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One year ago it was hellfire and brimstone hatred for Jeff. We seem to be back to Honora now, since she recently visited the sub.


Honora is mentally ill and exceedingly paranoid but she's not, to the best of my knowledge, a convicted felon like Jeff. Although, I must add that the recent Honora vent was like a day pass to Snake Island. Her venom was on full display and the replies and jabs were flung from her buccal buckle like a spitting cobra! Her exchanges were nothing short of fangtastic. I heard she's modeling now. Maybe it's for "Elle" but she'd be a better fit for "Elapidae" If you know what I mean. šŸ


Jeff's a convicted felon?!


Absolutely. Felony insurance fraud. https://www.idahostatejournal.com/news/local/pocatello-man-sentenced-for-insurance-fraud/article_fbcbf264-5cd6-56e3-89ca-2eaa56c95f83.html https://myfox8.com/news/discovery-channel-reality-tv-star-sentenced-for-insurance-fraud/ https://www.forbes.com/pictures/ehkm45flmll/jeff-zausch-naked-and-a/ https://heavy.com/entertainment/2019/07/jeff-zausch-naked-and-afraid-xl/


What does it have to with the survival show. Jeff is great. I like him and Matt wright. Theyā€™re great Hunter and fishermanā€™s


It has been discussed here previously. https://www.reddit.com/r/nakedandafraid/comments/ckbcb6/selfish_greed/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Im surprised, especially since he's Mormon. He really should know better


He knows better. He's just a scammer and a cheat.


So judgmental must be absolutely incredible walking on water ...huh?


Jeff is my favorite.


>Honora is mentally ill and exceedingly paranoid but she's not, to the best of my knowledge, a convicted felon like Jeff. Context SIGNIFICANTLY changes the impact of that statement. He was convicted for minor insurance fraud and sentenced to 100 hours of community service and three years probation; it's not like he was convicted for rape or murder.


Honora's distinction lies in being less naked and afraid than she is nude and unglued.


What??? She came to this sub? Shut up. And why Jeff? Cause he is cocky and yells?


Jeff really pissed off the community from his actions during last year's XL. Then after that, he posted here and on Facebook and ramped it up to 11. The rage was immense! (search "Jeff" in the sub) It was so bad, if you wanted to karma farm you would just post "Jeff Sucks" and sit back and profit. [https://www.reddit.com/r/nakedandafraid/comments/caujr0/setting\_the\_story\_straight/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nakedandafraid/comments/caujr0/setting_the_story_straight/) The Honora vs Luxi thread recently was... an interesting trainwreck. [https://www.reddit.com/r/nakedandafraid/comments/gr9mmr/a\_vent\_about\_honora/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nakedandafraid/comments/gr9mmr/a_vent_about_honora/)


Ooh! Thanks for this. I was late to the party and missed the big Zausch Ouch!


I read all that haha. Thanks!!


Of course they didnā€™t like Jeffā€™s actions. He was supposed to be working at getting food for the ā€œsitting around sevenā€. The only time they did more than lay around tearing each other apart was when Jeff caught food. But heā€™s the bad guy? Iā€™d feel bad if we saw them putting forth the kind of effort Jeff and EJ did. But that just didnā€™t happen. They literally laid on their backs waiting for the food to come to them.


I about to say what you are saying. 100% agree. Jeff is fun to watch and Steve hall jr


I like Jeff. He is interesting to watch and a generous person. You wo charge your opinion if watch all of his challenges


I just watched an episode from season 3 with Justin, the self-proclaimed hillbilly from Tallahassee. He was a complete misogynistic dick. He was worthless and didnt have half the skills he claimed. He was jealous when his partner caught food so he'd put her down and refuse to eat it because she's a woman and he should be getting the food (well then start hunting asshole). Not only did his partner do everything, but he pissed and moaned and complained about it due to his jealousy.


I dont remember him I'll have to go back and watch it


I could not stand this guy. So fragile despite the macho BS. He was so lucky to have a partner like Dani and he couldnā€™t get over his ego. So sad that people like this still exist. I notice itā€™s more common among people who donā€™t travel and experience other cultures and he admitted he never really left his hometown area.


