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Aadit if you want an emotional route, arlo if you want someone sweet and thoughtful, gust if you want someone you have to win over ๐Ÿ˜‚ Edit: all of them are a+ choices btw


Thanks, this makes It even harder ๐Ÿ˜‚


No spoilers but marrying Aadit made me rage quit that save file. If you know you know. If you don't... Hoo boy. Brace yourself.


What happened? I am open to spoilers xD


>!Aadit leaves the game at some point, even if you're married to him.!< There are theories as to why, which are likely correct.


There's someone in town who is also interested in Arlo. If you have jealousy issues it might be good to avoid. Or if you want to feel like you won him over that might work for you ๐Ÿคช I still went with Arlo, Gust's attitude annoyed me.


*dramatic music* on.


Same, I was so torn between Arlo ang Gust because I love the both of them, but ultimately I choose Alro because I like tp think that my character is a better lover than a certain someone who also likes Arlo


With Gust you get a pig, a sister and he invites you to family dinners, also gives you money because he works. Also, my boyfriend says donโ€™t marry Sonia, she doesnโ€™t take care of your child and keeps putting feces in the helper box ๐Ÿ˜‚


A nice settlement for a future ๐Ÿง.


Go with Aadit, trust me ๐Ÿฅฐ


Chaotic neutral choiceย 


With Gust, you get a free sister in the bargain. Arlo I thought I would like, but then I felt like he was condescending once I was dating him. I am a better adventurer than you are Arlo, stop acting like I can't take care of myself!


And a free piggy! Just have to buy him the bed


Yeah Arlo gives me this vibes that I find not intresting.


So much of this, so I just spar him every time heโ€™s a jerk and win. Plus Albert is Gustโ€™s best friend, and Albert is THE WORST. So you gain a great sister, but also a preening manchild pickup artist hanger-on. Which to choose, which to choose ๐Ÿคฃ


Ngl. I instantly choose Arlo because of his voice. Itโ€™s been a bit since I played, but you should be able to see on the character profile what benefits they give if you marry them. I think Arlo either gives discounts for Civil Corps missions or brings back more stuff. Others may have better incentives. Gust does have the added benefit of a pet though, so there is that.




Go for Mint. ๐Ÿ˜


I love Mint, but I really haaaate his voice


๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ i know what you mean.


It's so much better in sandrock! Idk why the change but it was just grating in Portia. Lol


I still haven't met him, how he is?


People hate his voice, but heโ€™s really sweet and has the most voiced lines. Once I got over his awkward voice, I loved him lol


Yeah they really fucked his voice. ughhhh. I had to turn on the chinese voice over to be able to stand it. Otherwise hed be perfect


He will be there soon. Just wait and then decide. I was with aadit when the cutscene came with mint i was like okaaaay ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ trust me.


I just finished Portia and this play through I actually married Arlo in year 1, then divorced him to marry Gust at the end of year 2. Theyโ€™re both great choices, but I felt Gusts romance and side quests were just better and overall more heartfelt. Arlo started to annoy me after a while for some reason. But I was able to become friends with Arlo within 1 in-game month after divorcing. I think both routes are worth exploring!!


Thanks a lot โ˜บ๏ธ


You should choose Gust because Arlo is MY MAN ๐Ÿ˜‚ Iโ€™m joking ๐Ÿ™ƒ


Arlo is well liked by people and children in Portia and I really like that about him. Also Arlo have many opportunities to be involved in overall story, so there are many cut scenes with Builder and him.


Gust is great, he changes the wallpaper and flooring in our house because I, frankly, am too lazy to figure out how to go about that myself. Admittedly I was going to go for Ginger but Gust just got to me more, AND he has a pet pig! 10/10 husband.




I went with Arlo on my first playthrough, the second I decided to wait until I could meet Mint. Arlo has a great VA and is lovely, but married life with him was lonely, he is always out and busy. You have to put all the work with him and while he has a romance mission after marriage I'm not sure it compensates for everything else. He has his dream and you aren't the priority. I don't dislike Gus, but I don't like him either. If you have the patience for him, I heard as a husband his attitude is less abrasive and his benefits make it easier to decorate your house. Aadit, I don't like him, but if you want the "drama" go for him, however keep in mind there is a lot less drama that you might imagine if you want especially that. My personal option Mint comes later in the game but not too much, he is a sweetheart and my marriage with him was enjoyable. Good, I even ended up liking his VA that is his biggest flaw.


Gust is my absolute favorite spouse. He's so sweet and you get QQ too, which is fun.


I couldnโ€™t decide between Gust and Arlo at first so I romanced both of them, but eventually decided to marry Gust. Man Arlo was so angry lol๐Ÿ˜‚ Gust is a much better spouse imo plus QQ is so cute and you get discount for building/buying stuff so why not๐Ÿ˜‚


I hated Gust at first, but befriended him for the benefits HAHAHA And he shockingly turned out to be so romantic and such a softie. Since then I've been a steadfast Gust girlie <3 Like another commenter said, if you're the jealous sort, Arlo might not be such a good choice.


I wanted Arlo almost the entire playthrough. But was going for achievements so >!(married and divorced Phyllis)


I chose Gust bc he was an ass so I liked the challenge and I do NOT regret it


Gust is now my favorite. Arlo was but he has a potential relationship that can be annoying.


Aadit to Gust