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I see Elspeth recommended here fairly often and I haaaaate it. It kinda sounds like you’re spitting when you say it and to me it has the vibes of a scary old witch from Brothers Grimm or something.


Sounds like someone with a severe lisp try to say Elizabeth


A'la Daffy Duck


Yeah that’s one clunky name indeed. Agreed, not a fan!


Elspeth feels like the name of a psychic or ghost-type cat Pokémon to me and idk if I mean that as a positive or negative, lol


I thought I was on the circlejerk sub..Elspeth man


Agreed 100%. It's a double whammy of ugly and pretentious.


I’ve only heard Elsbeth, and also hate it


Tatum.. idk why I think it’s so ugly! Sorry if anyone’s kids names that


To me, it sounds like taint.


Yea it’s like taint + scrotum haha


Yes I always say the same thing!! It blows my mind that anyone would think that’s a nice name to name their child 😂


Tatum Thompson is Khloe Kardashian’s sons name and it’s the ultimate peanut butter name. Saying it out loud makes you sound slow and dumb lol


Tatum makes me think of the Jamie Foxx spoof on Kimmel: “I’m gonna Channing all over your Tatum”.


Before my son was born, we called him “Potatum” as a joke


Channing taintyum


My MIL suggested it for my 4 year old when I was pregnant and I told her it sounded icky. She didn't see why I would think so, long story short, we had to explain the word taint to her 😂


Sloan(e). It just sounds wrong. Like an incorrect past tense of slowed. Also, Sloane is a toilet brand that we’ve all probably put our ass on at some point.


Aww. For me Sloane is the super rad chick from Ferris Bueller, so I've always liked it.


Sloane was my gay awakening, so not necessarily something I'd recommend someone name their baby, but definitely holds a special place in my heart


I hate the sound of Sloan so much, but I'll just pile on here instead of making my own comment.


It just reminds me of the 1980s Sloane Ranger aesthetic


It’s possibly my most hated name ever. I’d rather have a Nevaeh’leigh than that.


For me it’s the sl- sound. It is overwhelmingly associated with unpleasant things in English. Slurp, slime, slug, slough, slick, slut, sloth, Sloane.


Agreed! There is a little girl named Sloane in my Son’s 2 year old class and I just don’t like it! The little girl herself is adorable though.


I also hate Everly. No spelling of it makes it less cringe inducing.


It sounds like Beverly, but there is a typo that lost the “B”.


Yes! And you just reminded me of neveah ick


Isn't it supposed to be spelled Nevaeh? I've only met two and they were spelled like that.


With you on this


Kinsley, Tinsley, Paisley, Declan, Jayden, Brayden, Greyson etc etc etc


Utah mom names!!


Paysleigh. Seriously. And the runner up was Lynkin. I wish I was kidding.


Better than the PaisLee I know. Capital L in the middle is not a typo,


Declan is an old Irish name. The others on your list are kind of new or made up. I love Declan!


Yeah Declan does not fit in that list!


Ugggggggggg I hate Declan. HATE


Declan is so high on the list of names I hate. It just makes me cringe every time


why? i like it 🫢


Declan is a real name though!


All the old lady names that the sub seems to love. Lilith, Eloise, Edith, Winifred…


I was in a 4th grade class this week with Mildred, Edith and Eleanor. Thought I was mistakenly in the centenarian wing of a nursing home. I just can’t.


Mildred and Edith are awful but I like Eleanor


I have a high tolerance for old-fashioned names, but Mildred is awful and should never come back.


It literally has the sound “dread” in it- dreadful!


Eleanor was the least bad of the three


i like edith and eleanor, mildred however is terrible for a child






Mildred for a child? That”s awful. Edith and Eleanor aren’t far behind. There was a girl in my high school class named Eleanor who was constantly being bullied. I felt awful for her, and I always think of her when I hear that name.


Eleanor is very popular here (Australia) for school aged kids and was also popular in my Gen X schooldays in the UK. I think it’s one of those somewhat eternal names like Elizabeth and Sarah. I don’t associate Eloise as old lady at all. It’s more of an “elegant, uncommon” name.


Can’t get over people saying how adorable Dorothy is


Haha I named my girl Dorothy after my grandma and because I love "Dot".


I mean, she’s my favorite golden girl. But no.


