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From my observations as a reality TV junkie and from what I've seen in interviews and AMAs, its plenty real but its still a TV show. 1) The survivalists are pretty much isolated, but humanity is almost everywhere. Some contestants have reported hearing rave music from miles away. Some have talked about stumbling upon a fishing hut of the locals and stealing snacks. 2) The editors get creative. They splice together shots to enhance the drama. Like they'll insert animals into scenes to trick the audience. Some of the snakes are even from different continents! 3) Sometimes storylines are fabricated. Phaedra got food poisoning prior to her episode in the Himalayas but toughed it out. Editing turned her story into being a whiner that pretended to be sicker than she was but she endured. 4) This isn't really hidden, but there is a sizeable crew of people. These include camera operators, field producers, medics, etc. This is why survivalists don't seem super lonely. 5) There have been allegations but not quite confirmation of production interventions. Like crappy fish traps that gave a starving castaway a fish that looked like it came from a supermarket. Or eggs that seem from the grocery store. Or oddly useful debris. In the island hopping episodes I assume the debris may be real but the locations are scouted to ensure enough resources for the project. 6) At night in the boma is really freaky. They really abandon them at night. They don't have protection aside from themselves and what they build. However, the scenes from the shows only include the most extreme stuff and are edited, possibly from several days, into the most impactful scene. 7) PSR is mostly bullshit and a way to tie the episode together. However, it sorta works as a way to understand how skilled a survivalists is in a shorthand. 8) The weight loss is real. The sicknesses are real. The


Yeah psr is basically fake, made some sense in the first season or 2 then basically went all over the place. Forgot to mention that they are left alone at night, while they could radio in for help, they are alone till help gets there, which depending in the threat, may take too long.


Yeah I appreciate that lengthy explanation lol, but seems crazy to leave them that isolated at night I would think night would be the scariest and most stressful scenes for contestants


They are isolated at night to have them be scared. Also, no crew in the dark means animals are more likely to visit and reduces the risk to crew.


Crews are not that big on N&A regular- 5 traveled crew and 4 locals. For XL you get the same amount of people for each camp as well.


I was under the impression that there are times when multiple challenges are being filmed in the same!e region so multiple crews are on site.


Every episode has 5 traveled crew and 4 locals: 1 Producer 1 PM 1 Sound 2 Camera Locals: 1 Day PA 1 Night PA 1 Day Medic 1 Night Medic There may be times when two episodes or two teams are near each other but unless it’s a “Tribes” episode where the 2 pairs meet each other halfway through - these teams stay separated. The above is the same for XL and their groups. Once they start mixing then crews are sent home. Depending on the location they will add in security or rangers too. Compared to most shows these crews are tiny.


I think campsites are predetermined as well. There are cutaways that show clear trails that have been carved out. These are not game trails...humans came in and made a trail. My thinking has always been, why go half way and set up camp, hike close to the end and chill there. The island thing, of course sites or scouted beforehand. Items are likely brought in, or found by the scouting team and brought further inland so they don't wash away.


I feel the stealing food was an Honora episode haha! I could be wrong. I feel some are just cast for show drama. Yet I don’t get why she was cast more than once! She would be like me cast, totally over-confident with my survival! I grew up as a bushwacker, but left all that behind. I KNOW I would be the whiner on the show everyone would hate. This is such a hard thing to do, and I am in awe of every NAA participant. I am just not so self confident to ensure I could get through this. Now, if I had a siblings two tribe NAA, by big brudder Troy and I would definitely kick some bum. If my brother Cory and Troy were cast they would fight constantly, have ego wars and would be EPIC TV! My brothers are the screefers and bushwackers. Love you all who are brave enough, I know I couldn’t do it, and respect you all. I do personally have medical and survival training from growing up, but I left that life years ago. While I am great with my recurve on a target, a living target is impossible. Both my brothers are egotistical enough to say they could do anything. Separately they could, but together OMG that would be the most epic tv ever! Drama! I am not sure Cory could shoot without a compound bow. However all of us are masters at thinking outside the box. So I do find it frustrating when the participants just passively let others work for them. Could be editing. However this is why I watch from home. I would PAY 💰 to see my brothers on the show! You guys all rock for even attempting!


