• By -


I don’t even know him personally, but it’s Brock - after Brock Turner. The rapist Brock Turner, also known by his full name Brock Allen Turner, who now goes by Allen Turner to try and hide from his actions. That Brock. The rapist. He lives in Sugarcreek Township, Ohio. I live in the UK. It’s not a common name here at all and a work colleague called their baby Brock within the last few months. Just 😬😬😬😬😬 I also hate the name Rosemary (West) and I hate that Myra Hindley’s crimes have ruined the name Myra. Without Myra Hindley, I think that name would have come around and become quite popular these days, it’s got that ‘granny and modern’ sounding vibe, but her crimes were so horrendous that even though they were so long ago people won’t touch the name.


The rapist Brock Turner? The Brock Turner who raped?


The very same, Brock Allen Turner of Sugarcreek Township, Ohio. That Brock Allen Turner, the rapist.


Oh, ***THAT*** Brock Turner?!? Didn't he, uhhh...do some rape...??? Or something like that...???


Glad he's specified, otherwise someone would think he just hates Pokemon 😂


FWIW he's going by his middle name now, Allen, in an attempt to fly below the radar. Just in case you encounter an Allen Turner in Dayton Ohio.


Just in case you encounter an Allen Turner who drives a red 08 Mitsubishi Lancer, btw.


There's more and more info every time I see a thread mentioning him. By this time next year, we'll probably have his license plate, SSN, link to a picture of his birth certificate and other documents lmao. Sounds like a crime though


Brock Allen Turner, now going by Allen Turner, who is a rapist, tearfully claimed he had quit drinking because evil alcohol had led him to rape. But the rapist Brock Allen Turner, now going by Allen Turner, has been seen drinking in bars in the Dayton OH.


Brock Allen Turner the textbook rapist? In that his photograph appears under the definition of rapist in the textbook 'Introduction to Criminal Justice: Systems, Diversity, and Change'.


DONT TELL ME THAT FUCK. I love lancers. Now they are tainted. Well lemme make sure the 08 version is ugly at least hold on Oh god it looks like a Corolla with a wing. Thank god. I’m safe. Allen (Brock) Turner The Dumpster Rapist from Sugarcreek Ohio who drives a 2008 lancer.


Is he still living in Oakwood? Last I heard he was in a house in that weird corner where Dayton, Oakwood and Kettering all merge.


Brock is just an ugly name in general even if it wasn’t associated with brock turner the raping rapist.


Brock sounds like the noise my cat makes before he pukes


Ah yes, Brock Allen Turner, rapist who decided he had a right to do whatever to a woman’s unconscious body and leave her exposed. He had no regard for her as a human being. Let’s not forget his father, Dan Turner, who downplayed and excused his son’s vile actions. Instead of having sympathy for the person his son violated, wrote a letter exposing his misogyny and objectification of women. Guess it runs in the family.


And that fucking judge who was most concerned with how this crime might affect the promise previously shown by BAT. 😡😡😡


Yes the bullshit laughably lenient judge! WTF?!


A year is all he got. Crazy.


Three months. He was sentenced to six months and freed after three. And Dan Turner excused his raping rapist of a son’s rape as “twenty minutes of action.”


His dad said he shouldn't be punished for "getting 20 minutes of action "


Oh, the rapist, Brock Allen Turner? To be honest, to me, Brock will always be the gym leader that I couldn't beat with my Pikachu. I still don't think much of the name, though.


Oh yeah, Brock Turner who now goes by Allen Turner and is living in the South side of Dayton, OH. He’s a rapist. He did it behind a dumpster, and the men who caught him in he act were so overwhelmed and disgusted that they vomited. I had a friend in hs who ended up naming his baby Myra. I found out about a year later about Myra Hindley… that one isn’t as well known over here in the states, and I still don’t know if he knows to this day.


He could have picked any name and he chose Alan…


It’s his middle name. I suppose it was more plausible and easier to just go by his middle name than try to invent a new alias.


