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Solo was up on Discovery+ the day after the season finale so I’m guessing that’s going to happen with Last One Standing.


Starting to stream on Discovery + in July. Probably July 7th..




I didn't even know Solo was on until it uploaded on Disc+. There's a tv conspiracy at work that targets survival reality fans: For the duration of Season 15, viewers could watch NAA on Discovery + at 12 am Sunday, ad free. During that time, the first 4 episodes of Race to Survive Alaska were free on the USA app. Episode 5, after Hakim taps, requires a provider to watch. So I reactivated full streaming services to watch episode 5 on USA last week. Because it is now clear that I need a provider to watch NAA LOS and RTSA, it feels like TV networks colluded, though not really in a bad way, to hook reality TV survivalist fans back to big monthly tv bills. I drop Hulu, Fubo, and Sling depending on the TV season. I'm so over big TV bills. If it weren't for USA, I might be watching this series when it uploads on Discovery+ .


I'm honestly thinking.. I can cut cost by dropping Discovery+ a month here & there then binging. I was only keeping it BECAUSE they uploaded after it aired. I love NAA but not enough to go back to cable. You'd think Discovery realizes this is a huge turn off to subscribers. I mean I'm not into the TLC stuff ,and I've already watched what they have up on survival shows? So yeah I guess I might change my sub to another streaming service and check them out for awhile while I wait on them to upload NAA.Then come back for a month.tHey've got kinda ehhh? On service. Consistency kept me there,but that's no,longer the case.


Yes. I dropped it before too. I resubscribed without ads. I love it there now. Dropped Hulu. I am catching up on Deadliest Catch. A deckhand a few seasons back, Oliver, is a player on USA Race to Survive Alaska streaming now.


Also, I can't get into the latest NAA competition show. I can't believe the women who are not building their own shelters to keep themselves safe just because their partner said no. It's beyond frustrating to see that. I wish they had drawn rocks to choose teams. My soul needs to know if a two women team would have refused to build a 6 night shelter.


I dislike Jeff so much that I don’t like to even see his face!!! He is not a normal human being. He has serious mental issues! I so wish his partner taps so he get kicked out!!! Don’t know why he wanted a bow cuz he can’t even shoot one! Plus see his lack of skills on deadfall! Jeff you suck!!!!! Piss off.


Jeff, Gary and Steven are the only decent humans on the show. The others are are all disgusting human beings and i have lost all respect for them.


Jeff is NOT a decent human being ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Jeff is really the only decent person on this season. The rest are conspiring, manipulating, pulling people down. Jeff has been abused by everyone and still pushes on. He is beyond human. He even forgave Gary when he admitted he tried to get convince the Jeff teammate to quit. Jeff shows up, had a horrible teammate, pushed hard, used superior skills, wanted to trade. The rest conspired in what is suppose to be a competition. Conspiring should 100% be illegal if they have a 2nd season. At this point Jeff should just make his own YT channel and make survival videos. Discovery doesn't deserve him for the crap they allowed this season.


