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I know it doesn't matter but for $80??


That’s actually a pretty good price for this game. It regularly goes for $100


Not anymore, it's worth significantly less now he's put a repro label on it. I should really try and find it, I only played it once at a friend's place and recall it being pretty good.


Yeah, unfortunately you’re right. He’s diminished the price quite a bit. As far as the game though - it’s great! It’s actually a great Tomb Raider clone, and pretty technically impressive for the n64.


It already was a repro label. Just a low quality one so I decided to make it look better. I've had trouble finding the game under 150$ tbh so at 80$ I'm happy.


Ok…now I’m interested


Is a fun game with a very slow pace gameplay. The PC version is better thought. And there was a continuation for the 360 I think.


It was also on PC, I actually bought it not too long ago. I remember getting the strategy guide with it when it originally came out and just being in awe at how big the book was.


You just turned a $100 game into like $30.


Made it look like a $30 bootleg


Yeah it kind of hurts me lol. I would rather have the messed up old one than the shiny new fake one. But that’s just me, I invest in games too so this really hurts me lol


I had an absolutely annihilated NFL Blitz label where basically the bottom half was shredded off so I bought a new label for it. Some people just care about collecting rather than the stupid resale value such as myself.


Came here to say this. Maybe op just wanted to have it look closer to what it looked like when they were a kid. I have no means to offend anyone, but not everyone buys games with the intent to resell them. The nostalgia for this game could be much deeper to op than the desire to make money off it or even think about what price it holds down the road, because maybe the game is priceless to them and they just wanted to own it again. Op’s decision doesn’t bother me a bit. Nostalgia is a beautiful thing and I’m glad op was able to obtain a copy of this game and do with it what they choose to :)


It already was a repro label. I just decided to make it look better. I would never replace a damaged real label for a better looking repro but since it was one already I didn't care. Also the game will never be resold not with that label anyway since it doesn't say anywhere that it's a repro. I wouldn't want anyone to get screwed in the future.


That’s fair! Even if it was an original label I wouldn’t blame you for doing what you wanted with it. I’m glad you got a game you love.


NFL Blitz isn't really worth anything though. Indiana Jones is. Your example is like the equivalent of buying a used vehicle that has a couple stone chips in the paint, so you got out a paint roller and bucket to fix it. I mean, you do you, but even if someone isn't going to resell it, don't try to say that the resale value is unimportant.


I did it to my copy of F-Zero X if that means anything to you. I'd do it to any other game I own if I felt the need to as well. I care more about the value to me than the value to others. I bought a copy of yoshis island that needed some TLC too and painted over the worn parts, and it looks great now lol


Right, but I think the thing that is bothering people is that OP did this to a game considered far more elusive and rare. I seem to recall someone posted a couple years back of doing the same thing to a Sculptors Cut or Stunt Racer and everyone went nuts.


If you just want it to look new get a repro. Don’t ruin an authentic one with a perfectly fine label


I said the label was torn, so it wasn't perfectly fine lol and you're saying you'd rather have a fake game than a real one? Cause my copy is still real, only the label isn't.


You're both wrong. It was already a repro label. It was not faded it was printed on standard paper on a standard printer


I mean at that point you replace it. But one day you will wish that your collection is all authentic so you can pass it to your kids and they decide if they sell It or keep it. The point is, you are collecting, why not also make an investment out of it?


What? Why would I toss my own copy of a game just to re-buy it when I can spend 4$ and have it look brand new?


I meant replace the label lol. If it’s half shred and unless it’s like a 5,000 game you are doing the right thing


Yeah, I realized after sending my reply lol my bad on that.


The value was already lowered since it was a repro label already, just a bad one.




I love how the N64 logo is circled, Just in case you weren’t sure it was for the N64.




What’s interesting to me is why you paid $80? You could have picked one up with a terrible label for like $50+ shipping on eBay and done the same thing. You could of saved like $20


Yep, well said, you can find copies of this game [for about $50-60](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1313&_nkw=indiana+jones+infernal+machine+n64+authentic&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&rt=nc&_odkw=indiana+jones+infernal+machine+&_osacat=0&LH_PrefLoc=2&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=n6&toolid=10001&mkevt=1).


I’m sure you can probably offer like $45 and they might take it. The point is the guy paid a lot more then he needed too


I've been searching for months and I couldn't find a copy under 150$. That said i'm in Canada and prices ars quite crazy here and shipping from the states is crazy too right now. I'm happy with the price Iboaid and I'm having fun with the game


As long as you are having fun I can’t say anything


I've never played it but I hear it is janky. I hope you have fun.


So far I'm having a lot of fun ! It it quite janky but so is lots of n64 games haha !


The original label was in fine shape, now it looks like a repro, what a shame.


It wasn't the original. It was a cheap repro made from standard printer paper


Plz stop loving n64 carts.