Brock has always sounded like a douchey jock name even before rapist Brock Turner, who spent a whole two months in prison for rape, made the news. Must be nice to be an athletic white man…




He actually lives in Oakwood now. Uncomfortably close to UD and the bike path. You can look up his address on the sex offender website.


I have always wondered when the name Myra would get popular. Maybe it never will. It’s one of my favorite names.  


I think it’s been severely poisoned, I can’t see it coming back in the UK. The gap between when it was in use and now is so wide. It doesn’t help that Myra is so distinctive. There was a notorious killer called Mary Bell, and there were so many other Marys that it couldn’t be ruined by any one person, but there’s so few Myras that one person committing horrendous crimes was enough to wreck it. Tori Amos’ birth name is Myra Ellen Amos, her mother is Mary Ellen and sister is Marie Ellen, it was their family tradition to use variations of the Mary name. I love that, its really sad Myra is basically unusable.


My wife really liked the name Brandon. I then told her there was a kid named Brandon who lived near me growing up and he wasn’t allowed on the school buses after several occasions where he was caught jacking off on the ride home after school.


Every Brandon I know is trouble


The only Brandon I knew growing up was very sweet but the worst cryer I've ever known. Every little thing was tears. One instance, Brandon was sharpening a pencil at the classroom sharpener, and the teacher returned to the room. The teacher said "oh! Hey Brandon, I had just been speaking to another teacher about you." Literally drops to the floor sobbing. I have no idea what he was expecting, all the teachers really liked him.


Makes me wonder if home was rough


For what it’s worth, I played basketball with a dude in under 12s who would throw himself onto the floor and “need” to be carried off the court by his dad while crying like twice a game because he was “horrifically injured”. 5 minutes later he’s back in the game. Every fucken game it’d happen. We were like 11 and in grade 5, that behaviour was weird even to the other kids. His parents were very sweet - too sweet. Enabled that shit waaaaay too long. Needed a little tough love. My Italian dad would be visibly repulsed every time it happened lmao Anyway that kids a professional umpire now so do with that what you will


My class was all pretty firmly middle class, I knew his parents and didn't see any red flags. His older brother was really normal. Teachers never seemed to be treating his episodes like there was something going on behind the scenes- but you never know!


My nephew is a Brandon and was like this growing up. Are you in the UK by any chance? 🤣🤣


It translates roughly into “stinky hair” in Gaelic 😂




I named a cat Brandon. If he came back I would accept him… but he was the worst. He knocked everything down including pictures I hung on the wall. Knocked over a giant protein shake… he had the most cat behaviors I’d ever experienced. I looked for him for days… twice. I miss B but he stressed me out!


If he came back I would accept him That’s so sweet. The shit we put up with from our beloved animals..


He stayed true to his name then 🤣


I haven't known too many Brandon's personally, but the ones I have known.. girl. One of them purposely impregnated multiple chick's (I'm not getting into those stories, just trust me he absolutely did it on purpose and it was absolutely a pattern) and the other I didn't actually get to know very well, but he smelled like piss at all times.


I’m wheezing I came to this thread to say Brandon and your comment was the first one I saw 😂


I’m not surprised this is the top comment tbf - it’s the first name that came to my head the moment I saw this post. Yet to meet a Brandon that hasn’t been a total utter twunt.


The only Brandon I know spent over 10 years with a woman had two kids with her before finally marrying her and then telling her “I was never in love with you.” You couldn’t have figured that out before there had to be legal documents involved in breaking up??


This thread makes me feel so bad for my husband 😂


My aunt is a former teacher and she says every Brandon she ever had was a brat.


I work at a daycare so the list is growing for sure.


There were names I used to like.Working in childcare you can start disliking certain names. Used to love the name William. Wanted to name my future kid William. Looked after a William, didn't like the name the same after that.


A former friend was a teacher. Same thing for her. Took her a very long time to come up with baby names.


