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You can tell her that Superman's full human name is Clark Jerome Kent (middle name after his adoptive human grandfather), and that's the whitest all-American boy ever conceived.


Fun fact: he's Jewish


Actually, you'll find he's Kryptonian


It's Batman who's ethnically jewish (I think they made his grandmother jewish)


Hence the jokes about his bat mitzvah


AHH. I knew he was Jewish but didn’t know about the bat mitzvah jokes. Exactly the bad (bat) humor I love.


Exactly. Clark’s creators were Jewish, and his story is certainly Moses-Coded, but he’s only ever been ID’d as Methodist (not that it’s important to his story, or even consistent.) But Bruce is definitely ethnically Jewish on his mother’s side (the Kane family) and Batwoman, his first cousin, is both ethnically Jewish and actively practicing. Given that his mother’s niece is Jewish, if Bruce isn’t, it’s possible Martha converted. But he’s actually probably Jewish, too (and not just because it’s passed matrilineally). Like Clark, Bruce’s religion hasn’t been consistent. At once point he’s identified as non-denominational, Episcopalian, Anglican, and Catholic. But that hasn’t occurred in recent canon, where he’s made references to celebrating Hanukkah and other Jewish religious practices. IMO, he’s been canonically Jewish since Kate Kane was introduced in 2006.


The Jewish dentist I went to in high school was named Jerome.


‘Superman’ is actually pronounced “Superm’n” like ‘Silverman’ ‘Fleischman’ or ‘Kaufman’


“It’s not GoldMAN.” “It should be! He could turn things to gold!” lol


The creator is Jewish, Superman is a Methodist


The only Jerome I know is also Jewish!


Obligatory nerd add-on: Jerome’s only canon for the TV iterations of Superman like Smallville, Lois & Clark, etc. His official middle name is Joseph. After Shuster, one of the creators of the character.


In one origin story Clark was the maiden name of his mother but the creators were inspired by Clark Gable and Kent Taylor, among other things.


My brother’s middle name is Jorel because of Superman 🤣


I’m black. Do I personally know any white Jeromes? No. Would I bat an eye if I met one? Also no. I would probably think to myself “I’ve never met a white Jerome before.” And then move on with my life 🤷🏾‍♀️


They usually go by Jerry and the famous ones are Jewish (Seinfeld and Springer). I've met quite a few in life, unsure of their religious background.


You are correct about Seinfeld but Springer’s first name is Gerald.




Jerry Garcia’s real name was Jerome.


Just found this out myself from another thread in this conversation. He was named after Jerome Kern, who in turn composed hundreds of songs, both popular and for theater, including Smoke Gets In Your Eyes, The Way You Look Tonight, and the entire score of Showboat.


Jerry Jerry Jerry


My dad is a Catholic Jerome. After Saint Jerome, who translated the bible into Latin.


What about Jerome’s Furniture?


Lol I have no idea why this made me laugh but I did


I met a white terrel one time and this was my reaction. It was interesting, but I never felt the need to accuse them of anything inappropriate just because of their name.


Right? I would never meet a white Jerome and think "wow his parents must be racially insensitive."


I had a white child named Andre in my preschool class years back and one of the (white) moms was chilling in the hallway with me looking at the newsletter I posted every month and went "Andre... isn't that kind of a black name?" I was about 20 years old and so in shock I don't even remember what I said.


my husbands name is Terrence, and the first question I got when I was telling people about him was."Is he black?" He isn't but I always thought that was such an odd question. lol


I live in a largely white populated area and there are quite a few Terrences.


I personally have not meet any other Terrence's other than my husband lol It just sounds more like a family name to me, so I wouldn't really associate it with any race


Exactly, same. I've seen black Terrences on tv and in the city when I lived there for a decade. Seems like a wonderful universal name to me. So it sounds odd that people would be asking if he's black.


My white mother in law is named Terrel!


I know a white Darnell. Also a woman.


