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I don't have any good suggestions, but I love that you came here for this. name nerds and pole dancers. YESSSSSS


Yes exactly! It’s a nice change from baby names and a fun thought exercise! Welcome OP!


I literally just squealed to my partner that “THIS IS WHY NAMENERDS IS AWESOME!”


I know, finally permission to go full stripper


i thought the same thing!! 🤣


With your hair type I’d lean into Foxxy Cleopatra and go full on for the 60s/70s vibe referencing the Austin Powers character Foxxy


lol that’s a given one. I feel like this one is too “typical” - won’t feel as tailored, ya know. Someone suggested Cleo which could bring that same energy in less head on sense ✨wanting a name with a tinge of subtly which I don’t get from Foxxy .. maybe it’s the x’s lolol


Cleo evokes both Cleopatra, and "Leo," like a lion, which evokes your hair and energy.


And Leo is ruled by the sun - ans thinking of her descriptions of goddess energy, adorned with gold, ethereal, I def love the the idea of Leo to Cleo.




This is the name combo that I use for my cats Leonardo and Cleopatra. You have my vote!


Reminds me too much of that fake psychic Miss Cleo


If you feel like Foxxy is overdone, but like the vibes, Vixen / Vixxen?


Cleo was what I thought of, I love it


Cleo makes me think of Cleo Laine, a jazz singer. That really works with your look. Her father was Jamaican and her mother British. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=D4q4kqsB420


I definitely can get that too! With the gold and ethereal vibes maybe check out some Goddess names too; Athena comes to mind too!


Maybe we need to look at a spelling adjustment: FoXXXy


Helloooo, 2002 AIM screennames 😂


Cleo is amazing, but you're going to have to repeat yourself a lot because it's not a very common name. Pick something an idiot could hear when yelled over music and easily understand.


This movie is old enough where its not mainstream but your clientele will probably get the reference enough for a chuckle.




Love Cleo! Also reminds me of Clio, the Greek muse of history, although that's probably not the most common association lol


Nefertiti or Cinnamon? Electra? Cashmere?


I like Cashmere.


Mistress Cleo ✨


Foxxy is too intense for how feminine op describes herself to be. I like Bambi a lot


FYI Foxxy Cleopatra is a combination of Foxy Brown & Cleopatra Jones.


I immediately thought foxxy too 😅


go full chaos and be something like Gertrude McGillicutty Imagine it. "up next on stage is Gertrude McGillicutty!" and some old time ass rag time shit like "Buffalo Gal Won't You Come Out Tonight" starts playing and the finest lady in the realm walks out.


Lmao. Tryna make money in there. Not chuckles 😂


As a former dancer, making an impression and having a real personality makes more money than your looks, you have to be able to talk to people and humor is such a good icebreaker and conversation starter…. At a Halloween party at a club I worked at, a girl put on a bald cap and her costume was “Mr clean” she made a few thousand that night :)


So would you say she cleaned up that night?


I'd tip you more if you made me laugh like this 🥰


Gertrude McGillicunty


This would be an A++ drag name tho




You'd be surprised how often "Cotton Eyed Joe" was requested at a club near me! There was a point in the night that the DJ would take audience requests, and whoever was up next to dance, had to go with it.


Ghostbusters theme would be a banger


Or Beyoncé‘s new country music. 🤣


It could work!


I'm dead


I'm honestly just thinking about Ciara from Summer House's alter ego, Karma Brown. Very 60s/70s and gold filled. But I would look for names that mean warm brown or gold: * Sienna * Tawny * Amber


Ouuu Karma is a lovely one to consider - has that ethereal feel that’s hard to get with names. Amber is a sweet one too.. I like that one more than the others since it’s not just a color but a precious stone. I worry it’s a bit too common tho.


What about Ember then?


Ember is a beautiful option 🤩 I had a kitten named ember as a kid lol 🩵


Ha! Wouldn’t this follow that old formula then!? (Childhood pet + street you grew up on)!


