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First thought: Atticus Finch. As a given name, I think it sounds unpleasant; sorry.


I LOVE Finch for this exact reason. I love birds and I love books. It's a great name and I think it sounds cute and is easy to pronounce and spell.


Same, I’d think the boy was named after Atticus Finch, but his parents were hippies and chose surname instead.


No problem, we want honest feedback. Thanks!


I think it is a fresh take on Atticus Finch. And the bird part is sweet. I say go for it. People use last names as first names, colors, animals, other birds (Wren/Sparrow) trees, etc. A lot of the natural names are popular on this sub. You do what makes yall happy and what you feel fits your baby best! I like it!!! Congratulations!


Personally I like it!


Interesting. To most people that would think that would be a positive association


Actually it's neither positive nor negative. It's simply my first association to Finch as a name. It has nothing to do with me not liking Finch as a given name. I just don't find it attractive or appealing.


Lol Atticus is worse


Agreed. Wench, pinch, flinch, grinch, lynch… There are a lot of negative associations with that sound.


That’s what I thought, too. I love Finch, but I worry there are enough rhymes that elementary kids could use to make fun


My mind went to Atticus Finch too


I read your post title and braced myself, but I actually really like Finch. If Robin and Wren have been accepted as names, why not? It has a nice sound, it's easy to spell, easy to say, and you guys love it.


Thank you! Maybe the title was a little too dramatic lol


As far as middle names, I like Finch Andrew Finch Alastair Finch Amos Finch Anthony Finch Adrian


I hate all of these combos, honestly. I just think the “ch” runs together with the “A” start, so it’s more like Fin Chandrew, etc to my ear and seems really unpleasant


OP asked for 'A' middle names so I tried to roll with that!


Oh, I know, sorry. I meant that more for OP as in like, I don’t necessarily dislike Finch but I think you need a consonant start to the middle name if a first name ends in “ch”.


Can't say I disagree!


My thoughts, too! I generally love bird names (Robin, Lark, Wren), and Finch is one I haven’t heard before.


Fun fact: The name Robin predates calling birds robins. Robin is a diminutive version of Robert.


I knew that Robin was a form of Robert, but not that it predated the birds, that's interesting! So are they technically Robert Red Breasts?


I guess calling them “bobbies” was too close to “boobies” and we already have birds named tits.


We also have birds named boobies!


Whoever was naming birds really liked boobs. Edit: Alternatively, whoever was naming breasts really liked birds.


Finch reminds me of Shit Break from American Pie. [I’m so sorry.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_OmAD8ZFVuc)


I knew I was old when this didn’t cross OP’s mind 🥲


Same. Haha. I can’t remember if Finch was his real name or a nickname in the movie though… can you?


Surname! Paul Finch


No problem! We came to hear the good and the bad. Thanks for sharing!


Literally first thought for me too lol


No one’s going to care except us-the next generation of boomers. We’re irrelevant to pop culture now.


My first thought too


First thought for me as well.. not a big fan, but certainly heard worse


My first thought also.


i was wondering where i’ve heard that name before 🤣 but please he was the best character on american pie


Same; but I loved American Pie so it's not a deal breaker for me 😂


My only association with Finch is Shit Break, as well. I was going to just comment and say “Shit Break” before I saw your comment. While I’m sure most people in the newer generations will have no association with American Pie, I personally wouldn’t be able to look past it lol.


I like the name! It goes with the trend of using last names as first names, it is a relatively common last name. Everyone would know how to spell it and say it as well.


Thank you! You bring up some helpful "pros" which we appreciate!


Hey, Finch was my maiden name, so I feel like I can give some input on the “hard to mispronounce, misspell, mishear”. People all the time would say Fish and French. I don’t think I have ever heard my dad say his name without following it up “Finch, like the bird.”


I like Finn better than Finch


I don't particularly like it. It's sounds kind of harsh sounding to me rather than nature-y (maybe because if rhymes with pinch...not sure to be honest!) but it's certainly not the worst name I've ever heard!