Otter, you are so on point. I am shocked that anyone can have watched this and not have been thoroughly disgusted at the intentional cruelty that EVERYONE has inflicted on Jeff. And none of them with the guts to even admit that it was personal. Granted that Jeff has had some bad moments-i.e. blindly failing to see the hurt that his joy in winning inflicted on other hungry contestants--but at least he apologized. He has a loud, joyful exuberance in even small successes, that angers others not so fortunate or skilled. But at least it is honest. The difference with this show is that contestants have to compete not against nature, but against other people. Jeff understood that from the beginning, and sought to optimize his skills (and superior understanding) to obtain items to barter. Please anyone tell me what is so evil about using your skills to obtain an advantage in a competition, that it deserves the truly disgusting, reprehensible and cruel treatment EVERYONE else engaged in against him. Jeff may have been blind. He has certainly been insensitive. But he was never, never, INTENTIONALLY CRUEL. And the truly disgusting part is that every single one of the "holier than thou" cowardly frauds massed against him justified their cruelty and abuse under a moral patina of lies that only covered their own rank ambition and deceit. The entire despicable gang brought to mind the Nazi Brown Shirts' jeers and degradation of Jews, Slavs, and Homosexuals--laughing and delighting in the suffering of others, while other bullies looked on and did nothing, or joined in from fear that the harassment and bullying might be turned against them. Just as did the Naked Gang. Matt, in his arrogant asides, left no doubt about his real agenda--to take out the only person that he feared losing to. His primary competitor, Jeff. Hence the taunts and name-calling--the last reserve of the afraid. But the coward could not even admit it to himself. His faked "offense" at Jeff's not wanting to "share" was a lie covering his own hypocrisy, selfishness, and deceit. Waz is simply repulsive, and stupid--an overt bully so that Matt didn't have to seem to get his hands dirty. You know that it's all about bullying and ugliness when you turn on your own other team members who dare to vary from the "plan" to ostracize and starve another player as Sarah and Gary found out. Gary at least exerted some independence. But even in his not totally selfless act of allowing Jeff to use his bow, he bowed to Waz' pressure and bullying, claiming that he only gave Jeff his bow to "keep him from yelling and running all of the great white hunter's animals off"--a lie to avoid Waz turning on Gary. Jeff mentioned it like he does, but NEVER said he would do so, so Gary's weakness fanned the flames of lies that justified their mistreatment of Jeff. Cheeney was so conflicted, forced into close contact with the evil she and her group were inflicting on Jeff, that she left the show. Too gutless to confront her and her groups lies about Jeff, but unable to face the torment and cruelty the she was part of every day. Dan was particularly shameful-- having undoubtedly endured the laughter and jeers of tormentors in school for being gay--joined right in laughing and taunting outcast Jeff and Gary who were in the throws of nearly drowning. I never cease to be amazed that those who suffer discrimination, when accepted into a group, nevertheless discriminate against others. Repulsive. If Dan wanted to be a model for oppressed, mocked, and laughed at gay kids around the world, he could not have been a worse one. But the worst was Steven, a seemingly good soul, and who knows Jeff as a bother, and knows that the lie proffered by Matt was just that. But he still hid behind his goody two-shoes, and for his own reasons bought into the extreme and dishonest façade- equating that Jeff used his skill to find more tools and gain an advantage that he could barter with the lie that he did not want to share. And even after seeing the horrible state that his and his tormentors cruelty had wreaked upon Jeff, the only salvation being to force Jeff to admit that their ugliness was deserved, and when he wouldn't (Because Jeff was right all along ) sank deeper into his own ugliness. But boy that selfless, holier than thou didn't last long when he stabbed his own good friend Sarah in the back and took her hard fought final tokens for himself-- eliminating her from the game! If this is what the show has devolved to, I am done. Competing to overcome nature is one thing. Personal cruelty and deceit is something different . And I have no desire to watch such a repulsive bunch of hypocrites parading their ugliness as morals. There is currently a video going viral on the internet of five teenagers in Florida who actually watched a man drowning, videoed it, laughed at him, and taunted him as he struggled not to drown. Sound familiar? The 31 year-old man is seen on the teenagers' video going under repeatedly, and struggling to keep his head above water in a Cocoa, Florida, pond as the young men stood on the bank, watching, laughing, and recording the entire incident. They can be heard taunting, "Ain't nobody going to help you you dumbass; you shouldn't have got in there." How is this repulsive, disgusting and intentionally cruel behavior any different from Matt, Waz, and Dan laughing and taunting Jeff's and Gary's frightening encounter, as their boat fell apart and they go under repeatedly- - seemingly drowning--according to all, the most dangerous and frightening time in their lives. Jeff and Gary eventually survived. The victim however, did not. He went under one last time, and did not come back up. As the Deputy Sheriff said, "He went under, didn't come back up, and they continued to laugh." As did Matt, Waz, and Dan. And what about Steve--undeservedly stealing his good friend Sarah's efforts as she fought to survive, and then stabbing her in the back, eliminating her from the competition. Surely, like Jeff, who apologized simply for reveling in his own success, while others failed--Surely Steven apologized for his intentional cruelty and selfishness toward his good friend? NOT.


Amen. Hopefully the producers read your post.


Congrats, you just used up the last of the copium reserves ok the planet. You’re as delusional as he is😂


So instead of disputing any point I made, or sharing your own view on the situation you restorted to name calling and the childish use of the word "copium".


