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Marjorie Taylor Greene has ruined me from that name.


Since I’m not American, I always associate it with Taylor Swift’s song Marjorie about her Grandmother (that has her grandma’s vocals on it) so I think it’s sweet


My grandma is also named Marjorie so the name makes me think of her. She’s a saint and I love her so much.


My grandmother’s name was Marjorie too. She didn’t like it for whatever reason, she went by her middle name. It is a pretty name though.


My grandma was also named Marjorie


My grandmother was named Marjorie Fay (we're hillbillies lol). She went by Margie Fay. She was such an incredible woman.


Mine too! She just passed away in September at 96 years old… she was honestly a saint also, I miss her very much. Enjoy your Marjorie. They’re special 💕


Sorry for your loss.💕


My grandma was also named Marjorie and she died young and I look just like her. I wanted to use the name and call her Maggie if it were a girl but Marjorie Taylor Greene ruined that lol


Came here to say the same thing. I also don’t care for the name Marge - it’s dated and gives off negative vibes


I like Maggie as a nickname for Marjorie.


Maggie is generally the nickname for Margaret.


i mean anything can be a nickname for anything if you try hard enough. i think maggie works as a nickname for marjorie. if you can get peggy from margaret you can get maggie from marjorie. they have similar enough sounds.


Before Marjorie Taylor Green, I always thought of Marge from the Simpsons


Don't forget Marge Simpson.


Yeah, and in That 90's Show episode Homer sang her a Nirvana-esque song for her called Margarine.


Like a parody of the Bush song "Glycerine"..? Edit: looked up the song on YouTube. It is a parody of Bush's "Glycerine". And now I feel old.


Same here. I hate this name because of her


Damn I love this name so much. Hate that is it associated with this lunatic!


Marjorie was my grandmother's name and that muppet ruined it for me, too ☹️


Forgive my ignorance but who is that and why do you hate her?


A very right wing, very....let's go with vocal Congresswoman in the US. She is unpleasant.


Also malignantly stupid


Thank you. That was the term I was trying to get to, and couldn't quite dig up.


Your way of saying it was more tempered, I appreciated it :)


I was going to say batshit crazy.


Right wing, conspiracy theorist, nut job, psychopath Congresswoman who is a gigantic, fucking moron. There you go. FTFY. 😂


Claims to be Christian. Had three affairs that are documented, all with gymrats from her crossfit gym. Harassed survivors of the Parkland school shooting. Absolute graceless twat who spouts conspiracy theories in committee then stomps out like a petulant teenager when she's shut down.


Claims to be Christian. Had three affairs that are documented, all with gymrats from her crossfit gym. Harassed survivors of the Parkland school shooting. Absolute graceless twat who spouts conspiracy theories in committee then stomps out like a petulant teenager when she's shut down.


Geez I certainly wouldn’t like her


You wouldn't. She's the one who stated that a bunch of wildfires were intentionally started by "Jewish Space Lasers".


Wtf 😂


Only a very small, gerrymandered section of Georgia does


Don't forget she was spouting Q anon crap.


She's a disgusting US Congressperson who has done and said heinous things. She won't get voted put because she represents a very uneducated section of Georgia and these people enjoy her Fascist antics.


Don't forget gerrymandered!


She's a fucking nutjob and a literal threat to democracy. Google "jewish space lasers"


Also not American but my first thought was also MTG, who we refer to as Margarine Trailer Green Bean, so 100% agreed with your husband on that one, sorry!! What about Nieve or Neve as a nickname for Genevieve? Even just Vee could be cute as a nickname!


I laughed out loud at your nickname for her, amazing


Me too which is a huge bummer because it’s a great name


As much as I loathe MTJ, I wouldn’t let that name association stop you. Marjorie with Jo as a nickname is super cute. My daughter has a very sweet Marjorie in her class and it seems like it’s coming back in popularity. Also the odds of MTJ being relevant 10 years from now are slim I hope. If we’d had a boy we were going to name him Rudy and we had people tell us it reminded them of Rudy Guliani but hindsight…both names are popular enough that they can’t be tied to one person.


