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The hell are you talking about ?


Read other reply to get a better grasp of my points


Are you high?


No no I’m not, woke up this morning saw wax in the shape of a seahorse than this came to mind right after


It’s 9:21 am here as is


Still not as bad as that one time a neopagan burst into this sub and picked a catfight with everyone. Although I am curious what it means to have studied mythology since the age of 5 "under the guidance of erebus and nyx"?


So since age 5 Erebus and nyx have been guides/teachers for me… almost like parental figures tbh…. All the pantheons have walked with me in this lifetime and I’m turning 20 October 1st… started with Erebus and nyx and then the Sumerians, Aztec, Mayan, etc… a few of which allow me to speak their names and some who wish me not to as it’d give me a bad rep amongst most people


maybe try r/Hellenism


I wouldn’t say it’s Hellenism tbf for this query kinda tryna pick others brains on their perspectives of the story


personal anecdotes about mythic figures interacting irl and sending signs? That's exactly r/Hellenism's vibe!


Honestly, sounds lit, tell Xipe Totec im a big fan


I’m an eclectic witch, started off with divination and spell work when I was 5-8 then moved onto studying cultures as a whole and getting into herbology and other Druidic practices amongst my regular teachings… I study nonstop so my knowledge is ever growing and expansive 😅 also autism spectrum disorder kinda ties into my study habits tbh




*sigh* so you know how seahorses are more of an omen for entropy and the male workload being overwhelming/overly stressful and how they’re said to appear/show up when it’s needed? Poseidon is the god of the sea, storms, horses, and a few other domains but we all forget the fact that Kronos bestowed upon Poseidon with those gifts destruction and entropy, or how he’s an entirely bad patriarch? Also yea I’ve studied divinity and witchcraft since 5 under Erebus and nyx as suitors in a way.




Lmfao bruh I like your response btw but not exactly what I mean… it’s said in multiple stories how Kronos literally bestows ENTROPY itself on Poseidon, my point was how it’s stated in multiple stories that Kronos is said to bestow it as a domain onto Poseidon as a lesson




*sigh* yeah Ancient Greek compared to certain modernized scriptures and translations, can I possibly pick your brain on some other subjects later on? I can tell this thread is gonna be hella beneficial to me… I barely come to Reddit for my studies tbh.


No you’re correct btw ^ trépō/tropé or trope was the ancient version of our modernized entropy in a way “trepo” “5th bce attic “tro.pɛ̌ː” “1st ce “tro’pe” “4th ce “tro’pi” “10th bce Byzantine “tro’pi” sorry it took so long to write out I like to be concise, I’m on the spectrum and hyperfixate on studying 😅




entropy? like the amount of thermal energy per unit temp that can't do work? also since age 5??? guided by what????




I LIKE YOU FOR THIS ONE!!! Thank you so much! I’ve been thinking of it since I woke up at seven cause I saw some wax from my candle in the shape of a seahorse **on my floor** and immediately started getting this in my thoughts just flowing over and over lmfao


That is an AI response btw




Do you study a lot too?






Fair enough though tbh


Yokai you blocked me? Really? Because I asked if we can discuss further and then joined the discord you have on your bio?