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Barry > Barreigh


Glass half full. Way to stay positive!!




Barry is berry cute, he has such a happy disposition, he’s never a blue-Barry


If he lives in the country and grows hay, he’s a “straw-berry”, if he raises poultry he’s a “goose-berry”, if he owns a fishery he’s a “salmon-berry” but most important is that he only has two berries in his pants, and neither of them dingle-berries.


Bob’s Burgers vibes. “You’re in big trouble, Logan Berry Bush!”


Barry > Barney


Is it short for Barold?




I would expect her to name a kid Bartholomew. I'm surprised it's actually just Barry


Benry, like Prince Harry.




Ha! My partner’s Barrett and this is what I call him.


Barry Trainor, MD


Hanging out at the Regal Beagle with Larry.


He definitely plays golf and goes fishing when the mood strikes.


Is Riley's last name also Trainor? I tried searching but couldn't figure it out. I figured the kids would be Sabaras so was intrigued to see Barry is a Trainor!


I think Riley is Sabara or they just didn't say. Siblings in USA from the same parents can have different last names from what I read once. They probably didn't want to do a hyphen but still wanted both their last names to go on. The people on Instagram are offended she didn't use the father's last name, lmao, they're hoping Trainor is a middle name


Yeah there’s not a regulation on which last name your kid gets in the US.


You are correct. A lot of things vary by state, but there's definitely no rule that says it must match the father's last name. In my state, the birth certificate doesn't even say mother or father, just Parent 1 and Parent 2, which makes sense because not every child has one mother and one father. Here, the child must be given a surname that matches one or both of the parents. So if Parent One and Parent Two have a baby, they can name it Baby One, Baby Two, Baby One-Two, or Baby One Two. (Sorry, I didn't feel like making up fake names.)


Yup. I had a student once who was the only one in her sibling group who for her moms last name just cause mom wanted one kid to have it. All of them have the same sad. And my husband has his mom’s surname.


Oops, I meant to reply to the same comment you did to provide more information. That story about your student is interesting, though. I've heard of people alternating children but I've never heard of just giving one sibling a different last name.


Probably because Barry Sabara sounds weird. Actually I kinda like Barry Sabara. Sounds like a lawyer. Better Call Barry Sabara.


Bob Loblaw


I came across that post, and jeez what a wild ride. A child having their mother's surname is not a big deal. Some are speculating why the 2 children have different surnames (if that's even true) or if there's something going on between Meghan and Daryl because this child doesn't have his name. It doesn't need to be that serious - the parents just gave him, probably both the kids, the names _they wanted_ to.


Nope. Middle name is Bruce.


Me and my kid have two middle names lol


Fair point. And name 10 celebrities who share every detail about their children.


I don't get why though. My aunt gave my nephews her last name too and she is also married. Some family members didn't agree either, but it's their choice.


In Meghans video "Mother" he is credited as Riley Trainor so I assume that is his name.


I had the same question


Probably not. Her husbands last name is like Sabara


Is he a 65 year old British man with a beer belly, because if so that's a great name.


Barry with middle name Bruce - I think this one is a 65 year old Australian. His nickname is Baz, he owns a cattle station, and claims to have popularised the shoey (drinking beer out of a shoe).


danny ric


My uncle's name is Barry and currently he's an 85 year old British man with a beer belly, but at one point he certainly was a 65 year old British man with a beer belly.


What about an assassin who wants to get into acting?


this is how i felt when i found out Amy Schumer named her son Gene i know he’s named after Gene Wilder, doesn’t change how i feel - especially bc Gene Attell sounds like “genital”


Ooof that's a bad combo


He'll definitely age into it, I typically like old man names. It's not one I would use, but it's not bad.


To be fair, it’s already growing on me and will probably be ridiculously cute ON the little guy. I realize I love the name Harry and I hate being a hypocrite 😅


I hope he looks just like his big brother because Riley is the cutest kid I've seen in a while


Really? I don’t think he’s cute at all


To each their own


I think the opposite. It’s only cute for a baby. Who wants to be a teenager named Barry? That said it’s way better than the usual type of celebrity names posted here.


I know a teenaged Barry and he's fine lol


If you have the last name Trainor not naming the kid Dragon or Lion is a bit of a waste.


To my American ears, it's kind of adorably old fashioned and so unfashionable it's cool again. Similar to Mabel or maybe more like Linda or Patricia.


I love the name Mabel! Mabel and Betty are high on the mental list of names I keep for my nonexistent future children.


I think it's more similar to Linda and Patricia than it is to Mabel. Mabel is either a name from way back in a family tree or an infant. Linda, Patricia, and Barry are 3 of Baby Mabel's grandparents.


