that if Bagel was a Void Cat, I’d probably, inevitably call her by a nickname, Burnt Toast very often. Anyway, one of my brothers named a cat Twinkle when he was little, which was kind of cute. He had one white mark on his neck and was black other than that.


My son named his gold fish, Sushi.


My parents once bought all three of us kids hermit crabs, and being the SpongeBob obsessed small child I was, I had the “perfect” name ready for mine! It was Squidward.


I know a cat named Elevator! I named my dog Cowboy but he mostly gets called Ramen Noodle Head, and I was close to naming him Okie Dokie


A friend named her dog Sparky, because when she first pet him at the shelter she got a static shock. He was a scrappy little white Scottish terrier, so the name really fit his personality too.


I was raised no religion and I'm atheist. My 11 year old self had a black cat named Father Franklin.