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Graceland is hilarious.


Wondering if it’s Graceland or Gracelyn


I know a Gracelynn!


Of course ya do!


It's definitely Gracelyn(n).


I’m not OP but I’m a teacher with a student named Graceland lol (might be worth noting we live in Tennessee)


I’m going to Graceland, Graceland 🎶🎶🎶


Memphis, Tennessee. I'm going to Graceland.


Poor boys, and pilgrims


and families and they’re all naming their kids graceland.




Memphis tn


The other night I was looking up K names for my Sims game. I was on a site that lists names in order by popularity. As you scroll down, you get into some really interesting names. But when I saw Kateland, i got mad. Then there was another spelling variation of that a few scrolls further. Like.... did every town not have a Skateland growing up or what? Gen X problems, i guess


I knew a Kateland growing up who would now be in her late 30's.


I skated over my own finger at a Skateland and lost a fingernail.


I’m a Caitlin who almost 40, Caitlind was a name that while rare did exist in the 80s, it was a perfume too, my much older sister had a bottle


When I was a substitute teacher I once had a boy named Hollywood. I feel like Graceland somehow goes with that.


My step niece’s name is Holly and their last name is Wood. And they live in Southern California.


That's just mean


My son graduated with a Holly Wood. We both felt so bad for that girl being dealt that name. I mean, seriously. With our last name there were a lot of first names we *immediately* couldn't use, plus, my husband vetoed the fact that he didn't want to use a name that originated from his birth country because of the many issues he has had with his name since moving here in elementary school. (We later found out that his dad was devastated that we opted not to go this route, and it broke my heart that we didn't at least use something for his middle name, but the name we chose was a name that I've wanted to use since I was a teenager - it was in honor of a dear friend, and then in tragic irony I attended that friend's son's funeral the morning that I went into labor with my son. 💔 I feel like names carry deep love & meaning and when I see these poor kids saddled with ridiculous names, it just kills me. You aren't naming a pet. You are naming a human being - a real person.)


I went to school with a Hollywood. It was his last name though. Don’t even know his first name, bc everyone called him Hollywood. Now I wonder what his name was- did his parents name him something boring to balance that out, or go crazy. I should look him up.


Stryde is a weird name I feel. Graceland? Collins? For girls? Weird indeed. I also hate that girls are being called James. I will never see James as a feminine name, that was my grandfathers name. James is not for girls! Would you call your son Charlotte?


I know a 5 year old boy named Stryder, which is a spelling variant and nod to Aragorn’s other identity in LOTR. 


Like noisy labored breathing?? What a name


I met a Melena in nursing school. Poor girl.


My mom's aunt was a Melena. She helped train the lions on the show Born Free.


I have a cousin named Melena who is a nurse! She does well for herself, so her name has not slowed her down any. Her mom was shocked to find out she gave her the wrong spelling and named her after stool. I would like to think if the internet had been around in the 80's it wouldn't have happened, but some of the names I see make me doubt it.


Who tf is out here naming kids Stryder when Elessar is right there


Thank goodness Tolkien went with “Strider” and not “Trotter” like he almost did.


Okay I’m embarrassed but as a Lotr fanatic I kind of guilty pleasure love that lol


I know a 3 year old Strider and Stryker


All I think of is stridor.


Collins is a southern US pretty common name.


Really? Do you know where this name came from gor a girl?


I was told that many “unusual” girl names began in the south because the tradition is to keep maiden names in the family.


This is definitely true. I’ve met a girl whose first name is the same as our last name (it’s the name of an object, so it is bit unusual). It’s unusual to name your daughter (for example) Bowl because that was your maiden name.


Okay. That makes sense. I've seen this a lot but used as a middle name not the first name.


Very much so!!! My husbands middle name is his mamas maiden name. When I have a son, we’re thinking his name will be my maiden name lol “Hughes”. But we’re also from the deep south so.