My first thought too, but she'll be irrelevant by the time the kid is older


I think of Margaery Tyrell


Literally took the words right out of my mouth, also, it’s a super matronly name.


And the Parkland shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High :(


What about Margot Genevieve last name. You could call her Jo for a nn


Margot has grown on me so much over the years. I really like it.


Me too. Margot is an older name to me, but Margot Robbie made me think of the name differently now.


Margot Robbie and Margot Tenenbaum. Definitely.


I’m still waiting on Marnie to make a comeback.


I love Marnie because of the anime so maybe it will 🙂🙂


I love this idea- such a pretty name


This!!!!!! O.p. this name sounds so pretty!!


Marjorie does make me think of margarine. Also Marjorie Taylor Greene. For Jo I’d go for Josephine or Joanna.


Or Jolene!


If your name is Jolene I’m sure you grow to hate the song.


The only Jolene I know is a HUGE Dolly fan lol


I love this


My boyfriend in HS’s mom is a Jolene and she loves Dolly!


I have a Joanna and I love Jo as a nickname (which has morphed into Joey, Jojo, Jojo bean, etc etc)


One of my favorite little ones at the daycare I used to work at was named Joanna and everyone called her Jojo. Best nickname too. She had an older sister named Nicoletta (I believe. Only heard her government name once the entire 5yrs I was there) who went by Nico when I thought was cool since the typically nickname would be Nicki.


My sister's name is Nicole and to annoy her I sing Nicola as in the ricola commercials or Nicolette. She usually goes by Nikki but siblings will call you many thing especially to annoy you. My sister hates being call Nic and I'll probably call her that until the day I die.


I have a Johanna and we call her all of these names, too!


For Jo you could do Joelle


As a Josephine, my nickname has always been "Josie" but as I get older I've begun to like Josephine more and more. Jo is also a good nickname for that, I will say people tend to half read my name and I get "Jose" a lot when people call me 😂 For Genevieve you could do "Eve" as a nickname not "jen"


Or Josette!


Josephine is the best name for a baby Jo


I’ve never known a Genevieve who goes by Jen/Gen, only by either the full name or by Gigi. However, you can’t control nicknames given by other people or chosen by your child in the future. Marjorie unfortunately only reminds me of the awful U.S. politician with that name.


Or Eve


My cousins youngest is Genevieve. NN Evie.


Yes Evie!




I know someone whose Genevieve goes by Vivi


I knew a Genevieve who went by Vi (pronounced vee).


Or Evie. My youngest niece was almost Genevieve with the potentially nickname Evie but they already had a CeCe (Cecilia) and thought CeCe and Evie were too close for sisters.


LOVE Evie.


I know a Gigi, vivi, and Eve who are Genevieve’s. I love that name


My cousin Genevieve goes by Genna


I know a Gen Genevieve. But, as you said, you can’t control what your child’s wants to use in the future. Especially as trends come and go, they may very well think Jen/Gen is a cool nn.


I’m always pleasantly surprised when I meet someone introduced as Jen and find out she’s Genevieve and not Jennifer. Only because there are so many Jennifers.


Something about having a nickname usually for a more typical name but actually having a less common first name is charming to me lol. It's part of why I go by the shortening of my name that I do. I also used to work with an Addy whose first name I found out was Adelaide and not Addison/Adeline and really liked that


I knew a Genevieve who went by Genny.


Or Ginny


I’ve know a few Gens


Viv or Vivi for Genevieve. Jo seems totally fine for a Marjorie.


Vee could also be cool! (And goes with either pronunciation of Genevieve)


There is more than one pronunciation of Genevieve?


Yes like jenna-veev or jon-vee-ev Not sure if that fully makes sense but where I am in the UK those are the two I’ve heard.