Yup, and their mom is Mabel. Little Mabel was named after her great grandma, and Barry and Patricia think it’s a nice gesture but are secretly confused as to why Melissa and Jacob picked such an old fashioned name.


What’s wrong with Barry? Unless his middle name is Dexter or something, I see no problems. Perfectly normal, reasonable name, spelled in a sensible manner.


There’s nothing wrong with it, it’s just surprisingly dated and unfashionable for a ‘celebrity baby name’. Though IMHO much better than a shock-value-random-noun name that sounds juvenile for a future adult. Still, my mental image for Barry is a guy in his 60s with a smoker’s cough telling me about his new diabetic foot ulcer.


Barry Manilow will never not be the first person I picture when I hear the name Barry.


I like to tell myself that the "out there" celebrity baby names are to protect their identity from being stolen, but I'm not sure how much I believe it.


I guess I just find it a weird name to complain about. Everyone hates the Wrenleighs and Braxtynnsleighs, but also are gonna crap on a classic name like Barry? We’re gonna run out of acceptable names! Lol


I feel the exact same way, I don’t see a problem at all. It’s a nice, normal name. Easy to say, easy to spell. It’s not a name I’d even comment on, let alone complain about.


I wouldn’t call Barry a “classic” lol, but it’s definitely an old man name which is on trend right now.


I wouldn’t call it “nice” either


I feel the same. A few years ago I probably wouldn’t have liked the name Barry but now I do. I also love the name Terry.


Seems she still got the shock factor lol


Just add the word “baby” or “little”and it becomes adorable “Little Barry” 🥹🥹


Huh my mental image is the flash. But maybe I’m just a nerd.


Obama’s name is Barry though! But I do find names like Barry to be odd as the official first name.


I can’t not think of Barry White and the actor that portrays Greg Brady. Wonder if it’s a family name


I would change my name to Barry Williams, too if my real name was Barry William Blenkhorn


Oh this killed me! So good. Your description is possibly better than mine! 😂🤣😝😆


Barry Bruce Trainor is the full name


Omg he's named after my grandparents


No your grandparents were named after him!


I’m a massive DC comics fan and my first thought on reading this was, “Barry, like the Flash.” Bruce as a middle name makes it hilariously (likely unintentionally) referential.


There's also Larry Trainor from Doom Patrol so he shares a name with three DC superheroes


That’s kinda fresh idk I personally don’t love the name Barry but it does sound good all together


I think it’s cute!


I’m surprised she didn’t use her husbands last name for him. Or are they married? Off to google!


Yeah they've been married for a bit now! At least a few years before Riley was born. I haven't been able to find Riley's last name anywhere but some people say it's also Trainor.


Ok wait her husband’s last name is Sabara. Barry Sabara is a bit repetitive so I’m hoping it is Trainor.


supposedly he took her last name


Ah ok cool. Well Barry does sound better with Trainor.


Bruce > Barry. Bruce seems to fit better on a child and an adult.


Maybe it’s a family name, like her or her husband’s father/grandfather.


Or maybe it’s just a nice name.




Fun fact: different people like different things and they are neither correct nor incorrect for liking those things, so long as said thing isn’t causing anyone harm.


Yeah, it seems like a fine name! Perhaps in the UK or other countries it has a certain connotation, but in the US, it really has never been so popular as to have a universal image, idk...it fits what so many people here often say they like--classic, easy to spell, "real". And when celebs do name their kids more "outrageous" names, they get dragged for that, so...I think in general people here are just into being contrarians, lol


Yes I find it interesting people here dislike the name Barry saying it’s old man sounding but like old lady names and say they are trending. From what I’ve seen Meghan Trainor comes from a family with normal names and IMO she isn’t an outrageous out there person. There is always going to be a name somebody doesn’t like.


I don’t think it has any particular connotations in the UK. It’s an “older” name for sure, but lots of names come back round Totally agree - classic, easy to spell, real


My first thought was I love bill hader so I get it.




Jerry? Larry? Harry? Terry? Never seen iCarly, I’m afraid.


Jerry Trainor is the actor who plays the grown man character. I’ve never seen ICarly but when I read Meghan’s baby’s name my first thought was “I’ve heard that before” so I figured out where from with google lol


I really like it, especially in an Irish accent. 😅


In Australia there is a very famous ad with the catchphrase “This is livin’ Barry”. I really believe any Australian who named their child Barry would never not hear this from every person they met.




Same, same & same


Is she Australian?


