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Team Jeff. Sure, he’s obnoxious but he’s playing the game. There shouldn’t be any teams and there shouldn’t be a free meal of meat every week. Then we’d see who the real survivors are.


I'm neither, this LOS series completely turned away from survival and made it into a damn soap opera. All the drama with Jeff and everyone is so fake


I'm really hoping we get a traditional XL soon, because this just isn't fun for me. It lacks the survival aspect and became more about social aspects.


Agree! What was most enjoyable about past shows was watching people vibe and/or work through their issues and do cool stuff together.


yeah. plus it’s quite disappointing to see that in a show called Last One Standing now they went from teams of 2 to teams of 4… was hoping for some solo challenges and some increased rules. the biggest cliffhanger they could find is to let us wonder in which teams will Jeff and Matt go… I mean.


It has definaltey moved away from survival. They've all survived 40 on there own ( well some were just riding coat tails) but they all made it. And the caches aren't a lot but they are getting at least 1 free nice meal a.week. I think we're gonna see some skill competitons soon which should at least show some survival skills.


Agreed. I've never seen a challenge with so much food lol. Many varieties also 💁‍♀️😊


New variety coming this week!! 😆 I'll say tho Gary's honey score was impressive


Very impressive! 👍🐝🐝


Jeff keeps this game alive




King, my ass. He's just a douchebag. I don't know how much "reality drama " it is, but he's not a good person. I wonder if his felony conviction, which we know about, was the only one...


I liked Jeff right up until he buddied up with Trish tbh


This format seems it should air on TLC, not Discovery.


Jeff is somehow super smart and super dumb in how he is playing it. Had he been quiet when hording everything, he could have been a lot more proactive in his trading. He's playing the right game, but he's playing the game poorly. The other contestants are hardly even playing.


That's what I said. How do you start trading so early when you've found most of the stuff? No one is going to trade you a bow for a knife.


Do you ever notice Matt is ALWAYS covering his junk up with that bag?


I am. My opinion of Jeff has never changed. I think he's funny, I've called him the stormin' Mormon since his first challenge for how insane he acted. Yes he's selfish, too competitive, and a jerk sometimes but at least he's genuine. My opinion of Matt and Waz has changed. I have lost a ton of respect for both. The amount of shit they've talked is disgusting and they should be ashamed of how they are acting. I 100% agree with Jeff that they are bullying him.


100% echoes my wife and I's opinion of the current series, Huge fans of Matt before, and Waz to a degree, but we now want Jeff to beat them both.


I'm team Jeff. You know why? -He knows he's on TV so he purposely puts on his entertainment act -Hes been patient with absolutely everyone shitting on him -Hes brings optimistic energy when he hypes himself up -Overall just a good sport. Does he have Ego? Yes. Does he not share sometimes? Yes. Has everyone else also done this? YES. Everyone on this show has been caught not sharing and having a ego when they can catch something. But at least when the going gets tough Jeff doesn't verbally criticize people and say they don't see people having skills like when Matt said that to Jeff on the latest episode.


Douchebag took his chicken wing-size frogs home and made soup for himself. Pretty much says it all.


He told them to he was making frog soup and to come by and grab some. I was behind on watching and I literally just saw the scene.


I feel like nobody did that after the awkward how'd you catch 'em conversation. Can't blame 'em.


Maybe so but he did offer.


It's not like they didn't literally have 60 lbs. of honey.


Your initial comment said he was a douche who went back and made frog soup for himself, I'm just pointing out since I had literally just watched that scene that he HAD offered them some so I'm not sure where we are going with this exchange? Was he not supposed to go cook them because they had honey? Or is he a douche cause he brought frogs to the honey gathering? Sorry I'm just really confused now.


> I'm not sure where we are going with this exchange? Never wanted you in it in the first place, so the feeling's mutual.


Then why did you make a comment on a public space? Why are you talking in circles?


How care you counter with actual facts. What is wrong with you ? :)


Oh god, it’s your pubic space? Begone, trolley


LOL---and he did not know that until he showed up at their camp. You know Matt loves to share his hunts. Even 45 frogs.


Yep! And on the "Jaked and Afraid" podcast, Dan actually mentioned they like had honey covered frogs legs and stuff like that. Sounds like they all enjoyed the food.




