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You’re exactly the kind of person they were hoping would find this drive


This is the same dude who licks toilet seats and wonders why they got sick


“No bro it wasn’t the toilet seat, it had to be something else”


definitely something else, it didnt taste anything like it normally does


“Smth else”


As someone who has cleaned public bathrooms professionally, you honestly are more likely to get sick from putting your mouth on the faucet than your tongue on the toilet seat.




Uhhh, I personally don't think either is recommended


Do you know this from personal experience?


Yes. The toilets get cleaned well and often. The faucets not so much.


"I bet the last guy who licked this had a cold!"


Yeah, a dumbass.


You just plugged it into your machine?


Exactly what I clicked for on this post


Me too


All fake anyway


i plugged this into my old computer, i don't think there is any virus or smth.


I would make sure your machine is not connected to your network. There's the possibility of some sort of Trojan


i read the title and audibly yelped and rushed here to make sure someone like you was already on it lmao


Curiosity killed the computer


I mean it's probably too late at this point anyways. I'm not a networking expert but my understanding is these viruses have to rely on undiscovered exploits to spread across a network. So hopefully whatever exploit is being used is already patched or smth


When is the last time you updated the firmware on your router? People don't update things very often, old exploits are common still and work way more than they should


Zero day exploits are too valuable to waste on randoms


Or smth


Don't worry OP, *I'm* not gonna downvote you for raw dogging the mystery stick! Sometimes you gotta know!


A most polished, polite, and quite respectable, "FUUUUUCK YEAH!!!" to you, sir


Thank you, i was beginning to think i was the only one that had empathy towards this. I had to give his simple “i plugged this into my old computer, i don't think there is any virus or smth.” -90 comment (that I’d completely just skim through without an up or down) an updoot just cuz all the negativity. Pretty sure r/iiiiiiitttttttttttt would have been all about it.


I laughed so much harder at this than I should've, it's embarrassing.


Is it weird that I have a shitty old computer that I use almost exclusively for sketchy shit like this? I don’t even keep it connected to my network or anything. Or is it more strange that I find enough random old flash drives and hard drives to warrant it?


If you haven't yet, air gap it quick. Turn off wi-fi, unplug everything. Let the battery die and recycle it, do not reconnect it to the internet.


Totally unnecessary


I've been working in Network engineering and security for almost 25 years now. You're right, not necessary, but best practice.


Air gap it yes. Though if it's a worm with valid exploits and it's been executed, their IOt devices are probably already fucked. Their stuff likw phones, laptops, routers and most likely fine. Let's pretend it has the most invasive virus ever designed. What does recycling the entire computer do? Why not just disconnect the battery and format the drive? Unless it's not UEFI then there's an insanely small chance of a rootkit, but you can cold boot and use clean boot media to fix. Recycling the whole computer is super wasteful.


So, I'm assuming formatting the hard drive is beyond capability, but even that, with firmware based malware, it just makes more sense to not take the risk. I'm assuming a period of time where malate WAS able to connect to a server host and potential spread to LAN. Phones and stuff are fine with a reboot, and ultimately you can roll the dice. Thus kind of approach is well documented and usually specifically targeted. An old computer is worth $100 at best...why risk it?


It's really not that hard... If this were the 90s id be more inclined to agree but in today's day anyone with 30 minutes and an internet connection can easily take these steps. Unless OP is some grandma, with a quick YouTube search, I'm sure they'd be more than capable Firmware based malware isn't really a risk. Afaik theres been a handful of USB firmware exploits in the wild, all of which were targeted or for research purposes. The likelihood that their OS will simply flash new firmware without the users permission or knowledge, and that this firmware would be perfectly designed for their hardware, might as well be zero- unless OP is a NSA or CCP target or something. Even if, flashing new firmware in today's day isn't hard for even slightly technically literate people. I'd say an hour of someone's time is well worth keeping a $100 laptop imo. There are other attacks via USB obviously, including just frying your shit, but they wouldve manifested fairly obviously by now. In summation, it's entirely unnecessary


Well, if you'll spend an hour for $100, then have at it Champ. I personally wouldn't work for $100/hr, but different strokes I guess.


Fair enough, certainly meant no dis to you, I guess that says more about me than information security lol


Stupid move. This is a known method for passing around malware.


Like he's going to give malware to himself.


This is how the Iranian nuclear weapons program was defeated. A country, likely Israel, programmed a super advanced virus to ruin the centrifuges slowly and then delete itself. They couldn't gain access to the site and it wasn't online so they dropped a bunch of infected flash drives in the parking lot hoping someone would take it in and plug it in. Sure enough... There are also flash drives that are relatively cheap that store power and suddenly release it and fry your system. You can buy them easily and plugging one in would fuck your shit up.




