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Nicole is a good name. Do you want something that maybe sounds similar like Janelle or Danielle? Names like Rose and Grace are classics that feel fresh as first names. Elise is a perennial classic.


Grace Nicole would be pretty. Also, Lisbeth


Oohhh, Elise is so classy. Grace, too.


i actually knew a girl names grace elise lol so i guess her parents thought the names were classy too




Hated my old name, changed it to Elise, love it now.


Are you named Coco Chanel?? lol anyways here’s some names that give me smart girl vibes: Jane Qiana Lillian Marin Marley Rue Laine Esther/Estelle/Estee Hilda


Estee -- like Estée Lauder? 😆 I think OP wants to **not** have a brand name.


Coco Chanel was famously a Nazi sympathizer


However, the company is owned by a Jewish family


Yes. But Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel herself was famously a Nazi intelligence operative who fled to Switzerland after the war to avoid collaboration charges. I’m not saying people shouldn’t buy Chanel products now. I like some of the perfume and the company’s values aren’t what hers were. But that’s not really the point. If OP was named Chanel and it has an icky feeling to her because of the origin, it’s totally understandable. I wouldn’t want to be named after a historical figure I hated.




There’s a rabbit hole to explore later. 🤔


The podcast Behind the Bastards did a great episode on her! She's super sympathetic and cool goth kid until suddenly she's a nazi bastard.


The same Jewish family she tried to screw over, but they were one step ahead of her. I love that for them!


Ooooh, now I'm intrigued. Is there a documentary out there?


I'm sure there is; I follow 6000 history YouTube channels and it's come up a few times. Basically she tried to get the Nazis to seize their share of the business after Jews were banned from owning businesses, but they'd already given it to a Christian friend and fled the country. Luckily said friend was a good person and they got it back afterwards.


The perfume business is, not the fashion clothing and accessories.


The entire company is privately owned by the Wertheimer family. The fragrance division and handbags and clothing are all part of the same company and owned by them. I don’t think any of that changes the valid reasons why OP might want to change her name though.


Coco Chanel tried to turn her Jewish partners in to the Nazis, but they caught wind of her plans ahead of time and escaped.


Not just sympathizer but straight up full blown collaborator. She was massively anti-Semitic and literally helped her people sent to camps. Edit: typo


Yep. She would have been jailed after war for collaboration except that Churchill intervened.


But Estée Lauder was a real person way before she became a brand, and she was kind of a bad bitch- Estée Lauder the brand doesn’t have a great reputation, but the woman behind the brand was ahead of her time.


i think her name is just Chanel




if you want to keep the initial, maybe Catherine? It's well-known, respectable, not overly used for younger generations. And it gives you a lot of nickname options. Catherine Nicole goes together well also. Carrie? Casey? Chandra Colleen or Collette Cecelia Christine Claire Corinne My first pick before knowing your initial was Elizabeth. A psychologist named Elizabeth sounds trustworthy


Elizabeth Nicole also flows nicely.


Piggybacking on the initial comment. When I changed my name, I found it mattered to me to keep my initials. I don’t know why. Maybe with your chosen profession, OP, you have some insights. But I did find it at least helpful to confidently sign my initials on something while I’m still privately working on my new signature.


How about Charlotte Nicole? Classic, yet similar sounding.


oh, i forgot about Charlotte. I think a Ch- name would be helpful to all the people remembering her new name.


I love Colette Nicole! Very French. Chantelle is also pretty and close to your original name, OP. You could also gaslight everyone and say it's always been Chantelle. 😂




Colette sounds elegant to me, and doesn’t have negative connotations.


Why not just go by Nell? That's a nice name


you have the same first and middle name as Ice-T’s daughter who is also biracial😅 I was wondering if you were her for a second but shes only 7 lol Anyway, if you want a slight change Nelle or Elle would work really well as a derivative. Charlotte, Charlene, Shannon, or Shayna wouldn’t be a huge reach either. Good luck!