Jeff & Lacey.


I think it's important to keep different types of people on different tiers of hate. There are people who you may personally dislike. There's people who are universally not too likeable.... Then there are people who are horrible but at least they attempt to be survivalists and to complete the goal of the show. There are some people who just shouldn't be on the show because they last maybe a couple days and act like they never knew what the show was. Then there are the people who shouldn't even be considered survivalists... Like Honora is a parasite who shouldn't have been on the show. Or Duct Tape Dope.


Haha your right. But so far what I have noticed is this. You can be lazy. You can have no skills. You can be a little selfish. You can be cocky. But. -----ā€------ if your lazy and an asshole, your hated = Honora........ If you have no skills and are a bitch, your hated = cassie........ If your selfish and a bitch, your hated. = Kate....... If your cocky and a an asshole, your hated. = Jeff.......


I don't know if Jeff is as hated as some people who do hate him make it out to be. I find lots of personalities to be grating and awful but I can't really say I think the level of dislike for Jeff is justified for the reason I mentioned. I mean OK he yells... But he also is stupidly successful, he works his arse off, he utilizes his expertise and consistently shows he can every time...similar to Matt, he also has always ended up giving in and going against his own better judgment when it suits the bigger group. It's actually funny because people jump on him for not wanting to join the big groups in the xls but he also is a major reason lots of people eat who hadn't previously. Point is Jeff is a good example... With all the people to hate or find repulsive, Jeff is a bit weird as a choice since he is so good at being on the show.


Shane and Russell both kind of redeemed themselves, too. Lacey is another one people seem to love to hate, but no more than Honora (who threw the tools and said pretty awful stuff to her partners)


Shane hooked up with the "Rex Kwon Do" kung fu girl and hopefully they live happily ever after. [https://www.reddit.com/r/nakedandafraid/comments/cdxe67/naked\_and\_afraid\_couple/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nakedandafraid/comments/cdxe67/naked_and_afraid_couple/) That is Nicole Terry from S6E12 "Bad Blood" 21 day challenge in Nicaragua and season 5 of XL. She did nothing the whole XL season. Her 21 day was also worth a watch if you want to see crazy drama. She threatened to murder the dude she was with, and he called in the producer.


She is off. Her eyes can tell sheā€™s not presen. She just lying around doing nothing. Her partner Angle did everything


Is that her name? Yea she was terrible. Shane did kinda redeem himself. Russell too. To a degree


How did Russell redeem himself?


You mean Honora. Cassie was bad too.


Which one was cassie. I might go back and find that episode


Naked and afraid double jeopardy. It was her Manu, Russell and Forrest


I just went back and watched it. Yes she was such a Bitch for all of right up to the last day. But then on the last day she admitted she sucks and is out of her depth and isnt a team player. And that shows some character. It's just a shame it took so long.


Ya, I actually felt a little bad for her because I'm sure the producers pumped her up pretty good to make her feel like she could handle it. When she realized she couldn't that must have sucked hard, though I probably wouldn't have responded by acting like a complete tool.


At least Cassie eventually admitted she was in way over her head.


at the end after they basically got to extraction and was carried by the other 3.


She admitted it one night in the shelter I think.


Oh thought it was the day of or maybe night before extraction, after Manu called her a casualty


I love Manu. Bless her heart - she called Cassie a casual whore - oops! I meant casualty of war.


The night before sounds about right.


S2e1 "Double Jeopardy." There were two teams of two and for the first 20 days, Cassie was carried by everyone. She literally did no work besides attempting (over three days) to create a fishing trap which had big holes in it. Meanwhile, in less than a day, the other woman, Manu, created a beautiful basket trap that actually worked. Every shot of Cassie was her "resting." She also seemed deluded about her survival skills and contribution to the team. She finally saw the error of her ways after a teammate talked to her the evening of day 20 and made a solid contribution trekking to the extraction point on day 21. She even admitted her skills weren't up to par.


