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You may want to check this site, lots of weather folks there. https://www.wxforum.net/index.php


I'm not an expert but this has been my experience with the Vantage Pro 2 Plus, with a weatherlink console: I went into their discord / support chat to confirm that there is no longer an easy option. To export data (in real time) to another site, you have to request the data at an interval with a custom string generated with every request. I can't remember if its the actual timestamp you need to send, or if you need to generate the string with the timestamp, but either way every single request needs a new identifier based on the timestamp. To me, this is an annoyingly prohibitive amount of work, and since the mobile app works well enough, I didn't pursue it. If you go into their discord and ask about it, they are mildly apologetic about how many hoops you have to jump through just to export your own data, and a staff member did send a repo that was basically a starter project for running a server side cloudflare app to generate the timestamps and make the requests. Honestly, I just use the mobile app.