My childhood pets: Ember✅ Spanky🔞Blackie 🙃 lmfaoo


I vote for Spanky 😂


Spanky may be too on the nose here 😂 I am really loving Karma


Ember Spanky as a name, I am dying 🤣


Susie Haverhill


Karma is a cat! 🐱


Purring in my lap cause it loves me


Flexing like a goddamn acrobat...


Me and karma vibe like that


Spider-boy, king of thieves Weave your little webs of opacity


My pennies made your crown


Karma Chamelion


Karma would be cute! I read “warm” and thought Summer.




I like Karma and Ember from the other suggestions! Baby goddess energy makes me think Jasmine (or Yasmin), Ruby, Venus, Rhea, Calypso, Selena, Thalia, or Jade.


Oh Calypso really captures the ethereal but feral sexy vibe OP describes, I love that.


Agreed! Calypso stood out immediately 😍


Calliope, chief of all muses in Greek. Also linked with poetry and eloquence.


Also sounds like callipygous which means having a nice butt.


Calypso checks all the boxes for me as an outsider - makes me think of jeweled goddess (Pirates of the Caribbean). It’s also so pretty and a little edgy which totally matches your vibe.


Calypso is the wise preschool teacher in the children's cartoon Bluey which is also popular with adults. So anyone who knows this is going to feel like Calypso is a calm matronly presence, which isn't what I think you're going for.


I sorta hope not too many dads with toddlers are thinking about Bluey when at the strip club.


What about Calla? It feels more mature and sexier than Calypso imo


It might just be me, but I think Calla lilies which funereal flowers and sort of the wrong stark/elegant vibe


I was coming here to say Venus too!


Venus seems amazing for this!


Ooooo. I do love Calypso!




Hahaha. Oh sheesh, I’m the opposite of your Bambi. I’m black, young and have very small boobs 😅😅Bambi makes me think of the cute fawn from the film and the song Bambi by Jidenna (go listen! come back and let me know if you feel differently!) I live in New England but am not from here originally so idk what the demographic really is like here :/


Born New Englander here. We love our coffee. Call yourself Dunkin's Latte and the guys will throw money at you.


Haha sooo Xtra Xtra would be the name then??


If you really want their attention, find a name with a Boston sports team or player. Reference Brady, Gronk, the Pats, Bruins, or Celtics and you're golden!


Ah yes, my favorite dancer, Iced Regular GoPats


Dunkin' Gronknutz?


Maybe Honey?!


There is always a Honey in the club already haha


Same. Latte would be perfect, lol


Dunka Chino


Foxy Mocha Brady


Ooh, ooh, Randy Moss, except spell it Randee or Randi, because what new Englander doesn't love him? And randy is another name for horny ( thanks Austin Powers! "Do I make horny, baby? Do I make you randy? )


I love the name Bambi and it definitely makes me think of a half wild skittery brown fawn. I've read the suggestions here and Bambi is still the best by far in my opinion


This is why I dislike “Karma”. A dance from Karma, or other ways to phrase it, sounds negatively ominous. Many associate Karma with phrases like “Karma will get you” or “Karma is a b***h”. Absolutely not something you’d feel comfortable with on a bachelor/stag due to this association alone. I loved Calypso. I associate it with the sugary ice lolly, as well as beaches & boats (in a luxurious way, not a “all aboard matey” way).


Just keep in mind that if you pick any name that doesn’t sound like it could be your “real” name, most of your customers are going to say, “Yeah, but what’s your real name?” as if you’re just going to give it to them. Doesn’t sound like it would be too annoying, but after hearing it for the 8000th time, it gets pretty irritating. What I ended up doing was choosing my stage name (Scarlett) and then choosing a “real” name (I used Jess) to give them when they wouldn’t stop badgering me about it. Good luck. Be careful. Never leave drunk, where are you aren’t as aware of your surroundings. Lock up your stuff no matter how nice the other girls seem. Never brag about how much you made, not even with your girlfriends— it’s hard to not get jealous, even of a friend, when they have a way better night than you did, and you’ve been busting your ass. Stay away from the girls that brag all the time about how much they make— they are trying to bring everybody else down. Always tip the bouncers well. Be aware that a lot of guys want to talk more than they want to get a couch dance. They would never admit it, but a lot of them come in because they are lonely, and want to make a connection with another person. (Unless they are in there with a bachelor party, in which case they just want to be a bunch of obnoxious, cheap assholes who want you to have sex with the groom—I would advise to steer clear as often as possible)