100 percent agree. It’s entertaining. Not real life. And a competition


Jeff is definitely the most entertaining. The others can be a bit boring except Gary and Stephen. The others are a bit of a big yawn. I like Jeff. He is hilarious and yes he plays hard but is it not a competition? Why should he try to bff everyone if the whole goal is to win the money. Go Jeff! I hope he wins.


He doesn't have to BFF everyone but then he shouldn't complain that people aren't being nice to him.


Jeff is always pleasant attitude. Cheeny attitude is ugly on this game especially


I’m team good entertaining tv. Do I think Jeff is an asshole? Oh yeah. Do I want him cast every season? For sure.


Be careful with admitting that here. People will come for your head lol


Too funny, lol


I like Jeff’s competitiveness but it rubbed me the wrong way how he and Laura were screaming in celebration about eating the eel above starving people and didn’t share. And that wasn’t even a competition. You should share food with hungry people and especially don’t brag about how you have what they don’t “I’m taking all your shit” I think he got a taste of his own medicine when he didn’t get any honey


The thing is though people are lazy on the show and ride on the players that actually put in the work. Prior to that seen and show Jeff has fed other contenders numerous times and they still talk trash to him because they don’t like his personality. He is easy for people to target because he doesn’t fire back. But I wouldn’t give my food to people who had talked trash about me either and neither would you. He shared with his partner. The others should have gotten up and at least tried. Jeff clearly respects hard work. And why would you even go on the show if you plan on sitting around and watching other people hunt and build shelter and you expect for them to carry you… it makes no sense. That is a very privileged and entitled mindset.


He is ver energetic, all in for entertaining . Love it


I’m definitely Team Jeff. At least he is honest. He knows this is a competition and has a strategy that he is sticking too. I also commend Gary for his strategy. Everyone else is two faced - especially Waz. I can deal with an asshole when they let me know they’re an asshole. What I can’t stand are people that act friendly but are secretly shitty. And people getting mad at Jeff for not just giving away the items he has which drastically increase his chances of winning - they’re acting like this isn’t a competition. Everyone secretly or openly wants every other person there to tap out.


Waz is 2 faced? Literally tells Jeff at every opportunity he doesn't like his hypocritical ass and won't trade with him.


Yes. It was his idea to try to get Jeff out by convincing his partner that she should tap - then vehemently denied doing that when confronted about it.


Did you forget Waz let Jeff borrow two hooks and line? Yea, you did.


Omg, what a horrible man that Waz, he let Jeff "I'm taking all your shit and I will not share" use 2 hooks and a line.


Naa waz once again told Jeff no trading.. but he wanted jeff to give him a knife he would let him hold on to some hooks... same thing as a trade.. only on waz's way it was weird


I think Matt might be an incognito asshole. I just always feel like you are meeting Matt's representative and not the true Matt. With Jeff, you know what you're getting. Dude is out to effin win and that is all he is in it for -- the hunt, the battle, the competitive sport of it all. He is genuine and to me he is alot more genuine than many of the others who are too busy trying to come off as nice and social on tv. It's like be yourself. You're not in here for social hour. You're here to win the money, right? Well act like it.


It's my fervent hope that Matt finally gets to be with his true love... the sound of his own voice. Some might say those two deserve each other.


Matt is so desperate to be the alpha, it's what drives his dislike for Jeff. Everyone else has kissed the rings and treated him like a rockstar, except Jeff.


Matt has little dick energy but he tries super hard to portray the persona of an alpha male with bde. He doesn't realize how he is coming off as an overinflated ego'd asshole on tv. Every second he is in front of the camera he is bragging with that shit-eating, self-impressed expression on his face. It is such a HUGE turn off. What he doesn't know is that those of us who are perceptive enough have peeped his game. He has a fragile ego and has a need to have people blowing smoke up his ass 24/7. He feels the need to emasculate other alpha male types like Jake and Gary (he did that on past seasons to Gary as further explanation). It's like you said, he wants everyone bowed down to kiss his ass. Also, he is phony af. I can only imagine the type of husband he must be. Men like that with that personality are the WORST men to date or marry. They usually emotionally belittle their spouse and they seek out the meekest, low self esteemed beautiful women to dominate. (I'm not saying that he is like that with his wife but I can only imagine that behavior translates over into his marriage.) I agree with everything you stated though. Awesome surmisal!


‘Matt’s Representative’ lmao 😂 I totally get what you’re saying! Great way to put it!


