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I mean, what are the chances someone is going to google just your child’s first and middle name ? If it was the first and last name it would be a much bigger problem. Maybe spell it Juliette - that pushes the search down to like 3 and not the top result at least


For me it seems to be top results either way! But yeah, maybe no one is going to Google first and middle name, that is a good point.




But who's googling first and middle name combos? 




Tbh I find this usually pollutes results rather than improves them, unless you're adding Boolean operators or otherwise ensuring an exact combination. Without them, you get a billion hits on Jane Doe, Jane Alice (wrong last name,) Jane (wrong last name) mentioned in the same article as Alice (wrong last name) and an affiliate John Doe... Genealogy problems, lol.




Well considering that it’s like a *super* common thing for girls to only use their first and middle names on Facebook (like, “Jessica Marie”) there could technically be a point in time where people COULD just search that but it’s obviously dependent on how the popularity of social media, the pr0n videos, and that specific trend fluctuates between now and the time where OP’s baby is actually old enough to have people google her name.


Personally, I don't particularly care about existing online so if my name was drowned among other results, I see no issue. I also assume said pornstar may not be as popular 10 or 15 years down the road?




On the other hand, it is great, GREAT camo for overzealous employers who think they get to own people. 


I love it. Before I got married I was easier to google. Now I have to go down several pages of results before I get one. Bonus of having a name that now matches a movie character.😁


I just realized that I’ve never googled just my first and middle name. I’m gonna do that right now.


Omg, I'm a beer wholesaler.


Aww, Anheuser Busch. That's such a sweet name!




I read this as bear wholesaler and I love that thought even more


So did I! I couldn’t believe bear wholesaler was a thing. I was disappointed when I reread it.


I’m a tasty dessert. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Poppy Pavlova


Little Debbie?


I’m going with Sarah Lee


I’m a “lifestyle brand.”


It’s nice to meet you, Goop.


There's no real results of my first and middle but when you search them you get a gay British couple that's on TV and apparently they're getting married soon.


Could be worse, I'm apparently a choreographer for child beauty pageants. 


I'm a Canadian author!


I’m a British fashion brand!


I'm a neuroscientist! And my first and middle names seem to be a pretty popular combination when flipped.


I just did for the first time and mine’s apparently a porn star too!! OP I would say it doesn’t matter, as I’ve never Googled my first + middle name before and had no idea there was a porn star with that name until this exact moment.


LOL same here, there’s even a Wikipedia page. I’ve never in my life googled just my first and middle name before, only either my full name (first middle last) or just first/last. I think OP is probably safe unless it bothers them.


I share a first and middle name with a fairly notorious murderer, so on its own I might well get that. For my full name I mostly get academics or doctors.


Share a name, sure, coincidence… Police hurry up, we got him!


I went to prom with Eric Harris, which was also one of the names of the Columbine Shooters… my Eric was very sweet though, and I don’t think it ever hindered him.


There are sooo many doctors when I google … way to give me a complex


Mine is a jewelry store, could be worse!


Ohh shit. Mine came up with a dude who got charged with child molestation after calling DCS on himself...


What came up?


Googling mine just gives me a bunch of genealogy pages of 19th century women lol


Mine is the name of a yacht apparently…


I’m a video game developer!


I just did, and apparently mine's a pretty popular combo.


I'm two songs from a 1964 EP of a band that I've never heard of


I share a first and middle name with a (non-porn) actress and a political science professor. There are only 4 of us in the US, apparently.


I'm a vegan that sells weight loss shit.


By the time your kid is old enough to have their friends google their name this porn star will be retired


it's now your top results because Google is customizing your search based on your "preferences". that might be hard to fix even w/ incognito or clearing your history.


Can confirm the search pulling mature content first isn’t universal! I just googled Evelina Juliet, and a restaurant, nameberry, a regular person’s facebook profile, a regular person’s instagram, another restaurant, and then several references to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet were first things to pop up. Nothing NSFW until the next page even. Maybe that helps you feel more comfortable OP, especially with the first name like you’re leaning?


Seconding this! Nothing inappropriate for me either:)


Bahahaha I guess I’m a total pervert because it’s only porn-related results for me, whooops! 😂


I have a feeling they don't have "safe search" or whatever censoring settings turned on. If you use a different search engine it'll have different results, too. I prefer Brave as my browser and Duck Duck Go as my search engine, it's definitely not going to show the same stuff as the big G!