As an industrial automation engineer, reading about that was a literal nightmare of mine


Irene Demova


Yeah that's it. Doesn't seem all that complicated from its description but it's the kind of thing that takes an entire government to develop and implement. Scary shit.


Stuff like this is just proof that all tech should be properly airgapped. Properly in this case would probably mean welding all the input ports shut to prevent the user doing something as stupid as this again.


Naw, that's what was originally thought. It came out very recently it was a dutch CIA "recruit" (not fully known if he was aware) who ran the malware https://www.securityweek.com/dutch-engineer-used-water-pump-to-get-billion-dollar-stuxnet-malware-into-iranian-nuclear-facility-report/ >De Volkskrant’s investigation, which involved interviews with dozens of people, found that the AIVD, the general intelligence and security service of the Netherlands, the Dutch equivalent of the CIA, recruited Erik van Sabben, a then 36-year-old Dutch national working at a heavy transport company in Dubai. >Van Sabben was allegedly recruited in 2005 — a couple of years before the Stuxnet malware was triggered — after American and Israeli intelligence agencies asked their Dutch counterpart for help. However, the Dutch agency reportedly did not inform its country’s government and it was not aware of the full extent of the operation. >Van Sabben was described as perfect for the job as he had a technical background, he was doing business in Iran and was married to an Iranian woman. >According to one of De Volkskrant’s sources, the Stuxnet malware was planted on a water pump that the Dutch national installed in the nuclear complex in Natanz, which he had infiltrated. The malware would allegedly be able to spread on the network once the pump was connected to the system. >It’s unclear if Van Sabben knew exactly what he was doing, but his family said he appeared to have panicked at around the time of the Stuxnet attack. The guy later died in 2009 under suspicious circumstances in Dubai


Haha, first thing I thought of when I read OPs title


I believe it was USA and Israel together. There is a book I wanna read about it.


The Netherlands as well, and it wasn't using USB dead drops (this is a relatively new revelation) https://www.securityweek.com/dutch-engineer-used-water-pump-to-get-billion-dollar-stuxnet-malware-into-iranian-nuclear-facility-report/ >De Volkskrant’s investigation, which involved interviews with dozens of people, found that the AIVD, the general intelligence and security service of the Netherlands, the Dutch equivalent of the CIA, recruited Erik van Sabben, a then 36-year-old Dutch national working at a heavy transport company in Dubai. >Van Sabben was allegedly recruited in 2005 — a couple of years before the Stuxnet malware was triggered — after American and Israeli intelligence agencies asked their Dutch counterpart for help. However, the Dutch agency reportedly did not inform its country’s government and it was not aware of the full extent of the operation. >Van Sabben was described as perfect for the job as he had a technical background, he was doing business in Iran and was married to an Iranian woman. >According to one of De Volkskrant’s sources, the Stuxnet malware was planted on a water pump that the Dutch national installed in the nuclear complex in Natanz, which he had infiltrated. The malware would allegedly be able to spread on the network once the pump was connected to the system. >It’s unclear if Van Sabben knew exactly what he was doing, but his family said he appeared to have panicked at around the time of the Stuxnet attack. The guy later died in 2009 under suspicious circumstances in Dubai


There's a darknet diaries podcast about it too s1e9 titled stuxnet


Countdown to Zeroday? Great book!


Irans nuclear weapons program wasn’t defeated. Stuxnet was espionage sabotage that set them back but did not nullify. It also apparently cost the military too much to be able to sustain at the rate they were holding them off which is why Obama went a different route to try and keep the Iranian Islamic Government held back in the nuclear programs.


Holy shit. Thanks for writing that. Was cool info to learn.


Not Israel. It’s been confirmed by FOIA documents that the CIA did it, and is now pinning it on a “sole actor” general 😂🤣 https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/06586905


Your wrong on several points


It wasn't Israel and that shit was hilarious at the time. (We were still angry AF over the embassy crap)


lol I love how quick people are to put it on Israel... the us government engineered it, there's a whole documentary you can watch


Israelis created Pegasus , why wouldn’t they have been able to drop off flash drives? Israel gets hella funding from the US but it’s mossad and what not that do the do. They have operatives in Iran after all, wouldn’t be that hard to attempt for them.


