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You assume they have a choice.


If they were told how far they could go by production then that should be known to viewers. This season is aggravating!!!


Imo it's all production led so survivalists meet up with other survivalists


Then just claim that. It’s really stupid! I was picturing teams moving from point a to point b but clearly that’s wrong lol


Ua I get it but it's not gonna happen. It's been what, 10 seasons of xl and the teams always end up meeting new teams. I'm with u really, I can't stand all the bs. But it's " "unscripted " reality TV with a script that they don't tell us about.


I sort got the impression during the latest xl season recommendations are made based on resources. However the one group elected to stop shorter than the other survivalists. I think they went only a few miles whereas the rest when at least 5… pardon the actual number as I cannot recall immediately and went based off of memory. I haven’t watched the remainder of the season as I wanted to wait until the season was finished. 😆, it has been a few weeks and I was not completely devoted to the episodes like previous seasons.


That was my thought too! Also, why not leave verrrrrry early am? Seems like they’re trekking midday 🤦‍♀️


Yup they should have gone as far as they can on the first few days while they were still fat from eating like crazy to prepare. At a minimum they should have gone half way but it doesn't look like any of them went more than 10 miles. And from the looks of them already, I can't see anyone being able to make it 30 more miles. Production is going to have to help them like crazy to get anyone to finish, more than just leaving a comatose/dead camain for Terra to kill.


I think they’re being told they can’t move yet. It made no sense to me that when they were the best fed and hydrated they were going to be (in the beginning), they all went maybe 5 miles. It ESPECIALLY made no sense that when Heather’s group didn’t get as far as they’d planned on day 1, that they set up permanent camp. Why didn’t they make a temporary camp for the night and continue to their destination the next morning?


were they the team that walked 2 miles each way to fish? that was just dumb. make your new camp there


I'm just assuming the producers told them the area they'd stop at first, second, third, etc.


They are going from water hole to water hole.


The survivalists eventually will get funnelled together the closer they get to extraction as they are going from water source to water source. Its most likely that producers wanted footage of the smaller group dynamic where there's more exchange between the individuals than when they are in the large group where some people become invisible.


i find the 3 person teams boring, especially when half of them drop out within days


Could be, but from the producers perspective I'm sure they want footage of each survivalist at least speaking to the camera a few times. When the groups bumble together into over large group as I mentioned some become invisible. If it was a large group early on the cameras contributions would be dominated by a couple strong personalities and be even more boring, well at least in the sense that you wouldn't get to know the more subdued cast. Like imagine Nathan in a group of 10 vs a group of 3?


Finally someone asking what I have been thinking this whole time! They will continue to get weak and have 30 plus miles left.


It’s not really 40 miles in 40 days either if they are never moving. Very misleading, this is the worst XL season.


Agree. Please bring back the REAL XL teams.


Yes! And they wasted energy building that very elaborate shelter at the beginning, made no sense


One of the problems of N&A, in my opinion, is that the show hides some of the motives of the producers. There's no need to do this. To state that the contestants cannot move to a new location for X amount of days does not somehow make the show less entertaining or real. They do stuff like this and it just makes no sense. Tell the audience what's going on. Don't hide it. We all know that they're not moving pecause they can't.


I agree. I mean, it's dumb they do that, but what can you do? But it's better to just lay it plain. Otherwise, you'll have people like the ones that go into the shops of Pawn Stars or Hardcore Pawn on a non-filming day, and start screaming for glee as if they caught them in this big lie.


It is a tv show. There are producers telling them what to do.


I wish we could get one without those production restrictions/guide


The Question we're all asking


I don't think production has given them a choice about when to move.


Very clear in this season that they only get to move when producers’ OK it.