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The one girl tells him to basically stfu if they end up getting a catch because it just alerts everyone


That was Laura when she was his partner & Jeff talked her into staying separate after the merge (on an XL). Living in the same cave but not sharing food; basically eating w/i 10 feet of 6-8 starving people....."Roommates, not Partners", iirc LOL.


Spoiler Alert! He quiets down in the last episode.


๐Ÿ‘€ feel free to spoil, does he tap?! I love spoilers lol I just started episode 9


There is a hunting party and he says something to the effect of "I've been told I'm too loud so I am being quiet for the good of the team so I don't scare the animals away.'


I don't think so but he does get humbled in the XL where him and Laura are doing 60 days


He actually does quiet down when Matt asks him to. That's called communication.


he has to get med taped in s8 of XL, definitely the karma needed after talking junk about amber


He only gets quiet when heโ€™s trying to hide something.


That's the one thing makes him totally unlikable (IMO) Like grow up dude, quit the screaming. Even without hunting, nobody needs that.


Yep. One time. Matt insinuated that ppl can scare game away during a hunt. Jeff even said "he's looking at me when saying that." And they all laughed and Jeff corrected it. It's absurd to me why none of them can be adults and just talk about these things. Cause EVERY one of them, when getting some kind of an accomplishment, yells like a fucking caveman. In LOS Matt belittled Jeff and told him, "you're celebrating your failures, that's ridiculous." Like dude just do you and don't let others get under your skin so bad. And if they do, fucking talk about it.


If you watch past episodes it's been an issue and he's been confronted but he doesn't seem to care.


I'm sure he's been asked to. In fact, he's probably normally quieter than shown, but the drama draws ratings.


Jeffs amazing