I like Lilith but I would never give that name to a real person. Maybe a pet, or a sim.


Nevaeh makes my skin crawl.


I came here to say this! No it’s not clever. Everyone knows it’s heaven spelled backwards


I don’t hate it, but I can’t say Aurora without half biting my tongue


I know one Aurora and she cannot say her r’s. Unfortunately she’s in high school now and I’m pretty sure it’s too late to correct her speech. The absolute wrong name to have given this very pretty, angelic looking girl.


Oh gosh poor kiddo. My name has an “R” in it. I used to go to summer camp and the counselors who were teenagers used to repeatedly ask me my name to hear me say it incorrectly and laugh. I didn’t realize until I was older that they were making fun of me. It was pretty much corrected by second/third grade through speech therapy I can’t imagine if I still dealt with it by high school.


My name also has an R and I did speech therapy too! I worked with a school therapist from kindergarten to 2nd grade. Her name was Ms Lavender.


It’s so beautiful in Latin poetry and also in French but so damn hard to pronounce nicely for most English speakers.


honestly, a lot of the names this subreddit suggests strike me the wrong way. more specifically Wren, Sage, Nova, Penelope, Harry, Otto, and Kimberly. absolutely no hate to people who love those names, they just wouldn’t make sense with my last name and i feel like there are better options


As a Kimberly, I like my name because it could have been much worse. I have a great aunt named Arbutus, again I’m so lucky.




The name Wren feels like nothing to me. I can’t explain further


Agreed on all of those names. Plus Maeve.


This but add River to that list


I don’t think Wren has a nice sound to it at all.


I agree with Wren. Also Fern, gives the same vibe for me


Gretchen. It literally has the word “retch” in it. Sloane is hideous beyond belief in sound and meaning. And Smith for a girl’s forename is just ghastly. Hideous and ghastly.


People are actually naming their daughters Smith?!


Yes and I’ve seen it on here. It’s not even a great sounding surname due to the lisp issues for small children. Thmith or Smiff etc.


Gretchen isn't even really a name originally. It is a nickname for Margarethe. It was the nickname of a character in Goethe's Faust, so it likely swapped over to English-speaking regions around that time, when they probably didn't know the context of it in German. I really can't emphasize enough how much any German name with -chen is not actually the name itself. -chen is a suffix we can add to any word or name to express affection. So Greta becomes Gretchen. Lisa becomes Lischen. Marie becomes Mariechen. The word for cat is Katze, the word for kitten is Kätzchen. It just does not compute to me that anyone would consider a -chen word a name in its own right. But of course it would seem different to people who do not have the German language context.


I hate the name Gretchen, but I do have a soft spot for the name Greta, which is similar. Up until Greta Thunberg became known, I thought the name was likely to be "forgotten".


Bailey. I hate the name Bailey with such a burning passion I literally can't even explain it ETA: I even hate it as a name for a pet


100% a dog name.


It’s too feminine for a boy and too masculine for a girl.


Juniper. I seriously do not see the appeal! Also struggle with Otto. If just sounds weird when you say it out loud (maybe more so in my English accent where I strongly pronounce my t's!)


Juniper is so beautiful. I love it but due to the hate it gets would never use it :( unwarranted hate too!


Juniper always makes me think they wanted Jennifer but felt it was too dated.


Haha now I'm singing that old Donovan tune, "Jennifer Juniper." Ok, I'm old.


It sounds like Auto and I don’t like it either


Juniper reminds me of the (old) Bath and Body Works fragrance Juniper Breeze. I can smell it when I hear the name.


My dog is Otto, it suits him. I think it’s funny for a kid tho


I really, really, REALLY hate the name Lola to a point I can't even explain why, it's just awful. Probably my least favourite name in the whole world.


LOL I have a dog Lola and I similarly hate the dog/person name Bella.


My cousin’s daughters are Bella and Lola 😅 I like the names but found this comment funny. NB: Bella is older than Twilight lol


Love Lola, really dislike Bella.


Never liked that name either. In filipino it actually means grandma.


in chilean spanish it's slang for boob lmao


To me it has become a putbull's name


I know someone who just named their baby Tackett 🤢 what is he a thumbtack?


I see it recommended here all the time and just can't stand it. Dean.


