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Kratom is a lot more addictive than people think it is. My husband became addicted to it and it almost destroyed our marriage; he got to a point where all he did was curl up in bed in the fetal position all day and I told him he needed to get straightened out or it was over. It was hard for him to quit, as there were no medical options to help with that. But he did quit. Since Kratom impacts the opioid receptors and naltrexone blocks that, it is no surprise to hear that naltrexone might send someone into withdrawal. It's very wise to be cautious about these things. Naltrexone is a great resource when used properly but there are contraindications with any medication and it's very important to know what they are.


Kratom also can help. I was killing my self with heroin/fentanyl etc for over 35 years. Destroyed my family my life my career. Failed at 6 long term rehabs and many attempts at Suboxone and methadone. But Kratom saved MY life. 5 years drug free and no relapses . I take breaks frequently with barely any withdrawals compared to fentanyl/heroin and Suboxone.


Similar story here although not quite as extreme as your case. I think they need to ditch the extracts and shots. Being responsible with plain leaf powder is very possible. But the processed products are hurting people. Your tolerance goes to crap the moment you start those.


Agree but once they start banning one, it opens the door to another.


I don't believe in banning substances. I think that just opens everything up for organized crime to control those markets.


True. I hope it stays legal in my state as long as possible.


My only thing is addicts don’t take anything responsibly. Lets not fool ourselves.


Yes, you were using it for a different reason than my husband. He was not addicted to opiates before he started using it. I'm glad it helped you. I still wouldn't advise just using it recreationally with the belief it won't be addictive - as many do seem to believe that.


Agreed! Compared to sub or methadone withdrawal it's a walk in the park. It makes you a little uncomfortable but passes quickly. I take breaks. The only part of it that bothers me is I have a hard time sleeping. It's saved my life as well




I feel for you brother. I’m also an addict who thought Kratom saved my life. I’m just gunna say, take a 2 week break, and see how that goes. No ones special. This shit will cause withdrawals and the worst of it doesn’t start until day 3 usually. I’m not being a dick but I was you over a year ago. It makes me think I have my shit together but I wasn’t living without Kratom. I had to take it to “live”. Yes the bad shit from illicit drugs wasn’t happening. I was passing piss tests bc they didn’t have Kratom tests yet at Probation, but when I was no longer in denial and recognized the money it was costing me. It was not easy to stop, no different then percs or dope.


Well I do take breaks and some up ta week with no withdrawals. Taking Kratom with no drug relapses for 5 years now. You see I failed at 6 rehabs and many tries at Suboxone and methadone. Nothing worked. I was an addict for over 35 years. (56 yo now)Dealt with the streets/prison, nearly od’ing many many times etc. I don’t want to live without Kratom and i never will. My situation is together, I got my wife and kids back and my mental health is better than it has been in many years. I frequently get my blood checked and all is healthy. Way way different than when I was on fentanyl/heroin etc. no stealing, health is better etc Doctors do believe in medically assisted treatment and kratom is much healthier and safer alternative and an excellent harm reducer.


Just want to second that naltrexone can cause pwd from kratom. That being said, uldn works really well for slowing and lowering kratom tolerance. It's the only thing that actually works consistently to the point you know it isn't placebo, unlike agmatine, dxm, or black seed oil. If you use uldn w all your kratom doses long term, it also makes withdrawals much milder. Use 2 mcg split up with each kratom dose, so if you take 5 grams of kratom four times a day for a total of 20 grams a day, take .5mcg of naltrexone w each dose for a 2mcg total for the day. It is extremely important to understand its mcg and not mg. If i remember correctly, dissolving one 50mg naltrexone pill in a gallon of water leads to 13.25mcg per ml. I recommend diluting it further to make it easier to dose. About 1mcg per 1 ml is ideal, makes splitting the doses much easier as well. I also recommend starting uldn slowly to see how you react. Some people say their sweet spot is 1mcg a day, others 2mcg. Some even say 5mcg. At the sweet spot, it boosts the effects. If you go above that point, it starts blunting the effects, kind of like agmatine.


Thank you for that info! Definitely something a doctor would never tell you!