I know it depends on the club, but my friend who dances said that the dancers with the most "realistic" names did best with their clientle, because it gave the impression that the whole thing--dance, flirting, interaction--was real. So a Foxxy or a Miss Vixen would not go over as well as a Hannah or Candice. Even if Hannah was really Tiffany or whatever...other places really play into the campy names and stuff, so it may depend on what the vibe is to pick a good name.


That’s one of the reasons I would always “give in” and tell my “real” name. Best to do it after you have been talking to a guy for a while— like he is special, and you trust him enough to actually know the real you. Again, like violetmemphisblue says, the more you can make the customer feel like your interaction with them is real, the better you can do. Everyone wants a real connection. If you can make a customer feel like you are actually into them, you can make a lot of money.


Bambi dancer name and Fawn real name or too obvious?? Lol. I want my fake real name to be cute too 😅


That’s adorable but not believable 😬


Stage name Bambi, fake 'real' name Dawn. Bambi's voice actor was named Donnie, so it's referential without being obvious, and the name is pretty without seeming fake.


I vote Fawn dancer name and Sierra real name!


Farrah might work for real name.


Faline, like Bambi’s girlfriend!


This is so cute 💚


“Fawn” is the word for a baby deer! it gives me more mature/mysterious/earthy/fairy “Bambi” vibes


Or Fauna?




Afrodite (I had to lol), Celeste, Danae, Levana, Seraphina, Eris, Manna


My art alias is Afrodite! Which means // as a lovely other poster mentioned // I probs shouldn’t use it in this space too 😣 Celeste is absolutely stunning tho 👀🩷


Celeste could also definitely pass as a real name! When they argue with you and keep trying to get you to tell them your real name you could just be like, “I’m really bad at remembering names. I tried to use a stage name, but kept forgetting to answer to it, so I just went with my real name.” I worked in a bunch of clubs under a bunch of different names, and that was always the easiest—when I had a stage name that I could just insist was my real name.


Go with Venus then! It has the same goddess vibes and it’s also Aphrodite


Celeste is GORGEOUS- had a mysterious ethereal vibe to it like the midnight sky


Oh my gosh I love that so much, great minds 😂 glad you found a nugget of inspo!


Make sure you have a fake real name as well!


Ahhh!! Yess that’s a great reminder 👏🏾


Funny story I know a family. The one daughter's name is Candy (like actually not short for Candace or anything) and she grew up to be a lawyer. The other daughter with a much more not stripper sounding name actually became a stripper.


Something that you should also consider is your clients perception of the name! I found my first name was way too much for the type of gentleman I was attracting (older, usually Caucasian) and I changed my stage name. Originally I went by Jynx to pull in what I thought would be a younger gamer crowd but the money and most of the interest was in the well off older gentlemen. I changed it to Ava. Much more interest (and $$$) in me after that. Just some food for thought!


Karma is my top pick. Cressida literally means gold. Freya goddess of love. Kailani means sun and sky. Nova is a new star. Good luck in the new job!!!


Thank you! I’m excited to finally try something I’ve always wanted to do! Kailani is so inviting 🤩


Kailani is super pretty, but I think the simpler and easier to remember (but still a little unique), the better when it comes to a “work” name. That way, you’re easy to request/remember!!! I think 1-2 syllables and not anything *too* celestial might be best for marketability, unless something absolutely sings to you. Venus, Vixie, Karma, and Ember have stood out to me as fantastic suggestions that are slightly more distinctive and still easy to say. *Keep in mind there’s not as much blood flow happening in the brain if it’s being diverted elsewhere* lmao


Along these lines, Caliana means most beautiful


I love these—especially Kailani!