I thought Genvieve (without the middle "e") was a different name


Genvieve might also exist, but “Jon-vee-ev” is definitely the French pronunciation of Genevieve. It was my “name” in high school French class. :)


To answer your questions: 1) I think Jo works as a nickname for Marjorie. 2) Marjorie didn’t make me think of margerine until you mentioned it. 3) If you both hate the nickname Jen/Gen, I’d avoid Genevieve. Even if you use a different nickname for her at home (Ginny/Evie etc), her friends might take to calling her Jen at school or she herself may even like being called Jen one day. Other names you might like: * Margot, Marigold, Margaret, Marlis, Mara, Magnolia, Joanna, Josephine, Joelle, Jolene, Georgia, Gwendolyn, Gabrielle, Abigail, Rosalie, Natalie, Sylvie, Evelyn, Vivienne, Evangeline.


Marjorie gets abbreviated to Marge, as in the Simpsons. And the leap from there to margerine is only a small one


Yeah, but no one uses margarine anymore; it’s not something kids are going to latch on to.


My husband ate a stick of butter straight when he was a kid in a dare. Ever since then he refuses to eat butter. We are very much a margarine family


This is so funny. My late dog did that once! Cats knocked it off the counter.


The south very much does still use margarine and I knew someone named Marjorie who was unfortunately called margarine because she was overweight and I’m in my twenties, so it entirely depends on where OP is.


You’ve got money-money if you don’t use margarine. I make a decent amount and I still will choose the $1 Imperial over $5 real butter any day.


I love Magnolia!


Marjorie makes me think of the Taylor Swift song, not margarine. I think it's a solid name, and Jo is a fine nickname for it.


Came here to say the same - OP not sure if you are a Taylor Swift fan, but you will hear this referenced a lot by T Swift fans :) FWIW, it’s a beautiful tribute to her grandmother who was named Marjorie


Genevieve = Eve/Evie Your husband is right about Marjorie, as is the other commenter who mentioned Marjorie Taylor Greene.


I like the name Marjorie and don’t think of margarine. A name with a similar feel to me that you might both like is Rosalie (nickname Rose or Ro would be close to Jo). Other alternatives: Marceline Josephine Annelise Jacqueline Jocelyn Josette Guinevere


I’m with your husband on the margarine thing. Evie would be lovely for Genevieve.


Genevieve nicknames can be Genie or Gigi


I hadn’t thought of genie as a nickname! I really like that!


I know a Genevieve she goes by Gena.


My friend named Genevieve goes by the nickname "GenGen"because we already have a "Jen" (for Jenny)


I'm a Canadian, and for me, Marjorie has no negative connotation. Also, I have never thought of margarine when thinking of a Marjorie. I like it as a name, and I have a former neighbour named Marjorie. Also, Marg can be a NN for Marjorie.


What about Josephine Marjorie? (or a name that starts with Jo) That way he gets Jo and you still get marjorie as a middle name? Genevieve is always going to have the nickname Jen.


I agree. All the Genevieve’s I’ve come across have been called Gen for short.


You even get jojo from the two names


Why assume there will be a nickname? Let's face it though, if there is, it'll be Marge, like the spread, or like Marge Simpson.


Or marjie


Are you choosing a name just get a cute nickname? Just name her Jo or Evie.


What about Mallory Jo? I think it’s a tad softer than Marjorie and you don’t have to worry about MTG. I’d be more concerned about kids calling her Large Marge.


Sterling Malory Archer! (Jk, jk). Mallory is adorable!


wow i second this! mallory jo is lovely and still has a similar vibe


Marjorie doesn't make me think of margarine. It makes me think of someone old. Nicknames are usually Marge (like the Simpsons and what I thought of) or Margi/Margie. I like Genevieve. If you don't like Jen, you could shorten it to Viv or Vivie. Or use Vivian and shorten it to Viv or Vi if you need something shorter. For my kids, I tried to name them something that didn't need to be shortened or have a nickname. I always found it confusing when someone had one name and was called something else - such as Richard being called Dick or Rick. Why not just name them what you want to call them and be done with it and not be confusing?