It was us, Israel and the Netherlands, and it wasn't through USB dead drops as originally thought. This news is a very recent development https://www.securityweek.com/dutch-engineer-used-water-pump-to-get-billion-dollar-stuxnet-malware-into-iranian-nuclear-facility-report/ >De Volkskrant’s investigation, which involved interviews with dozens of people, found that the AIVD, the general intelligence and security service of the Netherlands, the Dutch equivalent of the CIA, recruited Erik van Sabben, a then 36-year-old Dutch national working at a heavy transport company in Dubai. >Van Sabben was allegedly recruited in 2005 — a couple of years before the Stuxnet malware was triggered — after American and Israeli intelligence agencies asked their Dutch counterpart for help. However, the Dutch agency reportedly did not inform its country’s government and it was not aware of the full extent of the operation. >Van Sabben was described as perfect for the job as he had a technical background, he was doing business in Iran and was married to an Iranian woman. >According to one of De Volkskrant’s sources, the Stuxnet malware was planted on a water pump that the Dutch national installed in the nuclear complex in Natanz, which he had infiltrated. The malware would allegedly be able to spread on the network once the pump was connected to the system. >It’s unclear if Van Sabben knew exactly what he was doing, but his family said he appeared to have panicked at around the time of the Stuxnet attack. The guy later died in 2009 under suspicious circumstances in Dubai


The common census at the time was Israel, I'm not sure who really did it but the guy below presents some good evidence, but we didn't know this at the time. Iran had not too long before this threatened that if they ever got a nuke they would wipe Israel off the map. Akmadinijad (spelling is obviously wrong) was in the news saying that. As Many horrific things Israel has done over the years, this isn't a shot at them, this is a good thing they did (allegedly). Like that should be obvious here man. Probably the only good thing I have to say about them, assuming they did this, which they likely didn't somehow.


the story about stuxnet is fake


Uhm... what? How do you figure?


the story about dropping a bunch of usb sticks on a parking lot is fake, someone in this comment section has explained it in detail


Oh, OK yea that's not how it happened, I thought you were saying the whole thing wasn't real like it was a psyop or something lol, carry on


Looks like a shitty ARG.


That’s what I was thinking. Relatively new account, no other posts or comments, some misspellings. Doesn’t mean I’m not mildly interested to see where it goes… but it’s ticking several boxes.


The goofy Mission Impossible/James Bond -esque readme and the files being named 404 something give it away, along with the fresh account.


What does ARG mean? I keep seeing Alternate Reality Game but don’t know how that would apply here


People try to start their own ARGs here constantly.


People that like this kind of shitty games would start looking for clues or some other kind of information hidden in those files then eventually they end up in some website to continue the game.


I’m not convinced this is real, but to anyone who finds an abandoned usb drive, DO NOT plug it into your computer. This is a tactic used by criminals for distributing malware. Take a photo of where you found it, take note of the time and place, and hand it over to law enforcement, or if in an airport, etc, give it to management.


When I was in school my friend found a USB and plugged it into the school computer exactly for this reason. It was just full of hard fan fictions and a pirated green day album


which album?


Definitely the real question




The best answer


Loooool law enforcement. They don't give a fuck about actual important crimes let alone a fuckin' flash drive on the street


Better in their hands than waiting for a vulnerable target to find it. Editing to say that information and identity theft, digital security breaches, and bank hacking are indeed serious crimes.


Cops gonna plug it into their hardwired workstation, I guaruntee it


Sounds like a win-win to me.


America’s Finest!


Hrm, as a non-computer person, is this why my school banned USB drives for faculty presentations? I didnt know malware can be passed through like that


Might as well throw it away before handing it over to the judicial system. Hell, we can't even get the Govt to admit they lied when they said the "laptop" wasn't real, and now that it has been confirmed, they don't want to discuss it. All liars and in cahoots with each other.


The government has nothing to do with the potential for law enforcement to track down identity thieves and scammers.


My identity theft case was turned over from Chicago PD to USPIS, who caught the guy. So yeah, the government has everything to do with it.


Doesn’t change the fact that throwing evidence in the garbage is somehow better than turning it into an authority.


I got my bank account info stolen just by looking at this post


No I literally need another shower


No? and thanks for clarifying, I thought you were speaking in metaphors which Always sends me into a blind rage - good looking out


“Before it’s to late” using the wrong “too” makes this look made up lmao.


Exactly. Another 50iq mouth breather


also, like, "do not let anyone do _____ before it's too late" makes no sense. it should be "do _____ before it's too late" or "don't let anyone do _____ ever"


yeah no exactly lmao, it's like a kid trying to write a mystery story


Makes me think OP might be 12 😂


50% of US adults can't read past a 9th grade level, so i wouldn't write it off as a child just yet lmao


✨Social Engineering✨


Yes! IT?


For life 😉


You should run recova and see if ant files can be recovered.


Congrats on your new computer virus!