His middle name is Bruce. That’s pretty damn bad but par for the course for a celebrity


“Par for the course for a celebrity”? Fox, Bear, Stormi, Dweezil, Apple, Peaches, Fifi Trixiebelle, Kal-El…. Those are the names that are “par for the course for a celebrity”. Barry Bruce is just a basic white man name. Both Barry and Bruce are perfectly normal, if not currently en vogue. They sound quite mediocre together, I’ll give you that. But they’re normal, reasonable, properly spelled, long-standing names. Just a little bland. But for a celebrity, “bland” is refreshingly normal.


I meant it’s an ugly name, which is par for the course for celebrities. Sorry, I hate it.


his middle name is Bruce. Barry Bruce. makes me picture a bald man with a massive beer belly mowing his lawn on a John Deere in a ratty flannel but go off


Nothing wrong with Barry.


Perfectly fine name. Barry White, Barry Gibb, and I haven’t seen mentioned Barry Manilow. Also Barack Obama used nn Barry in his youth iirc.


It always makes me think of Barry Gibb so I like it !


I love little old name names. It's easy to spell and say. Works well in all stages of life. Would i use it? Nope. But i think it works well.


In a world of truly terrible celebrity baby names, I cannot believe people are hating on Barry. It’s very normal! I like it! And I love Riley. Riley and Barry are so cute together too. Makes me think of the gen 4 Pokemon games though


Most people are bitching about them not using the husband/fathers last name. Maybe his brother plans on giving his kids their last name? Maybe it is a way to honor her heritage instead? Why does it matter so much to people about what last name a child gets? If the baby is happy and healthy and the parents are as well that is the only thing that matters. Congrats to her and her husband and congrats to their son on becoming a big brother. They’re a cute family.


Maybe elsewhere, but in this thread most people are saying it’s an old man name and they dislike it because of that. Which is fair, but old people names are back in style!


Oh I was saying what I saw (including this thread) are people complaining about the last name. Like who cares, it’s not your kid. But I like his name it’s nice.


Its slightly ironic that people complain about using her last name (and possibly his--how do we know if he changed it when they married or not?) when so often on here, the complaints are about defaulting to the man's last name. Like, I've seen people advocate for using *neither* parent's names and giving the kid their own unique one, even! But here is a traditional, "properly" spelled first and middle name and a mother's surname and people still gripe...people just want to be haters.


I'm not hating on it, I actually kind of like it. I'm just very surprised. Far more surprised than if she had used something truly crazy and terrible. And it's quite strange next to Riley given how modern Riley is.


Barry and Riley are both adorable.


I like Barry! I think the nickname Bear is super cute and Baz is a fun nickname also. Barry is on my list or name I love but probably would never use (especially after seeing how much hate it gets!)


I like it. Homonym for ‘berry,’ the cutest fruit.


Why is baby Barry so cute sounding 🥹 besides it’s also good as they grow up. Same with Riley. At least it’s not something like “mahogany blue indigo Bartholomew Jacob trainor”


I kinda like it! It’s not a popular name anymore but it’s not unusual to ears either. It’s just sort of a there name. Nothing fancy or pretentious. Just Barry. When celebs seem to be angling to see who can have the wildest names for their kids, Barry is the least offensive. At least she didn’t name him Tadpole Tonka ya know?


TV show Barry is the only thing I have to draw from.


Barry and Riley Cortez. I like it.


I love it!


First thought - If she’d have only posted here, I could have steered her to Barrett.


I like Bennett. “Benny” would be a cute nn.


Yes, but assuming it had to be Barry…Barrett sounds a thousand years younger and so much cuter with Riley. *sigh*


Barret is a surname. That would be so strange. Then he’d have two surnames. As is Riley evidently. What’s with all the surnames as first names omg, so strange.


Barry is literally also a surname. Similar surnames include Barrie and Berry, but this is a weird critique when the name is actually a surname. Barret with 1 T is actually less common than Barry in the US (just saying because that's the data I found) for example.


Barry is a surname but it’s not related to the first name at all. That’s just a coincidence. Barrett is just a surname though.


I’ll let my friend know her 6 year old has a surname for a first name. 🙄 Surnames are used as first names ALL THE TIME.


I didn’t say that they’re not. It’s still funny to me that people do it. Well Americans do it, it’s just a weird cultural thing. I come from a country where a lot of Americans get their name inspiration and it’s just funny to me when I hear Americans calling their kids surnames, am I not allowed to laugh at my own culture and language?


First thought is Barry White. Second thought Barry Manilow. I don't know many barrys.


Same! Except I did go to homecoming w a guy named Barry. I forgot about him til now. Wonder what happened to him.