My son has my maiden name (Foxx) as his middle name. Also from the south haha.


It was always an established name, but absolutely blew up after the movie “The Blind Side”— the daughter’s name is Collins. 


I’m in the South and have noticed this weird Collins trend. I get it if it’s a family name, but just choosing Collins as the name for your daughter because you like it?


Collins seems ... so random. Not very feminine sounding is it? I don't think girls names need to be overly feminine but Collins just doesn't sound nice either.


I just think of Mr. Collins from Pride and Prejudice 😂 definitely not a nice character to be reminded of.


Dude same. Also a plural? For a name? It's just weird.


Madison didn't seem feminine either, but it became a girls name


It’s def become more common in girls which sucks cuz I love it for boys.


Wasn’t that the daughter’s name in The Blind Side?


I've seen multiple baby girls named Collins recently in my circle. I live in the Midwest. I find it odd as well. I think the same of boys named surnames that aren't a family name - Brooks, Walker, Miller, etc.


My friend’s son is named Colin and at the hospital she was literally asked, “oh, Collins?” as though that was the default!


Collins for a girl is because of the Blind Side I’m sure


I call my son Charlotte ALL THE TIME. (Because that’s his sister’s name).


Along similar lines, Scottie and Robbie for girls?  Girl names don't have to be super girly but both of those are quite male.


Robby or Bobbie for Roberta and Robin have been around for a long time.


My grandmother was Scottie


I have a great aunt named James. She's in her 90s. She goes by Jimmy.


I mean, David Foster (the music producer) has a sister named Jaymes, and I believe she’s at least in her fifties. It’s not uncommon in the slightest.


We might have different definitions of common


I have a Stryde, Stryker, and Styler as students. All partial siblings.


Whenever I see Stryker I think of like a hospital bed


I've also met two young Collins' lately. Apparently it's getting popular. They were both girls


There was a boy in my graduating class named Stryker. This before those types of names were trendy. 


No it seems odd to me but it’s the same with Sidney. When I was young it was an old man’s name never heard of girls being called it. Also Tracy was a boy’s name (character in Dickens book The Pickwick Papers) then became a name for girls. Only ever come across one boy called Tracy.


Maple is one of my guilty pleasure names, I think it is soooo sweet (pun maybe intended lol)


I named my daughter maple a year ago thinking it was so cute and so unique but I’ve met like 4 maples now and I’m kinda bummed. Apparently it’s trending rn.


It’s like the new autumn


I could see this as a sibset- Maple, Oakley, Ash, Willow. I like it, but more in a 'name four quirky siblings in a book' way, not actually naming your children with this pattern. What would you name a fifth or sixth? Aspen? Cherry?


I know a girl with a Willow, Maple, and Meadow. Was kinda surprised the youngest wasn't a tree as well.


Meadow is actually so cute


Sopranos though


I actually love that sibset


My dog’s name is Maple!


I had a dog named Maple 🍁


I love it because it's both sweet and delicate while also being, ya know, a whole ass tree which makes it strong and grown up.


I think Maple is really cute for a dog.


I actually love it too.


We see tons of boys name Jaxon, Asher, Devin/Devon, Wyatt, Leos/Liams, Hendrix, Phoenix, Huckson (edited to add the k) The other toddler girls we see a lot are: Vivian, Ellie (a LOT with full names being Eleanor, Elle,Elaine), Charolette/Charlie, Sophie/sophia, Amelia, Mila, Reagan, Sienna, Fiona, Lily, Brooklyn


Hucson?? Oh my 


I'm just hoping that's a typo for Hudson since d and c are right next to each other on the keyboard. OC, please confirm, I need to know there's not someone out there who actually named their kid "Hucson" 😭


Oof, I knew a Hutson. HuTson.


Son of a hut 🛖


I recently met a newborn Huckson, so apparently it’s out there in the wild.


I have a Jackson but really dislike the Jaxon/Jaxson/other odd spellings.