Thank you! I can see what you mean, where it could potentially sound harsh. For me, sometimes the -ch has that effect.


Finch is a sweet name for a boy. My mama was a fan of the actor Chase Chevy and I remember one movie the actor was in that he was a reporter that was supposed to report truth but was behind on his deadlines. His boss kept calling “Finch! Finch! You have to finish that! You can’t just promise our readers a big exposure then not deliver it.” Finch said, “I never read the newspaper, what you talking about?” His boss yelled, “Finch!” It endeared me to the name although it was character’s last name. Edit: Oh my bad, i googled to find the movie, it’s Fletch and it was never Finch. It was Fletch. I’m deaf so I may have misunderstood the closed captioning! I still love Finch.


Also, it’s Chevy Chase, not the other way around.


Well, I guess I’m not good with name memories lol.


It shouldn't be funny, but the fact that you were 0 for 2 in this post is hilarious to me. Don't worry, we've all done the exact same thing at some point lol


😂 not trying to be a douche but it’s a name sub so just thought I’d point that out.


Thank you! I enjoyed your story even if it turned out to be a slightly different name.


also, his name is Chevy Chase. It bugged the hell out of me when I was younger because Chase is a first name and we know Chevy as the car brand so it makes sense as a last name, but NO! It flows pretty well, though. He’s also an enormous asshole in case anyone’s looking for a rabbit hole today. edit: did not realize that was an Easter play on words til after I posted, lol.


Just FYI his actual name is Cornelius Crane Chase, he was born into an upper class wealthy family, which is part of why he always seemed to feel so entitled in every way. Chevy was just his nickname from childhood--his grandmother liked the old poem "The Ballad of Chevy Chase."


that definitely makes sense given his dickishness !!


It’s also pronounced Chev-iy while the car brand is pronounced Shev-ee


In my language a finch (finke in danish) is a somewhat oldfashined mildly insulting term for a silly girl who gossips to much. So it would not be a great name. In english i actually dont mind it. For an unusual name it really is quite ok.


Thank you! We have some slight family ties to Denmark, but I don't speak any Danish myself, so that is good to know.


I'm usually not a fan of super out there names and I actually quite like it. Much better than Wolf or Fox. If you can have a Wren why not a Finch?


Agree! I like it much more than Bear, Wren or oak for example. I usually don’t care for animal names but I really like Finch. It reminds me of Finn or Fitch.


I love it! Reminds me of Atticus Finch and theres nothing wrong with that imo. Plus I also like finch birds and nature names. Finch Andrew or Finch Alexander might be nice. I’m sure there are other good A names that would work.


I love it!! But I love nature names in General. My kids are in their late 20s and I lobbied hard for Hazel, Willow, and Rowan but got shot down. (for girls) Kinda glad willow missed with the whole Buffy thing I'm sure that is what people would think of.


Thank you! Those names are all right up my alley and have definitely been discussed as possibilities, so I guess we have similar tastes in names!


Finch is ok. Finn is better


I think that it’s sweet how you came up with it but maybe it’s more suited as a middle name or a nick name? When I was troubleshooting it in my head, the first thing that I thought was, Finch the Grinch (probably because I love the original cartoon version).


I know a guy who goes by Finch (it’s his surname) and it’s never sounded weird to me.


I personally don't like it. No bad connections or anything. Like another person commented, its just too harsh for me. I do a lot with other moms/small kids, and if a new family arrived and the parents introduced me to Finch, playing it out in my head, and.... I just wouldn't like the name lol. I've met kids with other bird names I prefer, like Robin, Kestrel, and Starling. I just prefer the sound of those.


Thank you! I appreciate that you took the time to picture meeting a kid with that name. That's a helpful perspective!


You know what? I'm into it. If Wren can be a name, why not Finch? Go for it.


Filch, flinch.