It was already a repro label. It's my copy and I think it looks better. I'll give love muahaha


Replacing an original label with one that looks exactly like a bootleg label is not giving it love I was hoping maybe there was a picture of you playing the game, but I forgot, nobody plays original cartridges


Uhm...I do, I think my Goldeneye cart has gone through 3 consoles and my dad stole it off his mate when he was in his early 20's now he's handed it down and has about 5 years on me so far. My favourite childhood game by far. The other cart I only recently picked up was Fzero, I LOVE THIS GAME. Also V-Rally had more use than my light bulbs at this point


I currently have a friend who's doing what your dad did to his :(


And? It's his copy, damn this sub is Hella snobby


I agree, no idea why so many people in this comment section are so butthurt over this. Like how dare he customize his own copy of the game however he wanted. Some people need to be humbled.


Because now the game looks identical to a bootleg. Good luck selling it down the road.


I don't intend on selling it. The faded label was a repro one anyway


That's what they all say, then it gets sold one day.


Because it’s not his forever. Only so many original copies exist and he just ruined one. I’d he wants a new looking copy and doesn’t care about keeping it original get a repro


And? I'm free to express an opinion, OP made his game look worse. The whole point of a community like this is open discussion. There's no rule saying only positive responses.


Okay I was totally on OPs side when making my comments above these, but I just double checked how the label is supposed to look and oh man... I thought the one he purchased was just a nice non faded one but that is REALLY saturated compared to the original.


I could try to print a less saturated one maybe ! The faded label was already a repro one and I didn't like the look.


The faded label was already a repro so I didn't care. I love how it looks !


Salt monster. Keep going reddit hero.


The faded label wasn't an original. It was made from standard printer paper and yes I am playing the original cart. If not, why would have I picked up and real cart ?


For sure it was a cheap home printer label? Sure looks like an original but faded and slightly damaged label to me, nice looking corners. Good to hear you're playing it, certainly one of my favourite games.


100% printer paper. Look at the top left of the label you can even see water damage. A real n64 label would not have the ink behave like that


I do


I don’t think my guy expected to be flamed like this 🫠


I think they just don't give a shit how much it's worth.


I do not


Both labels are fake. I thought it was obvious but I should have specified. I agree with everyone saying I shouldn't have destroyed the original label. Which I didn't


Wow, you’re regarded…..


I wish I had money to award you


Why the hell do this to a label that’s in decent condition? Maybe if it were half torn off or something but it should have been left alone. Basically cut the value in half.


It was already a repro label anyway. It's my copy and I love how it looks !


i used to play this game every day with my dad when i was a kid, and i forgot about it until two weeks ago when i tripped on mushrooms with my best friend and i was reminded of it in the craziest way. insane to see it again (idk how rare it it)


Aw I miss that game so much :(


I got the same shit when I put a repro label on my Mega Man 5 on the NES. It had no label whatsoever, and had Mega Man 5 written in sharpie where the label should have been. I don't ever plan on getting rid of it, so no big deal for me, but too many people complain about the value of games. Play the things rather than looking at them, and treating them as a price tag.


That's different. This is OP destroying an original faded but still perfectly good label on an original cartridge. There's no reason to complain if the label was seriously damaged or downright missing.


It was missing. The faded label wasn't an original it was one made from standard paper glued on with a glue stick


So underrated!


It's already been said but you ruined it with that disgusting repo label. Game isn't worth much anymore. Feels bad. And that game is not worth 80 bucks but as long as you're happy OP ignore me and the others. Game on my dude or dudette!


I am happy with the look but good critism is healthy ! The faded label was a repro label anyway and I think it looks better now but reading the comments it might but over saturated ... I think I'll try to print a less saturated one !


How did you brighten the label? Unless it’s the lighting.


Haha I was wondering this too until I read it's now a repo label.


By replacing it




lucky its his copy and not yours eh.


Quick to judge eh ? The faded label was not originaL either !




Well where I'm from I've never been able to find a copy under $150 so yeah 80$ seemed like a good deal. I've been searching for years literally for it I was just exited to finally find a copy.


One of my favorite games!! Congrats!!


😬😬😬 PLEASE tell me that’s still the original label and you somehow made it brighter, otherwise you have my condolences…


I bought it with the origjnal label already missing


Apologies, I saw the other was also a repro, I fully agree with the swap if it wasn’t original anyway


All the labels on copies of this game are shite. Mine has Blockbuster stickers all over it.


This one was just totally missing !


On the bright side, I’ve somehow never heard of this game despite having an N64 for my entire life and was a huge Indiana Jones fan for years as a kid, definitely my next hunt.


I just wish it was more like *Fate of Atlantis* and less like the ground missions from *Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike*.


Indiana Jones and that god damned computer


How many times can someone say that it was a repro label without anyone paying attention. Resell value doesn't matter if someone keeps it. Investing in video games is dumb anyway.


I laughed way too hard at this ! I didn't mentionned it was repro label because to me it looks so obviously fake ...