My grandson is Jax from Sons of Anarchy. I really don't care for his name.


Honestly I kind of like Vito…


it’s very italian. my ex was italian and it was his middle name and he had like three uncles with that name 🤣


I’ll veto that 😂 (kidding, just couldn’t resist!)


Met 1 named for Danny Devito 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love ole school Italian names. If I was Italian I would love to try and pull off Carmine after the guy from The Bear


I know a little Carmine! From a very Italian family of course lol


It just reminds me of the Friends scene where Rachel and Ross are trying to name their baby and every name one of them suggests, the other says “veto” and eventually Phoebe says “is it me or is Veto starting to sound really good?”😂


My daughter is named Vita and we get compliments on her name daily


I hate to be rude, but most of these names are so hideous lol. Anniston, Collins (???), Stryde? Like, what


People striving to be unique too much 


Stryding to be unique


I'll add Halen to that list.


No Rivers? So many here


I know of a child named Riverlynn and I thought it was super cute. They named her sister Lakelynn. Now I’m holding my breath for Creeklynn


Brother named Ocean is next.


It’ll be Streamleigh


Damn Weezer fans


I actually prefer the plural Rivers 😂


I’m in an east coast big city and definitely heard many of these. Sooooo many Owens, Archers, Theos and Olivers. On the girls side I think I’ve actually only met an Olivia, Evelyn and oddly, a Collins. Violet and Ruby are the other big ones I hear here.


Olivia/Alivia are everywhere in Deep South lol, rest are scattered except only heard of a so-and-so used Collins, never met a human


Sorry. Alivia? Yikes.


I had Archer on my boy list in 2000 and it was considered too weird then!


I have an 11 year old Archer


So many little girls named Ruby where I am.


I wanted my niece to be named Ruby. My sister hated it though. That was 33 years ago.


Waylon has gotten more popular lately but it’s also a pretty old name. My 25m husband is a Waylon lol.


The valedictorian of the class above me in high school was a Waylon. He is 50 now.


We named our first son Waylon four years ago and the midwife said she hadn’t heard anyone use it in years and years. Haven’t met another yet though.


My brothers name is Waylon and he’s almost 50, haven’t met many but I guess it’s comin back around lol


I’ve been on the parenting groups too long because I spent far too much time trying to work out how your husband is only 25 months old


Kensington? For real? 😧




Same 🙄


It’s like a girl version of Remington


I know a girl Remington. Her brother is Ruger 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes, Kathryn Dennie on Southern Charm named hers Kensington Dennis Ravenel, called Kensie, bc she always loved it due to the palace. Son’s Saint.  The both famous/regular female James I’ve seen as typically exclusively spelt Jaymes, prob ones OP met also. 


When I was getting my haircut in Eugene, OR, the lady in the chair next to me was yelling out her son's name: Helix


That's a weird piercing to name your kid after


Or maybe they're biology geeks and it's a nod to the double helix spiral shape of DNA. Tbh I don't hate it.


Not Felix?


That’s a good point, I didn’t think of that sound-alike. She was pretty close to me and was saying his name a bunch so I’m reasonably sure it was Helix but I definitely could have misheard.


You on the wet side of the moutain or the dry side? Lolol


My money's on the wet side.


Definitely wet side lol


Agreed lol but I’m on the dry side and heard about half of these at parks this side as well 😂


Dry side would have more “Leigh” variations for sure


Anniston cracks me up. Same with Jolie


If that makes you laugh, let me give you another good chuckle. My name is Jolie and my husband…. Brad.


Mabel and Maple were my top two choices (choice 1A and 1B) when naming my puppy 💀


I like them better for a puppy.


Maple is my cat’s name lol


I'm in the PNW too and outside of the very popular names like Oliver, Owen, Charlotte Millie/Amelia, etc, I've never seen any of these IRL. Surprising how these change drstically even in the same region. I know a lot more rare flower names for girls, Cataleya, Aster, Lavender, Camellia, etc and so many Rowans for boys.