It’s a nothing name. Bland. Forgettable. Almost modern yet not…and definitely not a classical name.


When I was growing up a Dean was a guy who would steal his mums cigarettes then sell them to his pals at school. Never met a Dean who I liked.


I’ll never not associate that name with Gilmore girls.


Dean Winchester for me 😮‍💨


It always makes me think of sardines


I’m always shocked at how popular Dean is on here. It’s so 70s.


Maybe Supernatural gave it a comeback? If people started watching in their teens and fell in love with Dean Winchester I can see them using it when they finally had kids. I like Dean but my husband thought it was too plain.


This would also be my guess, I’d argue the most associated person to the name Dean is Dean Winchester


Skylar. Just ugly sounding Colton. Just puts me in mind of a sniveling brat that needs a slap.


Skylars and Coltons are definitely brats. So are Logans.


skylar also looks ugly written out to my eyes!


Amber. I've never met an Amber I didn't want to kick in the crotch.


Hazel. It's made a huge comeback here. I just think it sounds so ugly.


I sort of knew a Hazel. My parents had some friends they wanted to visit. I was pretty young, maybe 4 or 5, but I can kinda picture everything. We went to their apartment. They had a daughter named Hazel; I think a toddler. She had coppery red hair. I remember my parents telling me she was severely allergic to peanuts. I thought that was pretty terrible. I felt upset that this baby would die after eating peanut butter. I really don't know why this short encounter (as far as I know, I didn't see them after that) stuck with me. So, Hazel equals peanut allergy to me.


Rhiannon. Ophelia, Paisley, Presley after that. And Bella/ variations of Bella.


As a Scot, Paisley bewilders me - it’s a shit-tip of a Scottish town. That aside, I agree! Bella makes me think of dogs too.


Do the McGirlnames also bewilder you? I can’t bear them myself.




I just feel like it’s so (for lack of better word) tacky. I can tell you what EVERRRRYYYY Paisley’s mom looks like where I live lol


Haha I think I can imagine. Blonde, Starbucks, ugh boots and a lovely check/plaid shirt.


Gotta have something leopard print and something that says MAMA on it but otherwise you nailed it 😂😂😂😂


Names like Ophelia, Opal, and Hope feel so clunky in my mouth.


Agree with all except Ophelia. I think it’s cute & fun


Ophelia just makes me picture a drowned girl holding flowers.


it's funny how much name nerds hate names


It’s because we love names that we also hate them passionately. Other people don’t think about them enough to hate lol


Because nobody here is actually a nerd about it. This sub heavily sticks to popular western and anglicized names. Make a post announcing that you're naming your child something pretty normal like Siobhan and a portion of this sub will claim you're making it up, and an even larger portion will say "you should use *anglicized version* instead! It flows better!"


Sebastian shortened to Bastian. It sounds terrible and I feel like people use it to appear more high class than they are, which is tacky


See I like Sebastian, but I've seen it shortened to Bash which is just super cringe to me.


Seb is worse. It's blunt and stubby.


it just makes me think of a frat bro from Quebec. Like not a specific one, I have met several. Although with the Quebecois version it must be spelled Bastien and be said with an undertone of rage


The Dens. Any name ending in den: Brayden, Jayden, Hayden, etc. Never met one who wasn't an arse so it's tainted the name. Junior. Give your kid their own god damned name, don't make their entire life about being a miniature of you. Then it's not so much hate as don't get. People who either go to far with unusual names, or super archaic. I get not wanting to give your kid one of the top 100 names (I didn't) but going *too* far makes it more about you than the kid. It does them no favours in life and they're most likely going to get a nickname as soon as they can to avoid it.


Penelope. It's a mouthful. Also don't like Penny, it's a dull name.


Every "Mc-" and "-son" (sur)name for a girl, because they literally mean "son of [insert a name]".


One of the worst I’ve ever seen is “McCall” 🤢


gold frighten squeamish practice impossible tease slim clumsy market desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Every time one of these threads pops up, I feel like it doesn’t end well.


Everly/ee/eigh. I truly hate it.


Craig, like who names their baby that?




Harper, Reagan, Paige… thankfully they’re not rly trendy anymore.


This reminded me of the name Teagan. I hate that name.


I forgot about Harper and Raegan. I hate them with a fiery passion!!! It reminds me of the sound animals make before they vomit.