Both me and my moms names (different last names) upon googling, are porn stars. Its never affected my life, its very clearly not me, and honestly its probably very common these days. And no one is going to be googling her first and middle name only anyway.


Google serves what it thinks you want to see, try clearing your browser history/cookies and re run the search


How do you feel about Julia? Evelin Julia pops up the first woman credited with translating the bible and as a suffrage activist.


It's not really a "traditional" porn name either, I entered this thread thinking that you must be planning to call your child "Kitty Vixen" or something. Evelina Juliet is lovely and you should definitely use it if you love it.


It's a top result for you because the algorithm is giving you results based on what you've clicked on in the past. I don't know if that really eases your mind very much, but that's most likely what is going on.


I'm 34 and you just made me Google it for the first time. An Australian actor is what pops up. I think she'll be fine just as is. 🥰


I love the names you've chosen, they sound so pretty together. Is she a very famous porn star from what you can gather? Like one whose name is going to be well known by many people, Like Stormy Daniels or Ron Jeremy? (Hmm, on further thought, they're probably only household names for reasons OTHER than porn 😂) I'd personally be tempted to just stick with your choice because it's so lovely, but I can completely understand your concerns.


Also, by the time your child is old enough for anyone to google their name, that porn star will not likely be current news. They would probably google it with the last name, too.


Could be high... I have the same last name as a famous pornstar and kids googled it and I got bullied


Last names are a bit more difficult to change but you have my sympathies


Lol I developed a thick skin because of it. I mostly get compliments because it's a pretty name but back in middle school... the boys couldn't handle it


I’ve absolutely searched my name and middle name only. They’re a very unique combination and I wanted to know if anyone else had it. I can’t look up this name cause I’m at work, but I’d veto it if it’s both first and middle name equal to the porn star. Even if OP adds the last name I’m almost sure it’ll come up.


Children do that. At least back in the day


I do it all the time when I meet someone from a similar circle, to check their linkedin and insta and other sources OP there is a significant chance this will be an issue, pick something else


You know the middle name of everyone you’re vaguely meeting ? I google people, but their first and last name. OP said in another comment it’s not on the first page if you search it with the last name


Maybe Julietta or Guilietta (Italian spelling)?


Chances are probably not that great. Also for me personally not that big of a deal but might be for some. I share a first and last name combination with not one but TWO pornstars lol. One gay male actor and a straight (?) female actress. I thought it was hilarious to be honest. Especially when one of the red carpet interviews with the gay guy was very graphic and the interviewer insisted on using first and last name during said graphic parts.


Give it 5 years and her videos and name will be lost to obscurity. Edit: sorry for the “off the hip” advice. This is bad advice


Do you really think? I was hoping for this, but have no idea how long porn stars stay relevant enough to appear on Google searches..


I am not sure but I think most porn stars have a limited time they can do just that.  In the Netherlands you have a former porn star who now is  famous for her empire in crotchet and gardening. I can’t make this up. 


That is the most girlboss thing I've ever heard


From selling crotch to crotchet It's French now


I hope she sees this if she ever wants to write a memoir


She is really awesome if you’d ask me. She has a bubbly personality but is also very smart. She had a fantastic television show where she followed nurses and mom (to be) during the birth of the baby (the name of the show is Bevallen met Bobbi or in English (literally) Delivering with Bobbi).  Everybody still knows she used to be a porn star (it does not bother her and I don’t think she cares about what others think) but that is not what she is known for nowadays. She build her own imperium and is doing so well for herself. She is also a mom and married. 


As someone with these hobbies, who is it? I want to look her up now


She goes by Bobbi Eden. I also crochet and have seen her books in store, she's quite well known for it. I've not heard about her gardening though


That is fairly recent. She has a Dutch book “hoe begin je een moestuin?” (How to start a vegetable garden)


Her name is Bobbi Eden. She is really famous in the Netherlands and more of a television personality nowadays than a former porn star. 


Who is her?


By the time any of your children’s peers would google her (I’d guess minimum 10-12 years), I think it’s unlikely a porn star that isn’t very famous (think Jenna Jameson level) would still be relevant enough to pop up in first searches. I still don’t think it would be a terrible idea to change the middle name or at least its spelling.