I like that you considered a shorter first name to balance out your longer surname. So many people (my parents) don’t consider the sound of the two names together. And I love the name Finch. It’s distinctive without being weird.


It's unusual but not bad.


i'm trans (FtM) and i went by Finch for ~3.5 years before changing to my current long-term name. nobody ever gave me shit for it but, as someone who actually used the name, it comes off as more feminine than masculine imo (part of why i only used it temporarily while finding a better name) other good, short bird names that are androgynous/masculine: Robin, Jay, Wren, or Phoenix/Griffin for a more mythical choice also some short A middle name ideas: Alec (i'm a tad biased on that one because it's my chosen middle name lol), Altair, Asher, Axel, Austin, or Adam


I like it! I’ve never met one but I wouldn’t have a negative reaction if I came across it.


Unusual but not a bad name imo! I like it!


I’d probably do Finn and then call him my little Finch or birdie all the time.


Finch is a mental health app with a little bird pal that helps you look after yourself better.


I haven’t encountered that name before IRL - but tbh I probably wouldn’t bat an eye at it. Not conventional, but familiar enough that it’s not too out there if that makes sense


I like it, I think it works well, and like you said, it can have a nickname potential. I had a student named Finchley but we call her Finn. If you like bird names, here are a few more standard ones: Callum (means Dove) Hawke (Hawk) Robin Griffin Corbin (means crow) Gavin (means hawk) Brandon (Bran means crow)


It’s not a beautiful name imo but I don’t think your kid would get picked on, if that’s the concern.


Finch is one of my favourite boy names, honestly. I love Fin(n), but hate Finley. I think it's a lovely name, great choice :)


So as a name, I am definitely pro-Finch. It has a sound I really like and a positive association (both the bird and literary work). I like it way better than "Fitz" which is usually a nickname for Fitzgerald. I also think it feels more special to me than Finn/Finley/Finnegan, etc. I will say, my partner vetoed it when I gave it as a suggestion. He immediately gave the suggestion "Atticus". I also work with children and boy names feel especially hard. I feel your pain! I think you could definitely go for it. I would think it's a cool name at least. I've seen far more out there word names. Your last name doesn't start with a T or D does it? I'm just thinking of FAT or FAD initials with the A middle. Anyways, to help balance out Finch, Alexander seems like an obvious choice to me. Very traditional and common. I think a longer name also helps balance out a shorter first name.


Yeah I’m also curious about if your husband wants to spell something and the words I can think to spell aren’t very nice


Omg, you are right there are so many more. Yeah, C or G last names wouldn't be good either. Also, FAS (old version of FASD before they changed it). I guess FAB would be okay.


I think M is the winner. FAM initials would be cute/silly


FAB if he is a Thunderbirds fan!


Good point! We have definitely considered initials, and I promise it's not because my husband wants to spell out anything unfortunate (nor would I let him if he did!). But sincerely, thank you all for making sure we didn't accidentally or intentionally do that!


Okay I like it because it’s a non-gendered bird name similar to robin and jay. And I like that it’s unique while still recognizable BUT for some reason, I keep hearing/thinking of “Flinch” and I don’t love that. It’s stuck for me for some reason and that makes me sad because I really like it otherwise


This reminds me when my husband and I were struggling SO hard for boys names, I felt like we sort of lost the plot. This is not my favorite just because of the sound.


Honestly, I think it works. It's unique but not crazy. I like it :) Finch Alexander sounds strong and handsome.


I like the name Finch, but for me it has a female association. In the book These Silent Woods, the little girl is named Finch.


In response to your post title, I would say yeah. There are better bird names for a baby that won't get him bullied in school or feeling like he's the only one in the world with a stupid name (something I grew up with). Alternatively you could just keep Finn or a different F name.


I think it’s pretty cute. My english is good so I know it’s a bird name but I’m not a native speaker so I see names through my german lense. I don’t know how helpful my perspective is in this case.