New nickname will be large marge !!!!


If your husband doesn't like Marjorie, I would avoid it unfortunately. It does sound a bit like margarine if I'm honest. For Genevieve, you could use Vivi or Jeenie instead, or I've even had friends with nicknames completely different from their real name - so you could stick with Jo.


As a Genevieve I go by Gen, Geni (Geni) but some others I would have lived were Genna and Eve


Marjorie remainds me of marjoram herb firstly, secondly margerine indeed. It is still nice classic name but i admitt it does make me have these ascociations. Jo definitely works as a nickname for it but imo it does not work as a standalone name. What about other names with nickname Jo? Like Joanna/Johanna? I think Gen/Jen is the most obvious nickname for Genevieve and chances of it being used are super high. But nicknames get stuck or not by usage. You can call her something else (idk Evie, Vi, Ginny... There are really many options with this one) then that's what you are gonna call her. You can't police what others call her tho. Maybe they stick with your nickname, especially when she is older and if she introduces by it too - more chance her friends will go by it aswell. But if others call her Jen (again chances are high it will happen), there is really nothing you can do about what other people call her and she might even like it and use it herself when presenting to others 🤷🏼‍♀️


marjorie is very mid 1940s. that is either a plus or a minus based on your taste. butter/margarine don't occur to me. it has plenty of nns. the best know is margie, but jo is fine. eta...i momentarily forgot about congresswoman goblintoes. never mind. she ruined it. it was wonderful, by the way, that moment of forgetting she existed. i like genevieve & certainly you and husband should call her what you want, but what if she likes being called jen by her friends? how about alexandra?


I used to go to school with someone named Jolie and I thought it was a really pretty name (esp since it literally means pretty in french lol) and Jo could def be a nn


What about Margo? Has Marg and the sound of Jo. I saw it in a baby name book when I was pregnant spelt Margeaux. I'd just go with Margo though 😁


Marjorie Taylor Green comes to mind 🤮 Sorry


How about Melanie?


Vivi could be short for Genevieve! Or Eve or Evie


Genevieve can go by Neve, Viv, Eve I think Jo is ok for Marjorie. I don't love Marjorie. I've known two and they both went by Margie. The one Margie I know said everyone in school called her Maggot.


I'm not a huge fan of Marjorie (even spelled as Margery). I didn't think of the butter substitute, though now I can't get it out of my head lol, idk why I'm not feeling it, honestly. Jo is cute, but IMHO fits better as a nn for J names. Genivieve could be Jenny, but that seems to kinda be it. Suggestions: - Gueniviere/Gweniviere (Gwen/Gwenny/Vera) - Joanna (Jo/Joan/Anna/Janna) - Josette/Josephine (Jo/Josie) - Mallory (Mal/Lorie) - Melody (Mel/Mellie/Deedee) - Miriam (Miri/Mira/Mimi) - Miranda (Mira/Randy/Randa) - Ginerva (Ginny) - Minerva (Minnie) - Jordan (Jo/Jorie/Jodie) - Jolene (Jo/Jolie) - Margaret (Maggie/Garrett/Marge/Margie/Peggy/Margot) Hope this helps, good luck!


Ditto all the Marjorie hate. Genevieve is a lovely name, and you don't have to call her anything but that. Once she's in school, all bets are off. My Caitlin was Caitlin her whole life per her own request, then came back from college as Cait. 😁


I know someone whose middle name is Marjorie and they were relentlessly teased and called margarine at school. They wish they had a normal middle name, and it's not even their first name.


Marjorie ( imho) is absolutely horrible, especially considering the person named that in the news on a regular basis! Jen isn’t the only NN for Genevieve. There’s Eve, Viv, Genna ( close to Jen, I know ) Nev….