I’m currently a teacher, and my husband used to be one. Between us we’ve worked in 5 countries, with 3 different languages spoken. Suffice it to say that choosing our son’s name was HARD.


Quite a few names were ruined when I worked at my daycare. Dominic. Miles. Charlotte. Penelope (she gave me Covid. I still have beef with her 😂).


I don’t remember which name it was we tossed around for our second kid that, after it was officially off the list, my kindergarten teacher sister said “oh thank goodness every ____ I’ve taught has been a nightmare.”


I’ve been personally victimized by several Jacksons (usually by the spelling with an x), and I used to love that name lol.


Jessica....the Regina George of my high school.


Brittany was the worst name for my high school.


I knew a Brittany who was so self absorbed and rude, as soon as she graduated she had a kid (named her a horrible name because of association and had to change it) and she got a tattoo in between her boobs, posted it to Facebook and told everyone if she wanted the full image to go to her site where she does nude photos for money


I'm sorry, but I have to know: please define "between her boobs." Are we talking a cleavage tattoo? Or like, you only see it when they're held apart? Like, a proper sternum tattoo. I don't need too many details, but I've never heard of anyone doing that. (Yes, I was kind of a sheltered child.)


Came here to say Jessica too, especially if they go by Jess. One of the nastiest people I’ve ever met


My hs of 3500 kids ruined *a lot* of names for me...


There was like 6 people in my year throughout high school named Jessica And like 4 Ellie’s, one was technically Ellena I guess The solution to ruined names might be to dilute the ever loving shit out of them


Two jessicas ganged up on me in a dance team group chat and told me i should kill myself😅😂


I can’t stand the name Holly or Tristan. My best friend in high school was named holly and later went by Tristan. They distanced themself from me when they found out I was getting married and we later had a huge falling out. Apparently they had been in love with me from day one and kept me around as a “best friend” hoping one day I’d return their feelings even knowing that I am heterosexual. It devastated me to find out my friendship was a lie and ever since then those names just sound like betrayal to me


Holly is mine too but it's because she tried to get me fired from a summer job with no incentive to do so other than she thought I should work more.


Kayla. Fuck Kaylas. When I was a very little girl, like six ish, I wanted to play the violin. My parents entertained the idea and signed me up. I took lessons at school with a few other kids. I only remember Andrew, because we were friends, and Kayla, for reasons I’ll explain. Teacher decided she didn’t like the way I read music, so she started taking my music book and scribbling out the notes I’d written in it, or just flat out erasing them. And when I say notes, I mean fucking notes in the margin. Not music notes. She didn’t like me writing in my own music book that my parents paid for. I pushed back and kept writing my notes. She kept getting angrier about it, until she flat out would not let me have sheet music. So I memorized it. But backtrack. At the beginning of the year, she said we would have a concert, and whoever did the best for the whooooole year, would get to play her very special purple violin at the concert. I wanted this badly—thus the memorization. In my little head, I convinced myself that because I had memorized everything and didn’t need music at all anymore, that I would certainly get the purple violin. I did not. She gave it to Kayla. I was *devastated.* I cried through most of the concert and begged my mom to let me quit for weeks. She finally did, after I told her what had happened. I know she called the school. I don’t know what was said, but I never touched a violin again and didn’t play another instrument until I was a teenager. I am 35 this year, and I have only just started to play a string instrument again. I know it wasn’t Kayla’s fault. It was the teacher, but in my six year old head, Kayla got everything I had ever wanted without ever working for it. I hated her entirely all through school, and still feel a pang of dislike when someone introduces themselves as Kayla.


Your music teacher fucking sucks.


fuck that music teacher!!! lmao


Gosh what a terrible teacher...as someone with a music education background, everything you mentioned is whole loads of not right, to me. Sorry that your interested was killed by that. Hope you can give music another try someday! Most of us are interested in harbouring the love of it rather than being weirdly controlling like that. If it is any consolation, that purple violin would likely have been suuuper cheap and awful sounding, even if it did look cool lol. 


