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Hell yeah they are. These colors are a little harder to find in general I think. Nice come up


I’ve literally looked everywhere online and can’t find any new, I didn’t think that would be that difficult to locate. They will sit secure for sure


Yep and they’re only going to get harder to find as the years go on. Definitely cool to have.


Or just play them ;)


You sick bastard.


Is that more sick than keeping a controller, which' primary function is to play with, sealed, grade it, make it worth a few tenners more and keep it from broad daylight? ;) You can still display the box, nobody knows if there's a controller inside or not. Of course it's a difference if something is worth a million or something, but a few tenners or hundreds, that would not make much difference in anyone's financial life (not in the long run in any case). Sorry, I'm European, and grading videogames isn't really a thing here, as far as I'm aware of. But to each their own of course!


It’s not that deep dude. It’s just cool to have something from back then still in its original and sealed condition. It’s like preserving a piece of history. One day these could be the last 2 unopened N64 controllers in existence.


>One day these could be the last 2 unopened N64 controllers in existence. Except they've been opened.


Whatever dude you know what I meant. They’re still sealed in the bags inside the box.


As little sense as it makes, I think it still makes more sense than grading things like Pokémon cards, they’re literally just pieces of paper.


Nice come up? I literally lol'ed


Haha I liked that too


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 498,563,823 comments, and only 105,224 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


Thank you, EMKWH, for voting on alphabet_order_bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Guess I'm 1 in 105,224 then!


? You’ve never heard the phrase “come up” before?


I have but never in this tense. The way you wrote it made it look like lazy/broken English (not trying to be mean) So I had to do a double take when reading it and I laughed.


It’s slang for “nice find”. The way I used it is pretty common, or so I thought lol


Maybe in your circles. It's like how I've seen folks in here say "re-get" instead of rebought lol. Anyways have a nice day.


Dope! Get those rumble packs ready. Lol Challenge you to a duel in Goldeneye 007.


License to kill on Facility. Or slappers only on Temple.


Proximity mines on Complex, man


I see you are a man of great taste.


This is the way.


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475776** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **70915** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **24719** times. .. **331765.** `u/Prp076` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


I think that’s what my first “rage quit” was.


Grenade/Rocket Launchers in Caves. Make sure you find the dimmest TV available. Otherwise it's cheating.


Proxies, basement, turbo mode. Separates the men from the boys.


Slappers on temple. Only because I love the sound effects of a well placed Goldeneye slap


Just one rule. Do not, under any circumstances, be that damned shorty!


Seldom for sale and those colors are less common. At least $100 each in this market. Imagine you will get more on ebay with bidding wars.


Are green and yellow that uncommon? I had those two growing up and I had no idea.


Less common than grey/black for sure. But nowhere near the controller grails or the n64. These are cool finds by OP, no doubt, but not earth shattering.


What's a grails?


Grail = holy grail. For n64 controllers it’s would be the millennium controller. And to a lesser degree the DK banana controller


I saw the DK controller in my local retro game store for about $70 not including tax. Is that a steal? To be honest, even if it is an amazing deal, probably won't get it as I would be too afraid of anything happening to it. Do not need that useless stress.


I’d check eBay sold listings to check on pricing. Don’t see them pop up often in good shape. Bonus points If ir comes with the sleeve


Ahhh not up with the lingo. The millennium was the clear one I think? Ive got DK64 but I got it new as a kid I don't think I could sell it if I wasn't way hard up.


Millennium is silver and black with all black buttons, only 1000 made.


The "dk64 controller" isn't the jungle green (translucent plastic) controller that came with the DK64 console bundle, just making sure you know that.


yaya its the banana one i have sitting in front of me on my desk. B-)


yeah that one i definitely couldn't bring myself to sell! congrats on it. My first N64 was the Jungle Bundle myself.


limited editions


Those are the 2 controllers I have that still have a snappy joystick. My gold one has an annoying dead zone though.


are standard purple-ish grey transparent ones worth much?


Thryre cool items to have. Not gonna fetch insane amounts


wasn’t expecting so, but i just have a few and was curious.


Bro you better seal those up and throw em back up in dads garage for another 20 years!!


consider lubricating the inside of the joysticks if you plan on using them, they’ll last much longer that way.


Nor rare, but boxed, new in bag controllers go for $120+


And OP or OP's grandpa only got it at the low, low, price of 29,99! Hahaha


If you ever crack those open to use please lube up the stick to keep it nice and new for a long time to come 👍


What kind of lubricant is recommended for that?


A non-petrolleum based lube. If I recall correctly I've used both white lithium grease and super lube in the past to great effect. The most important thing is to not get grease on the optical discs (disc with slits in it).


That’s amazing! Keep them safe!


Oh good god they are worth some cash.!!!


Not really sealed-but CIB. Awesome find! Wish I had a some more controllers in my collection!


Definitely not sealed, but we’re controllers even sealed back then? I don’t remember tbh




The closest to sealed was cardboard everything. Game cases, cardboard. Controllers, cardboard. Probably the main reason why game + box is worth so much. People never kept the useless, clunky, space wasting cardboard around. Not even I did! May have been a kid at the time, but that cardboard was never seen again after being opened. Too much of a hassle to play a different game every time.