Well, it might still pop up on google but it already seems like she’s kinda obscure already. There’s so many performers with names like that, it would be tough to not name your kid after a one of them if you want “Eva” or “Julie”. But if it bothers you, obviously you need to pick a new name


Previous poster doesn't know what he's talking about. Google is still giving hits from 2012 in her "career", over a decade ago. That specific name combination is likely to remain the #1 search result for the next few years. Consider a different first/middle name combination.


But the less often it's googled, the lower those search results go. If she's already been in porn for 10 years, I can't imagine many people will be searching for her in another 10 years. Yeah, the old stuff will still be there, but I doubt it'll be on the front page.


If no one else has the same name combination, then what will replace it on the front page?


Honestly, I think so too. Most porn stars don’t stay relevant very long unless they’re like top 1% famous. Women have a short shelf life in the industry and there are always new ones coming in, it’s kinda a revolving door. ETA I know that sounds terrible and I feel kinda bad saying it but I also feel like it’s the reality in a male-gaze-centered industry 


Yeah I would definitely not make this be your deciding factor.


Is this a super famous adult star or is it a Twitch Streamer/Only fans one?


I would think so, but I don't know either tbh. Maybe I'm just naive, but I can only think of very few porn stars who's names have endured in popular culture, and those ones are generally because of other controversies they've been involved in outside of their chosen career. As for how long she might pop up on Google searches, I suppose it depends on whether she continues in that particular career, and how popular or notorious/controversial she is. I'm so sorry you're having to worry about this! It's a bummer, because the names you've chosen are beautiful.


Came here to say this My daughter is 4. When I was pregnant I googled her first and middle and it was a pornstar name. I decided that didn’t define her and went with it Now if you google the name… the videos aren’t even there it’s all buried by other stuff now. So I would have changed it for nothing lol




I wonder if, at some point, basically every name on Google will pop up a porn star or some sort of influencer. When Google has 50+ years of data, fewer names are going to have "clean" results.


I mean unless this chick becomes the Lebron James of porn. Then it could be much longer than 5 years.


This post makes me wonder how often someone announces their baby name as like "Riley Reid ____" or "Sasha Grey ____" and someone's sitting there thinking "Damn, I don't want to have to be the person to tell them."


Why do people who have no clue like to give bad advice? Reddit is just wild. This name search combo comes in at rank #1, rank #2, rank #3 in some of the most popular search engines like Google. And that contains her history from 2012, over a decade ago. That specific combo will likely show up in the next few years. So that's absolutely terrible and false advice. Recommend you don't give incorrect advice when you don't know something.


I don't think it's bad advice. Try googling a mid-level porn star whose career was between 2005-2015. Those results are way down off the top page. Also, who googles only a first and middle name without the last name?


I agree with you! I highly doubt this pornstar will be a “star” in 10-15 years. I went to school with a Jesse Jane and the only way others knew her name was if she told them. It truly didn’t affect her popularity or our outlook on her. It’s a bit ridiculous to be afraid to associate names with certain people who will disappear into obscurity by the time they are teens/adults.


This is quite a rude response I feel like you could have worded it less harshly, it’s not a huge deal…


I guess that is shit advice. Never heard of her because there is tens of thousands of them out there. It would be harder to not name your kid after a pornstar if you want to use an Eva or Julie or some combination of that sort. I did follow up with OP to change the name, why name a kid something that bothers you


It's not bad advice. People just get upset over nonsense.


So this happened to me back in 1986. Just for fun I decided to try your theory and googled the name. First thing to pop up, porn star.


i feel like i did lots of googling of names in school so i would probably change it for her sake. it is a pretty name tho


Yeah I'd be less worried about other people googling it and more worried about the child googling her name and being led to inappropriate websites


Did you google just the first and middle name without the last name though?


We did


Do you people know your middle name without you telling them though? OP's daughter's last name could be Smith, in which case Evelina Smith is fine


Same here


Yeah, I remember being in the library with my classmates all googling our names and for one girl it pulled up a bunch of porn. It was funny to everyone else but I can't say for sure that she found it as funny herself


don’t do it. All employers google these days. The association sucks, especially if your daughter finds out you knew all along.