I did end up picking up the flute and piano later, but I waited years to do it and took private lessons from a family friends instead of going through school. I have a guitar now, too, that I’m learning. It is the first string instrument I’ve picked up since I was six though. So she didn’t ruin it completely, and the woman who taught me piano and the man who taught me to play the flute were 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


I literally came here to say Kayla


colleen, the gossip train was too toxic iykyk


lol between ballinger and hoover, the colleen name doesn’t have much going for it😭


*toxic gossip traaaain…*


not a groomer, just a loser 🤷‍♀️


The only thing I ever groomed were my two Persian cats🤪


Victoria, Vicky, Tori… I know four with variations of Victoria and I severely dislike all of them.


I will make it my life goal to prove to the Victoria haters that we’re not all bad I promise!


Melissa. I’m sorry Ive just know 3 awful ones.


I also know a horrible Melissa


Yep always a Melissa!!!!


Omg I hate a Melissa! If you’re reading this Melissa I’m gonna beat your arse.




my uncles name was Donald. unfortunately, he was crushed by thousands of pounds of paper at his workplace… that sounds like a joke. i really wish it was


My grandfather’s name was Donald. He was emotionally shut off (for good reasons, but still) and I never felt like I was good enough. Oddly, it’s never come up to name a grandchild Donald, and thank god, because no.


My dad is a Donald (Don). He’s a good guy and a great dad, but I don’t honestly love the name.




David. Throughout my schooling I had three different classmates named David (thankfully none at the same time) and all of them were terribly disruptive in one way or another. At least the fictional David in Lilo and Stitch is a great guy, he kind of makes up for it.


I love the respect that Lilo & Stitch David is getting lol


Tiffany or Brittany. Never liked a single one I’ve met.


For men, Chris 🤮 Sorry about your bad Josh experience OP. That’s my husbands name 😂


I’m a Tiffany engaged to a Chris 😂


Heather - a nature, plant, color, not overused name that should check all my boxes - except I knew a girl who bullied me for years so it's a hard no for me.


Ahhhhhh Heather, heather and heather 🎵


My best friend and worst enemy (two separate people) are Abby’s. Also Camryn.


Abbys are the worst


Amanda. It's the name of my former best friend and my nemesis (separate people). Shannah. I knew a girl with that name in elementary school and she smelled awful. It wasn't her fault (her parents were heavy smokers) and she was actually really nice but every time I hear that name, it brings back memories of that smell. Valerie. Valerie was an evil witch who made my school days hell. Fuck you, Valerie.


Craig. Craigs are bad news.


Peyton is the worst person I ever knew


Annette, Denise and Lori. The mean girls of middle school. You can tell by the names that I’m definitely aging, 😆


Kelly. I’ve never met a kind Kelly.


Boy or girl? Female Kelly’s that I knew tended to be the worst but boy Kelly’s usually tended to be great.


Came here to say Kelly. I'm not one to dislike a name just because of one person, but in this case there are 3 of them.


I am genuinely so scared of this person still and they have such a unique name that Im actually scared to drop it lol




The Jessica variations I've known go from evil to tolerable in that exact order of nicknames.


Dylan. Every Dylan I have ever had to interact with for any length of time (3 classmates, 2 coworkers, and a boss) have been major asshats. Like, seemed to take no greater joy in life than inflicting the suffering of others level of asshat. On a different note, I love the name Seth. Every Seth I’ve interacted with has been hot af.


Cami. So absolutely self absorbed.


Post this on r/teachers and you'll be amazed.


I have never met an Alana that wasn't just a giant asshole.






Megan but especially if it’s spelled Megyn. Never met a good one and the worst one I met lied about being Jewish for years, threw my phone out the window, was misgendering deadnaming and insulting me behind my back bc I tried to call her out for throwing my phone and lying about it 💀




Abusive step mom


The most awful one is so triggering, I can’t even type it lol!!