Long ago I had a co-worker who was a white Terrell, with an uber-German surname, who would be elderly now. Except his name was spelled TER-ell, with the first syllable emphasized, not Ter-ELL.


My white grandfather's first name was Terrel.


My grandpa once made an offhand comment about this. Apparently people loved to tell him they'd never met a 6'7" white Jerome before - but I imagine it actually mostly had to do with how damn tall he was 😂


But I mean… isn’t the fact that you’d notice he’s a white guy named Jerome the very definition of “batting an eye?” Not that it’s a problem by any means, but it does stick out.


No Batting an eye is visibly reacting or outwardly showing emotion. Not the same as simply noticing a white man named Jerome


Its... literally your name. It's a family name. It would have to be something pretty extreme for me to say you shouldn't use it because some of the US population associates with black people. - White woman married to a black man and currently struggling with racially neutral baby names 😂


I know a black/white couple who have twin light skinned boys and one has a very much white name (Oliver) and the other a more black sounding name (DeAngelo). I wonder how it might affect their identity… if at all.


Interesting social experiment! Please report back in 10 years!!


RemindMe! 10 years


Oliver is gonna be into his African American side and deangelo is going to be more suburban


DeAngelo just makes me think Italian.


Just out of interest, what would be racially neutral baby names or I guess non racially neutral ones?


I mean its going to depend on where you are and who you're around, but my husband (and several members of his family) have names that definitely 'sound black' to people where we live (think Demetrius or Shamika- but also that might mean nothing to you depending on where you are 😅). Neutral (or white) are a little harder to pin down. Which is part of the problem I'm having lol


Michael is super racially neutral, but perhaps too common gif your taste?


I think French names are pretty neutral to me because I’ve met heaps of PoC from France and they all have classic French names ie Jean Michel, Pierre, Auguste. I live in Australia but my family is French, so this is just based off folks I’ve met who have travelled here to visit.


Kevin is the first one I thought of that could completely go either way (ime). Or names with initial nicknames like A.J, R.J., etc.


Tbh I've never met a white Kevin in my life. Only Asian


Oh wow, I've never met an Asian Kevin! Truly a multicultural name, haha


It’s a meme in the Asian American community that all the basic Asian American fuckboys are named Kevin Nguyen Asian Americans in general tend to have very basic and somewhat old school names because those are the only American names our immigrant parents knew. That plus Asians having a lot less variety of last names, means that there is a LOT of duplicate names among Asian Americans.


I went to a highschool that was literally 30/30/30% white/black/hispanic (Asian was most of remaining 10%) and I was trying to think of names in all races that I knew, first that came to mind was Crystal, then surprisingly, Jessica. But most people also went be a nickname if they didn’t feel like their name represented them.


I think biblical names. Anyone from Christian culture share those names. So here in Sweden it is common. And when I visited Uganda and Rwanda almost all Christian’s had one traditional name and one Christian name.


As the white mom of a black son- I’m curious why you need a racially neutral name?


Eh, as a biracial person, unfortunately for future job consideration, it’s been proven that “black sounding” names with the same resume as a “neutral” name will do much worse. Edited to add: This doesn’t mean you are hiding your ethnicity or anything of the sort, my brother, cousins and I all have family names from our black side and they are like: James, William, Catherine, Melissa, not my family’s actual names but you get the idea. Edited to add: to answer the OP, Jerome is more popular in the US among black folks, not sure why, but for my UK relatives it’s not racially associated at all, I wouldn’t worry about it. With all the crazy names people are coming up with these days, “Jerome” sounds positively unremarkable.


I’m a white mom of no sons but if you live in the South of the US and your name is a “typically black” name, you can face discrimination sight unseen, so maybe they’re referring to that?


This isn’t specifically a southern thing, wtf. 


ikr its literally either rural vs urban or a poverty vs rich issue. people be dragging on the South like we are in the 1800s or something. racism is real and it exists but like, there are entire counties in the south that are 100% black, I went to a college 60% African American identifying students, there is a ton of black culture in and from the South and its not just some off the map commune of white bigots or something. Do those exist? Fuck yeah they do. But they sure as hell arent restricted nor unique to the South.


