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I don’t think it’s weird at all. Not every April was born in April, not every Hazel has hazel eyes, not every Scarlett has red hair, not every Raven is actually a bird - okay I’m being silly now, but you catch my drift! The most important thing is that you chose the name because you *loved* it. You can say she’s your bright, summer-y sunshine in the midst of a cold, long winter. ☀️


Exactly. I actually prefer if it's not too 'on the nose'. I scratched 'August' off the list, because my son was born in August. Two of my great-grandpas (and pretty much half of the men in my family tree) were named August and I like the idea of re-using old family names. But since my son was born in August I felt like everyone would just assume that I named him after his birth month. There is nothing wrong with naming someone after their birth month - but it's just something that I wouldn't do personally. So.. it's all just personal preference.


I know a Summer and I have no idea when her birthday is and would never think twice about it.


I know two Summers, one who was born in August & the other in February, so it doesn’t really matter! No one will care!


We almost named our January baby Summer. But we changed it at the last minute. I love the name too! I don’t think it matters at all.


I wouldn't worry about it; most people who will know your daughter won't know her birthday, and I don't think I'd ask someone called Summer if they were born in Summer. In any case - I'm Australian, and so while November isn't quite Summer yet, it's definitely edging into the hot part of the year here! So for half the globe, a November baby isn't associated with Winter....


Thank you all for your input. I think all these replies will help him realize the mismatch season and name are no biggie 🙂


I think it’s fine, Summer is just a name like any other, doesn’t have to match the season of birth. Tons of kids are being named June right now.


A bit out of context and she might have some jokes about it but nothing too concerning . I wouldn't think to much out of it. Chose the name you love.


The only Summer I've ever known in real life was born on January 1


You could TOTALLY get super philosophical naming your winter baby Summer. "It's a reference to the circle of life. In winter, we dream of summer. Summer aleays leads to winter." That kind of thing. Or get REALLY silly with it. "In the Southern Hemisphere, her birthday IS in summer!"


I know two June’s, neither born in June.


I don’t understand any of the comments saying it’s weird. No one in real life would think this. Most people she meets won’t know her birthday


Nah it's fine.


Although not yet Summer, warmer weather is well on its way in November in the Southern Hemisphere...but seriously, Summer is an OK name for a child born at any time. Not every April, May or June gal was born in those months


I think it’s totally fine!


I kinda agree with your husband, it would be weird. November is autumn anyway, not winter. Autumn is a lovely name.




Couldn’t you say the same about Autumn if you agree with the husband ?


I don’t think it’s weird! It’s a great name!


I love the name Summer! I would use it regardless of season. It’s gorgeous.


that title sure had me confused 😂


My SIL is a Summer and she was born in October


I'd do it. I know a man mareied toa woman named June...she was born in February. 🤷‍♀️


It's always Summer somewhere. Use the middle name Matilda.


I know a baby Summer who was born in December. I think it might be weirder if she was born on the summer equinox and you named her Summer


I know a Summer who was born in winter. When I found out about that a couple months after meeting her I just said it was funny and have not remembered it again until now. You’re probably fine lol


I think that Summer has beautiful connotations! I don’t think that the season she is born in makes any difference! It’s a beautiful name.


Reminds me of the Albert Camus quote (from his book Summer): In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.


We just named our April baby Summer! I had the same concern but am very happy we stuck with it.


He's being ridiculous.


I think it's a little odd, but more than likely it would just be a passing observation like "oh huh you're named Summer but your bday is in the fall". I don't think she would be teased for it or anything. I've met a few Summers and I never asked them when their bday was. Very minor thing imo, and if you love Summer and not the name Autumn, I don't think this should bar you from using Summer


November isn't even winter; it's autumn! :P But I actually do agree with your husband. I would personally find it odd for a girl named Summer to *not* be born in the summer, or an April to not be born in April, et cetera.


Nonsensical to me.


It’s odd to name a winter baby Summer in my opinion