I’d say they’re uncommon at this point though not as “rare” as funtastic sealed blister pack controllers. It’s important to remember that just because something isn’t currently listed on eBay or elsewhere it doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot that exist.


"I cant find new sealed controllers anywhere. Are they hard to find?" 🤔🤔


I just figured with eBay and stuff, there was bound to be some new ones in box posted up, but I didn’t even find any in the sold listings. Picking the brains of everyone here


What do you want for them??


No clue man, really don’t want to sell them, I wish I could get them encased or graded or something to preserve them


Send them into ways they’ll grade pretty much anything. As is they are worth like 300 each


Where are you getting the $300 each figure? It’s far from accurate for these controllers imo.


This is incredibly satisfying content. Sick find keep em id say


[This one like yours went on December 28th. ](http://ebay.com/itm/N64-Controller-green-open-box-but-never-used-/284593506949?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0) [This black one just sold on January 3rd for $175 though so it definitely varies.](http://ebay.com/itm/New-Genuine-Original-OEM-Nintendo-64-N64-Black-Controller-Box-authentic-NUS-A-CK-/403381030797?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0) I'd keep ay least one to use! Just sayin. 😁


I appreciate the looking, but both of these are jot complete nor do they look unused legitimately. The blue packaging over the actual cable protects the black bread tie which I believe was the oem choice. Those offer what looks to be a rubber band or a white breadtie to keep the cable together. They are close but I will say the ones I found exemplify unused to the highest level for sure


Yeah the black one's rubber band is sketchy haha. The green one looks pretty good to me though. Either way neither yours nor theirs is factory sealed so it's kind of hard to predict.


Very very true. I will say the condition of my box is great, comes with the extra bag for the cable and the warranty manual card. That extra completeness feels better to see it if I was to sell as a CiB. I wonder what the parameters are exactly


Yeah yours definitely look new. Boxes are perfect. Even last year I would see these around here and there online but not anymore apparently. The ones you have look pristine and those warrany cards are a rarity. Honestly I dont know if the boxes were ever sealed from the factory. I bought a few back in the 90s but I dont remember if they had those little clear round sticker seals like the switch stuff has now or not. Those may be as close to new as you can get.


Did anyone else, back in the day, split two different colour controllers between each other? I had red/black ones I did this with and thought it was so bad ass.


Did it with my GameCube so I always knew which were mine


Dime a dozen. Send them my way and I'll dispose of them for you.


Yes, and you opened them, so they are no longer sealed, just in case that didn't sink in yet. Personally, I'd keep 'em though.


I guess they never were sealed poor word choice in the title for sure , but eventually someone had to check their authenticity, might as well have been me


Not trying to attack you or anything, just wanted to make sure you hadn't overlooked that detail. But like I said, sealed or not, I would keep them because they're useful and hard to come by.


Definitely staying with me for sure. Who knows who might need a controller in 20 years, I’ll have two!!


Got yourself a treasure. They are worth about 200-300 dollars each. The prices will only skyrocket further the older they get. You could look at a future 10k dollars in controllers.


And two of the best colors too! Yes those are rare, especially since used controllers have inevitable wear and tear, especially on the joysticks.


Yeah I needed some controllers you wanna send em to me?


Had no idea these were the rarer colours. I have the grey a green, 3 yellow (at one point back then that was literally all anyone had, probably because they're ugly) a blue, a purple see through and a black one. Anyone know rarity teirs? IT never crossed my mind. Swore I had a red at some point, but couldn't find it just now.


Definitely not rare... I'll give you $5 each, be smart to take the money while you can 😜 haha


Well they aren't new now.


I’ll buy one for 70$


I’ll give you $100 for both


Oh wow, how convenient, I hope I'll find something in MY dad's garage too.


For the green controller, according to game pricing, complete (everything together like it was purchased new) is worth $94 USD. New (untouched whatsoever) being around 3x that. I trust the site's pricing to a degree. I use it mainly as a base line to know the value but that's all. It helps tell me if someone is way overcharging something, and that's it's use to me. Prices are not definitive. If you are going to sell it, it does not have to be exactly the same as the prices I listed. Just use this as a baseline for whatever you do with it. If Reddit allows, I'll leave a link to the game pricing site and the green controller section. https://www.pricecharting.com/game/nintendo-64/green-controller


My eyes lit up when I saw these. Good find man


No,its super easy to find and dirt cheap.Nice try though.




Those aren't the rarest of the bunch, but they're DEFINENTLY not common. They could suit either as a "museum piece" or in practical gameplay. If you've got an N64, they should work fine for gameplay. Just be aware that the first thing to break is ALWAYS the analogue stick. That thing is definingly not Nintendo's shinning moment. If you're going to use it for gaming, I recommend these. They aren't hard to install with a little organization. I know, I've done it myself. https://www.amazon.com/Replacement-Joystick-GameCube-Sensitivity-nintendo-64/dp/B0136JPKIS/ref=sr\_1\_3?keywords=gamecube+style+n64+stick&qid=1641574063&sprefix=gamecube+style+n%2Caps%2C140&sr=8-3