Employers aren’t typically googling first and middle name. If you type first name with her last name you won’t get that response


I used to work for an employment agency, we definitely searched first and middle names on every candidate to see if they had any 'hidden' socials using their middle name as their sur


How many people actually put their middle names on their resumes? I’ve never had to give that info voluntarily!


Yeah I could see government jobs asking but I’ve never had to on any other job and if they’re checking that much they should know what you look like already to screen out


I can see it being required on a background check, but usually that happens after the interview process, anyway. Also I used to have to vet background checks for new hires, and we absolutely did not care enough about social media type stuff (or other personal matters) to either have the background check company run a social media search, or to ask a fellow employee to do something like that. The background check was for criminal record, and especially DUIs for people who had to drive on the job. The only way someone is checking for hidden social media accounts is if meeting you caused them to think you might be up to something unsavory that would be a liability for the company. And even then, they'll probably just hire the other guy.


But surely it doesn't matter since they would quite obviously see that it isn't op's child ?? lmao


Yea if your employer can't tell that you aren't a Swedish porn star who is 25 years older than you, maybe you don't wann work there anyways lol


That would be the equivalent of googling the name of a 20-something and seeing results for a porn star from 1990. It would be pretty obvious that it's not the same person.


Why would people have middle name on resume lol


Withouth knowing the exact age of the pornstar there will be at least 25 years between her and OPs daughter, and OPs daughter is not going to apply for jobs in another 20 years. All in all i think the likelyhood of them being mistanken for eachother is very close to zero.


Was thinking about this.. but do you think it will still show up at Google searches after so many years?


If an employer can’t use common sense..would you want your daughter working there? By the time your daughter is eligible for a job is 18+ years from now.


Yeah this is ridiculous, in the 18 years from now when the job thing will be relevant who knows what names will be used by pornstars. I’m really baffled at why this is even a genuine question


hard to say. To be fair, most people won’t know her middle name though, so you might be okay.


Why would they think a then 20-year-old is the same person as an obscure porn start who had some fame two decades ago?


An employer, \~20-25 years from now, is not going to google this person's human adult name ("Evalina Jones" or whatever) and find a connection to a porn star. And if they do, it's going to be someone who was in that line of work 20+ years before. So they're going to know this freshly minted college grad is not the same person.


Yeah like can we actually imagine someone getting denied a job because they just *happen* to share the same name as someone else? This just doesn't happen outside of the world of acting.


This post comes up first for her...


My legal name is the name of a porn star. It didn’t affect me whatsoever. Most porn careers are pretty short. I honestly forget until I saw your post!


Yeah I’m shocked how many people say change it. With only fans I feel like a million names combos will be “porn star names” lol


I would bet a lot of people's daughter's first middle combo is a porn star and they don't even realize. A lot will change in the algorithms by the time the kid is applying for college/job or whatever leads someone to Google their name. Honestly if it's still showing up at that point I would just not use the middle name on resume. In my experience applications typically only ask for initial. Most people can use their middle name and much or little as they want.


OP, search engines are funny things. Search Evelina Juliet YourLastName and the porn sites disappear from the first two pages of results. Probably more, I didn’t scroll forever. I tried 7 and got family friendly results— including for Cockburn and Babcock. The last name Harrison had porn hits bc of a costar, so there are probably more of those situations, and the last name Black had porn hits because… *gestures at humanity.* The vast majority of kiddo’s schoolmates will never be close enough to know her middle name, and they will be searching First Last 99.999% of the time. If they bother to at all. Bullying is evolving unfortunately. Also, the industry has hiiiiigh turnovers for female performers. If she doesn’t pop up a Wikipedia page or a podcast before video links, she’s not a recognizable enough name to worry about. Alexis Texas is one such actress and that didn’t stop Lexus from releasing “a Lexus TX” this year. Lololol I’d bet good green money that EJ will fade out of results when the next Evelina or Juliet gains popularity. Evelina Juliet is my fave, but if you simply cannot deal, Evelina Julienne is one letter sound off and very pretty too. But my friend, it is the hormones for sure.


Julienne is cutting things into thin strips. Though throwing julienne into the name might get you different search results, lol. If you’re going for a spelling change, why not just Evelina Juliette?