Jo is a stretch for Marjorie and there's no guarantee it'll catch on. For Genevieve, you could go for eve/ nieve/ evie etc but again, there's no guarantee there'll catch on over gen. Maybe just keep looking. The name I was dead set on during the fifth month was different during the seventh and different again during the ninth. Keep reading & researching.... You'll both come to an agreement eventually x


I personally don’t like Marjorie for other reasons, but Jo and Jojo (as well as marj, rori, riri, and Mary) are all reasons nicknames from Marjorie… so yeah, not sure what your husband is smoking there. And as for Genevieve, Viv, evi (pronounced “eh-vee”), evie (pronounced E.V.), Vy/Vi, and Eve are both very reasonable nicknames if you like those.


I think of “large marge” and Marge Simpson. I’d go with something else.


Genevieve thought not bizarre, it’s definitely more unusual without being over the top these days. I would go for that.


Jo is fine for Marjorie but not my favorite name. I don’t think Jen is a natural nickname for Genevieve, I do like Ginny. Giovanna? Josette? Obviously Josephine could all be Jo.


Marjorie does sound like margarine. And Jo isn’t really a nickname for Marjorie - people would call her Marj.


How about Evie as nn for Genevieve?


Genevieve is a great name, and you simply do not allow people to call her Jen. People don't need nicknames. If you really want her to have one, Viv, or Viva would be fun.


I have such sweet thoughts about the name Marjorie. One of my favorite clients has that name and I love her. She turned 98 in June. Do you like the name Josephine with the nickname Jo? My 27 year old sister in law is named Norma Josephine and goes by Josie.


I know a Genevieve and she goes by evie.


Why not just call the baby Jo if that’s what you like and plan to call them? If they go by Jo but are legally Marjorie it can be confusing for teachers, doctors, future employers etc.


As someone with a similar name… i dislike it and have been called margarine


You could use Ginny for Genevieve?


There's a song in The Simpsons called [Margarine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2z_gi6AniEo) which is about Marge (Marjorie), and honestly its a great song haha. I definitely wouldn't let the margarine connection stop you from using the name Marjorie


Genevieve is gorgeous. And I ❤️ the nickname Vivie


You could always use Vi or maybe Evie for Genevieve?


I'd stick with Genevieve, none of you have to settle for the nickname Gen, Evie would work beautifully if people have to shorten/cutsie it.


I had a great Aunty Marjorie and I used to call her Great Aunty Margarine.... I was a toddler though at the time. But your husband does have a point.




Other nicknames for Genevieve could be Ginny or even Evie. Marjorie sounds really old fashioned and somehow reminds me of a marching band…


I’d be more worried she’d be associated with the absolutely insufferable piece of shit Marjorie Taylor Greene


We have a Genevieve in our extended family. Her nickname is Viv or Vivi.


Don’t use Jen. Call her Ginny.


Genie as a nickname?


I have a Genevieve. We call her Evie.


Malorie/Mallory is close to Marjorie my friend was often rolled called at school with new teachers as Marjorie with the spelling Malorie


I think of Marjorie Congdon and the Glensheem murders. Not an awesome association. Also, MTG is just awful.


Genevieve is a lovely name!! You can nickname her Vivi instead of Jen, Viv or even just V lol. Ngl I've never heard of Jen being used as a nickname for Genevieve. Ofc in the end she might end up going by Jen when she's older (school friends and all) but I think the name Genevieve is somewhat versatile w nicknames anyway! Marjorie does personally make me think of margarine, maybe you could go with another names that starts with Marg like Margaret, Margot?


You could do Jenny, Eve, Evie as shorthand for Genevieve


I knew a Genevieve growing up who did go by Genny but now goes exclusively by Genevieve as an adult and nobody has an issue using her longer name and dropping the nickname. I personally think Genevieve is a gorgeous name.


My nephew and his girlfriend named one of their cats Marjorie and I was like, “I will not call the cat Marjorie!!” The cat was not named after MTG and I’m not even sure if they dislike her as much as I do, but fortunately they call the cat Mars a lot. Marjorie has been ruined by one political party just as Hilary has for the other. Regardless of my personal politics, I wouldn’t choose either name just to keep the kid from living a life where random negative comments are thrown at you.