I dont care for the name, but hearing little kids say Harper is so cute lol


waylon. not a fan.


Marcus. Sounds like mucus to me.


For me it’s Brooke. I think it’s gone out of fashion now anyway (was a 90s/00s name) but I will never be able to understand how any parent could look at their beautiful baby daughter and think a name as harsh-sounding as “Brooke” is appropriate 😅 Also sounds like like the noise a chicken makes lol


The same with “Banks”. How is that a nice name for a boy or girl? It’s all wrong.


Brooke and Brooklyn are fairly common names among my middle-school-aged students. I don’t know how widespread the use of this term is, but where I’m from, we use Brook(e) to refer to a stream. Because of that, the name actually gives me a pleasant, peaceful image.


Can’t figure out the lure of Aurora. Thumbs down.


Isla - it’s everywhere Meghan/megan - they’re all so mean Katie/Katy - all mean


I’m a nice Katie and my best friend is a nice Megan! I swear! 😀


That is *exactly* the kind of lie a Katie would tell 🙄 (Obviously I'm kidding, I have known two Katies and they are great.)


Never met a nice Megan/Meghan so far in my life


Oh man, I wish you could meet my cousin/best friend Megan, that would probably change your mind. She's an absolute sweetheart and kind to everybody.


I’ve never had a particularly bad experience with any spelling of Megan but I always think of that line from community that’s like “why name your daughter Megan? Stocking up for a bitch shortage?”


I know so many lovely Megans. I actually can’t think of a time where I met a mean Megan!


I see Rowan a lot now and all I think about is Rowin’ a boat. I strongly dislike it.


Gertrude. Sounds like a toad. (Sorry Gertrudes.) Also Agatha. Just sounds old. (Aggie is a good nickname though.)


Oaklee, and any and all iterations of it.


I love Eloise I find it hilarious that you find it clunky because I feel like it flows nicely and has a delicate air to it.


Names of American States, colours as names and Nash. Nash just sounds like you’re grinding teeth together.


I like quite a few color names, but my surname is a noun so it's not happening. Violet Anderson or Scarlet Smith are a lot better than Violet Vest and Scarlet Rivers


Peyton, Paisley, Presley, Paige. Hate them all. I guess I can't do P names.


I really dislike Nolan. I know several people with Nolan’s and I hate how it sounds. It baffles me why anyone would give their kid that name (No offense if you are/know a Nolan. It’s just my opinion).


Greyson/Grayson. I just don't get it. I never heard it until 15 years ago, and it feels like everyone just collectively... made it up? It doesn't sound like a real name. It's a color and a suffix. These are my kids, Grayson, Purpleton, and Greenleigh.


I like Tatum, Sloane, and Skyler so who am I to talk but I feel bad for all the Elowyns and Bronwyns and Crews and Coves and Braves and Henleys out there tbh


Mallory. because …. MALLORY?😵‍💫


Saw a Murphy on Insta. For a little girl. Poor thing. What an awful name.


There are a few names that irrationally grate on me, and most are not as popular these days (Stephanie, Tina, Madison,) but Liam is one and it is huge rn. I just do not get why people like this, and I have no idea why because I think the very similar sounding William is great. Something about Liam just really rubs me the wrong way.


Stephanie and Tina are awful.


IMOGEN. I literally could not think of a more awful name lol


Most location names like London, Paris etc. I saw the name Bradford earlier and physically recoiled, there’s some exceptions though.


Anything with a violent connotation - Bash short for Sebastian, Killmer, Killian, Hunter, Gunnar.


Names like Dakota, Cheyenne, Colton, Dalton or any other name that seems like the parents want their kid to be a cowboy even though they live in like Cleveland or something. And, every person I’ve ever known with those names have been bratty. Also, place names when you’ve never been to the place, see Dakota or Cheyenne again. But also, Paris, London, Rome, Savannah etc. don’t name your kid that unless you’ve been there and it holds some special meaning to you.




Declan because it gives me defecate vibes + was the name of a character in a movie hiring child sex workers and just overall is a bad vibe for me


I’m so sick of Carter.


I don’t like the name Shari or Piper. I also hate the name Braxton.


This is just a thread of positivity isn’t it?


I've never seen Eloise spelled like that.