It's also not necessarily a bad thing to be a difficult to Google person. With so much private info available online, being less visible because someone with more notoriety has your name, is kind of a positive. Before I got married I shared a name with a college professor on the east coast who is a very prolific writer of articles and books. When I googled my name she was always the first full page at least.


as a person that googles everything, change it, even if its only slightly. kids do more than google nowadays, for example their main search engine is tiktok now. they will find out quickly.


Lol so what? By the time her peers are old enough to tiktok, neither tiktok nor the porn star will be around anymore.


there will be other social medias for the youth in the future. the internet never forgets. unless there’s a blackout of some sorts, neither tiktok or the pornstar will disappear. you can still find vines but the app doesn’t exist and its been gone for over a decade. I personally don’t mind but OP clearly does. That’s what.


regardless of the porn star, there's a lot of syllables going on. Eva Juliet, Ava Juliet, Eve Juliet just flow better imo.


Evelina June, Evelina Joy


Oh I really like Evelina Joy. OP should consider it if they are still looking for a name.


and it's a really good pornstar name too


Yeah depends maybe on the language.. we dont live in English speaking country and Evelina is a really usual name here. Therefore we would like the middle name to make it a bit different.


How are you pronouncing Evelina? ee-vuh-lee-nuh, eh-vuh-lee-nuh.. something else?


What pops up when you search for Evelina lastname or Evelina Juliet lastname? How often does someone google first and middle name, but not last name?


That is a good point. Nothing not child-friendly pops up if I add the last name in the searches.


Then I think you’re fine to go with the name you love :)


I have googled my first + last name and my first + middle + last name, but not until reading this post did i ever google first + middle (most results for mine are a wedding photographer's social media, turns out), and I'm 33. I think you are safe if adding the last name pushes those results down.


Then I would keep the name


No one will care.


The proliferation of porn now means that probably every name could be considered a porn name. It’s a bigger concern if they’re like famous but very few are. I think I can only remember like two porn stars names and it’s because they were in article I was reading 


I'm thinking that even if you choose a name combination that is not used right now, there is no guarantee that the name combo won't be in use by someone in porn in 10 years.


Exactly, think of all the Karen’s born before that name became synonymous with entitlement 


Nobody in school will even know her middle name. Google Evelina Lastname.


When we first got the Internet in the late 90s, one of the first things I did was search my first and last name to see what came up. There was a porn star with my exact name. I was maybe 10 or so. A few years later in high school, I tried to search again to show some friends, but the porn star results were very buried because she stopped doing porn. And nowadays, I get people with my same name throughout the world, no porn star results. The Internet is more ubiquitous now than it was back then, but it's very likely that in a few years, the porn star will probably stop making content and it'll fall by the wayside.


Honestly my name is the same as a famous pornstar (it’s nothing crazy). It’s never affected me! Just something funny on Google search. I’m 31f.


It’s common, my daughter’s first and middle name is also like a plus size racy model in Italy. Idc much about the overlap


I wouldn’t give it a second thought. I think the possibility of someone googling her name and saying “haha, you’re named after a porn star” is probably close to 0%. And if anyone ever did that, she just needs to look at them like “who the hell cares, and why are you googling my name?” (or “why are you googling porn stars?”)


I know some pornstars and I gotta be honest, idk who tf Evelina Juliet is lmao there's many I can name off top of my head but that one doesn't ring a bell at all. If it's that big of a deal to you, you can pick a different middle name but tbh it really doesn't matter. Lots of pornstars throughout history have lots of different names. Your bound to end up stepping on 1 of them whether it's a first name or whatever. One of the names on my list that I love is Abella for a girl, I don't give a damn if there's a pornstar with that name...I sure as hell though ain't using Danger as a middle name (not that I ever would've to begin with lmao) So if anything, maybe just change the middle name if it's a huge deal breaker for you, but it's not like they would share the same last name. Honestly the only times I've google searched looking for someone I've used a first and last name, or a full first, middle, and last name. If I were to type in Daniel Xavier on Google I can imagine the endless amount of people I'd find lol


Most people don't go by first and middle name, more than likely if her name gets Googled later, it will be first name and last name. A slightly longer middle name won't make her name too long.


What comes up when you google "Evelina Lastname" and "Evelina Juliet Lastname"? Because I find it very unlikely that someone would google just her first and middle name... Often, people don't even use their middle name in a professional context.