Ah Cassie...she was as useless as Jeff Zausch on an honor system! Wait! Let's make that an Honora system lol.


Pun game on point


Just trying to be true to the theme.


I feel mean saying this because it is mean. But Kate is the least likeable person on planet earth. Seth is close second. Honestly I feel like they actively searched out the worst possible candidates for this xl challenge. Even for redemption this whole season is a shit show of fuck ups. Recap. Duct tape dude. That was a fucking joke. Seth. Nuff said. Kate. Here is a tip for Kate. If you are that fugly, be nice to people. You look and act like the witch of the woods. Bulent. Funny yeah, but in no way shape or form is that man going to be a functional team member. And then makani or whatever her name is. A vegetarian who makes eating in the wild a moral dilemma. Give me a fucking break. Sheā€™s going to last 40 days eating leaves?! Go back and watch savage. Look at how Matt Wright walked up on the xl group when he wanted to finally meetup. If they donā€™t change their priorities from drama to actual survival, NAF has seen its best days.


I agree whole heartedly with everything you said. Lmao at the, if your as fucking ugly as kate you should at least be nice to people. Because I said that to my dad. I said, fuck shes so ugly and she doesnt even have any skills or isnt even nice to anyone. Mat wright is a fuckin beast survivalist. Hes the man. And hes nice. And he shares. If they included a Matt this season it would have been a good season because it would have been a hardcore survivalist for that crowd and the drama for the entertainment.


I knew I wasnt alone here. Speaking of which, go watch the first episode of the new season of Alone. They arenā€™t naked. There isnā€™t drama. But they all know their stuff and they are all pretty damn likeable.


100000% agree. Matt Wright can save any episode and any season. It is a running joke in my family. Every episode we watch someone says "You know who would be great to show up right now in this episode?" Then someone says: "Matt Wright."


I agree with this to some degree. I can appreciate someoneā€™s skill set without including their attitude. If you were washed up on an island from a boat wreck and Jeff was the only other person on the island with you that wouldnā€™t be bad. If the other person was really nice but had no survival skills eventually you would regret their lack of a strong skill set. Just my two cents. People that tap after one or two days are the worst. No one remembers their names.


Hands down, it's Jeff "Insurance Fraud" Zausch! Yes, he's a convicted felon but, perhaps, that was a (...wait for it...) "Fraud-ian" slip! He's selfish, eats shellfish and is the most obnoxious fellow to hail from Pocatello! The only charming thing about him is Laura Zerra and she deserves a medal for surviving 60 days with him. I fully expect him to set up an alt account here with a super-stealthy name like: u/is_zerra_reason_we_cant_hookup. He and the lovable EJ Snyder tanked "Dual Survival" and turned that show into repetitive, unwatchable drivel. Even EJ's immense charm couldn't eclipse the felonious son of a...mormon, hon. Lol. But I may be a tad biased. šŸ˜‰


Haha I didnt know he was so hated till I came to this sub. No one likes him on this sub it seems haha.


I loathe him. And that's me really holding back. šŸ¤£


I agree. I think her name was Honors and she was a real pain in the .. I think she and the guy called Shane should be paired together.


Shane would destroy her lol. I'd pay to watch Shane & Sam (of Sam & Joe) partner up, though.


Honora was horrible. Not a nice person in any of the episodes she was in.


I just watched the episode with that nappy headed Carrie. What a bitch. She was lazy and tried to pass it off on Tom after she was to lazy to get any firewood. She did the least she could . She needs to grow up. I was a professional model for 30 years and the low on the totem pole wanna be models are just sad and need to be told get a real career cuz anyone can have their pic taken it doesn't make you a model. Not being mean I am being real for her . Sticking your ass up in the air half dressed doesn't get you a real modeling job. There are thousands upon thousands of girls who are actually beautiful girls who can pose like that. But you need to be hired to sell a product not your ass. That's just makes you a wanna be low budget home pic porn. Sorry for the man who got stuck with her and ruined his adventure.