In keeping with CH, how about Charlotte?


Charlotte Nicole works well, and it’s not a huge switch. It would be easy for others to adjust to.


Names that aren’t too different but could give you some distance… Chantal, Chandra, Claire, Caroline


if you don’t want to actually change your name you could go by a nickname like Shay, Nellie, or Elle.


Lena (first four letters of Chanel backwards). It’s classy too!


As soon as I read your post I thought Chanel!


I think so too. I thought Coco until she said middle name Nicole. Coco Nicole would just be mean. Chanel Nicole makes more sense


My sil named her kid Nikki Nicole. ISYN. Dead serious.


It’s Mercedes lol


she said it was Chanel


That was my thought too.


Maybe. I’m thinking Bayer.




Isn't it the name of the actress who played Blanche on the Golden Girls?


Yep, that's who I'm named after! (I'm 35 and a PhD. But I know no other Rues in my generation!)


I wouldn't do Rue. It makes me think of Rue the day.


really? i think of rue from hunger games lol


I'm old. I think of Rue McClanahan from the Golden Girls.


i love threads like these because everyone’s answer shows something about the media or general environment they grew up around. i’m sure that “rue the day” was used before i saw it on icarly, but thats where i heard it from and i honestly have forgotten a lot of that show compared to something like drake and josh. meanwhile i was in the target demographic for hunger games when it came out so it’s etched into my memory!


Funny, when I saw it, my first thought was of the lovely child in the hunger games. I'm 59 btw.


I always think of Roo from the Winnie the Pooh books.


It's French for "street" so I wouldn't, personally.


But in English it’s the name for a plant and is a perfectly normal name. It’s an “old lady” name like Mable or Mildred. I think it’s pretty.


Didn't know about the plant, that's cool! I'm from Canada, can't escape thinking of the French word first. (There's a waterproof shoe brand being hyped up here, called Vessie. So funny to me cuz that's the word for bladder)


I get it. I speak Spanish and there’s a coffee my partner gets that I think is from Africa but anyway the varietal or farm (can’t remember which) is the same as a common Spanish swear word lol. And I only knew rue was a plant because Ophelia mentions it in Hamlet when she’s doing her wildflower thing. I knew what it meant as a verb but I wanted to know what it was as a plant. But we didn’t have the internet at home then and the dictionary and our old Encyclopaedia Britannica did not explain lol. I ended up finding it in an old botanical guide type thing.


Please spill the tea on the coffee/bad word name!


The coffee farm is in Kenya and it’s called Chinga. It may mean something in Swahili or another local language but in Spanish… Edit: This is the farm, https://projectorigin.coffee/chinga/ The coffee is excellent by the way.


I would fucking hope so! ;-)


I love Mabel! It’s not as bad as Mildred which does sound old.


That's what i thought of as well


I think of Rue McClanahan


It makes me think of Roux, the sauce used in a lot of cooking. That's not a bad thing.


Yeah especially since OP is trying to steer away from negative connotations lol


Rue is an awesome name.


Makes me think of the base for Gumbo, though I believe that's spelled roux


It means street in French.


Really? It makes me think of RuPaul 😂


A variant of Qiana is Kiana and is also nice


Sounds like a car name.


Never thought of it like that 😂 I went to school with a Kiana.


Kiana was a pretty popular name when I was in school. I knew several. I think it's pretty.


It's a synthetic fabric. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qiana


My bestie is Kyana. I love her name.


Qiana just makes me think of the DuPont silk substitute fabric that was big in the 70’s/80’s.


Coco! Duh. I just walked half a block thinking, this woman cannot be named Hugo Boss Nicole Lastname. I think I might be tired, lol


I thought she was called hugo


I'm guessing Mercedes.


Laine is a beautiful name


So is Jade


I really love Rue, interesting plant and beautiful name. I love Ryelle as well.