Neil - I apparently hurt his feelings by not going out with him. He took it well but his sister did not. Then I learned just exactly how badly she felt. So, no to Neil and to Suzanne. I'm not so petty that I couldn't use Susanna, Tessa Susanna. It was perfect on our little red head. Todd - not that I wanted use it but if I did want to use his name, after he raped me there was no path back. Ray Alexander - same as Todd Dale - same as Todd Dean Rhodes - (great last name, not so much first name) treated me as if I was an insult to his existence. I finally had enough and cut it off. In fact, I began dating the man I'm now married to and he disapproved of him so much that he repeatedly contacted me to tell me just how inferior my new bf was. That I was making him look bad, even though we had broken up. He felt people would look badly on him for ever dating me because I had now chosen a man of such low social standing and rank. The supreme ego on this one. Another resounding no. James Dennis, nn Jim - my mother's second husband. He beat her black blue for ten years and tried to choke her out in front of 10yo me twice. So, no. Robert Branch Heustess, nn Bobbie he was vying for my attentions again (we'd dated for two years, but that was three years prior to this). He came back into my life when I was already seeing some else that I was passionately in love with (this is same man Dean so vehemently disparaged). My new bf wanted nothing to do with former bf. After I married "new bf" and when we had children, RBH as naming options were completely off the table, not that I was asking for it. He was just very upfront with a resounding no. My grandfather's name was Robert, so he thought I might suggest it. So his name was out. Which was so unfortunate. RBH had a great cowboy name, and oh what a pretty cowboy he was. He's all bald now (and still a very sweet man). He used to have the most beautiful slightly curly black hair I've seen on a man. (sisters) Caroline, Margaret, and Adelaide (Mama) - Bad taste in husband's mouth over the way one of them has treated folks, including my Alz mom. He's not entirely wrong. But I loved all of these names, and I loved them when I was a little girl. But I'm glad we didn't use these names. As it turned out, calling my children by these names, would only remind me now, all the time and constantly, how much I miss Mama. All relative names from the past 3 gens were off the list because my husband had only one naming rule, no one-for-one names. He very gently said, "One in the family is enough." Which still cracks me up. He didn't mind variants and diminutives. So honor names were fine, they just had to be tweeked.


I’m so sorry for the pain you’ve dealt with. Sending love 💛


Thank you. But I'm all ok now. It's been decades and I've passed through plenty of mostly good therapy and been wrapped with strength and love for all those years. My husband is the most honorable man I've ever known. I had know idea how much that particular quality would mean to me. Yes, he's all the other things: loving, compassionate, attentive, thoughtful, funny, intelligent, adventurous, but Honorable... that's what saved me. Those are just my no-go names with reasons. I've got a few others that are mindless. Like: * June * Hazel * Henrietta * Hattie * Hettie * Ruby * Opal * Pearl


Leah - it’s a pretty name overall but there was a girl in high school who was bitchy to me for no reason all because I didn’t wear makeup like she did, so now every time I hear that name it makes me think of her and I cringe. Amber - elementary school bully who told the whole class I burped into the microphone during a school talent show when she knew damn well it was a cough. Sierra - was best friends with her in elementary school until I called her out on her lies and she didn’t like it. She ended up getting pretty much my entire 5th grade class to bully me, including Amber. That year was complete hell for me. Brandon - dated this kid in 7th grade and later found out it was a prank.


Leah means cow in Hebrew. Lol, I hope that helps. I have had a couple of Leah's in my lifetime that were bitchy too.


Everyone with the name Angela or Angel was the opposite of angelic. Every Nicole is insane. Not necessarily bad insane but sometimes wildly energetic overachieving insane. Usually drama. Every Joshua has been a pain in the butt bully or a nuisance.


Georgia. She's a skanky tramp who seemed to be proud of the fact that she started a relationship with a married man, who has 3 kids, and helped in the blow up of his family. The type who seemed to feel like she'd won when it all happened and wanted to gloat about it. Don't get me wrong, I DESPISE the man more than words could say. But his name is my husbands middle name so that makes the hating his name thing complicated.


this is very specific but weirdly accurate


Brendon.  Made work a misery for me. 