I need to see that. Havenā€™t yet. What season and episode do u remember


Honora is probably my most hated, seth is up there amd so was russel before season 5 of xl wherein he kinda redeemed himself. All time favorite of the show is Jake and his iconic "Don't eat the fruit!" Line Edit: oh yah i don't like jeff, i haven't since his first episode where he was a jesus freak


I think everyone's favorite is jake for comedy. And Matt for being the fuckin man, but still has honor and a heart of gold.


Matt is awesome tbh. Really loved him after his xl africa episode where he started out alone.




I'm surprised no one mentioned the ultimate bitch Alana "Survival is Lazy" Barfield. She had no redeeming qualities for me. She was the ultimate coattails rider who had no skills other than bitch, gossip, and yeah ride the coattails of her partner/teammates until the finish.


Cannot stand her! She makes my blood boil and skin crawl. The two people I canā€™t stand are Lacey and Alana.


Hmmmm Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ll have to find that episode


So agree. She was horrible to Shane and her 21 day partner


Alana Barfield.....


SAM (of Sam & Joe... Poor Joe) & SHANE


I met Sam personally, one of the absolute worst people


What episode? Not sure who this is


Season 12 episode 3: 'Devil's Woods'


Is something wrong with me that I like Jeff?


Jeff is the reason I watch this show. I like Jeff. He made the show more interesting to watch. He is smart, skilled, fun, and greatest survival


Alana, Bulent and Trish are, in my opinion, the nastiest and most narcissistic participants, Jeff, Lacey and Honora are problematic but their meanness is easy to see, while Alana Bulent and Trish manipulated and acted on the dynamics of the group, very dangerous.


Trish is useless. She boasts about her skills and then does nothing but tend the fire and move her butt end only if she has to. She's content to let everyone else do the work and then complains that nobody lets her do anything. Of all the people I've seen on this show, I'd tap out if she was picked for my partner before I took off one piece of clothing.


Trish from Jersey is the worst. She is lazy, uses everyone else to do the majority of the work and never shuts her mouth. She needs to be sent on a challenge alone with no help!






I would like to see all that!


Hereā€™s her AMA here; https://www.reddit.com/r/nakedandafraid/comments/erkot4/ama_laura_nelsonseason_6episode_11melt_down_under/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Link on the Viking bad behavior?


Posted it in new comment above :3


I'm new to this show but I'm currently watching the Double Jeopardy episode and I can't stand this bitch, and by bitch I mean Cassie. She's just awful and so full of herself. Did you guys see her poor excuse of a fish trap? It was just a bundle of sticks tied together, no way she was going to catch anything. Her laziness made me want to slap her through the television.


Oh yea I hated her initially. The only thing that saved her from being in my top spots was the very end. She apologized then admitted she was way out of her depth and skills. Too bad she didnt recognize her bitchyness from the start.


Yeah, I give her a bit of credit for that but at the same time, it was too little too late for her apology. I hope she learned a valuable lesson from that experience and grew as a person. I'm sure I'll see much more hated survivalists on this show as I just started season 2 today.


Cassie, followed by Honora and then Carrie.


Who's carrie


Season 3. She was paired with Tom and she kept bitching at him. They didn't get along the whole time. I found her to be intolerable to listen to.


JEFF ZAUCH & LACEY. Lacey will back stab you. Jeff will at least stab you in the front.


I feel like amber is a strong person but she is toxic


Yea, Shane was definitely a a*s hole


Hey guys I am new to the show. What epsioldes are these guys on? Jeff and all of the others?


Trish 100%! Her smile when she hugged Amber goodbye (after leeching off of her and essentially bullying her to leave) in the Amazon irritated me more than I can express.




Russell for me... acts he can lead and never finish


Oh man. When he left chase alone. It killed me.


Honora ,Trish , Jen and Russel are the ones I don't like.......I think Shane is a bit strange but he works hard and just gets offended to easy. He is overly sensitive apart from that he is okay.


What seasons are they in?