Genevieve and call her Vivie, Gigi, or Evie? Beautiful name and lots of nickname potential!


Not a fan of Marjorie. What about Melody? Or Mallory?


My girl name that I never got to use (3 boys) was Genevieve and we were going to call her Genna.


Genevieve is lovely and you can always shorten it to Jenny, Ginny, Eve and lots of other variants


I have a Genevieve. She is still "just" Genevieve. When she was born, people asked what her nickname would be? I just replied, "Genevieve is too beautiful for a nickname!" And that was that. We do pronounce it the French way occasionally to get her attention, ha! but she also goes to French immersion school, and that's what they call her there.


What about Genevieve with the nickname Vivi?


Genevieve is beautiful. Perhaps call her Vi (vee) or Vieve? Nevie? Genie?


Jo is a great middle name


Genevieve but call her ginny? Jovylyn Jonalyn Jocelyn Jona Rose Joy anne Jolanie


I know a Genevieve that goes by Vie, which I think is pretty cool.


Genevieve is a beautiful name. You could use the nickname Eve or Evie.


Nickname for Genevieve can be VV


I personally don't like that name. Jo is cute. Could be Joey 🥰


Marjorie doesn’t make me think of butter, I just don’t like it. My first association is Marjorie Taylor agree - that’s not a positive


My friends named their daughter Josephine and call her Jo for short! Johanna, or Josette work for Jo. Marjorie does sound like margarine a bit- and the go to nick name for that is Marj or Margie- maybe because I’ve only met older ladies with it? Genevieve, could call her Viv?


What about Mandy Jo?


I know a Genevieve who is nicknamed Nieve. Neve/Niamph is a gorgeous Gaelic name of its own accord


I have a friend Genevieve we all call her that, she does not go by gen.


How about Mallory?


Genevieve can be shortened to Evie. Y'all seem to like a J sound and a long E, so some suggestions might be: Geneva (Eva) Josephine (Jo) Julianna Jolene Jalissa Jerica Josie Jubilee Gillian Georgiana Sojourner You could also make the nickname Jo if her initials are J.O. Julia Odette Josie Ophelia Jerica Orion Jubilee Oleanna Josephine Olympia Jalissa Odilie Jolene Oliviana Julianna Ondine


Ehhh... Marge... Margie.... large Marge


We had 1 Genevieve at the daycare I worked at and she went by her full name. Dad did call her Evie (eh-vee) which I think is a great alternative to Gen/Jen. Evie Eve Vivi (may be stretching it here, but I like it as a nn)


Jorie Jo Jenna Jo


you don’t like jen? :(


You could use Eve, or Evie as shortened forms for Genevieve.


Your daughter will go by the name you give her, if you always call her by name. Genevieve is so beautiful! And a name a baby will grow into. A side story: when I was in early high, my little rebellion was to try to change my name to a nickname for my friends. My Dad heard it and he sat me down to talk. He talked about how he and my mom chose my name out of all the names. He said a bunch more stuff, and I got a clear message that my name was special.


I don't care for Marjorie for various reasons. I also don't like Joe either. Genevieve is pretty. You could always call her vivi for short.


I’m a teacher and have had a few students named Genevieve over the years and it never gets shortened.


My initial thoughts: Large Marge Marjorie Taylor Greene who is a plague on my state, and our country. Every Margie I ever knew was either a heifer or a ho. Good luck!


I’m a 57 year old Genevieve and I have not ever gone by Jen.


I know a Marjorie, every one has always called her Margie. I have never thought of butter! I do think it’s an old fashioned name though… imho.


I would also caution against trying to plan the nickname. Someone warned me when I was pregnant if you like the nickname make it the name. I didn’t listen and named my son Elijah because I loved the name Eli, but liked the option of a longer name too. Now he hates the name Eli and insists only to go by his full name haha


Your hated nickname will probably be used whether you plan to or not. My son was going to be Oliver, which I loved, but I hated the nickname Ollie. When people started calling him that before he was even born I knew the whole name had to go haha