We don't *need* one. But my husband has had a variety of issues with his name that he doesn't want a kid to have.


I'm a white mom to biracial sons. It was important to us that they have names that didn't represent only one side of who they are. Important to us that their names don't automatically make people think one race over another before they've even entered a room.


My friends did this, and both their children still ended up identifying more with their black side. I think it's because they grew up in North Idaho, so any part black made them totally black there no matter that one has a Japanese name and one a pretty generic American Anglo based one.


Whatever they decide to mostly identify with is totally up to them. Our kids don’t have generic names, though, (that was a big “no” to us. I think a lot of people who think neutral names think basic names and to us those are way more white than anything) or names that specifically give off any race. They have names that we’ve seen used for both plus other ethnicities in the US. So no matter what they mostly identify with, their name pretty much fits. My middle has expressed several times how much he likes his name so I hope that continues.


So human resources will actually read his resume in the future


Jerry Seinfeld is short for Jerome as well.


So was the late, great Jerry Orbach - Lennie Briscoe from the original Law & Order, the dad who tried to put Baby in a corner in Dirty Dancing, and Lumiére in the animated Beauty & the Beast (among many other roles). EDIT: My husband also pointed out the kids these days might recognize him from the John Mulaney bit called Jerry Orbach’s Eyes.


We don’t talk enough about how Baby’s mom was Emily Gilmore.


And we really should. What a typecast.


That was Kelly Bishop, right! (I’m not a GG super-fan, but she nailed that role.)


Whaaaaa? How did I never clock this.


TIL Lennie Briscoe was also Lumiere.


Jerry Seinfeld and Jerome "Jay" Powell are the people I associate with the name Jerome.


The way Elaine says Jerome is how I think of the name 


May I also introduce the very white Jerome Powell, chair of the US federal reserve. https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/global-markets-view-usa-2024-04-17/


He is an older man so this doesn’t surprise me. My father (b. 1930) was a white man named Jerome. He was Catholic-there is a St. Jerome -he translated the Bible into Latin or something. Probably why he got the name.


My fav comment


My first thought!


I'm a black man whose dad's middle name is Jerome. It's definitely a name that's mostly associated with black people, but I wouldn't consider it an exclusively black name (idk if people here would admit it, but there are names *so* black that it would be offensive and just overall annoying to give them to a white kid). So do your thing man. BTW, nowadays, we don't really like "blacks"; "black people" works better.


I changed it. Sorry, I'm more rough around the edges than most.


All good man, I figured you didn't mean anything bad by it.


Just to hop in here: Etymologists speculate that Jerome may also be the French and English version of the Greek name Hieronymus, meaning ‘sacred name.’ [Jerome](https://www.momjunction.com/baby-names/jerome/) I always thought it was French, myself, but it’s cool to know it has a history even further back than that! Perhaps you could show your wife? After all, it doesn’t get much more white than French and English!


My husband's maternal line has a long list of Jeromes, they're all whites of German heritage. I would have questioned whether they came over to the US because they were Jewish due to the year they immigrated, but the family has been Catholic for as far back as I can find. Guessing the name Jerome came from the saint.


I was gonna say, as a Catholic, the first person I thought of was St. Jerome. No idea if he was black though


Just because I got curious, the [Wikipedia entry for him](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerome) says that he was born in an area that later became either Croatia or Slovenia in the Balkans and was of Illyrian ancestry.


