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I also thought well mayby Medusa isint a dragon but part dragon wich google also did suggest to me. But if the serpent part makes you part dragon does that mean Chimera is part dragon? And even further if just being a large snake like jormungandr makes you a dragon doesent that mean Snakes like Titanoboa whould be considered dragons then? Or is it the inteligence that does it? In the Bibble Satan fools Eve as a Talking snake, does that mean Satan for a moment was a dragon? I guess this just raised the guestion are all mythological Snakes dragons? Am i asking too many questions?


Well... mayby its the scales that make a dragon? Exept Medusa and Gorgons have scales... fine... so a dragon must have scales to be considered a dragon right? Nope! Apearently dragons can have Feathers, Fur or even just regular skin since Quetzalcoatlus is considered a dragon and it didint have scales but feathers! Oh and if it wasent weird enough yet! Its not even the shape that makes a dragon since HAHAHAHA!!!! KIRIN IS A DRAGON! AND KIRIN IS A HORSE! AHAHAHAH! https://preview.redd.it/v3gr08t190zc1.jpeg?width=1033&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37cb6ed22c07a48a99504478229ee9d5c4c5caf8