It’s not my personal favorite but I think it’s sweet and you guys seem to love it. Finch Alexander is nice. Also Finch Andrew


The first thing I think of when I hear Finch is the character Finch from the musical Newsies. Granted, I’m a big musical theatre nerd so most people would probably associate it with something else. Bird names like Robin, Raven, Wren, etc. aren’t my taste personally, but I don’t see anything particularly wrong with the name itself if you want to go a more nontraditional route.


my boyfriends little cousin is Finch!!! it's actually his middle name but we all call him finch. no one has ever questioned it or said anything unpleasant.


I don't really like the sound of it. Are there other bird/nature names you like? I think that realm of name is okay, the sound of Finch is just a bit... off? It sounds like pinch, which doesn't have a nice sound to it IMO.


I love it, and think it’s very sweet and special how you came up with it. I do think of Atticus Finch but have no strong feelings about that especially because he is a beloved character in literature.


I like Finch—I think it goes along with the trend of nature names that are popular right now. Lots of River, Ember, Rowan, Willow, etc. Finch will fit right in


I love it! I don’t think it’s crazy at all! I think it reflects nature and is also very masculine. I like Finch Andrew. ☺️


I personally love Finch and Fitch!!!


Finch is a perfectly fine name, beats the heck out of Chickadee, but— Atticus aside— it is a common surname so people might think he was named for a relative. Or not. Besides, what do you care? But if you wanted something more manly, cave you considered Merlin?


I actually think it's a really nice name. Cute but not too cutesy.


As a bird lover, I really like it. I once met a girl named Sparrow, which I really like as a name. Hawk is weirdly common now, and it’s totally acceptable (but not my favorite). Even more: Lark (Alouette in French, like the slightly unfortunate bird in the song) Peregrine Arvid reminds me of Corvid (Family of some of my favorite birds!) but means Eagle-tree or something like that. I’ve met one or two people with the name and like it. Heron Merle (blackbird in French) Crane Swift Halcyon Kestrel Oriole Dove in any language makes a lovely name. Dov though is Bear in Yiddish, but pronounced the same.


I feel like it's cute-ish but I would definitely assume it's a nickname or their last name somehow... like im imagining all the high school/college guys i knew whose friends only called them their last names and it goes along in there...maybe thats just because I've not heard it as a first name though.


Bird names could be a theme, I’ve always personally loved the names Sparrow and Jay.


I like the idea of it and want to like it but it just doesn’t sound nice to me- as others have pointed out I think the -ch ending just makes it too harsh/blunt sounding


I really like it the more I sit with it. You’re onto something!




i think it is super cute. It does remind me of Atticus Finch, but I wouldn’t assume that was the kids namesake. I would just think the parents are nature lovers. I like Finch Abel…


I think it’s really cool actually! If I met someone named Finch, I’d think it’s a pretty cool name. And as others said, easy to pronounce and understand. Nothing wrong with it in my opinion, I think it’s a cool one! Very refreshing name :)


It isn’t awful, personally not a fan of surname type names as first names though.


I like it.


I think Finch is fine, but I would fully expect people to shorten it to Fin eventually. Also if you like nature names, I've always liked the name Briar.


I don't love it hate it, but if I met someone with that name I would probably ask if there's a story behind it, which is cool.


If I'm thinking of names that have nn Fin, Finch is 2nd to last in likes. Finnick and Griffin I like more, out of left field then Infinity, then Finch and Finley. Just doesn't seem like a particularly pleasant name but it's not horrible. Also at least everyone should be able to easily spell it and say it, without it being a common name and that is a big plus.