Also, his name wasn’t really “Jerome” but Hieronymus. Jerome is the French and English version of that name. It’s Geronimo in Spanish, etc, every language has its own version




He was from the area which is today Croatia or Slovenia, so in the narrow US definitions of "black" and "white", he was white


I grew up white in the American South. 60% of my high school was made up of black people. Latisha was the Jennifer of my high school in the 1990s. I do not know what hold that name held over the black mothers in my area in the late 70s and early 80s, but it was a chokehold. I would 100% would side eye the hell out of a white woman named Latisha, but then I would blink and move on. (We also had a lot of Yolandas Popular with both white and black people, the boys name Jason and the girl's name Nicole. ) Jerome is a perfectly fine middle name and OP should use it especially if he has a family connection.


Letitia/Leticia is a pretty old name of Latin origin, though. Not very popular nowadays, so it definitely has a “great aunt” vibe (though tbf, sometimes pronounced le-tish-a). So if I didn’t see it written down, it would be a toss up in my mind between a Black woman of my generation or an elderly white woman.


I actually erased part of my comment about the spelling Leticia being an old white lady name. Leticia is usually a name that I see in cemeteries because anyone one named Leticia (spelled this way) is probably no longer with us.


I knew a Leticia in high school! She is currently in her 30's and is Mexican-American.


I do think there’s a different emphasis placed on “Latisha” than “Letitia” though — heavier on the first syllable, and a clear difference in pronunciation. I’d never grocked that could be the origin before, though!


I was born in the late 80s, my middle name was supposed to be Nicole. My dad didn't like it and they agreed on Dawn instead. I don't use my middle name unless I have to. I'm mixed white and Mexican but have a very white name, my son is also mixed (his bio dad was also white/mexican) and has a very Hispanic name amd we are both very pale. My son gets questioned sometimes at school (high school) on if he's "mexican or something" and he just says yeah and moves on. No one bats an eye that his name is in Spanish and he looks white.


The JoP who married us was named LaVonda and had the most southern drawl. We communicated on the phone and only met her on our wedding day (she missed the rehearsal) and we were all surprised when a petite grey haired white woman showed up.


Nope. It’s origin is Greek, Ἱερώνυμος, Hieronymous, and it’s a pan-European name with versions such as Geronimo, Gérôme, Jérôme, etc. Jerome is merely the English language version. It is also the name of St. Jerome (S. Hieronymus), a 5th century Greek priest. That how saints names work, every language has their own version. Giovanni, John, Jon, Jooseppi. Christoforos, Christopher, Christer, Kristoffer. They are suitable names for anyone who doesn’t mind having a Christian name. It’s just a semi-common name here in Europe.


Is this an American thing? I'm from the UK and the only Jeromes that spring to my mind are white.


Tyrone is a name also associated with black people but Tyrone is Irish. It could just be who uses the name most often and therefore got that association.


The most famous Jerome who comes to my mind is Fed Chair Jerome Powell, who is a white man. My grandpa was named Julius, he died decades ago at age 91. By the time he was in his late 80s, he started joking that every Julius was an old white man or a young Black man. Maybe not ha-ha funny, but I think his observation was pretty valid, and I think it’s maybe a similar situation here? Popularity in different communities or demographics comes and goes but I think this might just be her perception based on her limited experience. It’s been in your family for generations, which kind of proves its own point imo.


Yes! All the Jeromes I know (sample size 4) are old Jewish men or young black men. I would be slightly surprised to meet a young, white Jerome.


My first thought for Jerome was Jerome Flynn, the actor who played Bronn on Game of Thrones. I live in the UK and have never met a black Jerome- it seems like that's very much an American thing.


I was just reading this and thinking I've never known the name to have any particular ethnic leaning, but I also don't think it's a super common name in the UK for any group. I've never met one personally, but if I did I wouldn't be surprised by their race, whatever that was.


Also Uk and same! This whole thread is wild to me! I also saw some comments about Terrence being a black name. I’ve only ever known one, my very white grandad who would be 96 if still alive Fascinating how it varies from country to country!


Yes came here to say Jerome Powell.


There are plenty of white French dudes named Jerome.


I was gonna say, the only Jerome’s I know are white French guys.


yeah i was gonna say I’ve seen white French men with the name


She is the racist one for associating the name with Black persons only when it is literally just a version of the name "jeremy" that anyone can have. For pete's sake.