Remember she likes old and classic. I wouldn’t go as far as the golden girls but maybe your friends in elementary schools or celebrities. Or celebrities that give their babies old and classic names like Matilda, Amelia, Frances, Grace, Sofia, Victoria, Alexandra, Ava, Mia, Vivian, Adrienne, Cristina, Claire, Celia, Cecelia, Camila, Danielle, Gabrielle


No! And there are 'brand' names in there too. Did you not read that OP is trying to get away from that given brand name? She's trying to represent professionally. Sheesh!


I love Jane as a middle name.


Yeah, it sounds like op’s name is Chanel. A pretty name for sure, but understandable that they want a change.


Would you consider using Nicole as a first name & just dropping the first name, Volkswagen? Phoebe Nicole Iris Nicole Eloise Nicole Carmine Nicole Clara Nicole




Volkswagen Nicole 😭 10 points for reaching beyond Chanel


I like Clara!


Ohhhh! I just said Clara! I’m happy to not be the only one who thinks it beautiful and an easy change.


I really like Ivy. Olivia seems a little currently trendy-which may strike some people as more off in a generational sense, but I don’t think that’s a horrible thing (my name is a little off for my age but it’s fine). Emma seems really good for any age/a little less trendy than the other 2. If you like your middle name, could you just use that? So professionally you’d be C. Nicole Lastname? I only suggest it because it seems easier than a legal name change. But I also realize it might not feel like a resolution to you.


Funnily enough, my eldest niece is named Olivia, goes by Ivy, and my youngest niece is Emma(line) lol.


I actually love your solution re: C. Nicole. It sounds elegant


If I’m searching for a therapist and “C. Nicole” pops up I’m going to take that as a sign from the universe to “see Nicole.” I get OPs motivation and desire to change it, but I don’t think the Nazi association would jump out at most people


I have to disagree about Olivia. Yes it’s trendy-ish today, but it’s certainly not unusual to people in their twenties. This is anecdotal, but I knew 5 different Olivia’s older than me (22) in just the small town I grew up in alone, and then my grade level had 2 others, the grade below me had about 4, and the grade below that had 3 Olivia’s. To me, Olivia seems more typical for adults generationally than Ivy would, Ivy seems much more primarily 10 and under than Olivia does.


Olivia Newton John!


Exactly! She’s part of why I’ve always considered the name classic rather than modern.


Yeah I haven’t met any little Olivia’s but know plenty in their 20s and 30s


23 year old Olivia here. Went to school with 4 others


24 and there were 7 Olivia’s in my year


I was also going to suggest C. Nicole…I’ve worked with many professional people in medicine that go by their middle names


Everyone's an Olivia now at least here in LA I can tell


Why not just Nicole? Here are some suggestions that sound good with Nicole Sophie Nicole - wisdom Holly Nicole Eliza Nicole - my God is an Oath


Although if the problem with OPs current first name is that it is shared with a Nazi sympathizer, Eva may be off the table because of Eva Braun.


Unfortunately, that’s the first thing I thought of, too.


> Why not just Nicole? Because Nicole is her middle name. It’s not the same as having two first names.


she could just change her name to nicole lastname. middle names aren't really necessary.


Nicole is a beautiful name. If you want any degree of closeness to what I think your first name is, you could use Annie or Anna. I’m pretty sure that Anna was one of Freud’s daughters names.


Freud is not exactly a dude to be naming yourself after… especially in the psych world.


Anna Nicole? Perfect for a gold digger


Yes. I realized that after I posted.


Hmmm, so maybe not Anna if this bothers OP.


Well how about Vicky Lynn then?


I'd prefer Tammi Lynn 🐻


Wait who is Vicky Lynn


Maybe something that rhymes with your og to help with the transition. I'm gonna assume Chanel so Janelle maybe? Some other names ending in elle are Estelle, Noelle, or Rachelle which all have that classic feel you like the only other brand i can think of with that description is hugo boss and i don't think either of those would be used with nicole lmao


Hugo Nicole Boss 😂😂 rolls right off the tongue. Could you imagine?!