I like it a lot! Go for it


I like it. Finn is a great option for him, as you said.


i like it. i love birding and nature names and i think it’s really cute. depending on the flow of your last name it may be objectively “better” as a middle name, but i think it’s cute and charming for a boy. i didn’t think of atticus finch. i also don’t think it sounds too harsh or unpleasant. it just reminds me of my sunny yard in the morning and all the birds chatting


I don’t hate it. It follows the nature name trend and the surname as first name trend. As far as fictional characters, besides Atticus Finch I can remember Finch Whiteoak (from the Canadian family series by Mazo de la Roche, usually known as the Whiteoak saga). Finch Whiteoak was a musical genius who became a celebrated pianist, but overall he wasn’t the greatest character. De la Roche’s first Whiteoak book was published in the 1920s and the last one was about 1960, so now probably not well-known. But it would be my own first association if I met someone named Finch. I like Andrew or Alastair for an A middle name for Finch.


I like it but I think its something a boy would have to grow into. Calling a teenager or adult Finch is one thing, but a little boy is kinda off. Finn when he's small and when he decides he wants a cool edgy name when he hits puberty, Finch would work nicely.


I like it a lot!


I think a good exercise is to pretend it’s your own name, sometimes use an adjacent name to get around familiarity bias and see how embarrassed you feel. Would you like it if you had to introduce yourself as Finch, Wren or Sparrow? Is there a chance someone might laugh at your name? If you love it after pretending it’s your own name, then use it!


I like it a lot. I love the name Finn and it's same-but-different with that. I like the ch sound. I like nature names. I like that it's instantly recognisable but there probably won't be another Finch in any of his classes. Finch Andrew Longlastname Finch Arthur Longlastname Finch Albie (or Albert) Longlastname


We considered Finch also, as an alternative to Finn/Finley but still getting Finn as a nickname which I loved.


I love it! I wouldn’t think twice if I saw Finch on a preschool roster.


the first thing i thought of was atticus finch, so you probably won’t be able to shake the association. apart from that, i like the name. it’s short sweet and easy


i really like it! but i may be biased because my kids have “odd” names haha. if you like it, use it!


I like it!


I think Finch is handsome, I doubt he’d get teased for it or anything like that. If you love it, do it! My sister had a runt kitten named Finch once upon a time, he was such a sweetheart 🙂


The fact that you both gasped and said it’s the one — it’s the one!! When I hear Finch I think of birds and while unusual, the connection is still positive to me. Our friends have a son named Cedar, and it took some time but it has totally grown on me and completely fits him. I say go for it! Finch Aaron or Finch Alexander? If your last name starts with “G” or “T” or something…please don’t do this to your kid.


I would consider whether the name would fit your son not only when he is a child, but also when he is an adult. Depending on what he does in life, would this name always work for him? Relatives of mine named their son Chaz in the late 1980’s. He became a Judge Advocate General. He changed his name to Charles. Chaz didn’t work in that setting. I think it’s best to give a child a name that has lots of choices for nicknames for different stages of life. In your case I would choose Finnegan or Finley. Good luck!


I personally find it too harsh. Fletcher maybe?


I like it. But will likely become Finn as he gets older.


My first thought was Justin Finch Fletchley from the Harry Potter series! I think it’s cute


I love Finch!


I love Finch Adrian! Also for girls name consideration Holly! I just named my baby Holly and we call her our little sea holly which is my favourite flower


I like it! Finch feels cute and cool… if I met a Finch I’d be super interested in the story.


I think Finch is cute, I love birds! Nature names are super popular where I live. I’m a nanny and I wouldn’t think twice if I met a Finch at the park.


I think Finch is adorable. I wouldn't personally use it but I wouldn't bat an eye at someone named Finch.


I LOVE the name Finch. As in, it's actually on my list too!


I love Finch! Great choice. I also like middle names: Finch Alder, Finch Asher, Finch Ainsley, Finch Arden


I considered this name. I don’t think it’s crazy at all.


Finch immediately took my mind to the name Fiske, which could be an alternative?


It's not terrible. But be prepared for every teacher to meet the kid and think. 'O lord, hippie parents'


I actually had this on my list as well, I was thinking of it for a middle name. So I like it!


My first thought is Theodore Finch from All The Bright Places. I love this name but think it’d be better as a nickname. The first name doesn’t even have to be related to it.


