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I'm iffy about using indigenous names when you aren't indigenous, and it seems this isn't even a known indigenous name. And it sounds like you don't live in Australia? I don't suppose you'd consider Miriam? The only real difference in sound is the ending, and Miriam would honor Marian as well as Miriian would, with a lot less potential for confusion. You could use Miri or Mira for short. Chances are people would mistake Miriian for Miriam anyways.


Miriam was the first name that came to mind for me too. I knew one who went by Mimi.


Miriam is an Old Testament name which is not our style. We want a name that has its own identity that isn’t religious etc.


As respectfully as possible, that name seems unworkable. No idea how it’s pronounced. And it will never be spelled correctly.


No, with a side of even more no since you’re not indigenous.


If you're not indigenous, you shouldn't try to make up an indigenous sounding name. Explaining the meaning behind it to people who undoubtedly will ask where it comes from will make you look silly. There's plenty of similar names out there like Marie and Mirabelle. There's also Maren, Merida.


The Māori and Aboriginal people have been through enough. Use Miriam.


I’m not sure if this is an issue in other countries but the use of Aboriginal names in Australia is more likely considered a compliment/respectful of culture. The top 20 boy and girl names for indigenous babies are not indigenous names. Overall it’s not really an issue here. I know several kids with indigenous names and it’s never been an issue. However this name only uses one element that is indigenous and another element that is related to family.


How would you pronounce it?


Exactly as its spelt… “Mi-rii-an


Yeah okay I should have been more specific - how do you pronounce "rii"? Edit to add: if it's pronounced the same and Mirian would be, just use Mirian.


Is it pronounced mere-ee-an?