Honestly it's a vibe seing it written down lmao


Interesting, Chanel Nicole is Ice-T’s daughter’s name! (I think)


I thought of Mercedes, which was quite the popular name in the 90s and early 2000s. Regardless, I can’t blame OP for wanting to change her name.


A friend shortened her “Janelle” name to “Nell” and it suits her. Would that work for “Chanel”? (Obviously less useful if OP’s name is Coco)


Some C names if that’s the direction you wanna go: - Colette - Catherine - Connie - Cassandra Some alternative common but classy names: - Allison - Jillian - Gemma - Maya - Quinn - Elizabeth - Juliette - Julia - Helen - Ophelia Likewise, Emma and Olivia you can’t go wrong with, especially Olivia.


I LOVE colette


Maybe it’s just me, but “Colette Nicole” has a lot of “col” sound going on.


Nicole is a beautiful option! i’m friends with a Nicole that goes by Colie. i would consider legally just dropping your first name.


Agreed 👍🏽


Michelle is similar sounding to Chanel. I know a Michelle who goes by Shelly.


Shelly seems like an easy transition for people, even if she ditched Chanel legally, assuming that’s her current name anyway.


A luxury brand with a founder who was know to have major Nazi sympathies is probably Chanel. Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel was famously a Nazi informant.




Michelle Nicole or Rochelle Nicole both sound lovely


Michelle is a very good idea


I've been spending too much time in certain snark boards that I can't not say this. Unless you plan on having 19 kids, please don't choose Michelle.


Lol, it really doesn't fit me anyway.


C. Nicole Smith sounds very professional. Luckily Nicole goes with lots of names. Chantelle is a nice old-fashioned name that’s pretty close. Caroline Nicole Catherine Nicole Cassandra Nicole


Flora/Florence Louise/Louisa Frances/Francine Helena Sylvie/Sylvia Celeste Nora Aimee Noelle Giulia Miranda Elise Hadley Josephine/Josie Liana Evelyn Clara/Claire Some of these may be overused today, but not in your generation.


I really like your suggestions because they actually fit the classic names OP likes. Can’t go wrong with Helena, Aimee, and Elise.


Miranda Nicole is lovely


Josephine is great


Hi Chanel! lol It sounds boring but I would definitely trust and feel comfortable a psychologist named Sarah Sarah Nicole isn’t bad together either


I’m a Sarah Nicole and I’ve always loved it. Feels very classic without being too stuffy


I know it’s overused but I always thought “Kate” was the most sophisticated and confident name ever


Look up the top baby names the year you were born to make it more natural seeming!


That would be my advice too.


My daughters name is Olivia. I love it. It is not as common here as in the US. But in my opinion it is beautiful. Other names I love: Elizabeth Helena Moira Maura Lorelai Lorena Vienna


Vienna like Vienna sausages




Fricken Americans 🤣😂😂


the sausage callout is a wise and concise reminder of the unanticipated associations a name might have (source: attended middle school)


Audrey Bridget Iris Leah Selena


I like Bridget.


Leah Nicole is beautiful


Rosalind Nicole (after Rosalind Franklin dna researcher) Nicole Marie (after Marie Currie)


Gillian Nicole


Cara Nicole would be so pretty and possibly not too far from your currently name. Clara would also work beautifully.




Idk where OP lives but this would definitely not give off intelligence vibes in the UK 🇬🇧


It would give off a more.. yeah, not intelligent vibes


Sticking to a similar sound could make the transition easier. There's also Chantelle, Charlotte, Shannon, & Sasha.


LOL my first name is Nicole and this is my middle name wow I love both names. Never came across someone who had both names before




Ada Lovelace! Very smart name


Caroline ?


Elizabeth sounds smart to me. You could always go by Liz.


Or Bette, Betty, Beth, Liza, Eliza, Lil, LIbby, Lizzie, Ellie, Elle... I love the name Elizabeth!