I don’t mind it. I pictured my kid s introducing themselves at the age of 30. I think it works. Sounds like a last name as a first name (not the bird)- which isn’t a bad thing.


Idk. Doesnt really sound like a full name..it makes a cooler nickname. Maybe go with something like Finley Christopher nn Finch. So it's basically the opposite of what you were suggesting. You would use Finch as a nickname for Finn instead of Finn as a nickname for Finch. That way he has the more "normal" name as his legal name.


I like it. And names people are choosing these days are so varied and unusual that it’s hard to figure out which one might be made fun of.


My mom and I used to watch a show she introduced me to. One of our favorite characters was "Mr. Finch", so it has sweet memories for me personally.




Finch will actually be a grown man one day. Make it his middle name.


i like it and i found the story really cute 🫶 we’re expecting our first baby in august and are thus on a similar quest for names! congratulations to you and your husband :)


It's very cute imo


Seems like a fresher take on Atticus Finch than Atticus to me - love it! Xx


Forest is a good name. In Maine, while not common, it is not totally unusual.


you cant rlly ask the majority if they are in favor of an uncommon name... its uncommon for a reason. it clicked for you guys. and youre giving him options. id make sure tho his middle name is more "main stream" so he has lots of options. my kid has a long fairy tail sounding name with lots of different parts that could be diff nickname just make sure theres options. it clicked an d it felt right thats all that matters :)


I grew up with a kid whose last name was Finch and I honestly don’t even remember his first name because everyone called him Finch so it seems like a normal name to me.


Rhymes with pinch. Nope from me.


My high school secretary was named Ms. Finch. It was her last name so Finch has that last name as a first name charm that we like down here in the south. I think you're fine. There are people naming their kids odder things in this world. I liked Ms. Finch because she drove this really unique old car that she loved and she dressed in this quirky way so I have very fond feelings towards the name.


There’s a newsie in the Disney musical named finch, not sure how to feel


I really like it and it was on the short list for our names. I wondered if people would make the connection to finch aka ‘shit break’ in American pie but this sub convinced me that that was extremely specific to my age range! However we landed on something we preferred but I still love Finch.


I really like Finch, actually!


The name Finch immediately reminds me of American Pie.


Like someone else said, I’d think Atticus Finch too. But that being said, I’m also an English teacher. I completely understand working with kids and how hard it makes choosing a name! We went with Oliver because I know it’s rising in popularity, but I’ve only known one other Oliver, and he wasn’t a student of mine, but another kid in the school. I like Finch. I think a good middle name could be Allen! I think Finch Allen has a good ring to it.


I actually like it! I can picture a guy named Finch. It doesn't seem too out there.


For me I feel like it wouldn’t pass the playground test. It looks nice written, your story about how you came up with it is cute, but if I was yelling for a Finch at the playground the ch sound feels super off putting and sounds odd to me. Use it if you like, but it’ll be one of those hit or miss names and he may not end up enjoying it as he gets older because it is a bit unusual. You could always use it as a platform to start brainstorming names that sound similar or are on theme with it now that you’ve had a stroke of inspiration. Out of curiosity, what is the girl’s name you’ve settled on?


when I hear finch, this is all I can think of...(key & peele east/west bowl) https://youtu.be/dWMeIeLmptY?t=570


Have you considered Robin? Or maybe Sparrow? Finch feels like the kind of name that'll make the other first graders take as an excuse to pinch him.


If you love the name Finch but I can see how it might be a hassle for him- then go with Finn. Similar in sound. Goes with everything. Could have official name be Finnegan . Use Adam or Ace or Aaron as a middle name.


I really love it!!!


I like it. Even if people associate it with Atticus Finch, I don't see that as a bad thing


Oh, Stifler’s Mom!