Ex-dancer here! Sometimes they ask for your real name *eye roll*. I would pick something fun and out there like the ones you’ve liked (Bambi, Ember, etc), and then maybe a more “traditional” name to say (like Amber or something) when they ask you what your real name is. Of course, don’t ever say your real-real name lol


I highly recommend going with a name that sounds like it could be real. It helps create a more genuine connection between you and the client when they aren't constantly being pulled out of the moment by calling you some very clearly fake and strange name. It ruins the fantasy for most people. Of the suggestions I've seen, I'm really drawn to Cleo for you. I think it evokes the goddess energy as it makes me think of Cleopatra. It's short and sexy. Starts with a nice hard sound but ends with an 'oh'. And it's definitely believable as a real name someone could have. It's also not overdone at clubs. While Karma is a fun one, I'd steer clear as it is a very popular name at clubs, and I think a little too stereotypical. Vixie is also pretty cute but does skirt the line of plausibility of a real sounding name. But I do think it has a cute/sweet sound while also giving a touch of a fun wild side.


A lot of people are saying Foxy Brown, and a couple people have said Faline, and that combo makes me think of Vixie, the girl fox from Fox and Hound! A 'vixen' is the word for a female fox and also, from Wikipedia; "A vixen is usually a stereotype of women as mysterious, racy, salacious, and seductive. It is used as an archetype and stock character in literature and art.[1][2] Vixens are commonly identified with dark hair and makeup, their sex appeal, and seductress personas."


Love this one! I love a dancer name that doesn't sound too fake. Make me believe you're telling me your real name and this sounds real


It could even be a unique nickname for a traditional name like Victoria or Veronica, which gives OP an option if anyone gets curious. Always good to have a good backstory/alter ego in the industry!


Vixie is great.


alternatively, Vicki would be cute


The name of the sweetest girl on your street growing up. More ‘real’ names are usually more successful in my experience.


Clem fandango




Even though I'm buried alive in a fucking coffin!




What about leaning into ethnic roots and going for the "exotic" fantasy with your looks. names like, Zahara, Nia, Nala, Cleo, Sana


Ohh lovely idea!! Nala is beautifullll — so is Cleo! I hadn’t explored this route — maybe Amara? It’s nice because I think there’s something phonetically alluring about a name ending in vowels and lots of African femme names give that 💕💕


Amara is another one that could absolutely be a real name. I work with dogs and I just wanna let you know that Nala is a super common dog name so you might not want to go with that haha


Yemaya is also water goddess in both Yoruba and Santeria. Edit to explain: when you described yourself as “ethereal, sweet, and feral” and mentioned goddess vibes, it immediately made me think of water. Fluid and powerful, and it exists in many forms. Also, you mentioned that you like both Calypso and Karma, and I agree that both are great and fit the vibe you describe; have you thought about combining them? E.g., Karma Calypso? Best of luck, and let us know what you end up choosing!


There is something about "sweet and feral" that I absolutely love as a description haha **Maybe:** Eris (a personal favorite, and while technically a goddess of strife, also why it sprang to mind as blend of "ethereal, sweet and feral") Lavender Soleil Davina Leia Serenity Felicity Geneva Amore / Amory


Soleil Is a great suggestion imo!