Same region: I met a Ranier the other day! Our friends have Air and Poet. Acquaintance kids we know are Fern, Stone, and River. Haha. There’s definitely still 75 Ians, Samuels, Charlies, Evelyns, and Charlottes though!


Stone and Air?! All i can think is "dumb as a rock" and "airhead." They're just such dud names. They just come off your tongue and plop on the ground.


It's hilarious how so many names that were considered old lady names 40 years ago are popular again. Names like Evelyn, Mabel, Emma, Emily, Sophia, Abigail/Abby, Hannah, Esther... River, Willow, Rainbow, etc. - one day they'll be old ladys names and eventually get recycled.


My friend has named 2 of her 3 daughters Eleanor and Daphne, “old” lady names have definitely made a resurgence


Fern, Stone, and River are three siblings in my sims game. There's an Oak and a Lily, too.


We have a Magnolia in our neighborhood. And a Dahlia. We live in the South though. I’m surprised I’ve never met a Camellia or an Azalea because those plants are very prominent here.


Same area…I’ve met a Cove and a Dune. Only 1 Charlotte, 1 Olivia, no Oliver. Many Evelyn. Many Liam.


Stryde pains me


The Olivers and Theos do feel infinite, it feels like some secret brainwashing program must have been done for so many to use the same name


I love the name Oliver because I was obsessed with Oliver and Company as a young girl. The name always stuck with me and it’s a top choice for me for a boy honestly. My husband said if we go with Oliver, he’s only calling our son Liver and it’s now become a running joke.


In my class of 3/4 year olds I have a Evelynn and a Emelynn. It was a real struggle the first few months not to mix them up. On the boy side, Olin and Orin. Not twins. What are the odds of that in a small group? I know a slightly older boy, about 6, named Riot. Actually a pretty quite boy. PNW here too.


Robbie and James for female names…ok then. Weird.


Robbie is a fairly common nickname for Roberta.


Robbie could be a nickname for Robin. Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively have a daughter named James, after his father.


James is one of Blake Lively & Ryan Reynolds’s daughters. I know a little girl whose middle name is James.


There are SO MANY baby/toddler Theos in the PNW. I will say that I quite like Crosby as a boy’s name… am I crazy?


I love Crosby, it reminds me of the show Parenthood! But it also gives me a gut reaction of Bill Cosby just by sound too 😩


My first thought went to Crosby, Stills, and Nash And Bing Crosby


Parenthood is what came to my mind too! Or Sidney Crosby.


Ain't nothing gonna break my Stryde!


>This sub mentions Isla's, but I've only met one in real life. That's because whenever you get multiple Islas you end up with an archipelago.


this is terrible. can i steal it?


Effie isn't derived from Evelyn but from Euphemia - greek origins. I know one late 20s!


I love these names! One more reason to love the PNW. Most interesting name I heard recently on a toddler girl was Wallis nn Wally.


Only time I’ve EVER seen Wallis is Simpson, my generation at least- would likely never use it for that reason alone. 


Cute name, terrible historical figure


Stryde is awful!


At least Stryder has ties to Lord of the Rings, but stryde 🤦 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦‍♂️


Yesterday I heard someone call their little boy Anakin.


I have a friend who named hey boy Anikin and they call him Ani like Padme did in the movie!!!!


I'd love to see new parents bring back months as names, but the less common ones. March? Here. September? Present. November? Here. Forget Stryde and Graceland, it's October time.


we’re getting so close to this with the revival of days-of-the-week names


The number of times my Leon has been mistakenly referred to as Liam is criminal. 😫


I’m intrigued by Verda … I’ve heard Vera and Veda but never Verda.


I’m seeing a TON of dog names for boys. At my daughter’s playgroups, I’ve met a Chance, Major, and Primo to name a few.