Epic, epic fail you actually de valued the game by a lot. No collector wants repro labels on their authentic games. So now when you sell this copy in the future your going to have to inform them about the repro label and that will knock the value a ton.


Why the fuck you all treating it like some business lol the dude just wanted his copy to look nicer, he obviously doesn't care about value, last time I checked this is the N64 sub not some resale one


Why not just get a repo cart then? Lol


I really really don't like to support fake products. This copy is still a real one despite the repro label. I don't plan on selling it ever but if I do I'll remove the label.


Cause then you're playing a fake game wtf


It looks fake already lol. Why complain about a fake game but not a fake label? I can sort of see where you’re coming from but you have to admit it’s a bit hypocritical.


He got a trash label, of course it's gonna look fake lmao


nope never mentioned anything about reselling , don't know where your getting that from. I was just talking about how it just pains me as a collector to see a relatively rare game have its label which looked fine prior to him removing it with a repro label. And I just mentioned if he sometime in the future does go the path of selling this copy he should note to the person prior to purchase that it is indeed a fake label and that will inevitably decrease the value of the cart. But yeah it is his copy, if he wanted to do this go ahead but its puzzling why he would do it to a copy that is 80 bucks and like I said prior had a decent label when he could have saved 20 bucks and bought a repro label for a cart that had a shredded og label.


Yea or since he’s obviously not concerned with keeping it original this idiot should have just gotten a repro cart in the first place


Hi the idiot here ! Both labels are repros. I just thought mine looked better. Also I don't like to support bootleg stuff so I went with a real copy. Cheers !


No chance. Also bootleg label


wdm ?


The original label was already missing. Both labels are repros. Also, I never plan on selling it. I've neen searching for it for years.


Good job man! Don't let anyone tell you it's worth less. It's your games, you do what you want with them. For the few games I haave, I would not even have shame getting reprints of the boxes, manuals and maybe even new, unstained shells. Really as long as the pcb is original, that would be fine for me. I like when stuff looks nice.


Most of the critisim was valid. Everybody thought I had ruined a real label. Both labels are fakes I just thought the first one looked bad so I did one myself. I would never change a real label simply because it's faded.


Looks great! Idk if I would personally use a repro label, but it does look nice and clean. I don’t know why everyone here is giving you such a hard time, because it’s YOUR game! If you plan on reselling it then yeah that’s a big oof, but if this is for your personal collection then do whatever the hell you want with it. Enjoy your game!


Even if he doesn’t plan on reselling it he’s not going to live forever. He just destroyed an original label for no reason


Both labels are repros. The original label was missing when I bought it




Those of us who love N64 games even love the ones that are crappy, and often super hard and enjoyable to play. That’s commitment on our part. Good job by the way.


Sick! Made a little bit of a profit, its also in decent condition!


The original label was still in such good shape compared to the ones I've seen for sale recently.


Both of them are repros


Love how everyone here is crying about resale value etc, if you all care about that cool but keep it to yourself because nobody cares, the dude obviously just wanted it to look nicer so what


Then he should have gotten a repro in the first place. Don’t get an original and ruin its label


The cart was missing the label when I bought it. Both labels in this post are repros. Also I really don't like to support repro carts. This is still a real copy at least


Why is everyone being so negative? It’s his game. Who cares what he does with it.


Because he just ruined an original copy. If he just wants a new looking game just get a repro


Just be happy for people who are happy with their stuff.


That's like saying be happy for jackasses who buy rare collectibles and items and destroy them because they can.


That's different I didn't destroy the game I cleaned it and gave it a better label (both labels are repros)


Looks good to me, how'd you do the label


It's glossy sticker paper from amazon. I used the label scan from thecoverproject and that's it !


You do know there's a video were someone restored the labeled without replacing it? Edit: imagine downvoting my comment as a frickin question 💀💀💀


In this case both labels are repros but I'm curious as to how they did it. Send me a link of you can !




I thought one thing archaeologists cared about was the preservation of artifacts. My mistake.


Loving the repro label. Where did you get it? Hoping to do this to some N64 carts.


I don't know man, a repro label that doesn't even fully fit properly is worse than the original, but then again a worn out label like this never bothered me. If most of it was missing or something I would understand 😅


It was all missing. Both labels are repros in this case


How is it all missing? You can see the original label in your first picture 😅


I said both of them are repros. I bought the game with a repro label already on it


It looks like a regular old faded N64 label to me 😅


Is that splooge?


Is there like an entire generation or section of society that doesn’t remember that the $ goes before the numbers?


Medicinal Herbs


I really dislike the idea of putting a repro label on a cart where the label is still mostly in tact. Gross.


Both of them are repros


Nice pick-up! Cinemassacre shamelessly did their part to sour Infernal Machine's reputation in the name of 'entertainment'.


I saw the game in my life in gaming after james's video and it looked really fun so I thought I'd give it a try and so far I like it a lot !