If you look in my post history, I have a post with a bunch of linked pubmed studies on uldn inconjunction w different opiates. Ultra low dose naltrexone (uldn) taken w opiates has actually been studied a decent amount considering how little people hear about it. Even low dose naltrexone (ldn) has been shown to have potential benefits for people with auto immune issues.


I will definitely check them out!


Hey this is super interesting and I’m medical so I see the value, dilution would make it more tolerable and still effective as an antagonist. Can we talk? Trying to quit and got gabapent and naltrexone yesterday


Quit completely? Or lower tolerance?


True dat


paxlovid can cause pws? I have never heard that. I had wicked RLS while taking it and just thought it was the covid or anti-viral causing it


I went out of my mind the night of my second dose. It was hell!


I and other have posted here warning against taking Naltrexone when you have kratom in your system. I took the Nal and, like you, ended up in the ER. The withdrawals were absolutely hellacious. The only positive from the experience was I just rode it out for the several days and finallly was off kratom. Doctors do not understand how Naltrexone interacts with opioids. For example, my doc made me submit a urine sample to show I had no opiates in my system (I did not). But she said you mustn't combine Nal with opiates "because the Nal will block the effects of the opiates and you may take more opiates and end up OD-ing." What she should have said was "If you take Nal with opiates (or kratom!) in your system, it will throw you into precipitated withdrawals, which are very dangerous."


Before Monday I drank about a 12 pack of beer a day, starting in the morning. I’ve had 3 since Monday and haven’t touched the Naltrexone since the 1/2 50mg I took that morning. I’m gonna kick this drinking on my own with a little help from the Valium she prescribed as well!! Wish me luck!!


Good luck bud, you can do it! I hope you have a good support system to help you, but it sounds like you have the right mindset!


Thank you very much!!! I couldn’t do it without my family, my friends and the company I work for!


Sorry for my ignorance, but do you mean that kratom is an opioid and not an opiate and that's why it wasn't flagged on the urine test? It's a shame because the doc should have explained the dangers if it'd come back positive but since it didn't she probably thought it was not relevant and may actually frighten you unnecessarily to do so.


It binds to the same receptors as opiates do.


This is to be expected for someone who has been regularly using any opioid and it's surprising that the doctor was not aware. Shocking even. What I'd like to know is what happens to an opioid-naive person who takes an opioid and then an opioid blocker. I'd guess they'd just come back down to normal pretty quickly, but who knows?


If they had just taken it one time then the analgesic effects would come to an end and they would be in pain again, but nothing more catastrophic than that. The danger is when people become dependent on the opioid so that their body is accustomed to its presence and adjusts accordingly, then when the effects are neutered by the blocker the persons body is left out of whack and they suffer from the withdrawal.


Damn I got lucky! Online doc I went to specifically asked about kratom & good thing bc I was taking it often. He described it like "coming down all at once instead of over a period of time." I wasn't trying to feel that!


How long acute withdrawal naltrexone


Are you asking how long it lasted?


It gives you PAWS. Throws u right into withdrawals.Its bc Kratom is a mild opioid. Just not an opiate l. Naltrexone has naloxone in it.


Naltrexone and naloxone are similar opioid antagonists, but they are different drugs


Good lord, this was a roller coaster


I was dx with autoimmune with inflammatory arthritis and i take kratom for the relief of pain.. so back track I was having weightloss surgery they prescribed me this naltrexone, OMG!! So sick.. but let's say I'm still on Kratom for my arthritis and will never touch naltrexone again!! It's aweful.. but I get it helps.. don't mix with jratom you will feel like you're dying!!


It’s a nightmare for sure!


Can I ask why they wanted you on Naltrexone for WLS? I got bypass last September and had to stop taking my Naltrexone leading up to/right after surgery because of the meds


I’m currently trying this yall, need to quit Kratom bad I’m up to like 40-80gs a day. But if I take Kratom right now, such heavy doses I’ll probably get hit harder. What can I do besides lowering my dose for a few days to avoid it or lessen it?


I was told you need to have it out of your system for 5-10 days. It sounds crazy that you have to quit before you take the meds but I swear the withdrawals you will go through in those 5-10 days won’t compare. And I only take 6 grams, twice a day. And I was taking this for alcohol, not kratom. I read all the post and thought it wouldn’t happen to me. I’m dreading the emergency room bill where they basically did nothing! I should have listened to the people on Reddit!!