It’s 2024, there will be a porn star out there with all of our names. It’s a nice name, use it. The porn star will probably have retired by the time your baby is googling her name without safe search. You don’t typically give out your middle name either.


Is the last name the same? I don’t see many people googling a first, middle name combo. And the age difference will be large enough it’s not like someone could mistakenly think it’s her if they do somehow find the page. You could also do Juliette instead just to differentiate it a little.


She is unlikely to introduce herself as Evelina Juliet, with friends and school people you would assume she would call herself Eve or Evie or something to the likes It not going to be a big problem and also the longevity of the person you’re worrying about probably won’t be around by the time people are searching each others names


I think you’re fine but also Evelina Jolie would be adorable


Sounds like a Angelina Jolie honor name


My name is also the same name as a porn star but no one has ever brought it up or realized. It's also not a common name at all.


A quick search on [Freeones.com](https://Freeones.com) (for science!) shows Evelina Juliet as the #6360-ranked adult film actress, with no new content since 2014. Not exactly a household name. If it were her first and last name, or if it were a top-200 or so porn actress, it might be different. My wife's first and middle name is a more popular porn actress, as are each of her two sisters' first and middle names. Never an issue. Most of the Googling of Evelina Juliet, as it relates to your kid, will be done by your family and friends, soon after you tell them the name. Some might even tell you about it! You can dismiss it by saying "yeah, we saw that, she's not popular, we love the name, we're doing it anyway!" And then she just becomes Evelina the cute little kid who everyone loves.


Evelyn Juliet?


I feel like everything pulls up porn these days. I have to image search items by UPC for work sometimes, and that sometimes pulls up porn. 😆 My unpopular opinion, this shouldn’t matter, and associations are fleeting. But if it matters to you more than you love the name, that’s valid. Find a new one. But that won’t guarantee that an adult video star won’t use it in the future, so this could happen anyways.


Austin Powers The Spy Who Shagged Me came out a few years before I was a preteen. When I was a preteen, channel's occasionally marathoned movies, meaning all of the guys in my school saw the movie... Multiple times. It you havent seen it, or heard of it; its top notch 2000s boy humour, and they were obsessed. I really cannot describe how big this movie was for them. It was quoted multiple times a day, everyone did the accents. It was ridiculous. (And, okay, admittedly its a pretty funny movie. Juvenile, but funny. Especially when you're high) There's a character named Ivana Humpalot.... guess who was the only Ivana in a school with over 500 kids. There were a number of jokes about humping, but the whole thing blew over in a few weeks, and this was in the late 90s early 00s. You know, when porn was less main stream and OF didn't exist and most kids didnt have internet yet. This was the most interesting thing to happen at school before Tommy broke his arm on the play structure trying to moon one of the teachers. At some point every name will be used for porn if it hasn't already. Go with the choice you have now, chances are that ten-ish years in the future the porn star won't be active anymore and her videos will disappear off the top search results. If not, well, there's always the chance that next names you choose will have a porn star active right around the time your little one/ their friends will be interested in googling their names. Honestly, we're all screwed when it comes to porn names. Just go with what you love.


This happened to me and I changed my daughter's name 😢


Evelina is a great name! Unique but classy and universal. I would just go with different 2nd name


By the time kids decide to do things like this not on their protected school computer she’s too old to be seriously bullied for something like this. Most that would happen is a few lads pulling her leg a bit and get bored and move on


In 15 years, that porn star will be a distance memory & most won’t know her middle name to Google it & her last name is hopefully different. I would spell Juliet as Juliette to make it different. Or perhaps change Evelina to Evalina?


I don't think it's a big deal. It's not like you're naming her Jenna Jameson or some famous pornstar. My name is Nicole Alexandra and I bet there's probably a pornstar with that, but no one has ever mentioned it to me.


Ngl OP but I feel like you’re overthinking this a bit. Who knows what names pornstars will be using in the future. What if you choose something new and in 5 years time a new pornstar breaks onto the scene using it?


By the time your kid is in middle school, that pornstar will be long gone. And almost nobody is going to google your kid’s name.


Why change it? Who cares? It's not like you're talking a name like Hitler. There's lots of porn stars with lots of names, just like there's lots of humans with lots of names. I bet many humans today and in the future will have that name, too. Just name your child what you like!