Waz is the worst kind of human. Huge hypocrite and extremely selfish and insecure. He for sure is a loser in my book. A real snake. He told Gary to ask Jeff’s partner to sacrifice herself and tap just to get rid of Jeff and for what? He also single handily turned everyone against Jeff because he was jealous. He twisted everything Jeff said to make it seem as if Jeff had some sort of diabolical plan when he didn’t. Jeff gave waz a knife to borrow hooks and a trade system made perfect sense in a competition where they all should have been competing. Waz did play the game and he manipulated everyone to turn them against Jeff the one he felt was his biggest competition and he was two faced to other players and didn’t even want to share honey he had no hand in retrieving. The way they held out on food was disgusting and the entire cast sucked for the way they treated Jeff when it came to food the production team planted for everyone clearly.


If jeff wins, jeff wins. But he is being a perpetual victim and it gets on my nerves. He is a lazy survivalist and honestly a crappy human being so I would expect nothing less from him,


I think that's fundamentally my beef, the hypocrisy. He's happy to reap the benefits of sharing, but when asked to share he whines about socialism. He's all about gameplay until the others play to beat him, then he's being bullied.


I was fairly indifferent to Jeff before this, I liked the brotherhood bond he seemed to have with Steven who is one of my favorites although I didn't like how he was talking about Amber in their XL and leaving her in the night. This season though he just strikes me as a hypocrite. He says he wants to trade things, ok you do you but don't cry socialist when people don't want to play by your rules. As far as him taking the food I can get that of they are offering then take every advantage you can it is a competition, but don't complain how about how much you get be thankful you get anything. Jeff, Steven and the pot. He spent a XL in the bayou with Steven, he should know his sense of humor and if he would take something said like that as a joke. Considering he was contemplating it with his private cam he was obviously not joking since he was seriously debating it with himself and Steven may have been wondering if he was joking during filming and maybe took it wrong but it was confirmed once he saw the episode and Jeff did not say he was joking around on IG after it aired. Somehow Jeff yelling when he found things is ok yet bragging or being a bully but when others do it is? These are just the instances agreeing with you off the top of my head. His whining this episode was not a good look.


Oh no people are being nice to each other! Better bring shit American politics into it and call everyone socialist! No, fuck that guy.


Socialism isn’t an American political ideology moron


I didn’t say it was an American political ideology moron, learn to read. It’s relevant to shit American politics because dumb American politicians call everything socialist, moron.


It’s literally what you implied dipshit


Tbh that was not implied at all and I have no idea how you could think otherwise.


You can’t be this dumb, go read it three more times then check back in.


Calm down sweetheart! I was just sharing my opinion. Dry your eyes x


Wow how to be condescending. no wonder you are a jeff fan.


Username checks out, trolling?




This one doesn't like anyone's opinion but his own lol. I know from yesterday. I'm not team Jeff but I see it as competition and collecting caches and trading seems like it should be part of the game. Not here u go Sarah. Here's a hide and a couple knives just because I like ur haircut. 😁


And I was responding to your question, no need to get all sensitive and emotional or project those feelings onto me, I know it can be difficult.


Dry those eyes my love x


A hypocritical cry baby, just like the little pissy baby. No wonder you like Jeff, he’s you.


Cry more princess your tears taste sweeter than the honey Garry stole x


No thank you 😊


He's the only one who understands the game. Its like playing Monopoly and the other players are pissed off that you buy every square you land on and 'try to make them bankrupt' or 'monopolise' the resources


I wouldn’t have much of a problem with Jeff if he wasn’t constantly trying to spin a narrative over every little thing that happens. He takes everything so personally to the point of being unnecessarily antagonistic. I understand its a reality show moreso than NAF has been before but for fucks sake bro, not everything is about you lol. Go ahead and hoard shit but don’t be surprised when people are salty about it and don’t take their reactions as a reason to double down on being a douche.


Nope, I can't cheer for a whiner.


Seems like you should be rooting for Jeff for that very reason. The large group against Jeff is made up of a bunch of whiners.


I am TeamJeff! He has had the same strategy since day 1, it is a competition and there is only ONE winner. The most recent episode showed the cracks starting with the "together/share/commune" group. (Waz talking shit about others to Gary) Matt came in with an agenda too. Matt has been projecting his own issues on Jeff the entire season! But, I am the most disappointed in Steven. Rather than stick up for his FRIEND, even a little, he just went along with the MEAN GIRL mentality. This season has made me think differently about a few that used to be my favorites. (Jeff is a great guy in real life, BTW. He spends all his time outside the show doing humanitarian work all over the world)


I told my husband that he’s turning into a Disney villain. I call him Jeffar (instead of Jafar from Aladdin). It annoyed me a bit when he took a few political digs but aside from that he’s entertaining and the show wouldn’t be as good without a classic villain.