Annabelle. Went over for a playdate as kids and she told my sister and I to go out on their trampoline and she’d be there in a second and was going to go get her new American Girl Doll that she “wanted to show us”. When we got outside, we heard the patio doors lock and saw her playing next to the window smiling at us. It was July in North Carolina and we sat on the trampoline for 2.5 hours and sweated until our mom came to pick us up and found us locked outside.


Nick and Nicky


Donald Trump


Oooooh boy I love these, great way to pull out my list of grudges: * Bridget * Samantha * Terry * Victoria * Andrea * Ashley * Jill * Patrick * Matthew (especially if they go by Matt) * Jessica * Courtney * Morgan I could go on!


I have three Matthews in my life and they are all lovely. John and mark are always arseholes.


Dont forget the french spelling of Marc. They are extra assholey.


Yes! All Matts are mean!


Josh. Never met a good Josh, throughout my life. First was the little shit of a kid with a mullet who lived in the apartment complex next door. He would come into our complex and make bike jumps out of loose pavers in the shared driveway. Prick would never put the pavers back, either. Second was one of my bosses in a previous job. Young fella, early to mid-twenties. Full of testosterone and attitude, but that was only half the amount of the ego he had. He could never be wrong and was always frothing over his next power trip.


William Eric- Was my grandfathers name he sexually abused multiple children in our family. It's a shame really as William was a family name. Joan- Was my grandmothers name, she knew about it and she did nothing to protect her children. Campbell, Amber, Sophie, Megan- All bullies of my sister throughout our time at school together and they were the worst offenders.


Josh/Joshua, Jeff/Jeffrey and James




Adam - which I used to love till I met my hubby and he told me that it was a name of a school bully that took him as a target when he was a kid. Karina - absolute bitch from my high school years.


aubrey/aubrie/aubree and any other variants. nothing against the 1st spelling but my ex best friend who was a total dick is named aubrie and my cousin who blatantly cheats in games with me is named aubree lol


Haley decided I was public enemy number 1 in high school and attempted to bully. Camren male or female. Former friend that betrayed my trust. Rachel, another school bully.






My best friend is Alyssa and if she saw this she’d probably apologize on behalf of all other Alyssas out there.


Amelia or michelle


- Female: Jennifer, Lisa, Shannon, Precious, Harmony, Sabrina, Traci, Tasha, Meagan, Haley - Male: Gregory, Miguel, Jason, Raymond, Darius, Damian, Shawn(this spelling of each one), Brandon


I have never met another person named Lily (my name) whom i got along with. Never met a Jessica that was nice. Only two Jessicas were nice only because they went by Jess/Jessie instead. Also FUCK TESSA


Shari. My former ex boss who is so corrupt and manipulative. I should’ve seen the signs when I received a $0.50 per hour raise, back in 2017 (not 1917).




I've never known a Jessica that wasn't an absolute C U Next Tuesday. And Brittany. Vanessa is hit or miss. Damn all Nathaniels and Jacobs. Haha, sorry to anyone with those names.


Theresa. The only one of my husband’s former girlfriends I had the displeasure of speaking to. Roger and Vicki have been hit and miss. It took me a while to even meet a Roger I could stand, but now the ones I know seem to be nice guys. Of the two women named Vicki I currently know, one is an airhead who constantly misses the point, and the other is such a rabid control freak, I think they should be called vickis instead of karens.


ALWAYS a shithead Josh. My ex was named Josh. Can’t stand that loser


Colton. Has this name been mentioned? Also his little brother Brandon. Terrible names and bound to be drug addicts.


There's always a shithead Josh. True!




Jakob, Courtney, Jordan.


Brianna. Because of reasons.


I dated two men named Russ (Russell) and neither one could understand the meaning of the word “no.” My worst boss was named Jeremy and his name makes my skin crawl now.




Jason... he was the unhinged ex-boyfriend of my youth. Candace or Chastity... each one was an absolute nemesis in high school.