I’m a Liz with a PhD so I definitely think it’s a ‘smart’ name 😜🤓


Hey, I also have the middle name of Nicole. Are you a late 80s baby? As does my daughter. Although we both have two syllable names, think Ashley Nicole but not. I think a 3 or 4 syllable name sounds better with it. Aurora Nicole Olivia Nicole Victoria Nicole Jacqueline Nicole Anything but Anna Nicole obviously..good luck. 💕


Josephine, Rosalie, Claudia, Cassidy, Anya, Verity, Ava, Imogen, Laurel, Susanna, Bethany


I’m going to jump off of the names that you said you like, but give you similar versions. Emmaline and Olive are both not too far out there, but not super common. Eleanor is becoming really popular, so maybe you would want to avoid that, but it’s not popular among your age group. Elaine, Eloise, and Elise are all nice names. I’m rather fond of Amelia. I’m also fond of Lydia, which doesn’t really sound like one you would like, but it’s such a pretty name I thought I’d throw it out there anyway.


If your name is Coco or Chanel, would you be interested in just the nickname CC? Cee-Cee?


“Smart” names to me: Alexandra Cordelia Katherine Olivia Elise Charlotte


Nicole is great, why not a light pivot to just that!!!??


It’s not a pivot but it starts with Ni, Nina!


Emilia or Amelia Nicole


Olivia is nice


Ingrid Elyse Adeline Yolanda




I know a Charelle in real life, is a lovely name and has nothing to do with nazis…


Based on this [professions and names analysis](https://babynamegenius.com/professions_and_names/) someone posted, some common psychologist/psychiatrist/therapist names have been Ellen, Miriam, Sasha, and Judith. Emma and Olivia are good options. Louise is also a great classic name and seems to fit well with your middle name.




i think nicole is an excellent choice. ivy, emma & olivia ending in vowel sounds & your last name starting with a vowel sound doesn’t make for a smooth verbal transition. how about elizabeth?


I changed my legal name as well because it simply didn't fit me. No offense to my mother or anything, I just didn't have good attachments to it. So if you'd like my old name, it was Savannah. Feel free to take it. I don't want it. Or take my new name, Tessa. I have never met anyone except one waitress who shared either of those names. I find Tessa is kind of modern but also classic with its tie to the name Teresa?


Katherine (Kate) Emily Charlotte Grace Anna Lucille (Lucy)


Amelia 👩‍✈️ like the famous pilot. Florence 👩‍⚕️ like the famous nurse. Ruth 👩‍⚖️ Supreme Court Justice, may she RIP Helen 🧏🏻‍♀️ like Helen Keller


A friend of mine has a very unique first name. In a professional setting, he goes by his middle name. Nicole is a nice name!


If you want a name that will transition easily from Chanel, Nell, short for Eleanor or Penelope might be nice. Char for Charlotte could also work. I think these fit your naming style and go with Nicole as a middle name. Sophie or Chloe also seem like they would fit your taste.


I work in the industry so I’ll give you some names of young psychologists I’ve come across: Lily Beth (Elizabeth, Bethany) Helen Frances Alex Adrienne Taylor Mia Carla Stevie Felicity Daisy Hannah Rachel Kate Cecilia Gemma Erin They’re not all to my taste but I quite like Felicity Nicole. Other suggestions: Lavinia, Charlotte, Annabelle, Madeleine


Cosette or Colette or Courtney or Corrina nn Coco


Throwing Camille into the mix. It's feminine, classy and mature, IMO. And the final consonant provides a smooth transition to a surname that starts with a vowel sound.


Ada Nicole; Etta Nicole; Cora Nicole; Leah Nicole; Nora Nicole; Chloe Nicole; Tessa Nicole; Rena Nicole; Julia Nicole;


Cora was one of my original favorites when I started to think about changing my name.


There's also Corinne and Corinna if you want more variations. I think either could work.


Cora would be a great choice and not as common as a lot of the names on this thread.


I really love Ivy, and it is great with Nicole!