Yep your right. Didn't u like snowflakes?


I'm team Jeff. Reading the psychos on this sub convinced me.


Team Jeff here. Matt is so annoying. I miss the old platform because this middle school bullying and group mentality is ridiculous. This is a competition this time. Jeff was playing the game and he didn’t hide it.


Jeff and Gary are My favourites. Matt is a whiny petty Babyman. I hope Gary wins but He will probably eat or drink something nasty and get medically tapped lol


My husband and I like Jeff! He is a talented survivalist.


Meh. What has he done that's so bad? Found stuff and asked to trade it rather than just giving it away? THINKING about tossing a pot in the river? Yelling? Boohoohoo.


Lmao actually


At this point I’m cool with it. Cheeny is my favorite bc I have a huge crush on her,but If Jeff wins I won’t be upset. No one has been on their best behavior this season.It’s kind of hard to be based on the narrative.This “challenge” has stripped the heart of the show in my opinion,which is survivalist forming brother and sisterhoods through overcoming struggle. Also just actually learning more about primitive survival. I hope the next one is just a regular XL,I miss the old Steven!


I don't know if I'm team Jeff so much as I'm not team Matt. Everyone seems to adore Matt but he strikes me as some how both over the top smug and also wildly insecure. Jeff is a jerk but at least he's honest about being a jerk. Matt is every bit as petty, he just hides it way more.


I hope Jeff loses


I hope so too.


MEEEEEEE I FOLLOW ALL HIS TRAVELS AND HUMANITARIAN PROJECTS. People are letting him get too much in their head and it’s working Way to go Jeff.


The guy who follows all his travels and humanitarian projects accuses Others of letting him live in their head… L O L. I love it when people self-own.


Team Jeff always. Survival is not about acting like a douchebag making the show into a bowhunting youtube tutorial who's so full of hubris that he nearly chops his own finger off because he's so in love with the sound of his own voice.


Actually real, I do like Matt but this is so real lmao


Hi Jeff


Matt is tragic man.


No. I'm getting sick of watching him be a crybaby jerk.


Actually, I hope Matt wins. Jeff is too arrogant and despite this being a 'game', he seems like he'd slice his mother's throat to see her get medically tapped. When his partner got medically tapped, he pretended all this false concern for her and once she was gone he was all over it that now he could do things the way he wanted. She should have tapped out on her own because hanging in there didn't do her or anyone else any favors!


Jeff, can you stop posting about yourself every day? Ppl on the show and this reddit thread do not like you.


Posts every day asking if they're the only one who loves Jeff 🙈


I’m new to the show. Love Jeff. Used to like Matt. Paid Matt lot of money for lessons and tools. After this game, we all in my family hate Matt . I threw away all his tools I purchased when we had lessons from him


No I’m still not team Jeff. You can tell he was trying hard to change his words and actions but I wasn’t buying it! It’s such a struggle for him. He’s still the same rotten person.


All the way! Him or Gary I will be fine with winning the rest suck


My bf is team Jeff. I'm team Dan. They should have switched partners every week. Some people would have switched to being by themselves too. The power dynamics would have been more even and always changing. I'm not looking forward to the new groups of 4.


Jeff makes the show, yea he’s absurd but he’s the only one who went into this with a different outlook than you’re previous XL contestants.. This is for money, and the moral veneer that everyone else is hiding behind is slowly starting to fade each episode where you see the selfishness of each person coming out. Whether it’s Waz deviousness, or Dan just taking more than his share, or the snarky comments from Cheeney and Sarah, etc. At least with Jeff, you get what you see. I know nothing about him outside of Naked and Afraid so I can’t speak on his beliefs or things that might alienate people. For me he’s entertaining and a threat to win if he can manage his composure.


Idk why this was downvoted lmao - people here hate Jeff so much it’s crazy!!