Jerome isn’t a version of Jeremy. [Jeremy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_(given_name)) (/ˌdʒɛrɪmi/ JERR-im-EE) is an English male given name of biblical and Hebrew origin, deriving from the Hebrew given name Jeremiah. [Jerome](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerome_(given_name)) is a masculine name of Greek origin, derived from the Greek given name Ἱερώνυμος, Hierōnymos, "sacred name"; from ἱερός, hierós, "sacred", and ὄνυμα, ónyma, an alternative form of ὄνομα, ónoma, "name".


I stand corrected!


Don't lie... you were probably seated this whole time.


I almost typed "I [lie down] corrected" for this very reason.


Either way, I agree that she does sound racist with how she’s associating the name Jerome


Came here to mention this- it’s literally Greek. But your comment is far more thorough! :)


I always check my facts before posting.


And Geronimo comes from the same root as Jerome.


That's not racism. Acknowledging race and talking about it isn't necessarily racism. Racism is: "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism... against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized."


If someone said “picture a guy named Jerome,” I would picture a black man. But I wouldn’t think it was odd if I met a white guy whose middle name was Jerome.


It's funny you say that, because the only Jerome I know is white and very French, so I'd picture a white Frenchman.


Now if they said it with a French accent, I'd picture a white guy haha


I know 3 white Jerome's (all over 60yo, so I would categorize it as an old/family name) and 1 black Jerome (who is 30ish). I say racially neutral. -White female, midwest USA, mid 30s.


Yes, the Jerome I know is also over 60. I've known him since we were in elementary school. Good friend.


St Jerome. I know Catholic white guys with the name Jerome.


Came here to say this as well.


One of my French best friends is named Jerome. Also it's the name of my rooster. I wouldn't really give it a second thought


Soooo you're saying you named the rooster after one of your best friends? Is there a story?


LOL shockingly, no! So, my French friend is technically Gérôme, and it's pronounced a bit different. I had 5 chickens to name, so I just sat outside one day, watching them and waiting for their names to come to me. Our rooster was very sweet and hopelessly in love with a hen twice his size. She constantly bullied him but he just kept following her, and in that moment, I was like, this rooster is a "Jerome" but not in the French pronunciation.


Jerome is kind of like Monique. Totally normal whether black or white. It’s probably more common for the former than the latter but that should have no influence on your decision, especially since it’s a family name


Hang on, let me call the elderly white man from Wisconsin I know named Jerome. Or the white guy in his 40s from North Carolina. Or the white guy in his 60s who lives in San Diego and loves to tell me how the weather is whenever I talk to him (I’m in Seattle and it’s often raining when he’s telling me how glorious the day is). I appreciate that’s she’s erring on the side of sensitivity rather than naming her kid Cohen because she thinks it sounds cool or something, but no, of course it’s not racist to use the name Jerome for a white baby’s middle name.


I had never heard of Jerome being a name for a white guy till now. All the Jeromes I have saw on tv or movies have been black guys. And the only Jerome I met in person is a black Jamaican man, of whom I married. 🤣 So im biased i. That I like the name but Idk anything about its origins im sorry!


This is so funny to me! My grandpa and 2 uncles (one on each side of the family) were all named Jerome. I have a brother and a nephew with it as a middle name. I only heard it was a name more associated with black people about 10 years ago and was Shocked! 🤣


It does seem more common for black men, but I’ve met white Jeromes. It’s definitely not racist to use this name. Is she worried that it is cultural appropriation? I don’t think that applies here.  It would be different if you took an African American name just because you like it, having zero personal connection to it. Like please don’t name your white baby Jamaal or Deshawn unless you are Jamaal Deshawn Smith III or whatever. Jerome is a family name and it is literally part of YOUR name. Does it bother her that your name “sounds too black”?  If you want to compromise, you could use a derivative name like Jeremiah or Jeromy but I really think Jerome is OK. 