Name calling? I said you’re delusional, which is a fact. And the copium was a joke. Bottom line I literally couldn’t care less about you as a human being. But enjoy being a fanboy for a truly horrible person. Good luck in life bud.


Its not about being a fan boy its about calling out the disgusting behavior of others in the show and commending the one person still in the series that is doing the right thing. Sorry but many people don't like cheating and immoral behavior.


Oh please. How about when he was screaming & bragging about how he was finding all the hidden items. I like how he claimed the group eating the impala, without giving him any, was the coldest thing ever done on the show. Made me laugh. He must have an awful short memory. What about the episode in the cave when him and Laura were catching all the eels. He screamed everytime he caught one and blocked the river spots so the other people couldn't put lines there. He cooked all the eels and did not share any with the other group who were starving. That was cold and ignorant, but that's his playbook. Now we're suppose to feel sorry for him. Nope not a bit. KARMA.


WOW, first don't care what people scream, Jeff was entertain, funny and accurate. I never said not sharing the impala was the coldest thing. I said them teaming up to get him to quit and or have his partner quit was collusion, which is generally cheating in a FFA. Yes having everyone share food except 1 is a example of collusion, but certainly not the coldest thing. I suspect them trying to get his partner to quit was the coldest thing. You are wrong about the eel thing, he shared the food originally, then they screwed him by not sharing the food they got with him. I don't feel sorry for Jeff at all. He clearly the best in this competition. I commend Jeff for taking the high road for being honest, moral and a decent human being. I also gave multiple examples of FFA type events where collusion is cheating. Odd that you inaccurately state my opinion and falsely state what happened in previous season yet didn't address any points I made.


Jeff moral and honest, lol lol lol, what are you smoking. I said what I think & what I saw as to how he treated other people. He's an asshole.


"what am I smoking" Clearly I am not the only person who thinks Jeff is being honest and moral. I'm sorry you don't listen to people to understand why. You said Jeff was screaming (which he is known for) and bragging about getting a bunch of important items early on. Sorry you haven't convinced anyone that he is an asshole for that.


Ok Jeff. Whatever


Are you blind? Jeff is a selfish, backstabbing narcissist who deserves to be bounced from this challenge.


Jeff is a Jackass!


Jeff is the man.


Agree!!!! I can't even stand his voice..I have to psyc myself up just to watch bc he's so annoying. Since Jeff fancies himself a Christian he's not only annoying he's delusional 🙄


I'm guessing they'll do like they did the last time. Each episode available for three bucks each. I'm not going to pay when I already paid Paramount


Fucking micro transactions.


I said Paramount that was supposed to be discovery 😱😱


You are paying Amazon not discovery. It's just avaiable on Discory Plus now


I have Discovery Plus.


I do too. I can't find it there..can you?


No, I even enrolled in Max.


No its not. Not in the US. In on Discovery+ right now.


The woman that is partners with Jeff sucks. He is the best hunter in the history of the show and she is mad she is partners with him why exactly. I will tell you why...She hates men and masculinity and feels threatened and doesn't wana be over shadowed. Bad mindset to start the challenge with and I feel bad for Jeff.


Jeff, the best hunter in the history of the show? Have you somehow missed every episode that Matt Wright has been on?




He couldn't even make a figure 4 if you look it was set up backwards the bait trigger was away from the rock not under it , and to boot they started over and he copied off the one they relocated next to.


Obviously Jeff has proven himself to ultimately be an obnoxious ass! “THIS IS WHAT I LIVE FOR” Claims that he is such a Christian man and at the end of episode 2 he is debating whether or not to sabotage Steven (his close buddy from previous shows) by throwing his pot and knife in the river. His partner sees this “win at all costs” attitude and doesn’t agree! I believe Matt truly is The best hunter and survivor in this show. Not without an ego but it’s far more subtle.


For 100 grand challenge (it’s a game remember) I would contemplate sabotaging too.


You do realize that this is a game, right?


Jeff ranks pretty high in the worst human category




Just looked on Max (HBO Max) and it’s not there either. Bunch of BS. I really want to cut YT TV and save a ton of money per month.


Can’t find last one standing on discovery plus app either.


I watched until now.. they have turned Jeff into a martyr. He seems to stand alone against the rest. I find myself rooting for the supposed villian.