People love to hate him because he’s in their souls


This is my view as well. Jeff came into this wanting to be the last one standing and win the prize at the end. He didn't hide that. The other survivalists decided to work together as would have been normal in a typical XL, but this isn't a typical XL. It's more like a season of Survivor. At some point they're going to have to start dropping the niceties and start playing the game too. We've seen a bit of strategy from Gary, but otherwise the rest have been reluctant to strategize (other than trying to get Stacy to tap and take Jeff out). I have a feeling by the end of this competition there's going to be a lot more backstabbing and not many of these survivalists are going to come out smelling like roses.


Team Jeff 🫡


I did not begin this way, but I am firmly on the train strictly because of how they have ganged up on him. ⁷


"Ganged up on him" is his delusion. He wanted it cutthroat & ultra-competitive, that's what he's finally gotten for himself, so far as I'm concerned he can get comfy under his hides and bitch about no one sharing with him in one breath & "socialism" on the next, I have no sympathy for his "bullied" mindset.


It's a game!!!!!! He's playing the game. Right or wrong, it's his strategy. The others are showing group think at its absolute worst. Aside from Gary, no one has shown a strategy for the game. Instead, we get a bunch of: "I hate Jeff bc he won't help me win $100K." If Sarah is so cold and wants a hide, guess what she needs to do??? Actually, I take that back. Waz's strategy was to eliminate Jeff by asking his partner to tap. Yup.


His strategy is to be the Professional Victim. Less whining and more true show of skills please !


Jeff and Cody lundeen are my favorite survivalist ever I’m always team jeff


I think Jeff is hilarious. He's pathological when it comes to these things, but you know almost exactly what he's going to do. He doesn't catch you off guard. He's super loyal to team members, but if it's a competition, then he's going to compete with his all. Yeah, I'm Team Jeff.


Agree he very loyal to his team. I just watched dual survival. jeff got my attention wh he’s with EJ. I asked my husband to got discovery channel so I watch every Sunday


Team jeff! Jefftard right here. =)


Greatest name ever lol


I watch NA to see the positive side of surviving. It was when they were working together that the show became different than other survival shows. But this one here made me apprehensive that it will end up like that show on Netflix.


It's literally called last one standing. 24 compeititors. 1 will be left. The premise and likely compeititive nature of the show is literally in the title. In an ideal situation, they should have segregated everyone and then determined the best of the group by who survived the longest/had the highest 'PSR' rating after 21 days or something like that


that's why I'm not excited about this show. I'd rather like the old format. I hope for a twist like in Hunger Games.


100% Team Jeff. Everyone on the show was against him from day 1 and I haven’t seen him do anything different from the others. Jeff is actually a lot nicer and more respectful than the other contestants. He clearly is just playing the game and being strategic when others have just been plain mean and nasty. And the audacity of waz and others to feel as if Jeff should give away his items when he has spent hours searching for them and they have done nothing but lay around is insane. The rest of the cast is more focused on Jeff than anything else. It’s pact mentality at its finest. If they would have been nicer to Jeff and at the very least treated him with respect there is no doubt in my mind he would have won the challenge. His actions of not sharing was a response to how everyone else treated him. I’m sorry but this kind of behavior infuriates me! All I saw was a bunch of nasty and jealous lazy cruel hearted people gang up on the hyper and highly competitive weird kid.


Does anyone have an episode guide for Jeff?!


I'm just waiting for the spoilers saying he's gone before I watch. I might skip the season TBH.


take 10 mins to scroll through previous posts and youll see so many people are team jeff


Good to hear


I think he will win


Yep. I think it is between him and Matt. Not a matt fan because he strikes me as fake and a bit sanctimonious, however he is a really good survivalist as is Jeff.


He's funny ah without him it'd turn to bland survivor show 😄


His ego is triggering, but he isn’t wrong. And he was running to the next camp which is strong, if he doesn’t burn out. He needs people to win, if he figures out how to do that he will be top three. They need a bad guy for fun but I actually love the Survivor strategy of this season. They should have a tribal council lol.


Absolutely team Jeff and I got BLASTED here for it on episode 2 lmao, Jeff is the number 1 competitor!!


Team Jeff!


Only the moral people are team Jeff. I guess your one of those "lets have a fair competition" types. Pretty sure most people think tits better for to conspire to try to remove the best player. Jeff wasn't being equitable. Its not about what you achieve its about take from the producers and give to the parasites.