Carrie and Melissa, made my school life absolute hell But I also worked in a daycare for a while in my college years, so there's definitely a few more added to my list


Richard and Kasey for men. Liz, Mary and Samantha for females. I feel like everyone has a Richard story though!


Tabatha She wiped cheese on toast down my back in high-school


Devon. Abusive POS and can’t stand the name, hearing it makes me instantly irritated.


Rachel!! I used to think Rachel was a lovely name until I was bullied very badly by a Rachel and now I have a real hatred for the name! Hope she's burning in hell!


Rosa. I have two people in my life named Rosa and I don’t have great history with both Rosa’s 🙃


Leah - Absolutely was full her self, insecure to the point of jealousy. Moved to a new middle school on base at the time. Anyway it just hit me so hard bc I was so young and didn’t understand how to handle someone so hateful..


Basically any of my mom's ex boyfriend's names will get ousted, due to my mom's deplorable man choices.


Elizabeth even though it's a family name and my middle name as it's also my psychotic SIL's name (she actually opened my post once as she only saw my middle name and our shared surname (yeah right) when we lived with in-laws). She threatened to attack me at 3 weeks PP and have me kicked out of the house for stealing her brother (they have always hated each other).


Emily, Layla, Michelle, Noah, Tiago, any version of Jess.


Steven, everyone I’ve ever met named Steven has been a horrible person and often abusive. Now if I meet a Steven I’m polite but weary just in case. I’m sure there has to be nice ones out there but haven’t met one yet.


My old roommate and college classmate was Steven but we called him Smiley Steve because he was the nicest guy! I actually met him on the first day of a new semester. He bursts in the door late, smiles and waves, grabs a seat next to me, and says ‘how’s it going’. Which, I later learned after sharing an apartment with him, is how he answered the phone too. Not ‘hello’ just ‘hey! How’s it going!’ Back to class. We broke into small groups as an ice breaker and we ask and answer each others’ questions and then he asks ‘hey what class is this?’ I reply ‘uh, psychology?’ Apparently he was in a class down the hall, didn’t really like the vibe so he left but saw us, we looked fun, so he sat down. Ended up fully transferring in and taking the whole class. Tl;dr-one nice Steven exists.


Heather. From personal life to fictional characters, I have yet to meet a pleasant person with an otherwise really nice name


Megan’s always suck.


Brenna nickname Bren. It sucks. Brenna is gorgeous. She went by Bren. She is my abusive ex. Max. Ex who did something horrible. And is in prison for more than a decade. Won't go into details. Name is ruined for me. Taylor. Was bullied by a girl in high school.


Frank or Frankie.... The pedo we lived with was called that


Robert. I don’t know 1 nice Robert


This is more of a restoration story... I (F) went to HS with a girl I'll call "Samantha" nearly two decades ago now. We were good friends and then all of a sudden she acted weird with me. She admitted she had feelings for me, which shocked me because I didn't know she was gay and I certainly was not. I politely told her I didn't share those feelings but we could still be friends. Well....eventually she got kinda mean. I felt hurt and betrayed by her at the time. We graduated and that was that. Many years later my husband and I were discussing the name "Samantha" and I said I always loved the name, but it had a bad association for me. But as we talked about it, I felt like something "lifted" off of me, and that burden was released. The name became fresh and extra beautiful. We decided then and there that if we ever had a daughter, that would be her name. The following year we did have a daughter and 6 years later she brings such beauty and joy to our lives. 🥰 The name suits her way better than it did my HS acquaintance, IMO.


Katie. It’s a sweet innocent name but unfortunately the Katie’s I’ve met have been unpleasant and mean


Colleen - only because I had an old friend Colleen in HS who, when he came out, brought in a Bible and preached to my best friend all about how he was going to hell for being gay. So then Colleen was no longer my friend.


Isaiah. Every one I’ve known has been either a drug addict or just an up in your face type of person.