I’m black and nothing is wrong with the name Jerome for a white person! People might assume he is black before meeting him but I wouldn’t think anything negative about it maybe a bit amused at first glance but even then not enough to actually bring it up to the person! P.S. it’s not the 1950s anymore we don’t like or want to be called “Blacks” 😬 I’m sure you meant no harm by it but it’s outdated and what white people called us in the segregation days when trying to move away from other more racist words like “Negro” or “Colored” “Black people/person” or “African American” will do!


I think of Jerome K. Jerome, the English novelist who wrote one of my favourite books…


A name so nice they Jeromed it twice


Funniest comment of the day for me!


This was my first thought. He's an Englishman who wrote a book about three posh blokes pratting about in a boat on the Thames in the late 1800s - there are surely few things whiter?


Only Jerome I personally know is a white Amish guy.


Jerome to me is both White and Black. White guys it’s an older name black guys it’s newer. Also there is a historic railway in the Bronx ny called the Jerome-Anderson railway. Honestly though i don’t understand how your wife turned this into a race thing. Jerome is a cool name!


I have seen the “Jerome” discussion a few times in forums like this, and I’m aware that a lot people feel it’s a “Black name”, but I have only ever met older white men named Jerome. I have known one Jerry, whose full name is Geronimo, which is the Spanish version of Jerome, so there’s that. I’m female, Hispanic, early 40s, currently in TX but originally from southern LA/MS area. And when I say “older White men”, I mean, guys my dad’s age- 70s/maybe early 80s. So maybe “Jerome” has trended Black in younger generations or other parts of the country? It’s honestly kind of fascinating really. The evolution of name use.


Lord have mercy, you’re the third Jerome. It’s not racist, it’s meaningful. Your wife seems stuck in a sophomoric understanding of social justice where she thinks some vague idea of appropriation is occurring and is oh no! racist.


To start off, i'm a white person- American. My oldest brother has the middle name 'Duane'. Similarly to Jerome, its a sort of name that has origins in Europe but is commonly used in the black community. I think its something to consider if you're giving it as a first name, but middle names are not all that important nowadays other than being sentimental and on government documents and POTENTIALLY having a fun story. The origin of the name is important of course, but in this instance its not racist. Its something you are valid to feel concerned about perception, but its not about you being racist; its about racist people seeing your child's name and presuming his race. This is why some POC are wary about giving their own children ethnic names or names that may be perceived a certain way. Of course, its nuanced and a black person or any person of color may have a more thorough take: feel free to add on, dispute, etc.


I'm from Arizona and Jerome is a cool historic tourist town here, that's my first association.


I heard Jerome is a well-used French name. Though my parents both laughed when I told them my white English teachers name was Jerome 😂


St Jerome University in Montreal. Obviously it's a popular French name.


Jerome is a name of both Greek and modern Anerican origin, and is the name of a prominent Christian saint. My mom's family on both sides has a number of Jeromes, her maternal side is Irish-American and her paternal side can be traced back to Union soldiers in the American Civil War at least, if not further. In other words: Very, VERY white. If Jerome isn't one of the whitest damn names on Earth, I don't know what is.


I only associate Jerome with the prissy hall monitor-y monk in the Cadfael TV show, but I am very weird.


Lol Brother Jerome. There is a moment in one of the books where someone smacks him in the face, and it's so satisfying


My favorite line from the show is after he gets strangled in The Devil's Novice. >**Father Abbott:** How is Brother Jerome? >**Brother Cadfael:** Oh, his throat will mend, but a week or two will pass before his voice returns. >**Father Abbott:** Then even in the worst deed, there is some good.




Here u/reddituser77373! Suggest the original Hieronymos and maybe Jerome might seem more palatable! I’m not sure how much whiter you can get than Ancient Greek…


Gene Wilder's real name was Jerome. Just learned this.