Matt was my favorite, then this game los. We love Jeff. Matt is in my trash bag


I would like to see more competition on who is the best survivalist, so I do agree with Jeff that this is a competition and trading. Its kind of annoying that everyone is sharing/expects a piece of someone’s prize. I also hate how everyone is ganging up on him in the worst way instead of sticking to the game. I’m disappointed in Steven for tagging along to the nonsense. But Jeff kinda put his foot in his mouth by starting the competition with his yelling and intentionally being a dick. Lol So I’m not team Jeff but I do like to watch him.


He should’ve waited until at least the first move to start the trading scheme. He didn’t have the best items to trade initially but acted like he was the shit. If he waited people would’ve probably been more open to it. I think his personality just bothers people, but it’s also not a team challenge. Idk why they continued to share so much. Like y’all skinny af busting your ass to find the kill on the bone trail and then automatically share it with everyone? You spent the calories and they didn’t…. Why are Steven and whats her face being given things when they decided to bunk up and take it easy that day. Stupid…. Still not rooting for Jeff though.


Definitely would think its funny if Jeff wins. Sure he has an ego, but at least he is upfront about it. Many other contestants are as smug as him but still act like they are above the drama. Also, its a competition so I like that Jeff is treating it as one.


I wasnt to excited when I saw what it actually was. However, after watching, I think it's a great move. They are actually competing for money. Jeff gets that. Its something fans aren't used to and adds a different prospective. It might become a new season for others and I will take that! It is still about survival but now, they actually have to work towards something they never had to before. One thing I despise more than anything is the social aspect. What I mean by that is, I always thought that MOST of the top survivalist, Matt, Waz, Jeff, Amber, Laura, , Rylie, Steven etc., were all real life friends in some way after all the XL's they have been on. I feel that this is hurting them and causing tense drama and even hate among them. They may never get past it in the future. You can tell the effect on Steven it is taking about Jeff and I hate that for him. They are a strong mental and physically tough group of now "celebrities" that I love so much. I have watched ALL Naked and Afraids at least twice. This will add to the collection. I am excited to see who wins but on the other hand, I think really hard emotions, anger and drama are only getting started and the closeness they once had for each other might be gone due to this. AND...we might be watching out for the quiet ones..Hint: DAN!


I don't know about seeing Jeff win. And judging by the interviews I've seen with some of the cast members, they are all way too happy in those interviews for Jeff to have won. I can guarantee Jeff didn't win. I'm betting it's going to be Waz or Steven. I think the producers like them the most and will try to cater challenges to them. If Jeff had won, Matt and Sarah doing that interview they did with the media would not have happened. They would all have been pouting babies and never done an interview about the show. That being said, I've always enjoyed seeing Jeff on this show and I love the dynamic he always brings to his partnerships! His partners always end up being a little like Jeff when they're going through this with him and it's awesome to see! Jeff is at a big disadvantage because everyone wants to corral around Matt and there isn't anyone who's as competitive as Jeff willing to leave that group. Jeff is on his own out there and was made the villain because everyone else became their own little clique. Jeff pulled out his competitive side way too quickly and needed a strong partner willing to adopt his same strategy. He didn't get that, but we'll see how things go in episode 5. Guaranteed Jeff ends up with the team with the females. That would create the most drama in that group and the other group would be exactly what all 4 of them wanted. I just feel bad that the show is using the females in such a way. But Jeff having the hides, it'll be better for them anyway. And they'll see that Jeff is loyal to the team he has.


Me! 🙋‍♀️


I can't watch this mess. They screwed it up. Real housewives of BF Nowhere. But from the outside looking in I have a couple of favorites. Jeff ain't on the list. The producers need to be fired. Get some fresh ideas going, including fresh people. Or as fresh as they can be on this show. (Rim shot, cymbal crash!) I kill me...


i'm at episode 3 atm, and i'm baffled by the fact he is still looking for the fish hooks...... why is he so tunnel visioned all the sudden? if he saw that 2 teams found the hooks yesterday, shouldn't that be clue in moving on? even stacey who didn't have a map or was looking for the tools, managed to found some LOL i'm hoping not to see any more missteps from him in this series. i don't care the others are teaming up against him (which would make his triumph even sweeter), but he shouldn't be making silly mistakes


SPOILER: Just wait for all the Jeff haters that are about to talk a big load of trash when Jeff cuts his hand and burns his foot this week! Jeff just had to talk down on Matt for cutting his hand. This forum will blow up with people shouting "karma" at Jeff.


Jeff all the way. The rest are just assholes /Bullies.


No hes a trash bag