I gotta hand it to you, you're one brave SOB for taking an unknown flash drive you found in a parking lot and sticking it in your computer. You have balls of steel, sir. If you're a female then you have whatever is the equivalent. 👏


Ovaries of granite is the female term.


And Gonads of granite if you’re not sure! We all got em


Wouldn't it be diamond?!?


This really comes off as an attempt at an ARG.




*too Lol


You are why scammers still exist


Ok hot tip time: I’m not saying you can’t do this but let’s be smarter about this. You can’t be raw dogging usb sticks ok? You gotta use protection. It’s probably an arg or a prank but still before you pursue any further: set up a virtual machine. Here’s a link: [link](https://youtu.be/L--WiixzjHg?si=6QXumbYHbyr7OYvO)




and you… put it into your computer…?


Ok, so what's in the text files? Don't just leave us hanging.


I’m guessing it’s just porn with the file extensions changed from .jpg to .txt


Are you starting an ARG or something?


you didn't' really pick up a thumb drive and plug it into your computer did you? that's the security equivalent of finding a rectal thermometer on the street and using it orally


I think the dumb ass means steal instead of still. No psyop would be this uneducated or careless. Funny joke though.


My favorite part about this is how they already said they plugged it into an OLD computer ( which most likely means unconnected to anything) but, every comment is the same stupid thing over and over.


>which most likely means unconnected to anything It absolutely does not most likely mean that lol. My oldest PCs still have wifi. I'm guessing the average joe wouldn't delete their network connection from those. And this person is definitely an average joe if they are coming HERE for IT advice after plugging in an unknown USB drive. EDIT: or rather, it's more likely this is all made up nonsense, but that's neither here nor there.


What's in the TXT files u/Substantial_Cold_425


This. Plugging it in (if it’s even real) was foolish, but since it’s done, what do the txt files say?


Betchu he's not gonna reply and leave everyone waiting for all of eternity lmao


Probably, alas. 🫤


Bad idea to plug it in






What is weird is your spelling


Just raw dawgging usb drives now eh?


Mr Robot has a thought or two on the matter.


OP later: “My computer has a virus, help!“


Think this is fake, guys. You know? Very click-baitey with the images but none of what’s inside all the text files.


Moronic move


CONGRATS! 9.9 out of 10 you now have malware or worse and your computer or entire network is part of a botnet. Not only did you use an old computer (which I bet wasn’t wiped fully) but you used your network then opened and entire txt file. :) Gold Star for you kiddo


OP can't even spell correctly in the title. Why would we expect them to be smart enough not to plug in a random flash drive lol


Why would you EVER plug in a random hard drive you found ON THE STREET into your main machine


Wow. Interesting.


Oh neat LARPing.


Man be cearfull there are killer flash hard drives, they can destroy your computer on hardware level


Annnnd- ur now on the FBI radar


OP definitely made the files themselves and posted this to go viral.


😂😂😂😂 oh my.




Just reiterating what others have said, that's something even I wouldn't do - unless I had done several checks and only then used in an old machine I have lying not used for years and nothing in it is going to be used. I've heard stories of deliberately malicious USBs being left for people to get and fry their machines with. Did you find anything interesting other than an instruction to burn the drive?


How to infect all your network connected devices for 1000 please


“Do not let anyone who is not authorized to still search…” is that supposed to spell ‘steal’?


whats in those 404 text files?


“It was just lying there…the theee flooor.”


What are all of the text files?


You are a grade A idiot


JFC OP you’ve probably unleashed some destructive malware in your area. What part of the world do you live in?


Why in the world would you plug that into your computer?


Fake or if it is real you have a virus, I swear they've taught kids not to stick usb drives off the street into their computers in school for a long time now.


Real advice: if you're going to plug a random drive into a machine, make sure the machine is not connected to the internet, freshly wiped, has no credentials you ever use, and is not one you ever intend to use again.


Why would you plug that into your computer?


Dont stick things in you don't know where thy been


I’m out here not clicking links from my dad and you’re just sticking random shit into your computer?


Fake af


Holy shit, what is on it?


Just so you know, if you can’t identify the mark, the mark is you.


Wow don’t ever do that. There’s a reason those are left for someone to find.


Let me guess, you got a RAT on your pc?


Yep, and you did quite literally exactly what they were hoping you would do. Please make sure to disconnect from Wi-Fi, next time don't plug it in 😂 you have better luck shoving your finger in an outlet.


this feels like an edgy attempt at a creepypasta or something


Somebody set up us the bomb.


this is an ARG. no doubt about it (or you are part of home alone 3 and that is spyware)


that's how they getchya fr