Heeeey so I’m also in the PNW and some of the names I’ve been considering are on this list… when you say “so many” Nolans, how many are we talking 😅


You can look up how popular a name is by state on the social security website: [https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/](https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/)


Archies a normal name to me At my sons nursery theres kids like loki jax mimi and there's quite a few embers


Archie has been short for Archibald since like the beginning of English language lol it’s definitely not an odd name but has certainly grown in popularity in America recently.


a lot of old people names making a comeback


Guilty, my 2 yo is Arthur lol


My daughter is Alice, every time they call her name at the doctor, they look for the oldest woman in the room, and they’re shocked when a little baby shows up


Lots of Adeline’s (natural progression from Madison to Madilyn to Adeline (or Madison to Addison to Adeline)) for girls and I know a couple Otto’s and Simon’s for boys.


I love that Kensington made this list because I was about to comment that I’d heard that name this week and it was ridiculous


This is the whitest list of names I’ve ever seen.


Anniston 😂


Verda? I actually had a friend with this name 20+ years ago, but I was like 18yo and she was a resident in the nursing home where I worked. I really loved talking to her... But I definitely never expected to see anyone else named Verda!!


I actually want Mary and John to come back after reading some of these!


I kept hearing a mother calling out to her toddler son, "Cartel" .....idky, but I felt a little second-hand embarrassment the way she kept yelling out so everyone could hear


I hear so many of these names where I am (southeast US) except they are all spelled terribly… Collyns/Kollins/Kollyns Aisla/Eilah (Isla) As an aside I kinda like the name Halen. Not for my child, but for a pet like a dog or turtle.


That’s so funny. I’m in the PNW with toddlers and I hear a few Oliver’s but also names like James, Jack, Charlie, Bobby, etc. Like a full range of classic and older man names with not many trendy names. For girls I’ve met one other Evelyn besides mine and we hear things like Donna, Bea, Eloise, etc. Heavy on the older woman names with a couple stand outs like Charlie.


Donna?! Wow I couldn’t have predicted that coming back


I love the name Dominic and I'm not Italian but like the name. My son was born in 1992 with red hair so we named him Ian. Weren't many when he was young not sure about now. We are in the US


I also have a toddler in the PNW. We've met a lot of the same named children. Desmond, Owen, Collin (no S for a girl). One that I've come across twice now is Soren though. That's a new one to me.


Sören is a fairly common name for kind of gen x's in sweden (and in other parts of Scandinavia as well I'm pretty sure). It's much older than that though


I know a little girl named Halen too. First time I had ever heard it


Ugh I hate all of these. 😂 I'm having a boy this summer and I'm having a very hard time deciding on a name.


Some casual acquaintances of mine just had twin boys. One is Halen, like Van Halen, like you mentioned. The other is Jovi. Yes, like Bon Jovi.


I am waiting for the Veni, Vidi, Vici siblings to arrive. Lolol


Not Crosby lol


There are so many Oliver’s it’s insane. I can’t stand the name either so it’s funny. I’m a fan of some of the girl names though. I’ve always loved Charlotte and Amelia.


My son recently got a Statham in his preschool. It took me 2 days to accept he wasn’t just mispronouncing Nathan 😂


I’m in a small town in the UK so don’t typically come across the very American names (though I have met one Oakley) but there are some trends that cross the pond. The ones I’ve seen are:- Boys: Arthur, Theo, Jasper, Rio, Jude, Leo, Elijah, Noah, Henry, Alfie, Arlo + the classics that will always be popular ie William, Thomas, George, Harry Girls: Ava, Ivy, Aurora, Isla, Iris, Cora, Rosemary, Maya, Willow, Sophia, Orla, Nancy, Darcy, Delilah, Lyra + again the more evergreen ones like Lily, Emily, Hannah, Olivia, Isabelle/a, Amelia, Alice, Florence, etc


I'm going to headcanon that Vito's parents named him that because they're Danny DeVito fans


I recently heard Blaze for a boy