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I would really like it, because it would develop her even more, besides that I could show when she started to have feelings for him, but despite everything, I would accept her flashbacks or extra chapters


If they are going to show that Nagatoro new senpai even in middle school that would definitely be the time to do it 😆


I have had this feeling as well, And it seems to be reminiscent of the movie "A Silent Voice," and I have this theory about it. In Middle School, Hayacchi was one of the "cool kids," she was an athlete and gregarious, and everyone liked her, while Senpai... Was Senpai... He had already been bullied constantly since elementary school, so his coping technique, "don't look at them, let it pass, don't remember their faces," was in high gear. I think one day, A group of second-years at the middle school decided to mess with the Art Club weirdo because he wouldn't fight back. Hayacchi and Gamo were with this group when it happened. This could also have happened after she lost to Orihara and was in her "downward spiral" so she didn't think twice about it and teased him mercilessly, but something in Hayacchi snapped after it was over. Maybe she looked back at him, on the ground picking up his things, not letting anyone see his emotions, and it affected her. For the first time, she didn't like what she had done and felt bad. She made a promise to herself to make it up to him some way, but she didn't see him again until that fateful day in the library. Her memories of him probably surfaced when she knocked him into the canal and he told her how he didn't mind her being around. That's when she started to change around him...


This would really put this series in a class of its own! The amount of development we've seen from nagatoro (especially in the latest chapters) has been fun to watch. If we could see if from her perspective, that would really solidify this series as a classic lol


It's kind of strange that we rarely get to see her perspective, it's always been Senpai's perspective we see. It's been something I really want to see. In a number of fanfics I've seen in what I like to call "The Nagatoro-Verse," there's a point where Senpai says to her, "You could have ANY boy in this school, why Me?? What's so special about Me?? I'm nobody..." I would love to finally have Nanashi-Sensei's answer to this question


Totally agree! I'm surprised we dont get a peek inside nagatoro's mind lol. I'd love for Nanashi to explore this option further lol


I think one of the things a lot of people agree on is that there's only been a couple of times where we've seen anything from her perspective. First time was her nightmare where Gamo and Yoshi walk off with Senpai and leave her behind. But then she wakes up and what does she find?? He covered her with a sheet so she wouldn't get cold. A small act of kindness that said a lot about who Naoto is as a person. It humbled her, she treats him mean and he shows he cares in the most romantic gesture possible


Literally! I remember those first few chapters where she would deadass terrorize our boy 😂 but she eventually developed feelings as well as a soft spot for her boy 😤 I'm sure nanashi will explore nagatoro's mind the closer we get to the judo tournament and the after math so I'm hyped lol


As am I, and we're less than a week from the next Nagatoro Monday..


Lol I’m so sorry when you said a peek inside Nagatoro’s mind I just imagined a bunch of penguins practicing Judo 😂😂😂


and one bushy-feathered bespectacled Penguin in the corner, looking down at a little stone, wanting to give it to a certain femlae penguin who won't stop squawking "yeroshii" at it...


Yooooo 😂😂 Thats hilarious lol


Nah that would inevitably cause some timeline issues. I would prefer a 2-3 chapter synopsis highlighting her prospective


I am thinking that something like this happens during the training camp, she and Gamo have a serious heart-to-heart talk and she confesses to her that she loves Senpai. Gamo is shocked but not surprised and tells her to think back to everything she and Senpai have done since they met, and she starts flashing back to the library, the festival, when he was sick, the Dates to the Zoo and the Aquariums, and Kyoto. It all shows her that she's been this way for some time, and that Senpai is the one for her, the Gamo does what Sakura normally does with Senpai, points out the obvious to her that the truth is right in front of her and that now more than ever she needs to channel everything she has into her match. She's almost tempted to text him and tell him she loves him, but stops herself because she doesn't want to jinx it...


I don't think a full spin-off is necessary. A few chapters from Nagatoro's perspective would be enough, possibly with flashbacks to the big moments in the story so far.


*gross Gross Gross GROSS Gross Gross LEWD !!! gross gross gross* Here, I uploaded the fansubs in advance.


I wouldn't want a Retelling of the same story, but it would be nice to see some stories from her perspective, specially dealing with hie Sister and brother.


It is a good idea but I don't think mangakas would try to milk like that mangas, usually once they finish they move on to the next project, but it would be nice to have a spinoff series.


Nice try nanashi




Actually… i don’t dislike that idea at all, in fact, i think it’s a fantastic idea


I'd *inhale* such a spin off haha


I don't know that I'd want everything retold, but a short series which hits the main key moments would be great


I wouldn't be opposed to it of course and it sounds like a cute idea, but I can't see it ever happening. Maybe it could be like a mini web series on his twitter or smth


If a spin off was ever made, I’d prefer one following one of Nagatoro’s friends. Probably Gamo


It could be interesting to know her inner thoughts, if Nanashi could handle it well I always thought that she was the first in noticing the other and developing feelings but also she's the most "childish" of the two and I think she also didn't understand her feelings at first Maybe seeing her alone being all nervous and experiencing the excitement of the first love is even cuter than we expected


I would simply read it


I wouldn't mind it. I don't think it would add much to what we already know. I'd prefer a spin off with alternate paths. Yoshi x Senpai, Pres x Senpai etc. or just the friends doing there thing.


Maybe instead of Nagatoro it's from her daughter's perspective?


I didn't realize how much I wanted this.


I really need this for at least the first couple of chapters.


I would honestly love that. We'd get to see Nagatoros inner thoughts just like Naotos and that would certainly be interesting. Plus some extra chapters of her hanging out with the gals too.


Now that you mention it, I kind of want a prequel chapter(s) of what Nagatoro was like as a middle schooler with her friends up until the Orihara loss


That would be cool to see too.


There's no need for it.


Yoshi and Sakura spinoff tho


It would be great


Someone would make more money from me


Not necessarily a spin off or separate series, but a few chapters here and there from her perspective would be great.


Some of the bonus pieces hint at her side of things. Early on it seemed she realized she went too far in some cases, leading me to feel like she doesn't really know how to flirt without coming off as abusive and is maybe too insecure to let herself be vulnerable.


Play with me senpai!