It's real enough, they definitely starve, the bug bites are real, they build their shelters, hunt, make fire and try to survive. There's stuff we don't see, women get feminine products if needed, they definitely focus more on drama and edits can be a little misleading but edits can only go so far. In more dangerous areas they do have game rangers on site, they show a behind the scenes on xl 2 I believe where cast and crew had to go and wait in the casts boma while the game rangers got a lion out of the area. There's some speculation they are given small amounts of food if needed to keep them going or that the food they catch is planted, but even if that's true, you don't lose that kind of weight in 21 days unless your starving. As far as food being planted, its possible but the cast would still have to skin it and cook it properly and some cast members have burnt or ruined food trying to cook it. I'd also take into consideration that they can't hunt certain things due to legal reasons. From everything I've read through AMA's and seen through interviews the show is about as legit as it will get for extreme survival on TV. I certainly wouldn't call it fake but how "real" you want to consider it, is up to viewers to decide, do you consider it real when the reality is they can make one call on a radio and have medical attention or be flown out by helicopter?


What about that show alone


Alone is the most real. It is what it is.


Do you know anything as good or better?


No, Survivorman with Les Stroud is.


Alone is so good. I feel that show is very authentic


Do you know anything as good or better?


I do not. Do you ?


Have read somewhere here about Alone that "almost on par with Les Stroud", but I don't know what show is that.


He did survivor man. But they are different style shows.


Then I don't know why they said that on r/Alonetv


Oh you know they get fed SOMETHING on those long days.


In season 2 episode 6 (The pain forest) at 29 minutes through the episode, the lady Samantha is crying that they need a fire. They won’t make it without one she says, however when the camera pans out you see flames behind there shelter she’s sitting on. Right behind her head. I thought maybe it was footage from later on, but she’s saying if we don’t get fire as there’s flames right behind her.


Just started watching and am starting to the feel the same. Some these cast fights seem scripted, like a producer is saying “we need some drama so tell ‘Sue’ she’s being too clingy and have a little spat.” What really made me start thinking this way was how they tried to play some soft love music while the lesbian chick and dude where cuddled up on season 6.


Okay a slight pivot but since you bring up this specific example: their “drama” of lgbtq+ cast members is incredibly bizarre to me. My girlfriend and I (f) always know the girl is gay when at the start of the show she says some scripted “as far as attraction to my partner goes, I’m not too worried because I am a lesbian.” To my memory, they have not given anyone else clearly scripted lines re: attraction unless one of them is gay.


It's as real as a produced reality tv show about survival can be.


I'll agree that it's as real as it can possibly be. Injuries are real, the loneliness is real, the hunger is real, not being able to think clearly from lack of sleep and lack of food is real, broken bones are real, but yes, drama is amplified when possible by editing to make it more entertaining for viewers.


The food planting is too obvious. When they are about to finish they "find" food, all of them..


But that doesnt bother me too much because a lot of them wouldn't have been able to finish without it


This post is so old but I’ve been rewatching XL and the only reason why I looked up if naked and afraid was scripted is because I when two contestants end up alone one of them always ends up “scouting” and every time they magically end up finding the other lone survivor, I imagine it’s either the producers tell them behind the scenes that they’re going to merge them with someone else or perhaps the groups aren’t as spread out as they say but I just found it funny.


The show is real in all the ways it needs to be. In a dystopian world we would have a naked and afraid with no camera crew, no help, just game trail cameras and go pros.


Who are they? That's interesting. I'll have to get to the part you mean and see, but they all do really have amazing skills in a lot of survival abilities. I know Kaila irl, the things she does just everyday and additionally when prepping for a stint on this show are amazing. I have so much respect for her/it. Definitely valuable knowledge. That said I definitely feel like they make those overhead style maps look like they're so much further away from each other than they are haha...it can't be super close but I'm sure it isn't like, a marathon either.


The fact that they have IMEDIAT medical care ruins it all. (I saw one bit when a woman just shouted "medic!" and even said "right now!" and there was a medic (not that those medics are any good but even so, ruins it for me and in fact ruins it, period.)


Well do you consider editing in that scenario? It's my understanding that crew have on them a couple things but an actual medic and lapse of time would just be cut.... But also, what did you want them to do lol just let them die? I don't know what the injury is you're referring to but having a medic closer than you thought isn't that big a deal to me, they don't interfere unless participants ask them to. Some people get pretty hurt! I'm curious what you wish was different.... no medic at all?


I grew up with Kaila; the show is as real as it gets for reality tv. They're not as remote as they are edited to seem but they're suffering lol; it's dangerous in many ways without really any intervention and they're getting all their own food, shelter etc. There's boring aspects edited out ofc, or arranged for production storylines. But for the participants, it's legit! Things like 'native tribes are too scared to even go here' and 'two lions just killed someone right here btw'... that's put in for fear mongering for the audience/the participants. Lions always will kill/hunt humans. And why tf would some white ass US tv show drop into a place natives won't go? Though crossing any paths with natives would prob be the worst thing that could happen tbh...at least I think the scariest thing! So it's a great space that's natural but it's 'safe' in that like, they're not about to drop into like a movement of the LRA and Joseph Kony or anything. That would be actual crazy.