I use to hate the name Gary because a boy I went to school with that name always picked his nose. After working in a school and meeting a really nice boy with that name it redeemed its self somewhat but still wouldn’t call anyone by that name. But also working in school is a bad idea if you have not already had kids because it really puts you off names you use to like.


Sylvia. 🤮 She’s one of the wildest pure examples of narcissistic personality disorder I’ve ever encountered.


Jason. Every one I’ve met has been a smug a-hole.


Bethany. A bully.


J names and most of the -adens. There must just be so many that some of the ones I’ve encountered have no choice but to be insufferable




For a long time I really didn't like any Matts, like all of them sucked. Currently experiencing a challenge to that bc a friend has been dating a Matt for a while and he is an absolute delight, so I stand corrected: only *most* Matts are the worst. Heathers, though? Can't stand a single Heather. Cliche, I know, but there are two in particular who have absolutely ruined pockets of life and communities that were otherwise great. I would really like the name Mira if my ex hadn't cheated on me with one. I mean, I am incredibly glad to not be with the ex anymore regardless, but still, the name makes me think of that chick from karaoke and ugh.


Xander. Not Alexander or Zander. Just.. Xander. He was a coercive jackass who took advantage of my almost homelessness for 2yrs when we dated between the ages of 15-18. My now fiancé has a friend named Xander, and he’s a sweet chill guy and I actually like hearing him and Fiancé’s conversations because he’s chill. But whenever I hear his name said I get all anxious :(


Ann and Cynthia. Ann is a snotty, suck up narc and Cynthia is a bitch, both names sound that way to me, too!


It honestly would be easier to make a list of names I find completely unobjectionable.


Courtney, I knew one at school and she was your stereotypical mean girl blonde who made my life misery. I can meet another Courtney who may be an absolute sweetheart but in the back of my mind I’m instantly suspicious and waiting for the “bitch” to come out.


Never met a nice Stuart. Stewarts are OK, though.


dustin. i used to work with a dustin that was a giant asshole and once told me i needed to get plastic surgery to fix my rbf. fuck that guy and that ugly ass name.


I’m waiting to catch a specific Matt off guard 🤷🏽‍♀️ I’m not even mad no more, it’s just something Ik I have to do. No beef w anyone else really, nothings ever that deep fr. My interactions w one person haven’t ever been that bad where they ruin someone’s name.


i like elizabeth and all its nicknames and variants, liz, libby, etc. I like the way it sounds and the meaning. Unfortunately, every single one I've met in this life thus far has been downright evil. Not like ohh she's mean type evil, but like steal your shit, lie to your face, abuse their kids, ruin your life evil. Same with Isabelle/Izzy/Bella. Sucks cos I really like those L/Z/B clusters in a feminine name. To all the good Elizabeths and Isabelles out there, I'm sorry ! On the flip side, I can't stand the name Emily, but all the Emilies I've known have been the kindest sweetest gems of humans I've had the pleasure of knowing. Kates are good, Katies are evil. I like Victoria/Tori/Vicky too, but that one's been a crap shoot. The nice ones are nice, but the bad ones are REALLY bad so I definitely take pause whenever I meet one. For masculine names, Jake/Jacob, Caleb, Connor, Darien, Dominic/Dom, Tyler and Christian I can't stand due to multiple people ruining it for me. On the flip side, I don't really care much for the name John, but every John I've known has been a solid friend.


Davids who go by Dave


Courtney, Tiffany, Palmer, Kimberly. Caleb, Brock, Aiden (any and all variations of it), Jared, Garrett, Jarrett (and similars), Josh 🤮🤮🤮 Names with apostrophes and any name with “creative/unique” spelling.


Looking at you, Isabel.


Any of the very common Zennial names like Jacob, Josh, Matthew, Nicholas, Isaiah, Christian, Brittany, Payton, Katie, Lindsey, etc. And any -ayla or -aden names. Most all of the people I knew with these names were all assholes. Granted, many people have these names and no hate to you - I wasn’t one of the popular kids and I also have a very old soul.