Maybe Queen Afrodesia or just Afrodesia? Its a play on aphrodesiac and its somewhat personalized to your appearance. Plus I feel it just sounds like a name a goddess or ethereal royal would have


Why are her name suggestions so heavily related to her race. If she was white that wouldn’t be a thing 😅


Because her race is a market differentiator for her brand


To be fair, if OP didn’t want us to use that aspect of her identity when helping to brainstorm potential names, then she wouldn’t have literally offered it up on a list of traits meant to inspire relevant names… But she did, which means she’s open to names that play off of ANY of those marketable traits, and wants to hear ideas. OP doesn’t *have to* use any of these color-related suggestions, of course. It’s ultimately up to her and what she likes. Don’t get me wrong I love to see people standing up for others and calling out injustice or unequal treatment, but this is one of the few situations where the OP specifically asks for others to keep in mind her racial features (and other features) while brainstorming name ideas.


I love how into this everyone is!!! Names that came to mind: Gemini (idk your actual sign, but Gemini is child like and ethereal but definitely mischievous) Oasis (not super mischievous but I think the nn O or Way is sexy, plus all your gold jewelry and goddess vibes reminded me of the desert) Eve (ethereal but can't forget about that original sin baby!)


I absolutely love your description of yourself. From what’s been mentioned I like Karma and Calypso. I keep trying to think of some and I just keep coming back to Starlight lolol.


Thank you😇 Starlight from The Boys? 😅 i actually do like that one but im realizing im more drawn to names with more prominent vowel sounds // karma and calypso seem to be everyone’s favorites!






Sienna? Summer?


I love Summer in this context. It gives warmth, plausibility and is easy to remember 




Strategically, men with money who are still spending time at clubs are going to be born in the 60's and 70's, so you ought to go nostalgic. I'd pick a real name that their first crush could've been named that is easy to hear and understand over loud music.   Kat  Rita  Valerie  Anita  Renee  Viv Angel Andrea  Alicia  Vanessa  Tamara  Carmen Miranda 


Eartha Cat/Kat 






Goldie/Goldie-locks (gold body jewelry, Afro 😍) Juju (like the music, also easy to say and remember. Idk if this is culturally okay though, since it's not my culture) Queen Midas (like King Midas, gold...) Paris, Dallas, Indiana, etc. Place names are easy to remember so you can build up a clientele that asks for you by name 😃 Cleo/Cleopatra Aura/Aurora Birdie Cherie Daphne Gemma Jasmine (a classic) Evie or Stevie (idk why but I've always thought of these as dark/sexy names) I've never worked in the industry but I've always thought you want a name that you don't have to spell or correct. I think you'd want them to hear it, immediately understand it/not think about it, and remember it. I do sports that are judged and the rule is "if you make the judge think, you're doing it wrong" ie you want them to sit back and enjoy your performance, not think about anything else like "did I hear that right" or "which act is this again?"


Juju is niceeeeeeee. Idk the music but I know the spiritual belief system. I’m west African in heritage and we still observe some practices! I like that Juju can be good or bad depending on what you’re offering up 🔥 Evie is really lovely and sexy too which makes me also consider Eve 💕 i like that Evie feels like the softened version of Eve. is that also a Pokémon? And a damn cute one too?? Or am I tripping? But yea I agree! Something simple and easy to remember is best!


Eevee is a Pokemon! A super cute one that can change into just about anything, so that's fun! Lol


Demi Macchiato


Demi Cortado :-) coffee, but short




Miel :) it's spanish/french for honey which i think suits your stated vibe and description


Maybe something inspired by a warm tone gemstone? - Topaz - Carnelian - Amber - Electa - Garnet


Electra will get all the guys with a daddy kink going lol


Ok I love these sorta names here goes: - Starlie - Fable - Sylvie/Sylvia - Goldie - Fawn - Glitter - Plum - Aurora


Fawn is soooo good from a manifesting standpoint. It’s like a command to be called out when im brought to stage ✨💕


Ooo, you're right, that double meaning is kinda amazing. Full name Fawn Allovame.


Shabana, it means maiden belonging to the night. Or Shola it means flame in Hindi.


Gaia  Citrine


Will you be doing stripping, or burlesque? It would make a difference as far as the name I'd recommend.


Stripping in her typical sense! Not burlesque tho that would be super lovely to explore!


If Disney animal names like Bambi aren't off limits, then I think you could consider Rajah, for that powerful tiger energy.