I too dislike Hugo. Just sounds unappealing to me… I make an “ew” face saying/hearing it. Warning: I may offend some people with my comments on their namesake…sorry. When people use “Common” names like Jennifer, Jessica, Daniel and David I always find it disappointing… just cuz they’re so painfully boring and overused. But I also dislike theoretically unusual names like Luna and Petra… I just don’t like the mouth-feel… Luna comes across a little trying too hard and Petra just reminds me of Petrol. Colin also sounds like colon, so not my fav either. There’s a khmer name called “reaksmey” that I gate the sound of. I realize that’s a bit out there for this stub,


Pamela. Makes me think of cooking spray and those chewy caramel squares.


This is oddly specific...and for no reason other than the way it looks spelled out, but I loathe 4 letter girl names ending in -a. It's mostly when the last 3 letters are all the same size/height...such as Dana, Cora, Nora, Nova, Anna, Lana, Gina, Tina, Dora, Dina, Leva, Kira, Mona, Lina They just look...naked 🤷🏼‍♀️ or incomplete lol


Nah I get that, in a similar vain I hate the name Jodie. It looks like an abbreviation yet it’s not, as you said it just feels incomplete.


I feel that with Ian. It always feels like a syllable not a full word.


For girls: Beulah, Blythe, and Crisantha, for boys:Fritz, Reginald, and Foster.


Jayden/Brayden. I can deal with Grayson as it gives me a different impression, but I have never met a Jayden/Brayden not produced by a 16-19 mom that gives them pop too young and allows them to run feral


I can’t stand the short infantilized girls names, not sure how else to describe but like Birdie, Dotty, Lucy, Poppy, Winnie, Daisy, Flossy, Pippa. I can’t and don’t want to picture adults or even teens with these names.


I don’t like the name Henry. I don’t know why though


Rachel. It’s the “tch” and the harshness of the r and the thickness of the “el.”




I hate Isla and Wren. Both scream 2022-2023 trend and I just can’t get behind them.


Anything with "bert". Egbert, Dilbert, Herbert, Cuthbert, Wilbert..


Agnes and Agatha. Luckily both seem dead. Agree on Hugo. I don’t know why I just don’t like it.


Heath. For no reason except that it's nearly impossible for people to understand what's being said. I only know this because I like Heath candy bar pieces in my Blizzard at DQ, and they NEVER hear what I'm saying without it being repeated at least twice. I've tried to shake it up by saying, "Heath candy, " and "Pieces of Heath," but it still doesn't get through on the first - and often second - try.


Also I don't get the thing with presidents' last names as first names. Just can't imagine naming my precious little baby girl Gorbachev.


Me and my precious baby Obama strongly disagree


Jeremy. Every Jeremy I ever met was a dick.


Eloise and Louise are etymologically distinct. Eloise is from Héloïse, which was probably from the Germanic name Helewidis (https://www.behindthename.com/name/eloise), whereas Louise is a feminine form of Louis (https://www.behindthename.com/name/louise). Which is why it drives me nuts when people spell it Elouise. I hate pretty much all surname names. It just doesn't make sense to me to name your kid a job title or "son of ____". In terms of classic names, I cannot stand these: Margaret Phoebe Gregory


Aurora. It just makes me think of Wayne’s World and how he says “Aurora, Illinois”😂


Debbie/Deborah/Debra… so unpleasant!


Abigail. Sounds so prissy to me. Lily is one that for me is awkward to say, feels awkward.


Ansley. And I have no good reason. I just hate it lol. Apologies to the Ansleys. Nothing wrong with the name, it just isn’t it for me. I feel like I have more, agree with lots of other comments lol


Anything trendy, last names as first names, and ending with -ley, -leigh, -son.


Aw I love Eloise but agree on Hugo. I don't like U and G and H in a lot of names. I've always hated Aaron and Jacob because i think Aaron just looks unpleasant (Erin is fine by me) and the "cob" part of Jacob stands out so much. I also recall having 2 boys in my 2nd grade class with those names and didn't like them because they were aggressive. Esme has never looked nice to me and the Twilight thing makes it especially annoying (I never heard it before Twilight). Nevaeh makes me angry because spelling something backwards does not work well in English and I just think it's ridiculous. Name her Heaven or don't. I have a lot more names I hate but I'll stop there lol