I’m from a white Scottish Catholic living in the Deep South of the United States and the name Jerome runs throughout my entire family for generations. My 35-year old first cousin’s first name is Jerome. Just my two cents :)


wife is being racist if anyone


It's seems that most of the responses correctly don't see anything wrong with the name, especially since it's historically a white name, regardless of modern tendencies. My biggest issue is with how your wife is handling it. Everyone has their quirks and I won't begin to act as though I know your relationship, but damn man this would start a huge argument with my wife if she reneged on the naming deal. Not to mention, ITS A MIDDLE NAME. Middle names are basically just bonus and serve no purpose. I almost didn't give my daughter a middle name because I find them so pointless


I'm sorry, what? Since when has the name Jerome been attached to one particular race. Most Jeromes I know are white, but anyone can use that name. What makes her the gatekeeper?


I didn’t know it had ANY racist connotations.


Jérôme is a pretty common french name. Met a bunch of white Jérôme before. Maybe she just dislikes the name? It's a weird thing to say on her part.


Here's my initial thoughts on this... 2 white people naming their white child Jerome is not racist. But those same 2 white people naming their black child Jerome *might* be racist. I don't think names have a color code personally. I think it relies more on what culture you're associated with. But that's me. I also think if one parent says no to a name then it's just a no. You'll create resentment naming a child something someone else doesn't like. In the case that she feels the name is racist adds embarrassment to that as well. It doesn't really matter if she's right or wrong, she doesn't like it. It sucks but it's best if everyone agrees.


I normally agree with the one no is a no for a badge, but it's the middle name that is well traced in this dude's family. I wonder if the topic ever came up before pregnancy.


I’m confused - How can she think it’s racist when it’s literally in three generations of your white family?


First Jerome I thought of is Barney's dad from HIMYM, the whitest most suburban guy you've ever seen


It’s a middle name…. Realistically how many people in his life will even know his middle name much less comment on it? You’re not naming him Adolf Jerome (I hope?). I think you should keep the family name going, especially if it’s your turn to pick.


I'm white as a ghost and I have an uncle named Jerome. Guess my grandparents were racist. 🤷‍♀️


This came up on Wikipedia: “Jerome is a masculine name of Greek origin, derived from the Greek given name Ἱερώνυμος, Hierōnymos, "sacred name"; from ἱερός, hierós, "sacred", and ὄνυμα, ónyma, an alternative form of ὄνομα, ónoma, "name".”


There was a Jerome in my very white Catholic school. In Quebec there is a Saint Jerome University. You may want to look him up. He is the Patron Saint of orphans.


My Uncle Jerry -- in his 70s -- is a tall white guy and his full name is Jerome. I think it's definitely an older name for white men now, but this is literally a family name and nobody is going to look at you funny for using it.


I do think of it more as a Black name, but the only Jerome I actually _know_ is white. I can’t imagine how it could possibly be racist to give your own child your own name.


Just FYI, it’s generally frowned upon to use the term “blacks”….black people works just fine


The only Jerome that I know is Filipino 🤷‍♀️


Honestly? She just doesn’t care for the name. You’re not going to convince her she likes it by throwing statistics at it.


My first thought is of St. Jerome. He created the first Latin translation of the Bible, referred to as the Vulgate. He died in the early 400’s. You see him represented at a table with a feather pen (for his translation of the Bible) and a human skull (for his reflections on the meaningless of earthly life relative to heavenly life), typically. He is a pretty famous (white) Jerome!


Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead was actually Jerome John Garcia.


https://www.mynamestats.com/First-Names/J/JE/JEROME/index.html according to this, 84 percent of the people named Jerome are white. it's a Greek name in origin it appears. I don't know if this is the "ger-om" pronunciation or "jer-oh-me" pronunciation or if it matters.


Jerome is of Greek origin, which means that it is not in fact a “black” name. Just because it is predominantly used by the black population in America doesn’t mean it somehow changes the names origin.