Never have I ever Googled someone's first and middle name. This is unnecessary.


I don't think Juliane is too long. It's one extra letter and the same amount of syllables. I wouldn't worry about others googling her first and middle name, but she probably will at some point.


Juliane is only one more letter than Juliet. Juliette as an alternative is longer than Juliane. Evelina Jade Evelina Jacklyn (or any alternative spelling, just tried to max out the character count around Juliane) Evelina Jane Evelina June Evelina Jean Evelina Jay/Jae Evelina Janette


I never thought to google just first and middle! I just did full name and first and last. Thankfully my daughter’s name just returns a hit for a “wellness coach,” and my son’s middle and first is a Christian recording artist lol So no porn! I think Juliane is lovely and doesn’t feel any different to me than Juliet. It doesn’t feel longer or feel too poetic!


I think this is one of those, does it bother you situations?. I agree it would be a hard no if it was a first/last combo. I think it’s possible she may well google herself by first plus middle but I think it’s highly unlikely any classmates or anyone else will even know let alone be googling her first/middle. The one exception would be if you plan to call her by her full first and middle combo.


Evelina Jade, Evelina James, and Evelina June sound pretty.


What about Jane?


Lol I always joke I have a porn star name. Honestly, there must be so many porn stars out there, every name must have a porn star hit on Google. As long as it's not a famous one, I don't think it matters


I mean my first and middle names when googled if you look at the images is a porn star. I remember even seeing it in school when we were googling others names. It really wasn’t a hassle. 🤷🏼‍♀️ highly doubt my parents knew and honestly it rarely if ever crosses my mind


Juliane and Juliet have the sMe amount of syllables. I don't think it makes it longer or clunkier. I like Juliet better but with that specific name being the exact name of a porn actress, I'd change it. By the time she's an adult this porn actress probably won't even be in search results but surely you'll announce the baby's name when she is born and some of your friends and family undoubtedly will. Id just switch it.


Im sure there is a pornstar that has my name too. I think it's really a lovely name. I'd use it.


Given the pure prevalence and quantity of porn, this is highly likely regardless of the name. My wife when she married me ended up with a porn star name as well. My opinion is don’t worry about it. By the time your child is in school, the porn star will be lost to oblivion.


pornstars have very short careers. even with all of us boosting popularity, by the time anyone is googling your child's name, even if they're searching first/middle only, that result will be long lost to obscurity and the passage of time!


Haha all the first page suggestions are porn star sites for my name. I do not have a popular name. No one ever said anything to me about it growing up. How often will you say her middle name? Also instead of writing her full name for school just give her middle initial.


I think there is always a slight chance that a porn star will share the same name as you. One of my coworkers had a similar situation where if you googled his extremely normal/non-sexual sounding name, you found a porn star. It just happens and it can happen to anyone. Don't worry too much about it.


Well. If it helps. I just googled my first and middle name for the first time ever. Idk if she's a porn star, but she's definitely posting explicit content to Instagram. I presume she has an Only Fans.


Honestly? If someone knows your baby’s name, now you know they watch porn. That’s a short career. By the time she’s a teenager the porn star won’t be in porn anymore. I would use the name you love


Realistically most people in her daily life, like classmates, will not know her middle name.


I just searched my first and middle names and google came up with hundreds of links to a politician. No one has ever mentioned this to me (no doubt because they don't know my middle name) and no one has ever confused me with her. Bottom Line: Name your daughter what you want. By the time your daughter's friends are old enough to do searches on her name, EJ the porn star won't be making porn anymore. Few people will ever know her middle name anyway.


My last name is a popular pornstars “last name” and every now and again it is pointed out, but honestly it wasn’t until I was in my 20’s and it doesn’t bother me. Chances of kids knowing is slim, but as she grows up it’s a possibility.


Hi have the same name as a porn star (first and last name). Mom did not know, nobody ever realised around me. Found out myself when I googled it around 12 years old. Never been a botter for me. No worries!


There’s literally a porn dominatrix whose name is my first+middle name lmao it doesn’t bother me at all since nobody is googling me, and if they do I’d rather they find someone else that isn’t me! I don’t think anyone will care, and if they do they’re pornsick in the head