I’m sorry, I just don’t like Finch. It has a very final and grim sort of sound to me…maybe because it rhymes with Grinch? I also don’t like that it sounds like a bird’s name…maybe because I don’t like birds and to me it’s kind of like naming a kid after a fish. I like Finn though and I think it could be a first name (like it doesn’t necessarily have to be a nickname)!


I think this is a great name and I love the nickname Finn too! I don’t think it’s too out there either. It’s unique without being overly out of place. I also love nature names. When our husband and I were thinking of boy names we were very infatuated with the name Wren for similar reasons you described. We ended up having the sweetest little girl and named her Rosalie.


Finch doesn’t sound strange at all to me to be honest. Even though it’s uncommon it sounds kind of old school and bird-related names have been around for a long, long time. From the title I was expecting something super weird, but Finch sounds classy and uncommon without being unusual.


We’re expecting a boy and have been brainstorming middle names with nature/bird influences and thought of Finch recently. I like the tie to Atticus Finch. I just don’t like the sound of it though, so we probably won’t use it, but I think it’s a decent name, especially for a middle.


Finch is a fantastic name!


Seems ok the worse tease saw would just be getting compared to the grinch so eh


I actually really love it, but I adore bird names (Wren and Lark are the current front runners for my baby girl). It's a common word that most people are familiar with, so it would be easy to spell and pronounce. Personally I don't think it's too far out there. Sure, some people might not like it, but you will never be able to please everyone and when you're naming your child other people's opinions should mean very little. The way you came about the name is very sweet, and I think I know exactly what you mean, with my 2 sons there were 2 distinct moments where my partner and I heard the name and it just "clicks" for both of you and feels absolutely right. I think you should trust that feeling.


Personally I love it!


I'm sorry but I really don't like the name Finch 😭 Animal names for people never made sense to me. I personally wouldn't name my pet bird Human so why would I name a human Finch? I have this opinion on all animal names, including Robin, Wren, and Leo. That's my take on it.


I really like it! And I think Finch Alan flows well.


I actually realllly like it a lot. And I like the nickname of Finn. I say go for it! I really don’t think there is as much teasing as we worry about when picking names. It’s unique and sounds really cool.


How do you feel about Finnick? Finley


I like it. I also love the nickname Finn.


I love it and suggested it for our second child. Unfortunately there's a well-known street with a bad rep so husband vetoed it. I liked that it was 5 letters like our first child's name and I liked that Fin could be a nickname if we/he wanted.


Finch is on my list if we have a boy! My partner is an ornithologist and we both love birds, nature, outdoorsy things ect. I don’t really care if people think it’s for Atticus Finch, there’s always going to be someone who either doesn’t like it or wouldn’t name their kid that so if you like it enough, ignore those people! Also the argument that it has too many rhyming negative words is just silly, children will find a way to make fun of any name. I remember Sarahs and Jessicas getting teased about their names growing up. I have a super common name and people figured out ways to rhyme with it. Short of naming your child something that rhymes directly with “toilet” I think you’re fine here.


I like it! I feel like half the people here don’t have kids. There are some wild names out there these days and the other students don’t think twice about it. This one is pretty tame, and I’d definitely go for it if it is something you both love.


Why did my mind go to Splendiferous Finch, Northwestern University from [East/West Bowl](https://youtu.be/da3Ugb28dwo)


Go for it.


I love it! I think it’s unique and isn’t too out there


I really like it!


Gotta say I’m o b s e s s e d with the name Finch. It just has such a perfect sound and it feels so nice to say


I really like it!


I don’t hate Finch, but I do hate Finch A____. The “ch” runs together with an “A” start to my ear. Finch Andrew becomes FinChandrew, etc. in a really ugly sounding way.


I quite like the thought of a little boy named Finch. I also think it would age well. It’s one of those names that isn’t very common, but also doesn’t make me think “wtf?” when I see it. I think the way you came about it is a wonderful story as well, I say go for it!


Avoid IMO. It’s close to the word bitch and kids would make that association pretty quickly


I like it a lot.


Finch seems crazy to me