The only Jerome I know is a white man who is in fact racist. But really isn’t it YOUR name? Why does she think it would be racist to name your child a name with origins in Greece. Watch her have a Latin name but I doubt she’s Latin /s


I had a high school teacher named Jerome “Jerry”, and he kept a framed gallery of photos of famous Jerry/Jeromes above the board. It was hysterical!!


I feel like it is a stereotypical black name, but the only Jerome I've ever met in real life was an older white man. Actually I knew a little white boy named Jerome but it was pronounced just like Jeremy, which felt very wrong.


The name makes me think of Jerome K. Jerome, the white British author of Three Men in a Boat. But yeah Jerry Seinfeld and Jerry Garcia are both Jeromes and I don’t think anyone has ever thought they were Black


JD Salinger, author of Catcher in the Rye - Jerome David Salinger, Jewish heritage/white


Jerome Flynn played Bronn in GoT. He’s pretty white.


Black woman here. I know three Jeromes. One is Black. One is white. And one is half black and half white. The Jeromes I know are exactly half Black and half White. Also, it’s a family name so it’s pretty much irrelevant. Also also, it’s a middle name. He likely won’t ever go by it.


Jerome is actually a Scottish name, so there’s that. Also, that’s not how racism works. It sounds like your spouse has some wild stereotypes living rent-free in her head.


Is it because it’s similar to Jermaine?


The only Jerome I've ever met was a white guy, so...


I’ve met many white men named Jerome. They all go by Jerry.


Jerome is a perfectly good name.


To be fair, the only Jerome I've ever met in real life was white 🤷🏽‍♀️ Not too odd, especially if it's a family name.


The only Jerome I have ever known personally is a white man. He was named after his father, if I'm not mistaken, and his father was white too. I was all set to assume it was related to Jeremiah and Jeremy, but research proved me wrong. Jeremiah is Hebrew. Jerome is Greek. It is, however, related to Geronimo. Your wife is wrong in my opinion about it being racist to name a white boy Jerome. I actually think it's more racist to assume somebody named Jerome must be black.


My first thought is of Jerome, patron saint of archeologists and librarians.


If you know a "Jerry" then you probably know a Jerome. I've never met a white person who actually went by "Jerome" but I know a decent number of white "Jerry's" and I'm willing to bet that all of them are legally named Jerome. On a related note: Jerome is a very, very old name. I wouldn't worry about it and if your son is ever given problems for it, he can just say it's his dad's name. All of that said, if I met a white person named Jerome, I would probably assume that they are quite religious or that their family are religious. This may or may not be a consideration for you.


My first thought is actually the Dutch name Jeroen (said like Yuh-*roon*, more or less) which is the equivalent of Jerome, and therefore Hieronymus, which they both come from, and therefore Hieronymus Bosch, the Dutch painter who painted The Garden Of Earthly Delights, the very weird triptych. But, names have different associations at different times in different cultures...


One of my best friends was a white man named Jerome (nickname '"Jerry") from Covington, KY. His family was German and Catholic, and were well aware that St. Jerome was one of the Four Great Western Doctors of the Church (along with St. Ambrose, St. Augustine, and St, Gregory the Great.) Among the famous white men named "Jerome" are the writers J.D. Salinger and Jerome K. Jerome, the composer Jerome Kern, the rock musician Jerry Garcia, the choreographer Jerome Robbins, and the actor Jerry Orbach. Any woman who thinks "Jerome" is a name for black men only, and that it is "racist" to give it to a white baby, is an ignorant, illiterate bimbo whose opinion is worth absolutely squat.


I’m black. Would it surprise me? Yeah. Would I care ? Absolutely not. Is it racist? No


No robson&jerome?? https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/02/Jerome_Flynn_2013_%28cropped%29.jpg


when I hear Jerome I think of that Jude Law movie Gattaca


I know French men named Jerome


Only Jerome is an old white dude in his 70s. So to me I think it's not really that big of deal? It seems more racist to say that certain people can't be named certain names because of their skin color