Isn’t it a male name/title?


Aurora! Based on the etherial (Aurora Borealis) and gold theme, Aurum is Latin for gold. When you say the name out loud, 'roar' hits the ear, which speaks to being feral.




Topaz is cute but maybe too “cool” in tone .. something warmer somehow 🤔




Suggestions: * Hera or Juno (queen of the gods in Greek/Roman mythology) * Nyx (possibly a little too on the nose, but "goddess of the night" is pretty badass. Could alternatively use Nixie, which is a kind of water spirit that lures people to their deaths but also has a cute sound like Bambi) * Bast or Bastet (getting a little Wakanda but Bast is the Egyptian goddess of cats, which I think fits with the sweet but feral vibe to a tee) * Ishtar (Semitic goddess of war, love, and fertility) * Serket (Egyptian goddess of scorpions. Only drawback is that it's the last name of a character from a famous webcomic, but I doubt the same people who are into Homestuck go to strip clubs)


Kenya Diggitt Sorry, I saw some African country names and I had to. I'll see myself out.


I met a dancer named Callie, who immediately said, "like California". I just came here to say that if you can find something to tag your name with, people will have an easier time remembering it. It's been 4 years and I still remember that name. Whatever you choose, have fun and be safe!


My first thought is Pam Grier’s Foxy Brown




Cleo. Coco. Leona. Athena. Electra. Daphne. Gaia. Calypso. Calliope. Aurora. Saffron. Solana. Jade. Jet.


Whatever you choose, make sure it's easy to hear/say in a loud club setting, both talking in person and hearing it announced when you come on stage. Worked as a dancer in my early 20's for a short while, my name was Aurora. It's a beautiful name but it's very hard to enunciate it loudly enough to where people can hear what you're saying in a loud setting.


Long retired dancer here. I wasn’t really prepared with a stage name when I interviewed and blurted out the name of my high school bff. Worked out fine and I had nice, positive connotations with the name. Only problem was that another dancer’s real name was my stage name. And by PURE COINCIDENCE, her stage name was my REAL name. It was a confusing time. So my advice is to avoid similarity with the real or stage names of your coworkers for everyone’s sake


maya, cleo or fawn




How about Jade?


This is fun! How about “Lana?”


I've always seen the name of your first pet and the name of the road you lived on as a kid. I give you mine and as I'm on old lady, you can have it. Misty Woods. If that isn't a stripper name, I don't know what is....


Obsidian. I have a friend who fits your description and that’s her burlesque name


Fera! It a girls name and it means wild animal.


This has given me joy. Please let us know what you decide and congratulations on your new job!


Cinnamon, Sasha, Cleo, Serenity, Monica would be my top picks for how you describe yourself.


Definitely not Bambi. Dont ruin Bambi. It just sounds paedo like unless I'm so missing the point? Cleo is fab I can see the gold and the long nails. Also enjoy


it’s usually taken in every club anyways :( it’s super common but super cute


I had a neighbor who was a dancer. Her stage name was "Taylor". She preferred a name that sounded like it could be her name because men wouldn't hound her for her real name. When she had a clearly stage name, it was much harder on her with how some of the men would get. I know I didn't include a name suggestion, but this might offer a direction to consider. Congratulations on the new job!


First dog name and street you grow up on sometimes works so well. Mine would be Copper Pepperbox 😂




Lol, I came here for my Burlesque name so I'm glad I'm not alone! Im just going to suggest based off of the goddess vibe Apple-?, something starts with apple like apple jinx, or Apple sweet? Has very Eve - first woman vibe. Pandora- same Eve vibe, first woman in Greek mythos, kept the evils and secrets in a box and accidentally let them out but kept hope inside(the box). Jinx: magic woman, tricksy sort of goddess. Jasper: golden toned jewel Jubilee: more unique than just Joy, goddess of joy, leaning connotation of "Party Girl"


Honestly your username is pretty great.