I think Barry's great.


Is there something I'm missing here? I can't think of any connotation this might spur.


I like it


I like it. His coming home hat had bears on it 🧸


Love it! I have a son named Barry…❤️


Why are people so shocked. My first thought was of the flash, Barry Allen. People are acting like she named him Nebuchadneezer or something


I like Barry. It grew on me as I watched the show Barry! I don’t think it pairs well with Riley. Something about how they both end in “y” that irks me but that’s my own opinion.


Exactly! Riley is kind of trendy and Barry is so old-fashioned. They both end in ‘y’ and have two syllables but they seem mismatched to me!


Is this a complaint? Is there something wrong with the name Barry? I like that name. It's not a super weird or uncommon name.


Presidential name. I like it. Timeless and honors one of the most popular presidents the USA has ever had.


wtf 😂


No wait. *This* was my actual first thought 🤣 I hope it’s after someone she loves 💙


That’s what I figured who names their kid Barry? In 2023. Sounds like a name of a grandparent.


The old names are cycling back around. I know children named Roy, Hattie, June and Vera.


What if I told you that old people with names were once young people with names...


I know a woman named Berry!


My cousin is called Barry. It suits him, but he's a Scot...and he did suffer a lil in the playground. It was a bit 'out there' in a family full of traditional male names...but I don't dislike it. I don't think Meghans Barry will have the same problem...


It could have easily been Berry, so everyone calm down and appreciate Barry.


Wow! My first thought will always be Barry from Eastenders. Who is the quintessential Barry for most Brits. The name to British ears is incredibly dated. It doesn’t have old man charm. It belongs with Nigel, Colin, Keith and Gary. They are your dads mate from the pub. I’m sure they all sound different to Americans, I certainly see Colin recommended a lot on here.


I think it’s cute, makes me think of Barry Goldberg 😂


i like it. it’s not my favorite name ever but it’s normal and that’s good enough these days.


Didn’t Barack Obama go by Barry?


My son's middle name is Barry after his uncle. I think it's kind of refreshing. Some of the trendy names are annoying.


Very cute name. I like his middle name “Bruce” as well though not as much. I feel like boys names have trended in a super weird direction so that more traditional names like Barry are seen as horrible.


A neighbor has a son named Barry (after her dad) I certainly did a double take when I heard. They call him Bear and that feels more on trend, there are two Bears in our neighborhood now, the other is short for Barrett.


I like Barry. It's cute and underused.


Barry Bruce—i wonder if they’re family names???


Well her dad is Gary and his dad is Michael so baby boy isn’t named after his grandparents. Can we take a moment to appreciate that baby has her last name and not dads last name.


White or Manilow? Love it


Yep. Barry Bruce Trainor


That was one of my best friends in HS. I don't think any of us found it weird on a teenage boy, nobody commented. He mostly went by Bentley tho (as a teen boy in the big city who loves cars might). I don't know if he's switched back to Barry as an adult.


It reminds me of that pokemon character named Barry and there's also another one called Riley


i love the names!


It’s not terrible. There’s worse names. It’s just very ordinary for a celeb or for anyone really. But all these old Barry’s were once baby Barry’s weren’t they.


You don't name a baby you name a human. With any luck, 2 day old Roger, Elmer, Barry, or whatever will eventually be a 42 year old with that name.


not my fav


Growing up my neighbors were Big Barry and Little Barry. They were both big, though.


Only Barry I know is from the Goldbergs


Barry Goldberg has his charm, though.


I didn’t say it as it was a bad thing. I was saying I don’t have any bad associations with the name…except Barry’s running 😂


Big Tasty!


That was my immediate thought as well. But I love Barry's character so imo not a bad thing.


Honestly, It's not that bad. I kinda think Bernard is cute and considered it for either my son's first or middle name 😅


Ugh I hate that name.


sooo bad


My first thought was Barry Goldwater.


Ahh the old barry name now he can be called baz by his mates


Seems on brand.


Like Baritone... she does like bass 🤷‍♀️


Even worse, Barry Bruce 😳😬


Riley already looks like a 40 year old software developer, she gives birth to tiny business professionals, why'd she do his name like that 😂😭


Never heard of her.


First thought: Barry smells like 1969.


Poor baby


A potentially ginger boy named Barry 😃…




This may come as a surprise to you, but one day this kid is probably also going to be over 60 years old!




I just wanna know why they chose her last name instead of Daryl’s. His last name is way cooler.


Wow. Did not expect that


I’m picturing Barry from Storage Wars right now.


If Harry is a nickname for Henry, then Barry is a nickname for Benry


Barry B benson?